Module rgg
Package de.grogra.rgg

Class AvoidIntersection

All Implemented Interfaces:
VolumeListener, Options

public class AvoidIntersection extends Object implements Options, VolumeListener
Instances of AvoidIntersection helps to detected potential intersection by using rays (Line). Before something grow in a certain direction, this helps to check if objects lies in the near environment of the growing-direction.

Example to use:
AvoidIntersection ai = new AvoidIntersection(100);

The node gets a new direction.
Stephan Rogge
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final int
    static final int
    static final int
  • Constructor Summary

    Create an instance of AvoidIntersection with 100 rays.
    AvoidIntersection(int RayCount)
    Create an instance of AvoidIntersection with RayCount rays.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Adds node to the list of favorNodes.
    beginGroup(Object object, boolean asNode)
    This method is invoked by a SceneVisitor when subsequent volumes shall be grouped into a single compound object.
    This method is invoked by a SceneVisitor when the current group ends.
    get(String key, Object defaultValue)
    Returns the option value for the option identified by key.
    look(Null node, float distance)
    This method works exactly like look(Null, float, float, boolean).
    look(Null node, float distance, float strength, boolean showLines)
    This methods compute based on a intersection test with rays a new direction for node.
    This method prepare the whole scene, may for a new intersection-computation.
    setDistance2Surface(float distance)
    This method sets the distance of tangential plane to all nodes in favorNodes.
    setFavorNodeType(Class<?> className)
    To get more or less tangential directions to certain objects (called as favor nodes), we have mark them.
    setLayerVisible(int id, boolean visible)
    Set layer # id to visible (true) or invisible (false).
    This method sets the prepareScene flag.
    setRange(float width, float height)
    For explanation see setRange(float, float, float).
    setRange(float width, float height, float predictedLength)
    Set the width and height of the space which has to be test on intersection.
    volumeCreated(Object object, boolean asNode, Volume volume)
    This method is invoked by a SceneVisitor when a volume is created as representation of the geometry of object.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • AvoidIntersection

      public AvoidIntersection()
      Create an instance of AvoidIntersection with 100 rays.
    • AvoidIntersection

      public AvoidIntersection(int RayCount)
      Create an instance of AvoidIntersection with RayCount rays.
      RayCount - Number of rays.
  • Method Details

    • setLayerVisible

      public void setLayerVisible(int id, boolean visible)
      Set layer # id to visible (true) or invisible (false).
      id - Layer id
      visible - Layer visible or not.
    • setPrepareScene

      public void setPrepareScene()
      This method sets the prepareScene flag. When the method prepareScene() is invoked, an octree will re-computed.
    • setRange

      public void setRange(float width, float height)
      For explanation see setRange(float, float, float).
      width - Width of the tested space.
      height - Height of the tested space.
    • setRange

      public void setRange(float width, float height, float predictedLength)
      Set the width and height of the space which has to be test on intersection. With predictedLength the origin of all rays is shift along the direction line of the originNode.
      width - Width of the tested space.
      height - Height of the tested space.
      predictedLength - Distance of shifting the ray origin.
    • setFavorNodeType

      public void setFavorNodeType(Class<?> className)
      To get more or less tangential directions to certain objects (called as favor nodes), we have mark them. This can be done by implementing an interface. This interface is className.
      className - Interface type which is implemented by some objects of the scene.
    • addFavorNode

      public void addFavorNode(Node node)
      Adds node to the list of favorNodes. Ray intersection with this node is marked as friendly. So a direction is calculated which is approximate tangential to the surface at the point where the intersection was computed.
      node -
    • setDistance2Surface

      public void setDistance2Surface(float distance)
      This method sets the distance of tangential plane to all nodes in favorNodes.
      distance - Distance to surface
    • prepareScene

      public void prepareScene()
      This method prepare the whole scene, may for a new intersection-computation. This is necessary, when something in the scene has changed. The method look(Null node, float size, float distance) invoke this automatically.
    • look

      public boolean look(Null node, float distance)
      This method works exactly like look(Null, float, float, boolean). Expect that the strength of changing the direction is set to 1 and no rays were visualized.
      node - For this node the environment has to be checked and a new direction could be the result.
      distance - The distance is used as length for the rays. Thats a limitation for the near environment.
      Iff every ray has an unfriendly intersection with objects, this method return false otherwise true.
    • look

      public boolean look(Null node, float distance, float strength, boolean showLines)
      This methods compute based on a intersection test with rays a new direction for node. The area in front of node is defined by setRange(float, float, float) and by distance. Iff a new direction is calculated a transformation node which approximate the new direction by the given value of strength is put into the graph. Depending on objects which is involved in intersections the new direction could be tangential to the surface of an favor node a try get away from this object.
      node - For this node the environment has to be checked and a new direction could be the result.
      distance - The distance is used as length for the rays. Thats a limitation for the near environment.
      strength - Iff a new direction is calculated, this parameter sets the strength of changing a direction.
      showLines - To visualize what is going on in front of node, set this parameter true.
      Iff every ray has an unfriendly intersection with objects, this method return false otherwise true.
    • get

      public Object get(String key, Object defaultValue)
      Description copied from interface: Options
      Returns the option value for the option identified by key. If no special value for the option is defined, defaultValue is returned.
      Specified by:
      get in interface Options
      key - identifier for option
      defaultValue - default value of option
      value of option named key
    • volumeCreated

      public void volumeCreated(Object object, boolean asNode, Volume volume)
      Description copied from interface: VolumeListener
      This method is invoked by a SceneVisitor when a volume is created as representation of the geometry of object. By storing the information provided by the parameters, the link from graph objects (nodes and edges) to volumes can be established.
      Specified by:
      volumeCreated in interface VolumeListener
      object - an object of the graph
      asNode - is object a node or an edge?
      volume - the volume which has been created as geometrical representation of object
    • beginGroup

      public void beginGroup(Object object, boolean asNode)
      Description copied from interface: VolumeListener
      This method is invoked by a SceneVisitor when subsequent volumes shall be grouped into a single compound object. The group extends until the corresponding invocation of VolumeListener.endGroup(). These invocations may be nested, i.e., there may be groups within groups.

      Each group starts at object in the graph. If object has a geometric representation itself, the corresponding invocation of VolumeListener.volumeCreated(java.lang.Object, boolean, de.grogra.vecmath.geom.Volume) may be either immediately before of after beginGroup.

      Specified by:
      beginGroup in interface VolumeListener
      object - the object of the graph which represents the root of the group
      asNode - is object a node or an edge?
      See Also:
    • endGroup

      public void endGroup()
      Description copied from interface: VolumeListener
      This method is invoked by a SceneVisitor when the current group ends.
      Specified by:
      endGroup in interface VolumeListener
      See Also: