Module imp3d

Class ToolRoot3D

All Implemented Interfaces:
Transformation, Manageable, PersistenceCapable, Shareable, UserFields, XObject, Disposable, EventListener, Map, Serializable, EventListener
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class ToolRoot3D extends ToolRoot implements Transformation, EventListener
This class is the base class for roots of tool graphs which manipulate 3D objects (the latter are called tool targets). It defines three coordinate systems:
  1. The parent coordinate system is the coordinate system of the parent object of the tool target.
  2. The target coordinate system is the coordinate system of the tool target. It is computed by the method computeTargetTransformation(Matrix4d, Matrix4d) based on the global transformation of the parent coordinate system.
  3. The tool coordinate system is the coordinate system of the tool graph. Normally, the translational and rotational components of its transformation matrix are equal to those of the target coordinate system. However, the scaling factors differ to ensure a constant size of the tool handles (independent of the size of the tool target).
This class implements Transformation such that its local coordinates correspond to the tool coordinate system.
Ole Kniemeyer
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ToolRoot3D

      public ToolRoot3D()
  • Method Details

    • initialize

      protected boolean initialize(Tool tool)
      Description copied from class: ToolRoot
      Initializes this tool root. This method initializes the field ToolRoot.tool with the given tool.
      initialize in class ToolRoot
      tool - the tool to which this tool root is associated
      true if this tool root actually shall be used for the tool, false if it shall not be used (e.g., if the actual tool target cannot be manipulated by the tool graph of this tool root).
    • dispose

      public void dispose()
      Specified by:
      dispose in interface Disposable
    • eventOccured

      public void eventOccured(EventObject e)
      This method implements the EventListener-interface. If this method is overriden, it has to be invoked by the overriding method.
      Specified by:
      eventOccured in interface EventListener
      e - an event
    • attributeChanged

      protected void attributeChanged(Attribute[] a)
      Description copied from class: ToolRoot
      This method is invoked to notify the tool root about modifications of attributes of the tool target.
      Specified by:
      attributeChanged in class ToolRoot
      a - an array of attributes which have changed
    • preTransform

      public void preTransform(Object object, boolean asNode, Matrix4d in, Matrix4d out, GraphState gs)
      Description copied from interface: Transformation
      Implements the change from the parent's post-transformation in to the object's transformation out.
      Specified by:
      preTransform in interface Transformation
      object - the object for which the transformation is computed
      asNode - is object a node or an edge?
      in - the post-transformation of the object's parent
      out - the tranformation of the object to be computed
      gs - the graph state in which the computation has to be done
    • postTransform

      public void postTransform(Object object, boolean asNode, Matrix4d in, Matrix4d out, Matrix4d pre, GraphState gs)
      Description copied from interface: Transformation
      Implements the change from object's transformation in to the object's post-transformation out.
      Specified by:
      postTransform in interface Transformation
      object - the object for which the transformation is computed
      asNode - is object a node or an edge?
      in - the transformation of the object
      out - the post-tranformation of the object to be computed
      pre - the post-transformation of the object's parent
      gs - the graph state in which the computation has to be done
    • getParentTransformation

      protected final Matrix4d getParentTransformation()
      This method returns the transformation matrix from parent coordinates to world coordinates.
      the transformation matrix of the parent coordinate system
      See Also:
    • getTargetTransformation

      protected final Matrix4d getTargetTransformation()
      This method returns the transformation matrix from target coordinates to world coordinates.
      the transformation matrix of the target coordinate system
      See Also:
    • getToolTransformation

      protected final Matrix4d getToolTransformation()
      This method returns the transformation matrix from tool coordinates to world coordinates.
      the transformation matrix of the tool coordinate system
      See Also:
    • getAdjustment

      protected final Matrix4d getAdjustment()
      This method returns the adjustment matrix from tool coordinates to target coordinates.
      the adjustment between tool and target coordinates
    • computeTargetTransformation

      protected abstract void computeTargetTransformation(Matrix4d t, Matrix4d parent)
      This method is invoked to compute the transformation matrix from target coordinates to world coordinates, based on the transformation matrix from parent coordinates to world coordinates.
      t - the computed matrix has to be placed in here
      parent - the global transformation of parent coordinates
    • adjustToolTransformation

      protected void adjustToolTransformation(Matrix4d t, CameraBase c)
      This method is invoked to compute an adjustment of the tool coordinates system. The invoker sets t to the transformation matrix from target coordinates to world coordinates. Implementations of this method may adjust t, e.g., they may set a certain scaling factor between tool coordinates and camera coordinates in order to ensure a fixed size of tool nodes on the 3D view.
      t - the tool transformation to be adjusted
      c - the camera of the tool's 3D view
    • adjustScale

      protected static final void adjustScale(Matrix4d t, CameraBase c, float scale)