Module imp3d

Class VoronoiCell

All Implemented Interfaces:
Transformation, Pickable, Raytraceable, Renderable, Manageable, PersistenceCapable, Shareable, UserFields, XObject, Map, Serializable

public class VoronoiCell extends Sphere implements Pickable, Renderable, Raytraceable
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • showVoronoiNucleus

      protected boolean showVoronoiNucleus
    • showNeighbours

      protected boolean showNeighbours
    • showVoronoiDiagram

      protected boolean showVoronoiDiagram
    • showVoronoiFaces

      protected boolean showVoronoiFaces
    • showVoronoiPoints

      protected boolean showVoronoiPoints
    • showDelaunayDiagram

      protected boolean showDelaunayDiagram
    • showDelaunayFaces

      protected boolean showDelaunayFaces
    • showDelaunayPoints

      protected boolean showDelaunayPoints
    • $TYPE

      public static final Node.NType $TYPE
    • showVoronoiNucleus$FIELD

      public static final Node.NType.Field showVoronoiNucleus$FIELD
    • showNeighbours$FIELD

      public static final Node.NType.Field showNeighbours$FIELD
    • showVoronoiDiagram$FIELD

      public static final Node.NType.Field showVoronoiDiagram$FIELD
    • showVoronoiFaces$FIELD

      public static final Node.NType.Field showVoronoiFaces$FIELD
    • showVoronoiPoints$FIELD

      public static final Node.NType.Field showVoronoiPoints$FIELD
    • showDelaunayDiagram$FIELD

      public static final Node.NType.Field showDelaunayDiagram$FIELD
    • showDelaunayFaces$FIELD

      public static final Node.NType.Field showDelaunayFaces$FIELD
    • showDelaunayPoints$FIELD

      public static final Node.NType.Field showDelaunayPoints$FIELD
  • Constructor Details

    • VoronoiCell

      public VoronoiCell()
    • VoronoiCell

      public VoronoiCell(float radius)
    • VoronoiCell

      public VoronoiCell(float radius, Tuple3d p)
    • VoronoiCell

      public VoronoiCell(float radius, double x, double y, double z)
    • VoronoiCell

      public VoronoiCell(float radius, double i, double j, double k, double scale)
  • Method Details

    • setTetrahedralization

      public void setTetrahedralization(Tetrahedralization tetrahedralization)
    • getX

      public double getX()
    • getY

      public double getY()
    • getZ

      public double getZ()
    • asPoint3f

      public Point3f asPoint3f()
    • asPoint3d

      public Point3d asPoint3d()
    • deleteAdjacent

      public final void deleteAdjacent()
      Account for the deletion of an adjacent tetrahedron.
    • getAdjacent

      public final Tetrahedron getAdjacent()
      Answer one of the adjacent tetrahedron
    • getOrder

      public final int getOrder()
      Answer the number of tetrahedra adjacent to the receiver vertex in the tetrahedralization

    • getVoronoiPointsSet

      public Set<Point3d> getVoronoiPointsSet()
      returns a set of points that build the voronoi faces for this VoronoiCell
      set of voronoi points
    • getVoronoiPointsArray

      public Point3d[] getVoronoiPointsArray()
      returns an array of points that build the voronoi faces for this VoronoiCell
      array of voronoi points
    • getVoronoiPointsList

      public List<Point3d> getVoronoiPointsList()
      returns a list of points that build the voronoi faces for this VoronoiCell
      list of voronoi points
    • getNeighboursAll

      public Collection<VoronoiCell> getNeighboursAll()
      Answer the collection of neighbouring VoronoiCells around this one.
      collection of neighbouring VoronoiCells
    • getNeighbours

      public Collection<VoronoiCell> getNeighbours()
      Answer the cleaned collection of neighbouring VoronoiCells around this one. (cleaned --> without VoronoiCell.getId()==-1)
      cleaned collection of neighbouring VoronoiCells
    • getNumberOfNeighboursAll

      public int getNumberOfNeighboursAll()
      Answer the number of neighbouring VoronoiCells around this one.
      number of neighbouring VoronoiCells
    • getNumberOfNeighbours

      public int getNumberOfNeighbours()
      Answer the number of neighbouring VoronoiCells around this one.
      number of neighbouring VoronoiCells
    • inSphere

      public final int inSphere(VoronoiCell a, VoronoiCell b, VoronoiCell c, VoronoiCell d)
      Return +1 if the receiver lies inside the sphere passing through a, b, c, and d; -1 if it lies outside; and 0 if the five points are cospherical. The vertices a, b, c, and d must be ordered so that they have a positive orientation (as defined by orientation(VoronoiCell, VoronoiCell, VoronoiCell)), or the sign of the result will be reversed.

      a - , b, c, d - the points defining the sphere, in oriented order
      +1 if the receiver lies inside the sphere passing through a, b, c, and d; -1 if it lies outside; and 0 if the five points are cospherical
    • orientation

      public final int orientation(VoronoiCell a, VoronoiCell b, VoronoiCell c)
      Answer +1 if the orientation of the receiver is positive with respect to the plane defined by {a, b, c}, -1 if negative, or 0 if the test point is coplanar

      a - , b, c - the points defining the plane
      +1 if the orientation of the query point is positive with respect to the plane, -1 if negative and 0 if the test point is coplanar
    • reset

      public final void reset()
      Reset the state associated with a tetrahedralization.
    • setAdjacent

      public final void setAdjacent(Tetrahedron tetrahedron)
      Note one of the adjacent tetrahedron

      tetrahedron -
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Node
    • pick

      public static void pick(float radius, Point3d origin, Vector3d direction, PickList list)
    • pick

      public void pick(Object object, boolean asNode, Point3d origin, Vector3d direction, Matrix4d t, PickList list)
      Description copied from interface: Pickable
      Computes intersections of a given ray with this shape.
      Specified by:
      pick in interface Pickable
      pick in class Sphere
      object - the object of which this shape is an attribute
      asNode - true iff object is a node
      origin - the origin of the ray, in local coordinates
      direction - the direction of the ray, in local coordinates
      t - the transformation from local coordinates to world coordinates
      list - the list to which intersections have to be added
    • draw

      public void draw(Object object, boolean asNode, RenderState rs)
      Specified by:
      draw in interface Renderable
      draw in class Sphere
    • isAuxiliary

      protected boolean isAuxiliary(Point3d[] face)
    • isAuxiliaryCell

      public boolean isAuxiliaryCell()
    • isInternalCell

      public boolean isInternalCell()
    • isBorderCell

      public boolean isBorderCell()
    • createRaytracerLeaf

      public RaytracerLeaf createRaytracerLeaf(Object object, boolean asNode, long pathId, GraphState gs)
      Specified by:
      createRaytracerLeaf in interface Raytraceable
      createRaytracerLeaf in class Sphere
    • getNTypeImpl

      protected Node.NType getNTypeImpl()
      Description copied from class: Node
      This method returns the Node.NType which describes the managed fields of the class of this node. This method has to be implemented in every concrete subclass.
      getNTypeImpl in class Sphere
      type describing the managed fields of the class of this node
    • newInstance

      protected Node newInstance()
      Description copied from class: Node
      This method returns a new instance of the class of this node. This method has to be implemented in every concrete subclass.
      newInstance in class Sphere
      new instance of class of this node
    • isShowVoronoiNucleus

      public boolean isShowVoronoiNucleus()
    • setShowVoronoiNucleus

      public void setShowVoronoiNucleus(boolean value)
    • isShowNeighbours

      public boolean isShowNeighbours()
    • setShowNeighbours

      public void setShowNeighbours(boolean value)
    • isShowVoronoiDiagram

      public boolean isShowVoronoiDiagram()
    • setShowVoronoiDiagram

      public void setShowVoronoiDiagram(boolean value)
    • isShowVoronoiFaces

      public boolean isShowVoronoiFaces()
    • setShowVoronoiFaces

      public void setShowVoronoiFaces(boolean value)
    • isShowVoronoiPoints

      public boolean isShowVoronoiPoints()
    • setShowVoronoiPoints

      public void setShowVoronoiPoints(boolean value)
    • isShowDelaunayDiagram

      public boolean isShowDelaunayDiagram()
    • setShowDelaunayDiagram

      public void setShowDelaunayDiagram(boolean value)
    • isShowDelaunayFaces

      public boolean isShowDelaunayFaces()
    • setShowDelaunayFaces

      public void setShowDelaunayFaces(boolean value)
    • isShowDelaunayPoints

      public boolean isShowDelaunayPoints()
    • setShowDelaunayPoints

      public void setShowDelaunayPoints(boolean value)
    • getSurfaceArea

      public double getSurfaceArea()
      Calculates the area of an object. Intersection with other object are not considered.The total area will be calculated.
      getSurfaceArea in class Sphere
    • getVolume

      public double getVolume()
      Calculates the volume. Intersection with other object are not considered.The total volume will be calculated.
      getVolume in class Sphere