Module imp3d

Class GRSVertex

All Implemented Interfaces:
Transformation, Pickable, Renderable, Manageable, PersistenceCapable, Shareable, UserFields, XObject, Map, Serializable

public class GRSVertex extends Point
A GRSVertex is used in conjunction with a GRSMesh to define a graph rotation system. It has a cyclic list of neighbors stored in neighbors.
Ole Kniemeyer
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • neighbors

      protected ObjectList<GRSVertex> neighbors
      Cyclic neighborhood of this vertex. This contains all neighboring vertices (those that are connected with this vertex by an edge of the polygon mesh). The neighbors are sorted in a cyclic way, namely in counter-clockwise order when seen from above of the mesh.
    • u

      protected float u
      u coordinate of vertex
    • v

      protected float v
      v coordinate of vertex
    • $TYPE

      public static final Node.NType $TYPE
    • neighbors$FIELD

      public static final Node.NType.Field neighbors$FIELD
    • u$FIELD

      public static final Node.NType.Field u$FIELD
    • v$FIELD

      public static final Node.NType.Field v$FIELD
  • Constructor Details

    • GRSVertex

      public GRSVertex()
      Creates a new GRSVertex whose transformation is set to a TVector3d initialized with (0, 0, 0).
    • GRSVertex

      public GRSVertex(Tuple3d p)
      Creates a new GRSVertex whose transformation is set to a TVector3d initialized with p.
    • GRSVertex

      public GRSVertex(double x, double y, double z)
      Creates a new GRSVertex at the specifed location. The transformation is set to a TVector3d initialized with (x, y, z).
      x - relative x coordinate
      y - relative y coordinate
      z - relative z coordinate
  • Method Details

    • getNeighborIndex

      public int getNeighborIndex(GRSVertex v)
      Returns the index of v in the cyclic list of neighbors.
      v - a vertex
      index of v in neighbor list, or -1 if v is not contained
    • valence

      public int valence()
      Returns the number of neighbors in the cyclic list of neighbors.
      number of neighbors
    • neighbors

      public GRSVertex neighbors(ObjectConsumer<? super GRSVertex> cons)
      Yields all neighbors to cons. This may be used as an XL generator method.
      cons - consumer which receives the neighbors
    • getNeighbor

      public GRSVertex getNeighbor(int i)
      Returns the neighbor having index i.
      i - index of neighbor
      neighbor i in cyclic list
    • nextTo

      public GRSVertex nextTo(GRSVertex n)
      Returns the neighbor which follows n in the cyclic list of neighbors.
      n - a neighbor
      successor of n, or null if n is not a neighbor of this vertex
    • prevTo

      public GRSVertex prevTo(GRSVertex n)
      Returns the neighbor which precedes n in the cyclic list of neighbors.
      n - a neighbor
      predecessor of n, or null if n is not a neighbor of this vertex
    • nextTo

      public GRSVertex nextTo(int j, GRSVertex n)
      Returns the neighbor which is the j-th successor of n in the cyclic list of neighbors.
      j - distance from n in cyclic neighbor list
      n - a neighbor
      j-th successor of n, or null if n is not a neighbor of this vertex
    • prevTo

      public GRSVertex prevTo(int j, GRSVertex n)
      Returns the neighbor which is the j-th predecessor of n in the cyclic list of neighbors.
      j - distance from n in cyclic neighbor list
      n - a neighbor
      j-th predecessor of n, or null if n is not a neighbor of this vertex
    • first

      public GRSVertex first()
      Returns the first neighbor of the cyclic list of neighbors.
      first neighbor of this vertex, or null if it has no neighbors
    • next

      public GRSVertex next(GRSVertex ref)
      Returns the vertex which follows this vertex in the neighbor list of ref. Same as ref.nextTo (this).
      ref - vertex of which this is a neighbor
      successor of this in ref's neighbor list, or null if this is not a neighbor of ref
    • prev

      public GRSVertex prev(GRSVertex ref)
      Returns the vertex which precedes this vertex in the neighbor list of ref. Same as ref.prevTo (this).
      ref - vertex of which this is a neighbor
      predecessor of this in ref's neighbor list, or null if this is not a neighbor of ref
    • next

      public GRSVertex next(int j, GRSVertex ref)
      Returns the vertex which is the j-th successor of this vertex in the neighbor list of ref. Same as ref.nextTo (j, this).
      ref - vertex of which this is a neighbor
      j-th successor of this in ref's neighbor list, or null if this is not a neighbor of ref.
    • prev

      public GRSVertex prev(int j, GRSVertex ref)
      Returns the vertex which is the j-th predecessor of this vertex in the neighbor list of ref. Same as ref.prevTo (j, this).
      ref - vertex of which this is a neighbor
      j-th predecessor of this in ref's neighbor list, or null if this is not a neighbor of ref.
    • getNTypeImpl

      protected Node.NType getNTypeImpl()
      Description copied from class: Node
      This method returns the Node.NType which describes the managed fields of the class of this node. This method has to be implemented in every concrete subclass.
      getNTypeImpl in class Point
      type describing the managed fields of the class of this node
    • newInstance

      protected Node newInstance()
      Description copied from class: Node
      This method returns a new instance of the class of this node. This method has to be implemented in every concrete subclass.
      newInstance in class Point
      new instance of class of this node
    • getU

      public float getU()
    • setU

      public void setU(float value)
    • getV

      public float getV()
    • setV

      public void setV(float value)
    • getNeighbors

      public ObjectList<GRSVertex> getNeighbors()
    • setNeighbors

      public void setNeighbors(ObjectList<GRSVertex> value)