Module rgg
Package de.grogra.rgg

Class ConcurrentTask

All Implemented Interfaces:
PartialTask, Serializable, Runnable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class ConcurrentTask extends Object implements PartialTask, Runnable, Serializable
This abstract class has to be used as base class for concurrent tasks in the context of an RGG. Such a task must not perform any immediate modification to the graph, however, it is allowed to add quasi-parallel actions to one of the queues of the current extent (see Graph.getQueues()). This includes XL rule application and quasi-parallel assignments to XL properties.

The task is implemented by the run method of the superinterface Runnable as in the following example:

     ConcurrentTask task = new ConcurrentTask ()
         public void run ()
             X ==> Y;
             a:A ::> a[value] :+= 1;

A concurrent task is added to an instance of ConcurrentTasks, then the invocation of solve on this instance will execute all added concurrent tasks.

Ole Kniemeyer
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ConcurrentTask

      public ConcurrentTask()
  • Method Details

    • markProcessed

      public void markProcessed()
    • setGraphState

      public void setGraphState(GraphState state)
    • getGraphState

      public GraphState getGraphState()