Module video


This package contains all graphical user interface classes of the plugin.
Dominick Leppich
  • Class
    AdvancedSettings is a little JFrame which provides additional settings to the plugin user interface.
    This ChangeModelListener is used to make sure SpinnerModels does not exceed the limits.
    This panel controls the video generation process
    Small class to display images in a panel with a fixed size.
    This interface can be used to enable or disable the input on a plugin panel.
    This panel controls the image generation process
    The PreviewPanel displays all collected images.
    The ProgressPanel shows the progress of the job currently processed.
    This RenderPanel controls the rendering process.
    The VideoPanel is the graphical user interface of the video export plugin.
    This class wraps the VideoPanel (graphical user interface of the plugin) into a panel, which is compatible with GroIMP.