Module billboard

Class Billboarder

Direct Known Subclasses:
BasicBillboarder, CakeBillboarder, GridBillboarder

public abstract class Billboarder extends Object
  • Field Details

    • camera

      protected RotationCamera camera
    • view3d

      protected View3D view3d
    • RotationAngle

      protected double RotationAngle
    • rotationPoint

      protected TVector3d rotationPoint
    • angleOffset

      protected double angleOffset
    • pathAndFileName

      protected String pathAndFileName
    • imageFolder

      protected String imageFolder
    • prefix

      protected String prefix
    • appendfix

      protected String appendfix
    • suffix

      protected String suffix
    • countZero

      protected int countZero
    • file

      protected File file
    • mt

      protected MimeType mt
    • imgWidth

      protected int imgWidth
    • imgHeight

      protected int imgHeight
    • sides

      protected int sides
    • currentSide

      protected int currentSide
    • MT_JPG

      public static final MimeType MT_JPG
      The MIME type image/jpeg without parameters.
    • MT_PJPG

      public static final MimeType MT_PJPG
      The MIME type image/pjpeg without parameters.
    • MT_PNG

      public static final MimeType MT_PNG
      The MIME type image/png without parameters.
    • MT_EXR

      public static final MimeType MT_EXR
      The MIME type image/exr without parameters.
    • MT_X_EXR

      public static final MimeType MT_X_EXR
      The MIME type image/x-exr without parameters.
  • Constructor Details

    • Billboarder

      public Billboarder()
  • Method Details

    • setDestination

      protected void setDestination(File file, MimeType mt) throws IOException
    • initialize

      public void initialize(double distance, double zOfsset, int sides)
      This method has to be invoke before invoke .
      distance - Distance between camera and the origin of the coordinates-system
      zOfsset - The z-axis shift of the camera
      sides - How much sides has to be rendered of the object.
    • beginAt

      public void beginAt(int side)
      The Billboarder starts at the given side. Attention: the first side has the number 0.
      side -
    • angleOffset

      public void angleOffset(int angleOffset)
      Shift the camera after the rotation to the value angleOffset. This is helpful if you already got some rendered images of a model and you want to render the images between. Maybe you've got a 20-image billboard. So the RotationAngle is (360/20 sides). And now you want 20 images more. You can take the half of the value RotationAngle from the last billboard-render. In this case RotationAngle/2 = 9. But beware: you have to safe the images of your last render, cause the billboard starts to count at zero. This old images could be overwritten.
      angleOffset -
    • nextSide

      protected void nextSide(int side)
      Just put the camera to the given side of view.
    • nextSide

      protected void nextSide()
      Just put the camera to the next side of view.
    • billboarding

      public void billboarding()
      This method rendered each side of an object given in the view. The number of sides was set by invoke the initialize - method. After a render-step the camera will rotate and it will be start the next render-step.
    • getLeadingZeros

      protected String getLeadingZeros(int limit, int position)
      This generates a string with leading zeros. The number of "0" in the string depends on the log10 of a maximum number limit and a position. Its used by generating a filename with leading zeros. This is important to beware the order of the files, cause filenames are strings and not numbers. For 14 files you've got one leading 0: "bill_01.jpg, bill_02.jpg, ... bill_14.png
      limit - For creation of the maximum number of zeros.
      position - How much zeros are at a position.
      A string filled with "0".
    • insertName

      protected void insertName(String name)
      Stores the name of a rendered billboard into an internal list.
      name - Name of a billboard picture file.
    • getBBName

      protected String getBBName(int index)
      This method return the path and filename of the billboard as an URI-String
      index - Number of the rendered billboard
      Path and filename of the given billboard-number.
    • location

      public static Point3d location(Node node)
    • transformation

      public static Matrix34d transformation(Node node, boolean post)
    • graph

      public static GraphManager graph()
    • setRunLater

      protected abstract void setRunLater()
      When a Billboard-Render-Thread is finished, the implementation of this method will be executed later.
    • finalAction

      protected void finalAction()
      This method is invoked after the last billboard was rendered.
    • justRenderView

      public static void justRenderView(File file, MimeType mt)