All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.Arrange
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.AdditionalArrange
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.BernoulliProbability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.BetaprimeProbability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.BetaProbability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.BinomialProbability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.CauchyProbability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.ChisquareProbability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.DartThrowing
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.ErlangProbability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.FProbability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.GammaProbability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.GeometricArrange
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.GeometricProbability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.HalftoningArrange
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.InvgammaProbability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.Kachelung
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.LogisticProbability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.Lognormal2Probability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.LognormalProbability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.NegexpProbability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.Normal2Probability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.NormalProbability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.ParetoProbability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.PascalProbability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.PoissonProbability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.ProbabilityArrange
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.TstudentProbability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.UniformProbability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.Voronoi_Lloyd
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.WeibullProbability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.ArrangeLOD
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.BlockColor
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.BlockScale
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.CustomFunction
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.Horn
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.HornLOD
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.Hydra
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.HydraLOD
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.LocationParameterBase
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.NullWithShaderNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.PhiBall
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.PhiBallLOD
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.RandomBase
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.Tree
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.TreeLOD
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.Variation
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.coolbar.CoolbarItemAdder
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.coolbar.CoolbarMacroAdder
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.coolbar.CoolbarPanelAdder
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.coolbar.XLMacro
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.ext.exchangegraph.graphnodes.ExchangeNURBSSurface
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.ext.exchangegraph.graphnodes.PropertyBox
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.ext.exchangegraph.graphnodes.PropertyMeshNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.ext.exchangegraph.graphnodes.PropertyNodeImpl
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.objects.LightDistribution
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.objects.LightDistributionRef
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.objects.LightDistributionResource
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.objects.PhysicalLight
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.objects.SpectralLight
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.objects.SpectralLightMapNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.objects.SpectrumRef
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.shading.BlackbodySPD
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.shading.ChannelSPD
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.shading.CIENormSPD
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.shading.ConstantSPD
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.shading.IORShader
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.shading.RGBSPD
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.shading.SPD
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.shading.SPDCurve
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.shading.SPDResource
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.spectral.BlackbodySpectralCurve
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.spectral.ConstantSpectralCurve
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.spectral.IrregularSpectralCurve
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.spectral.RegularSpectralCurve
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.spectral.RGBSpectralCurve
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.spectral.SpectralCurve
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.scene.filter.AllFilter
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.scene.filter.NoneFilter
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.scene.filter.ObjectFilter
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.tracer.FluxLightModelTracer
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.graph.impl.Node
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.graph.impl.ScaleClass
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.graph.impl.SharedObjectNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.graph.object.impl.GraphObjectRef
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.grogra.DTDSourceFile
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.grogra.DTGShoot
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.grogra.FruitObject
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.grogra.LeafObject
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.grogra.LSystem
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.CustomGraphDescriptor
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.edit.ToolRoot
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.FilterDescriptor
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.GraphDescriptor
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.MetaGraphDescriptor
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.objects.FixedImageAdapter
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.objects.FontAdapter
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.objects.ImageRef
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.ProjectGraphDescriptor
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.registry.NavigatorFactory
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.registry.RegistryViewEventFactory
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.registry.ToolFactory
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.registry.ViewComponentFactory
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.View
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.viewhandler.EmptyEventFactory
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.viewhandler.EmptyViewEventFactory
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.viewhandler.SelectionEventFactory
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.viewhandler.ToolEventFactory
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.edit.EditTool
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.edit.ToolRoot2D
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.graphs.EdgeBits
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.graphs.HighlightFilterDescriptor
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.graphs.ObjectData
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.graphs.TopologyGraphDescriptor
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.CircleGraphLayout
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.DavidsonHarelLayout
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.EadesLayout
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.EdgeBasedLayout
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.EdgeBasedLayout2
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.EnergyModelLayout
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.ForceBasedLayout
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.FruchtermanReingoldLayout
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.GeneralPurposeLayout
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.Layout
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.RandomLayout
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.SimpleEdgeBasedLayout
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.SpringLayout
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.SquareLayout
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.SugiyamaLayout
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.TouchLayout
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.TreeLayout
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.Navigator2DFactory
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.ArcType
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.Arrow
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.Connection
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.EllipseType
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.FillableShape2D
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.Hexagon
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.Label
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.Null
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.NURBSShape2D
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.Octagon
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.QuadraticLine
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.RectangleType
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.Rhombus
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.Rotation
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.RoundRectangleType
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.Shape2D
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.Shape2DBase
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.StrokeAdapter
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.SwitchShape
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.TextLabel
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.Trapezoid
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.Triangle
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.ToolEvent2DFactory
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.View2D
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.View2DEventFactory
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.Camera
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.DefaultView3DEventFactory
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.edit.Rotate
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.edit.Scale
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.edit.ToolRoot3D
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.edit.Translate
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.LensProjection
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.Navigator3DFactory
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.NoHighlightView3DEventFactory
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.AmbientLight
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.AreaLight
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Axis
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.AxisBase
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Box
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.ColoredNull
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Cone
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.CSGNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.CurveSequence
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Cylinder
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.DirectionalLight
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Frustum
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.FrustumBase
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.FrustumIrregular
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.GPP
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.GridClonerNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.GRSMesh
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.GRSVertex
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.GWedge
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.HeightField
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.HeightFieldMapping
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.ImageHeightField
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Instance3D
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Label
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Lamella
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Legend
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.LightBase
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.LightNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Line
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Mark
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.MeshNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.NetworkHeightField
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Null
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.NumericLabel
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.NURBSCurve
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.NURBSSurface
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Parallelogram
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Patch
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Plane
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Point
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.PointCloud
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.PointLight
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Polygon
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.PrismRectangular
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.RectangularHeightFieldMapping
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.SensorNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Sequence
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.ShadedNull
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Sky
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Sphere
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.SphereSegment
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.SphereSegmentSolid
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.SphericalHeightFieldMapping
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.SpotLight
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Supershape
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.SweepSequence
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.TextBlock
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.TextLabel
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.TextLabelBase
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Vertex
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.VertexSequence
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.VoronoiCell
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.ParallelProjection
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.PerspectiveProjection
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.Projection
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.AffineUVTransformation
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.AlgorithmSwitchShader
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.BlendItem
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.BumpMap
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Carpenter
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.ChannelBlend
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.ChannelMapNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Checker
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.ColorMapNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Filter
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Gradient
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Granite
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.ImageMap
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.IOR
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Julia
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Laplace3D
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Leopard
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Mandel
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Material
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.MaterialRef
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Phong
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.RGBAShader
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.ShaderRef
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.SideSwitchShader
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Smooth3D
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.SunSkyLight
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.SurfaceMap
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.SwitchShader
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.SyntheticTexture
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Turbulence
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.UVTransformation
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.VolumeChecker
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.VolumeFunction
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.VolumeTurbulence
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.WaveMap
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Wood
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.XYZTransformation
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.View3D
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.lignum.stlLignum.CfTreeSegment
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.lignum.stlLignum.Tree
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.lignum.stlLignum.TreeCompartment
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.lignum.stlLignum.TreeSegment
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.lignum.stlVoxelspace.VoxelSpaceNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Abs
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Acos
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Arc
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Asin
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Atan
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.BezierCurve
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.BezierSurface
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.BSplineCurveImpl
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.BSplineOfVertices
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.BSplineSurfaceImpl
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Ceil
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Chain
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Circle
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Circular
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.ComponentTransform
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Cos
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Cosh
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Cubic
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.E
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Ellipse
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Exp
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Exp2
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Expm1
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.ExtrudedSurface
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Floor
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Graytone
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Helix
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Id
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.IsoCurve
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Log
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Log10
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Matrix3dType
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Matrix3fType
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Matrix4dType
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Matrix4fType
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Phi
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Pi
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.ProductSurface
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.ProfileSweep
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Rad
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Ramp
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.RegularPolygon
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.RGBColor
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Rnd
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Rndabs
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.RuledSurface
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Scallop
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Sin
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Sin01
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Sinh
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.SkinnedSurface
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.SplineFunction
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Sqr
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Sqrt
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.StraightLine
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.SubGrid
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Sweep
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.SwungSurface
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Tan
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Tanh
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.TMatrix3d
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.TMatrix4d
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Triangle
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Tuple2dType
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Tuple2fType
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Tuple3dType
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Tuple3fType
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Tuple4dType
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Tuple4fType
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.TVector2d
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.TVector3d
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.UniformScale
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.VertexGridImpl
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.VertexListImpl
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.VertexSetBase
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.mesh.renderer.CollectionMesh
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.msml.MSNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.mtg.MTGNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.mtg.MTGRoot
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.mtg.MTGSourceFile
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.persistence.SCOType
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
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- $TYPE - Static variable in class
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- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.pointcloud.navigation.PointCloudView3DEventManager
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.pointcloud.objects.impl.CollectionCloudImpl
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.pointcloud.objects.impl.IntermediateCloudNodeImpl
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.pointcloud.objects.impl.LeafLineImpl
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.pointcloud.objects.impl.LeafMeshImpl
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.pointcloud.objects.impl.LeafPointImpl
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.pointcloud.objects.impl.PointCloudBaseImpl
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.Axiom
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.BooleanNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.ByteNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.Cell
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.CharNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.Curve
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.CurveRef
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.DoubleNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.FileRef
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.FloatNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.FluxLightModel
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.Function
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.FunctionRef
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.Instance
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.IntNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.LightModel
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.LightModelBase
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.LightModelD
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.LightModelVisualizer
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.LongNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.model.InterpretiveMark
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.ObjectNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.Reference
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.RGG
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.RGGRoot
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.ShortNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.SRoot
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.SurfaceRef
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.TypeRoot
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.AdjustLU
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.ArgShoot
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Assignment
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.C
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.C0
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.CAdd
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Cl
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.ClAdd
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.ClMul
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.CMul
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.D
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.D0
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.DAdd
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Dl
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.DlAdd
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.DlMul
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.DMul
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.F
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.F0
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.FAdd
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.FMul
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.GD
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.GRotation
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.H
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.H0
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.HAdd
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.HDir
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Hl
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.HlAdd
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.HlMul
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.HMul
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.IncScale
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.InvokeMethod
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.K
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.KAssignment
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.KL
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.L
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.L0
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.LAdd
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Ll
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.LlAdd
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.LlMul
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.LMul
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.M
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.M0
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.MAdd
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Minus
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.MMul
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Move
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.MRel
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.N
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.N0
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.NAdd
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Nl
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.NlAdd
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.NlMul
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.NMul
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.OR
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.P
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.P0
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Pl
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Plus
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.RD
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.RG
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.RH
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.RL
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.RN
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.RO
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Rotate
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Rotation
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.RP
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.RU
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.RV
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.RV0
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.RVAdd
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.RVMul
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Scale
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Shoot
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Translate
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Tropism
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.TurtleState
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.TurtleStep
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.U
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.U0
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.UAdd
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Ul
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.UlAdd
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.UlMul
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.UMul
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.V
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.V0
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.VAdd
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Vl
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.VlAdd
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.VlMul
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.VMul
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.xl.expr.Expression
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.xl.expr.FieldUpdater
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- a - Variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.Expr
- a - Variable in class de.grogra.icon.IconOverlay
- a - Variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Lamella
- a - Variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Supershape
- a - Variable in class de.grogra.ray.intersection.Intersections.ConeLocalVariables
- a - Variable in class de.grogra.ray.intersection.Intersections.CylinderLocalVariables
- a - Variable in class de.grogra.ray.intersection.Intersections.FrustumLocalVariables
- a - Variable in class de.grogra.ray.intersection.Intersections.SphereIntersectionLocalVariables
- a - Variable in class de.grogra.ray.intersection.Intersections.SphereLocalVariables
- a - Variable in class de.grogra.util.EventListener.Bicast
- a - Variable in class de.grogra.vecmath.geom.Supershape
- a - Variable in class de.grogra.vecmath.Range
- a - Variable in class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.geometry.SweepHullDelaunay2D.Triangle
References to points in Delaunay2D.points
- A - Enum constant in enum class de.grogra.imp3d.math.delaunay.V
- A - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.spectral.CIENormSpectralCurve
- A - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Attributes
- A - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Channel
- A_1NM - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.spectral.CIENormSpectralCurve
- A_MAX - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Supershape
- A_MIN - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Supershape
- A_VALUE - Static variable in interface de.grogra.reflect.TypeId
This is the mask for type ids of types whose values are represented as references by the Java Virtual Machine.
- a$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Lamella
- a$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Supershape
- AA - Static variable in class de.grogra.mtg.Attributes
- AA - Variable in class de.grogra.mtg.MTGNode
- AA$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.mtg.MTGNode
- ab - Variable in class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.geometry.SweepHullDelaunay2D.Triangle
References to neighbor triangles
- abbortCode - Variable in class de.grogra.ray2.metropolis.strategy.MutationStrategy
- abbortCode - Variable in class de.grogra.ray2.tracing.modular.LineTracer
- AbbrevEditor - Class in org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui
Panel for editing abbreviations
- AbbrevEditor() - Constructor for class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.AbbrevEditor
- abbreviate(String) - Static method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.MiscUtilities
The reverse of expandVariables(), returns a shortened path if possible.
- abbreviateView(String) - Static method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.MiscUtilities
Same as abbreviate() but checks a view option which can disable the feature for jEdit UI components.
- Abbrevs - Class in org.gjt.sp.jedit
Abbreviation manager.
- AbbrevsOptionPane - Class in org.gjt.sp.jedit.options
Abbrev editor.
- AbbrevsOptionPane() - Constructor for class org.gjt.sp.jedit.options.AbbrevsOptionPane
- abind(int, Object) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.query.QueryState
- abound(int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.query.QueryState
- about(Item, Object, Context) - Static method in class
- ABOUT_ICON_SIZE - Static variable in class
- AboutDialog - Class in org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui
"About jEdit" dialog
- AboutDialog(View) - Constructor for class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.AboutDialog
- ABOVE - Static variable in class de.grogra.vecmath.geom.BoundingBox
Return value for
BoundingBox.testParallelogram(javax.vecmath.Tuple3d, javax.vecmath.Tuple3d, javax.vecmath.Tuple3d, javax.vecmath.Tuple3d, javax.vecmath.Matrix3d, javax.vecmath.Vector3d, javax.vecmath.Vector3d)
indicating that this bounding box lies completely above the plane of the quad. - ABOVE_SYSTEM_BAR_LAYER - Static variable in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.View
Above system tool bar layer.
- AbruptCompletion - Exception in de.grogra.xl.vmx
Base class for abrupt completions.
- AbruptCompletion.Break - Exception in de.grogra.xl.vmx
An abrupt completion due to a
. - AbruptCompletion.Nonlocal - Error in de.grogra.xl.vmx
This class wraps an abrupt completion that has to be transferred (non-locally) to a statically containing routine invocation before Java's catching mechanism comes into play.
- AbruptCompletion.Return - Exception in de.grogra.xl.vmx
An abrupt completion due to a
. - AbruptCompletion.Throw - Exception in de.grogra.xl.vmx
An abrupt completion due to a thrown
. - abs(Range, Range) - Static method in class de.grogra.vecmath.Range
- Abs - Class in de.grogra.blocks.functionParser
- Abs - Class in de.grogra.math
- Abs() - Constructor for class de.grogra.math.Abs
- Abs(Expr) - Constructor for class de.grogra.blocks.functionParser.Abs
- ABS - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.functionParser.sym
- ABS - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.sym
- Abs.Type - Class in de.grogra.math
- absolute() - Element in annotation interface de.grogra.rgg.numeric.Tolerance
- absolute() - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2d
Sets each component of this tuple to its absolute value.
- absolute() - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2f
Sets each component of this tuple to its absolute value.
- absolute() - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3d
Sets each component of this tuple to its absolute value.
- absolute() - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3f
Sets each component of this tuple to its absolute value.
- absolute() - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4d
Sets each component of this tuple to its absolute value.
- absolute() - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4f
Sets each component of this tuple to its absolute value.
- absolute(float[]) - Static method in class org.jagatoo.util.arrays.ArrayVector
Sets each compnent of the given vector v1 to its absolute.
- absolute(Tuple2d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2d
Sets each component of the tuple parameter to its absolute value and places the modified values into this tuple.
- absolute(Tuple2f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2f
Sets each component of the tuple parameter to its absolute value and places the modified values into this tuple.
- absolute(Tuple3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3d
Sets each component of the tuple parameter to its absolute value and places the modified values into this tuple.
- absolute(Tuple3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3f
Sets each component of the tuple parameter to its absolute value and places the modified values into this tuple.
- absolute(Tuple4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4d
Sets each component of the tuple parameter to its absolute value and places the modified values into this tuple.
- absolute(Tuple4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4f
Sets each component of the tuple parameter to its absolute value and places the modified values into this tuple.
- ABSOLUTE - Enum constant in enum class org.jfree.chart.util.UnitType
- absoluteClassCache - Variable in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.bsh.BshClassManager
Global cache for things we know are classes.
- absoluteNonClasses - Variable in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.bsh.BshClassManager
Global cache for things we know are *not* classes.
- absthgs(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Static method in class de.grogra.vecmath.Math2
- abstphg(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Static method in class de.grogra.vecmath.Math2
- abstpp(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Static method in class de.grogra.vecmath.Math2
Computated the distance between two vectors
- abstps(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Static method in class de.grogra.vecmath.Math2
Calculates the distance between the point pp and the piece of straight line delimited by sa and se.
- ABSTRACT - Static variable in interface de.grogra.reflect.Member
Modifier for
members. - ABSTRACT - Static variable in interface org.gjt.sp.jedit.bsh.ParserConstants
- ABSTRACT_ - Static variable in interface de.grogra.grogra.LSYTokenTypes
- ABSTRACT_ - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.compiler.CompilerTokenTypes
- ABSTRACT_ - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.parser.XLTokenTypes
- ABSTRACT_IN_CONCRETE - Static variable in exception de.grogra.xl.compiler.ProblemReporter
- ABSTRACT_INSTANTIATION - Static variable in exception de.grogra.xl.compiler.ProblemReporter
- ABSTRACT_METHOD_INVOCATION - Static variable in exception de.grogra.xl.compiler.ProblemReporter
- ABSTRACT_PRIMITIVE - Static variable in interface de.grogra.reflect.TypeId
Type id for abstract primitive types, i.e.,
. - AbstractAnnotation - Class in org.jfree.chart.annotations
An abstract implementation of the
interface, containing a mechanism for registering change listeners. - AbstractAnnotation() - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.annotations.AbstractAnnotation
Constructs an annotation.
- AbstractAutoCompletor - Class in
Adds auto-completion to a text component.
- AbstractAutoCompletor() - Constructor for class
- AbstractAutoCompletor.AutoCompleteAction - Class in
that displays the popup window if auto-completion is enabled. - AbstractBlock - Class in org.jfree.chart.block
A convenience class for creating new classes that implement the
interface. - AbstractBlock() - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.block.AbstractBlock
Creates a new block.
- AbstractCategoryItemLabelGenerator - Class in org.jfree.chart.labels
A base class that can be used to create a label or tooltip generator that can be assigned to a
. - AbstractCategoryItemLabelGenerator(String, DateFormat) - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.labels.AbstractCategoryItemLabelGenerator
Creates a label generator with the specified date formatter.
- AbstractCategoryItemLabelGenerator(String, NumberFormat) - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.labels.AbstractCategoryItemLabelGenerator
Creates a label generator with the specified number formatter.
- AbstractCategoryItemLabelGenerator(String, NumberFormat, NumberFormat) - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.labels.AbstractCategoryItemLabelGenerator
Creates a label generator with the specified number formatter.
- AbstractCategoryItemRenderer - Class in org.jfree.chart.renderer.category
An abstract base class that you can use to implement a new
. - AbstractCategoryItemRenderer() - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.AbstractCategoryItemRenderer
Creates a new renderer with no tool tip generator and no URL generator.
- AbstractCompletion - Class in
Base class for possible completions.
- AbstractCompletion(CompletionProvider) - Constructor for class
- AbstractCompletion(CompletionProvider, Icon) - Constructor for class
- AbstractCompletionProvider - Class in
A base class for completion providers.
- AbstractCompletionProvider() - Constructor for class
- AbstractCompletionProvider.CaseInsensitiveComparator - Class in
A comparator that compares the input text of a
against a String lexicographically, ignoring case. - AbstractContextOptionPane - Class in org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui
An abstract base class for context menu editors.
- AbstractContextOptionPane(String, String) - Constructor for class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.AbstractContextOptionPane
Constructor that takes a name as an argument, for use by subclasses.
- AbstractContextOptionPane(String, String, ActionContext) - Constructor for class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.AbstractContextOptionPane
Constructor that takes a name as an argument, for use by subclasses.
- AbstractDataset - Class in
An abstract implementation of the
interface, containing a mechanism for registering change listeners. - AbstractDataset() - Constructor for class
Constructs a dataset.
- AbstractDialLayer - Class in org.jfree.chart.plot.dial
A base class that can be used to implement a
. - AbstractDialLayer() - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.plot.dial.AbstractDialLayer
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractExpressionPattern - Class in de.grogra.xl.query
- AbstractExpressionPattern(Type[], int, int, int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.xl.query.AbstractExpressionPattern
- AbstractInputHandler<E extends JEditAbstractEditAction> - Class in org.gjt.sp.jedit.input
The abstract input handler manage the keyboard handling.
- AbstractInputHandler() - Constructor for class org.gjt.sp.jedit.input.AbstractInputHandler
- AbstractIntervalXYDataset - Class in
An base class that you can use to create new implementations of the
interface. - AbstractIntervalXYDataset() - Constructor for class
- AbstractObjectList - Class in org.jfree.chart.util
A list of objects that can grow as required.
- AbstractObjectList() - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.util.AbstractObjectList
Creates a new list with the default initial capacity.
- AbstractObjectList(int) - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.util.AbstractObjectList
Creates a new list.
- AbstractObjectList(int, int) - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.util.AbstractObjectList
Creates a new list.
- AbstractOptionPane - Class in org.gjt.sp.jedit
The default implementation of the option pane interface.
- AbstractOptionPane(String) - Constructor for class org.gjt.sp.jedit.AbstractOptionPane
Creates a new option pane.
- AbstractOverlay - Class in org.jfree.chart.panel
A base class for implementing overlays for a
. - AbstractOverlay() - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.panel.AbstractOverlay
Default constructor.
- AbstractPieItemLabelGenerator - Class in org.jfree.chart.labels
A base class used for generating pie chart item labels.
- AbstractPieItemLabelGenerator(String, NumberFormat, NumberFormat) - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.labels.AbstractPieItemLabelGenerator
Creates an item label generator using the specified number formatters.
- AbstractPieLabelDistributor - Class in org.jfree.chart.plot
A base class for handling the distribution of pie section labels.
- AbstractPieLabelDistributor() - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.plot.AbstractPieLabelDistributor
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractRenderer - Class in org.jfree.chart.renderer
Base class providing common services for renderers.
- AbstractRenderer() - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.renderer.AbstractRenderer
Default constructor.
- AbstractSeriesDataset - Class in
An abstract implementation of the
interface, containing a mechanism for registering change listeners. - AbstractSeriesDataset() - Constructor for class
Creates a new dataset.
- AbstractTreeMapper - Class in de.grogra.util
- AbstractTreeMapper(TreeModel, Object, MutableTreeModel, Comparator) - Constructor for class de.grogra.util.AbstractTreeMapper
- AbstractXYAnnotation - Class in org.jfree.chart.annotations
The interface that must be supported by annotations that are to be added to an
. - AbstractXYAnnotation() - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.annotations.AbstractXYAnnotation
Creates a new instance that has no tool tip or URL specified.
- AbstractXYDataset - Class in
An base class that you can use to create new implementations of the
interface. - AbstractXYDataset() - Constructor for class
- AbstractXYItemLabelGenerator - Class in org.jfree.chart.labels
A base class for creating item label generators.
- AbstractXYItemLabelGenerator() - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.labels.AbstractXYItemLabelGenerator
Creates an item label generator using default number formatters.
- AbstractXYItemLabelGenerator(String, DateFormat, DateFormat) - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.labels.AbstractXYItemLabelGenerator
Creates an item label generator using the specified number formatters.
- AbstractXYItemLabelGenerator(String, DateFormat, NumberFormat) - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.labels.AbstractXYItemLabelGenerator
Creates an item label generator using the specified number formatters.
- AbstractXYItemLabelGenerator(String, NumberFormat, DateFormat) - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.labels.AbstractXYItemLabelGenerator
Creates an item label generator using the specified formatters (a number formatter for the x-values and a date formatter for the y-values).
- AbstractXYItemLabelGenerator(String, NumberFormat, NumberFormat) - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.labels.AbstractXYItemLabelGenerator
Creates an item label generator using the specified number formatters.
- AbstractXYItemRenderer - Class in org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy
A base class that can be used to create new
implementations. - AbstractXYItemRenderer() - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.AbstractXYItemRenderer
Creates a renderer where the tooltip generator and the URL generator are both
. - AbstractXYZDataset - Class in
An base class that you can use to create new implementations of the
interface. - AbstractXYZDataset() - Constructor for class
- absValue() - Method in class
Returns the absolute value of this rational number.
- ACCELERATION - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.sym
- Accelerator - Annotation Interface in de.grogra.rgg
- ACCELERATOR_KEY - Static variable in interface de.grogra.util.Described
Constant for
specifying an accelerator key to be used as the accelerator for the object. - accept - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.lang.Filter
An invocation of a filter method has to set this field to indicate whether the invocation has passed the filter or not.
- accept(Dockable) - Method in interface de.grogra.docking.DockableFilter
- accept(SceneTree.Visitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.SceneTree
This method is invoked if one wants to inform the
of the complete set of nodes of this tree. - accept(SceneTree.Visitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.SceneTree.InnerNode
- accept(SceneTree.Visitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.SceneTree.Leaf
- accept(SceneTree.Visitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.SceneTree.Node
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.AffineUVTransformation
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.BumpMap
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Carpenter
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.ChannelBlend
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.ChannelMapNode
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Checker
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Filter
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Gradient
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Granite
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.ImageMap
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Julia
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Laplace3D
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Leopard
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Mandel
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Phong
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.SunSkyLight
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Turbulence
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.VolumeChecker
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.VolumeFunction
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.VolumeTurbulence
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.WaveMap
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Wood
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.XYZTransformation
- accept(LightVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.objects.SpectralLight
- accept(LightVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.AmbientLight
- accept(LightVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.DirectionalLight
- accept(LightVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Parallelogram
- accept(LightVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.PointLight
- accept(LightVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Sky
- accept(LightVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.SpotLight
- accept(LightVisitor) - Method in interface de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Light
- accept(LightVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.SunSkyLight
- accept(ShaderVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.shading.IORShader
- accept(ShaderVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.AlgorithmSwitchShader
- accept(ShaderVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Phong
- accept(ShaderVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.RGBAShader
- accept(ShaderVisitor) - Method in interface de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Shader
- accept(ShaderVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.ShaderRef
- accept(ShaderVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.SideSwitchShader
- accept(ShaderVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.SunSkyLight
- accept(ChannelMapVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.shading.ChannelSPD
- accept(ChannelMapVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.ChannelMapNode
- accept(ChannelMapVisitor) - Method in interface de.grogra.math.ChannelMap
- accept(ChannelMapVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.math.Graytone
- accept(ChannelMapVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.math.RGBColor
- accept(Item, Property) - Method in class
- accept(File) - Method in class
- accept(File) - Method in class org.jedit.keymap.KeymapFileFilter
- accept(Object, Visitor, ArrayPath) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.AttributeOverwritingFilter
- accept(Object, Visitor, ArrayPath) - Method in interface de.grogra.graph.Graph
- accept(Object, Visitor, ArrayPath) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.GraphManager
- accept(Object, Visitor, ArrayPath, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.GraphFilter
- accept(String) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.browser.VFSBrowser.DirectoriesOnlyFilter
- accept(String) - Method in class
- accept(String) - Method in interface
Same thing as
above, but operates on the raw URL instead of a VFSFile object. - accept(String) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.Macros.Handler
- accept(String, String) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.Mode
Returns true if the edit mode is suitable for editing the specified file.
- accept(String, String, String) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.Mode
Returns true if the edit mode is suitable for editing the specified file.
- accept(Socket) - Method in class de.grogra.http.Server
- accept(VFSFile) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.browser.VFSBrowser.DirectoriesOnlyFilter
- accept(VFSFile) - Method in class
- accept(VFSFile) - Method in interface
Should return whether the entry represented by the given URL should be listed in the browser view.
- accept(TextArea, String) - Method in interface org.gjt.sp.jedit.datatransfer.JEditTransferableService
- accept(TextArea, String) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.datatransfer.RichJEditTextTransferableService
- accept(TextArea, String) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.datatransfer.StringTransferableService
- acceptance - Variable in class de.grogra.ray2.metropolis.strategy.BidirectionalMutationStrat
- acceptance - Variable in class de.grogra.ray2.metropolis.strategy.CausticPerturbation
- acceptance - Variable in class de.grogra.ray2.metropolis.strategy.LensPerturbationStrat
- acceptance - Variable in class de.grogra.ray2.metropolis.strategy.LensSubpathStrat
- acceptFile(String, String) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.Mode
Returns true if the buffer's name or path matches the file name glob.
- acceptFilename(String) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.Mode
- acceptFilenameIdentical(String) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.Mode
Returns true if the buffer name is identical to the file name glob.
- acceptFirstLine(String) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.Mode
Returns true if the first line matches the first line glob.
- acceptGraph(Node, Visitor, ArrayPath) - Static method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.GraphManager
- acceptIdentical(String, String) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.Mode
Returns true if the buffer path or name is identical to the file name glob.
- acceptLeaf(Object, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.SceneTree
This method defines for which objects of the graph a
node shall be created. - acceptLeaf(Object, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.ray.Tree
- acceptNode(Object) - Method in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.Layout.Algorithm
Determines whether a given
of the original graph is to be included in the layout graph. - acceptPath(Path, Visitor, ArrayPath) - Static method in class de.grogra.graph.GraphUtils
- accepts(double) - Method in class
if the specified value belongs in the bin, andfalse
otherwise. - ACCESS_MODIFIERS - Static variable in interface de.grogra.reflect.Member
Mask for the access modifiers
, andprotected
. - ACCESSINFO - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.sym
- AccessMethod - Class in de.grogra.xl.compiler
- AccessMethod(CClass, Member, boolean) - Constructor for class de.grogra.xl.compiler.AccessMethod
- AccessorBase<T> - Class in de.grogra.graph
- AccessorBase(Attribute) - Constructor for class de.grogra.graph.AccessorBase
- AccessorBridge(Attribute) - Constructor for class de.grogra.graph.impl.Node.AccessorBridge
- AccessorBridge(Attribute, boolean) - Constructor for class de.grogra.graph.GraphFilter.AccessorBridge
Creates a new
for the givenattribute
. - AccessorMap - Class in de.grogra.graph
- AccessorMap() - Constructor for class de.grogra.graph.AccessorMap
- AccessorMap(boolean) - Constructor for class de.grogra.graph.AccessorMap
- AccessorMap(AccessorMap) - Constructor for class de.grogra.graph.AccessorMap
- accumulateFindCfBoundingBox(BoundingBox, CfTreeSegment) - Method in class de.grogra.lignum.stlLignum.BoundingBox
- AccumulateOpticalThickness - Class in de.grogra.lignum.stlLignum
Translated from orignal C++ Lignum code.
- AccumulateOpticalThickness(double, double, double) - Constructor for class de.grogra.lignum.stlLignum.AccumulateOpticalThickness
- accuracy$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.ForceBasedLayout
- acos(double) - Static method in class de.grogra.math.Degree
- acos(Range, Range) - Static method in class de.grogra.vecmath.Range
- Acos - Class in de.grogra.math
- Acos() - Constructor for class de.grogra.math.Acos
- ACos - Class in de.grogra.blocks.functionParser
- ACos(Expr) - Constructor for class de.grogra.blocks.functionParser.ACos
- ACOS - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.functionParser.sym
- ACOS - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.sym
- Acos.Type - Class in de.grogra.math
- acropetal - Class in de.grogra.rgg
- acropetal() - Constructor for class de.grogra.rgg.acropetal
- action - Variable in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.syntax.ParserRule
- ACTION_BAR - Static variable in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.View
- ACTION_BAR_LAYER - Static variable in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.View
Action bar layer.
- ACTION_COUNT - Static variable in class
- ACTION_COUNT - Static variable in class
- ACTION_COUNT - Static variable in class
- ACTION_DELETE - Static variable in interface
- ACTION_FLAGS - Static variable in interface
- ACTION_HINTS - Static variable in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.syntax.ParserRule
- ACTION_MOVE - Static variable in interface
- action_obj - Variable in class de.grogra.blocks.functionParser.parser
Instance of action encapsulation class.
- action_obj - Variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.parser
Instance of action encapsulation class.
- ACTION_OPEN - Static variable in interface
- ACTION_RENAME - Static variable in interface
- ACTION_SELECT - Static variable in interface
- action_table() - Method in class de.grogra.blocks.functionParser.parser
Access to parse-action table.
- action_table() - Method in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.parser
Access to parse-action table.
- actionBar() - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.View
Shows the action bar if needed, and sends keyboard focus there.
- ActionBar - Class in org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui
Action invocation bar.
- ActionBar(View, boolean) - Constructor for class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.ActionBar
- ActionContext - Class in org.gjt.sp.jedit
Manages a collection of action sets.
- ActionContext() - Constructor for class org.gjt.sp.jedit.ActionContext
- ActionEditEvent - Class in
- ActionEditEvent(String, int) - Constructor for class
- ActionEditEvent(String, ActionEvent) - Constructor for class
- ActionEditEvent(String, Object, int) - Constructor for class
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class de.grogra.gpuflux.tracer.FluxTracer.MsgBox
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.EditAction.Wrapper
Called when the user selects this action from a menu.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.MarkerViewer
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.OptionsDialog
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.SelectLineRange
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.jedit.options.TabbedOptionDialog
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel
Handles action events generated by the popup menu.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.editor.DefaultLogAxisEditor
Handles actions from within the property panel.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.editor.DefaultPolarPlotEditor
Handles actions from within the property panel.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.PolarChartPanel
Handles action events generated by the popup menu.
- actions - Variable in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.JEditActionSet
- actionSet - Variable in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.GrabKeyDialog.KeyBinding
- ActionSet - Class in org.gjt.sp.jedit
A set of actions, either loaded from an XML file, or constructed at runtime by a plugin.
- ActionSet() - Constructor for class org.gjt.sp.jedit.ActionSet
Creates a new action set.
- ActionSet(String) - Constructor for class org.gjt.sp.jedit.ActionSet
Creates a new action set.
- ActionSet(PluginJAR, String[], boolean[], URL) - Constructor for class org.gjt.sp.jedit.ActionSet
Creates a new action set.
- actionsURI - Variable in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.PluginJAR.PluginCacheEntry
- activate() - Method in class
- ACTIVATED - Static variable in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.msg.DockableWindowUpdate
Dockable activated.
- ACTIVATED - Static variable in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.msg.PluginUpdate
Plugin activated.
- ACTIVATED - Static variable in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.msg.ViewUpdate
Active view changed.
- activateGLSLShader(OpenGLState, GLSLDisplay) - Method in class de.grogra.glsl.utility.Drawable
- activateGLSLShader(OpenGLState, GLSLDisplay, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.glsl.utility.Drawable
- activateGLSLShader(OpenGLState, GLSLDisplay, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.glsl.utility.Drawable
- activateImpl() - Method in class de.grogra.grogra.DTDSourceFile
- activateImpl() - Method in class de.grogra.mtg.MTGSourceFile
- activateImpl() - Method in class
- activateImpl() - Method in class
- activateImpl() - Method in class
- activateImpl() - Method in class
- activateImpl() - Method in class
- activateImpl() - Method in class
- activateImpl() - Method in class
- activateImpl() - Method in class
If the file do not exist.
- activateImpl() - Method in class
- activateImpl() - Method in class
- activateImpl() - Method in class
- activateItems() - Method in class
- activatePlugin() - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.PluginJAR
Loads the plugin core class.
- activatePluginIfNecessary() - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.PluginJAR
Should be called after a new plugin is installed.
- activateShader(OpenGLState, GLSLDisplay, Shader, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.glsl.renderable.GLSLPlane
- activateShader(OpenGLState, GLSLDisplay, Shader, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.glsl.renderable.GLSLRenderable
- activateShader(OpenGLState, GLSLDisplay, Object) - Method in class de.grogra.glsl.utility.GLSLShader
Only public method.
- activateTextures(GL, int[], int) - Static method in class de.grogra.glsl.renderpass.RenderPass
- activateTextures(GL, int[], int, int) - Static method in class de.grogra.glsl.renderpass.RenderPass
Bind Textures present in img-Array.
- activationStamp - Variable in class
- active - Variable in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.ShortcutPrefixActiveEvent
Description of the Field
- ACTIVE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.sym
- ACTIVE - Static variable in class
- activeCount() - Method in class
returns the number of objects are still moving
- activeTab(int) - Method in class de.grogra.greenlab.GreenLabGeometryPanel
- activeTab(int) - Method in class de.grogra.greenlab.GreenLabGlobalPanel
- activeTab(int) - Method in class de.grogra.greenlab.GreenLabGrowthAllometryPanel
- activeTab(int) - Method in class de.grogra.greenlab.GreenLabGrowthPanel
- activeTab(int) - Method in class de.grogra.greenlab.GreenLabGrowthSinkPanel
- activeTab(int) - Method in class de.grogra.greenlab.GreenLabGrowthSourcePanel
- activeTab(int) - Method in class de.grogra.greenlab.GreenLabOutputPanel
- activeTab(int) - Method in class de.grogra.greenlab.GreenLabTopologyPanel
- actRenderingStage - Static variable in class de.grogra.ray2.tracing.MetropolisRenderer
- actualArguments - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.scope.Members.Applicability
- Adapter() - Constructor for class de.grogra.graph.impl.GraphTransaction.Consumer.Adapter
- Adapter() - Constructor for class de.grogra.persistence.Transaction.Consumer.Adapter
- adaptImage(BufferedImage, int, int) - Static method in class de.grogra.imp3d.anaglyph.ImageTool
Methode Aendert bild Groesse so das Proportionen werde beibechalten
- ADAPTIVE_SUPERSAMPLING - Static variable in class de.grogra.ray.Raytracer
- AdaptiveSupersampling - Class in de.grogra.ray.antialiasing
The adaptive supersampling algorithm is a nonuniform supersampling algorithm.
- AdaptiveSupersampling() - Constructor for class de.grogra.ray.antialiasing.AdaptiveSupersampling
- add - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.Neighbors
- add() - Method in class de.grogra.imp.PickList
- add(boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.BooleanList
as last element to this list. - add(byte) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.ByteList
as last element to this list. - add(char) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.CharList
as last element to this list. - add(char[], byte) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.syntax.KeywordMap
Adds a key-value mapping.
- add(double) - Method in class de.grogra.imp.PickList
- add(double) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.DoubleList
as last element to this list. - add(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3d
Adds a scalar to each component of this matrix.
- add(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Adds a scalar to each component of this matrix.
- add(double, double) - Method in class
Adds a data item to the series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(double, double, boolean) - Method in class
Adds a data item to the series and, if requested, sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(double, double, double, double) - Method in class
Adds a data item to the series.
- add(double, double, double, double) - Method in class
Adds a data item to the series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(double, double, double, double) - Method in class
Adds a data item to the series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class
Adds a data item to the series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(double, double, Comparable, Comparable) - Method in class
Adds a mean and standard deviation to the table.
- add(double, double, String) - Method in class
Adds a data item to this dataset and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(double, Paint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.renderer.LookupPaintScale
Adds an entry to the lookup table.
- add(double, Number) - Method in class
Adds a data item to the series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(double, Number, boolean) - Method in class
Adds a data item to the series and, if requested, sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(double, Matrix3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3d
Adds a scalar to each component of the matrix m1 and places the result into this.
- add(double, Matrix4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Adds a scalar to each component of the matrix m1 and places the result into this.
- add(double, RectangleEdge) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.axis.AxisSpace
Adds space to the top, bottom, left or right edge of the plot area.
- add(float) - Method in class de.grogra.ray2.radiosity.FormFactor
Adds the given value to the FormFactor value
- add(float) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.FloatList
as last element to this list. - add(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3f
Adds a scalar to each component of this matrix.
- add(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Adds a scalar to each component of this matrix.
- add(float[]) - Method in class org.jagatoo.util.geometry.Polygon
- add(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in class org.jagatoo.util.arrays.ArrayVector
Adds the array a componentwise to the array b and puts the result into o.
- add(float, float, float) - Method in class org.jagatoo.util.geometry.Polygon
- add(float, Matrix3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3f
Adds a scalar to each component of the matrix m1 and places the result into this.
- add(float, Matrix4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Adds a scalar to each component of the matrix m1 and places the result into this.
- add(int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.IntList
as last element to this list. - add(int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.XBitSet
- add(int) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.util.IntegerArray
- add(int, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.BooleanList
at positionindex
to this list. - add(int, byte) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.ByteList
at positionindex
to this list. - add(int, char) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.CharList
at positionindex
to this list. - add(int, double) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.DoubleList
at positionindex
to this list. - add(int, float) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.FloatList
at positionindex
to this list. - add(int, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.IntList
at positionindex
to this list. - add(int, int, int) - Method in class org.jagatoo.loaders.models.obj.OBJFace
- add(int, long) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.LongList
at positionindex
to this list. - add(int, short) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.ShortList
at positionindex
to this list. - add(int, DockComponent) - Method in interface de.grogra.docking.DockContainer
- add(int, DockComponent) - Method in class de.grogra.docking.DockContentPane
- add(int, DockComponent) - Method in class de.grogra.docking.DockSplitPane
- add(int, DockComponent) - Method in class de.grogra.docking.DockTabbedPane
- add(int, Path) - Method in class de.grogra.imp.edit.ViewSelection
- add(int, Item) - Method in class
- add(int, VideoImage) - Method in class
Add a
at a specified position in the sequence. - add(int, VideoImage) - Method in interface
Add a
at a specified position in the sequence. - add(int, VideoImage) - Method in class
- add(int, E) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.ObjectList
at positionindex
to this list. - add(int, String) - Method in class de.grogra.grammar.ASTWithToken
- add(int, V) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.IntHashMap
- add(long) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.LongList
as last element to this list. - add(long, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.LongToIntHashMap
- add(long, V) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.LongHashMap
- add(short) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.ShortList
as last element to this list. - add(AST) - Method in class de.grogra.grammar.ASTWithToken
- add(ChemicalReaction, double) - Method in class de.grogra.chem.Model
- add(ChemicalReaction, double, double) - Method in class de.grogra.chem.Model
- add(ChemicalTerm) - Method in class de.grogra.chem.ChemicalExpression
- add(CLIComponent) - Method in class de.grogra.cli.ui.CLIContainer
- add(CLIComponent, Object) - Method in class de.grogra.cli.ui.CLIContainer
- add(CLIComponent, Object, int) - Method in class de.grogra.cli.ui.CLIContainer
- add(GLSLRenderable, Shader, GLSLMaterial, boolean, int, Matrix4d, Matrix4d) - Method in class de.grogra.glsl.utility.DrawableContainer
- add(Measurement) - Method in class de.grogra.gpuflux.scene.experiment.Measurement
Adds a measurement vector to this measurement.
- add(RecognitionException) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- add(Attribute) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.AttributeSet
- add(AttributeAccessor) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.AccessorMap
- add(Attribute, Attribute) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.AttributeDependencies
- add(Arrow, GeneralPath, boolean, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.Arrow
- add(BoundingBox) - Method in class de.grogra.lignum.stlLignum.BoundingBox
- add(ManageableType.Field) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.IndirectField
- add(PersistenceField) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.IndirectField
- add(Transaction.Key, Transaction.Data) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.LogStore
- add(Item) - Method in class
- add(ComponentWrapper) - Method in class de.grogra.cli.ui.CLIContainer
- add(Context) - Static method in class
- add(UITreePipeline.Transformer) - Method in class
- add(Collector) - Method in interface de.grogra.ray.physics.Collector
This method combines to collectors to one single collector by add every corresponding value.
- add(Collector) - Method in class de.grogra.ray.physics.Collector3d
To combine two Collector-instances.
- add(Collector) - Method in class de.grogra.ray.physics.CollectorW3d
To combine two Collector-instances.
- add(Shader, Vector3d[]) - Method in class de.grogra.ray2.radiosity.GroupListBuilder
Converts a list of vertices into a patch group.
- add(Shader, Vector3d[], Color3f) - Method in class de.grogra.ray2.radiosity.GroupListBuilder
Converts a list of vertices into a patch group.
- add(Spectrum) - Method in class de.grogra.ray.physics.Collector3d
Add the newSpectrum to the spectrum of this Collector-instance and update the statistics.
- add(Spectrum) - Method in class de.grogra.ray.physics.Collector3dList
- add(Spectrum) - Method in class de.grogra.ray.physics.CollectorW3d
Add the newSpectrum to the spectrum of this Collector-instance and update the statistics.
- add(Spectrum) - Method in interface de.grogra.ray.physics.Spectrum
Adds the function
to this function. - add(Spectrum) - Method in class de.grogra.ray.physics.Spectrum3d
- add(Spectrum) - Method in class de.grogra.ray.physics.Spectrum3f
- add(SubPatch, double, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.ray2.radiosity.ZPixel
Adds a patch to this pixel.
- add(Vector3d[], Color3f, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.ray2.radiosity.GroupListBuilder
Converts a list of vertices into a patch group.
- add(Field) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.IndirectField
- add(FieldChain) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.IndirectField
- add(Member, Scope, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.scope.Members
- add(ConcurrentTask) - Method in class de.grogra.rgg.ConcurrentTasks
Adds a task to be solved during
. - add(PTask) - Method in class de.grogra.util.concurrent.PTaskManager
Adds a task to be solved during
. - add(Configurable) - Method in class de.grogra.util.ConfigurationSet
Adds the configurations of
to this set by invokingConfigurable.addConfigurations(ConfigurationSet)
. - add(Configuration) - Method in class de.grogra.util.ConfigurationSet
to this set. - add(Map, Map) - Static method in class de.grogra.util.Map.Chain
- add(Unit) - Method in class de.grogra.util.Quantity
- add(Volume, Line, double, int) - Method in class de.grogra.vecmath.geom.IntersectionList
Appends an intersection element to this list and returns the appended instance.
- add(Volume, Line, double, int, int) - Method in class de.grogra.vecmath.geom.IntersectionList
Appends an intersection element to this list and returns the appended instance.
- add(Range, Range, Range) - Static method in class de.grogra.vecmath.Range
- add(VideoImage) - Method in class
Add a
at the end of the sequence. - add(VideoImage) - Method in interface
Add a
at the end of the sequence. - add(VideoImage) - Method in class
- add(Expression) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.expr.Expression
- add(Vector) - Method in class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.geometry.GrahamScanConvexHull2D
Add a single point to the list (this does not compute the hull!)
- add(Vector) - Method in class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.geometry.SweepHullDelaunay2D
Add a single point to the list (this does not compute or update the triangulation!)
- add(E) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.EHashMap
- add(E) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.ObjectList
as last element to this list. - add(Comparable, Object) - Method in class
Adds new data to the series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(Comparable, Object, boolean) - Method in class
Adds new data to the series and, if requested, sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(Number) - Method in class
- add(Number, Number) - Method in class
- add(Number, Number) - Method in class
Adds a new data item to the series (in the correct position if the
flag is set for the series) and sends aSeriesChangeEvent
to all registered listeners. - add(Number, Number, boolean) - Method in class
Adds new data to the series and, if requested, sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(Number, Number, Comparable, Comparable) - Method in class
Adds a mean and standard deviation to the table.
- add(Number, Number, Number) - Method in class
- add(Number, Number, String, boolean) - Method in class
Adds a data item to this dataset and, if requested, sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(Object) - Method in class de.grogra.math.util.OpenAddressingSet
- add(Object) - Method in class
- add(Object, float) - Method in class
- add(String) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.bsh.classpath.BshClassPath.AmbiguousName
- add(String, byte) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.syntax.KeywordMap
Adds a key-value mapping.
- add(String, double) - Method in class de.grogra.util.Quantity
- add(String, Object) - Method in class
- add(String, Object, float) - Method in class
- add(String, OBJMaterial) - Method in class org.jagatoo.loaders.models.obj.OBJFaceList
- add(URL) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.bsh.classpath.BshClassPath
- add(URL[]) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.bsh.classpath.BshClassPath
- add(Date, BoxAndWhiskerItem) - Method in class
Adds an item to the dataset and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(Enumeration<E>) - Method in class de.grogra.util.CompoundEnumeration
- add(List, Comparable, Comparable) - Method in class
Adds a list of values relating to one box-and-whisker entity to the table.
- add(List, Comparable, Comparable) - Method in class
Adds a list of values to the dataset (
and Double.NaN items are automatically removed) and sends aDatasetChangeEvent
to all registered listeners. - add(GMatrix) - Method in class javax.vecmath.GMatrix
Sets the value of this matrix to sum of itself and matrix m1.
- add(GMatrix, GMatrix) - Method in class javax.vecmath.GMatrix
Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix sum of matrices m1 and m2.
- add(GVector) - Method in class javax.vecmath.GVector
Sets the value of this vector to sum of itself and the specified vector
- add(GVector, GVector) - Method in class javax.vecmath.GVector
Sets the value of this vector to the vector sum of vectors vector1 and vector2.
- add(Matrix3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3d
Sets the value of this matrix to sum of itself and matrix m1.
- add(Matrix3d, Matrix3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3d
Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix sum of matrices m1 and m2.
- add(Matrix3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3f
Sets the value of this matrix to sum of itself and matrix m1.
- add(Matrix3f, Matrix3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3f
Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix sum of matrices m1 and m2.
- add(Matrix4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Sets the value of this matrix to sum of itself and matrix m1.
- add(Matrix4d, Matrix4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix sum of matrices m1 and m2.
- add(Matrix4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Sets the value of this matrix to sum of itself and matrix m1.
- add(Matrix4f, Matrix4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix sum of matrices m1 and m2.
- add(Tuple2d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2d
Sets the value of this tuple to the vector sum of itself and tuple t1.
- add(Tuple2d, Tuple2d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2d
Sets the value of this tuple to the vector sum of tuples t1 and t2.
- add(Tuple2f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2f
Sets the value of this tuple to the vector sum of itself and tuple t1.
- add(Tuple2f, Tuple2f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2f
Sets the value of this tuple to the vector sum of tuples t1 and t2.
- add(Tuple3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3d
Sets the value of this tuple to the vector sum of itself and tuple t1.
- add(Tuple3d, Tuple3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3d
Sets the value of this tuple to the vector sum of tuples t1 and t2.
- add(Tuple3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3f
Sets the value of this tuple to the vector sum of itself and tuple t1.
- add(Tuple3f, Tuple3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3f
Sets the value of this tuple to the vector sum of tuples t1 and t2.
- add(Tuple4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4d
Sets the value of this tuple to the vector sum of itself and tuple t1.
- add(Tuple4d, Tuple4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4d
Sets the value of this tuple to the vector sum of tuples t1 and t2.
- add(Tuple4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4f
Sets the value of this tuple to the vector sum of itself and tuple t1.
- add(Tuple4f, Tuple4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4f
Sets the value of this tuple to the vector sum of tuples t1 and t2.
- add(K, V) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.XHashMap
- add(KeywordMap) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.syntax.KeywordMap
Adds the content of another keyword map to this one.
- add(Axis, RectangleEdge) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.axis.AxisCollection
Adds an axis to the collection.
- add(TickUnit) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.axis.TickUnits
Adds a tick unit to the collection.
- add(Block) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.BlockContainer
Adds a block to the container.
- add(Block, Object) - Method in interface org.jfree.chart.block.Arrangement
Adds a block and a key which can be used to determine the position of the block in the arrangement.
- add(Block, Object) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.BlockContainer
Adds a block to the container.
- add(Block, Object) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.BorderArrangement
Adds a block to the arrangement manager at the specified edge.
- add(Block, Object) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.CenterArrangement
Adds a block to be managed by this instance.
- add(Block, Object) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.ColumnArrangement
Adds a block to be managed by this instance.
- add(Block, Object) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.FlowArrangement
Adds a block to be managed by this instance.
- add(Block, Object) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.GridArrangement
Adds a block and a key which can be used to determine the position of the block in the arrangement.
- add(ChartEntity) - Method in interface org.jfree.chart.entity.EntityCollection
Adds an entity to the collection.
- add(ChartEntity) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.entity.StandardEntityCollection
Adds an entity to the collection.
- add(LegendItem) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.LegendItemCollection
Adds a legend item to the collection.
- add(CategoryPlot) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.CombinedDomainCategoryPlot
Adds a subplot to the combined chart and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(CategoryPlot) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.CombinedRangeCategoryPlot
Adds a subplot (with a default 'weight' of 1) and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(CategoryPlot, int) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.CombinedDomainCategoryPlot
Adds a subplot to the combined chart and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(CategoryPlot, int) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.CombinedRangeCategoryPlot
Adds a subplot and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(XYPlot) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.CombinedDomainXYPlot
Adds a subplot (with a default 'weight' of 1) and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(XYPlot) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.CombinedRangeXYPlot
Adds a subplot, with a default 'weight' of 1.
- add(XYPlot, int) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.CombinedDomainXYPlot
Adds a subplot with the specified weight and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(XYPlot, int) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.CombinedRangeXYPlot
Adds a subplot with a particular weight (greater than or equal to one).
- add(Outlier) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.renderer.OutlierList
Adds an outlier to the list.
- add(Outlier) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.renderer.OutlierListCollection
Appends the specified element as a new
to the end of this list if it does not overlap an outlier in an existing list. - add(ComparableObjectItem, boolean) - Method in class
Adds a data item to the series and, if requested, sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(Task) - Method in class
Adds a task to the series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(TaskSeries) - Method in class
Adds a series to the dataset and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(BoxAndWhiskerItem, Comparable, Comparable) - Method in class
Adds a list of values relating to one Box and Whisker entity to the table.
- add(OHLCItem) - Method in class
Adds a data item to the series.
- add(RegularTimePeriod, double) - Method in class
Adds a new data item to the series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(RegularTimePeriod, double, boolean) - Method in class
Adds a new data item to the series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(RegularTimePeriod, double, double, double, double) - Method in class
Adds a data item to the series.
- add(RegularTimePeriod, Number) - Method in class
Adds a new data item to the series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(RegularTimePeriod, Number, boolean) - Method in class
Adds a new data item to the series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(TimePeriod, double) - Method in class
Adds a new data item to the series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(TimePeriod, double, Comparable) - Method in class
Adds a new data item to the dataset and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(TimePeriod, Number) - Method in class
Adds a new data item to the series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(TimePeriod, Number, Comparable, boolean) - Method in class
Adds a new data item to the dataset and, if requested, sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(TimePeriodValue) - Method in class
Adds a data item to the series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(TimeSeriesDataItem) - Method in class
Adds a data item to the series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(TimeSeriesDataItem, boolean) - Method in class
Adds a data item to the series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(VectorDataItem, boolean) - Method in class
Adds a data item to the series and, if requested, sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(XIntervalDataItem, boolean) - Method in class
Adds a data item to the series and, if requested, sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(XYDataItem) - Method in class
Adds a data item to the series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(XYDataItem, boolean) - Method in class
Adds a data item to the series and, if requested, sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(XYIntervalDataItem, boolean) - Method in class
Adds a data item to the series and, if requested, sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(YIntervalDataItem, boolean) - Method in class
Adds a data item to the series and, if requested, sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(Color) - Method in class org.sunflow.image.Color
- add(Color, Color) - Static method in class org.sunflow.image.Color
- add(Color, Color, Color) - Static method in class org.sunflow.image.Color
- Add - Class in de.grogra.xl.expr
- Add() - Constructor for class de.grogra.xl.expr.Add
- ADD - Static variable in interface de.grogra.grogra.LSYTokenTypes
- ADD - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.compiler.CompilerTokenTypes
- ADD - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.parser.XLTokenTypes
- ADD_ASSIGN - Static variable in interface de.grogra.grogra.LSYTokenTypes
- ADD_ASSIGN - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.compiler.CompilerTokenTypes
- ADD_ASSIGN - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.parser.XLTokenTypes
- ADD_BYTE - Static variable in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- ADD_CHAR - Static variable in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- ADD_DOUBLE - Static variable in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- ADD_EDGE_BITS - Static variable in class de.grogra.graph.impl.GraphTransaction
- ADD_EDGE_DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.GraphQueue
- add_escapes(String) - Method in exception org.gjt.sp.jedit.bsh.ParseException
Used to convert raw characters to their escaped version when these raw version cannot be used as part of an ASCII string literal.
- ADD_FILE - Static variable in interface
- ADD_FLOAT - Static variable in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- ADD_INT - Static variable in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- ADD_LONG - Static variable in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- ADD_MEMBER - Static variable in exception de.grogra.xl.compiler.ProblemReporter
- ADD_NODE_DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.GraphQueue
- ADD_SHORT - Static variable in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- ADD_UNDIRECTED_EDGE_DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.GraphQueue
- AddAbbrevDialog - Class in org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui
Dialog displayed when expanding an unknown abbreviation
- AddAbbrevDialog(View, String) - Constructor for class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.AddAbbrevDialog
- addAccessor(AttributeAccessor) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.Node.NType
- addAction(E) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.JEditActionSet
Adds an action to the action set.
- addAction(EditAction) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.ActionSet
Adds an action to the action set.
- addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class
- addActionSet(E) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.JEditActionContext
- addActionSet(ActionSet) - Static method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.jEdit
Adds a new action set to jEdit's list of ActionSets (viewable from the shortcuts option pane).
- addActionSet(JEditActionSet<JEditBeanShellAction>) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.TextArea
Adds a new action set to the textarea's list of ActionSets.
- addAll(boolean[], int, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.BooleanList
components ofv
to this list, starting at indexbegin
. - addAll(byte[], int, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.ByteList
components ofv
to this list, starting at indexbegin
. - addAll(char[], int, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.CharList
components ofv
to this list, starting at indexbegin
. - addAll(double[], int, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.DoubleList
components ofv
to this list, starting at indexbegin
. - addAll(float[], int, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.FloatList
components ofv
to this list, starting at indexbegin
. - addAll(int[], int, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.IntList
components ofv
to this list, starting at indexbegin
. - addAll(long[], int, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.LongList
components ofv
to this list, starting at indexbegin
. - addAll(short[], int, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.ShortList
components ofv
to this list, starting at indexbegin
. - addAll(RecognitionException[]) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addAll(RecognitionExceptionList) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addAll(BooleanList) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.BooleanList
Appends all elements of
to this list. - addAll(ByteList) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.ByteList
Appends all elements of
to this list. - addAll(CharList) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.CharList
Appends all elements of
to this list. - addAll(DoubleList) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.DoubleList
Appends all elements of
to this list. - addAll(FloatList) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.FloatList
Appends all elements of
to this list. - addAll(IntList) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.IntList
Appends all elements of
to this list. - addAll(LongList) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.LongList
Appends all elements of
to this list. - addAll(ObjectList<? extends E>) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.ObjectList
Appends all elements of
to this list. - addAll(ShortList) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.ShortList
Appends all elements of
to this list. - addAll(Object[]) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.util.StringList
- addAll(Object[], int, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.ObjectList
components ofv
to this list, starting at indexbegin
. - addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.ObjectList
Appends all elements of
to this list. - addAll(EntityCollection) - Method in interface org.jfree.chart.entity.EntityCollection
Adds the entities from another collection to this collection.
- addAll(EntityCollection) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.entity.StandardEntityCollection
Adds all the entities from the specified collection.
- addAll(LegendItemCollection) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.LegendItemCollection
Adds the legend items from another collection to this collection.
- addAllArguments(String[]) - Method in class de.grogra.rchart.Rchart.PlotOption
add arguments to the command/plot function
- addAminoAcid(AminoAcid) - Method in class de.grogra.ext.pdb.model.AminoSequence
- addAminoSequence(AminoSequence) - Method in class de.grogra.ext.pdb.model.Protein
- addAndOrUpdate(TimeSeries) - Method in class
Adds or updates data from one series to another.
- addAnnotation(CategoryAnnotation) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot
Adds an annotation to the plot and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addAnnotation(CategoryAnnotation, boolean) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot
Adds an annotation to the plot and, if requested, sends a
to all registered listeners. - addAnnotation(XYAnnotation) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot
Adds an annotation to the plot and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addAnnotation(XYAnnotation) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.AbstractXYItemRenderer
Adds an annotation and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addAnnotation(XYAnnotation) - Method in interface org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYItemRenderer
Adds an annotation and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addAnnotation(XYAnnotation, boolean) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot
Adds an annotation to the plot and, if requested, sends a
to all registered listeners. - addAnnotation(XYAnnotation, Layer) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.AbstractXYItemRenderer
Adds an annotation to the specified layer and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addAnnotation(XYAnnotation, Layer) - Method in interface org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYItemRenderer
Adds an annotation to the specified layer.
- addAny(AST, AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addArgument(String) - Method in class de.grogra.rchart.Rchart.PlotOption
add argument to the command/plot function
- addAtom(Atom) - Method in class de.grogra.ext.pdb.model.AminoAcid
Adds an atom to this amino acid
- addAttribute(String, String, String) - Method in class de.grogra.sqlite.AttributesWrapper
- addAttributeChangeListener(AttributeChangeListener) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.EventSupport
- addAttributeChangeListener(AttributeChangeListener) - Method in interface de.grogra.graph.Graph
- addAttributeChangeListener(AttributeChangeListener) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.GraphBase
- addAttributeChangeListener(AttributeChangeListener) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.GraphManager
- addAttributeChangeListener(Object, boolean, AttributeChangeListener) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.EventSupport
- addAttributeChangeListener(Object, boolean, AttributeChangeListener) - Method in interface de.grogra.graph.Graph
- addAttributeChangeListener(Object, boolean, AttributeChangeListener) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.GraphBase
- addAttributeChangeListener(Object, boolean, AttributeChangeListener) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.GraphManager
- addAttributes(StringBuilder) - Method in class
Adds HTML describing the attributes of this tag to a buffer.
- addAutoCompletionListener(AutoCompletionListener) - Method in class
Adds a listener interested in popup window events from this instance.
- addB$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.BlockColor
- addBatch() - Method in interface de.grogra.sqlite.DataBaseStatement
- addBatch() - Method in class de.grogra.sqlite.FakeStatement
- addBatch() - Method in class de.grogra.sqlite.SQLStatementWrapper
- addBatch(String) - Method in class de.grogra.sqlite.FakeStatement
- addBin(SimpleHistogramBin) - Method in class
Adds a bin to the dataset.
- addBlock(Expression, AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addBottomLeftComponent(Component) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.TextArea
Adds a component below the gutter.
- addBottomRightComponent(Component) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.TextArea
Adds a component below the vertical scroll bar.
- addBrowserListener(BrowserListener) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.browser.VFSBrowser
- addBuffer(Buffer) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.bufferset.BufferSet
- addBuffer(EditPane, Buffer) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.bufferset.BufferSetManager
Add a buffer into the given editPane.
- addBuffer(View, Buffer) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.bufferset.BufferSetManager
Add a buffer into the current editPane of the given view.
- addBufferAt(Buffer, int) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.bufferset.BufferSet
- addBufferListener(BufferListener) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.buffer.JEditBuffer
Adds a buffer change listener.
- addBufferListener(BufferListener, int) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.buffer.JEditBuffer
Adds a buffer change listener.
- addBufferSetListener(BufferSetListener) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.bufferset.BufferSet
Add a BufferSetListener.
- addBufferUndoListener(BufferUndoListener) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.Buffer
Adds a buffer undo listener.
- addButton(JButton) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.PingPongList
- addButton(JComponent) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.AbstractContextOptionPane
Adds a widget to the "buttons" panel at the bottom.
- addByte(PersistenceCapable, PersistenceField, int[], byte) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- addCachedChannelMap(FluxChannelMap, ChannelMap, Object) - Method in class
- addCandidateVersionListener(Version.VersionListener) - Method in class
- addCaretListener(CaretListener) - Method in interface
Add a listener to the caret object
- addCaretListener(CaretListener) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.TextArea
Adds a caret change listener to this text area.
- addCategoryLabelToolTip(Comparable, String) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.axis.CategoryAxis
Adds a tooltip to the specified category and sends an
to all registered listeners. - addCategoryLabelURL(Comparable, String) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.axis.CategoryAxis
Adds a URL (to be used in image maps) to the specified category and sends an
to all registered listeners. - addCell() - Method in class
- addChangeBoundaryListener(ChangeBoundaryListener) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.EventSupport
- addChangeBoundaryListener(ChangeBoundaryListener) - Method in interface de.grogra.graph.Graph
- addChangeBoundaryListener(ChangeBoundaryListener) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.GraphBase
- addChangeBoundaryListener(ChangeBoundaryListener) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.GraphManager
- addChangeEventListener(ChangeListener) - Static method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.ShortcutPrefixActiveEvent
Adds a feature to the ChangeEventListener attribute of the ShortcutPrefixActiveEvent class
- addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.print.PrintPreviewPane
- addChangeListener(AnnotationChangeListener) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.annotations.AbstractAnnotation
Registers an object to receive notification of changes to the annotation.
- addChangeListener(AnnotationChangeListener) - Method in interface org.jfree.chart.annotations.Annotation
Registers an object for notification of changes to the annotation.
- addChangeListener(AxisChangeListener) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.axis.Axis
Registers an object for notification of changes to the axis.
- addChangeListener(ChartChangeListener) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart
Registers an object for notification of changes to the chart.
- addChangeListener(MarkerChangeListener) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.Marker
Registers an object for notification of changes to the marker.
- addChangeListener(OverlayChangeListener) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.panel.AbstractOverlay
Registers an object for notification of changes to the overlay.
- addChangeListener(OverlayChangeListener) - Method in interface org.jfree.chart.panel.Overlay
Registers a change listener with the overlay.
- addChangeListener(PlotChangeListener) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.Plot
Registers an object for notification of changes to the plot.
- addChangeListener(RendererChangeListener) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.renderer.AbstractRenderer
Registers an object to receive notification of changes to the renderer.
- addChangeListener(RendererChangeListener) - Method in interface org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.CategoryItemRenderer
Adds a change listener.
- addChangeListener(RendererChangeListener) - Method in interface org.jfree.chart.renderer.PolarItemRenderer
Adds a change listener.
- addChangeListener(RendererChangeListener) - Method in interface org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYItemRenderer
Add a renderer change listener.
- addChangeListener(TitleChangeListener) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.title.Title
Registers an object for notification of changes to the title.
- addChangeListener(DialLayerChangeListener) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.dial.AbstractDialLayer
Registers an object for notification of changes to the dial layer.
- addChangeListener(DialLayerChangeListener) - Method in interface org.jfree.chart.plot.dial.DialLayer
Registers a listener with this layer, so that it receives notification of changes to this layer.
- addChangeListener(DatasetChangeListener) - Method in class
- addChangeListener(DatasetChangeListener) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.CyclicXYItemRenderer.OverwriteDataSet
Does nothing.
- addChangeListener(DatasetChangeListener) - Method in class
Registers an object to receive notification of changes to the dataset.
- addChangeListener(DatasetChangeListener) - Method in interface
Registers an object for notification of changes to the dataset.
- addChangeListener(SeriesChangeListener) - Method in class
Registers an object with this series, to receive notification whenever the series changes.
- addChannelMap(FluxChannelMap, ChannelMap) - Method in class
- addChar(PersistenceCapable, PersistenceField, int[], char) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- addChartMouseListener(ChartMouseListener) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel
Adds a listener to the list of objects listening for chart mouse events.
- addChild(long) - Method in class de.grogra.pointcloud.objects.IntermediateCloudNode
- addChild(GLTFNodeWrapper) - Method in class de.grogra.gltf.exporter.GLTFNodeWrapper
- addChild(ObjectInspector.TreeNode) - Method in class de.grogra.imp.ObjectInspector.TreeNode
- addChild(Tree.Node) - Method in class de.grogra.util.Tree.Node
- addChild(Object, Node) - Method in class de.grogra.ext.x3d.X3DParser
- addChild(Node) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.ColumnBlock
- addChild(Node) - Method in interface org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.Node
- addChild(OBJGroup) - Method in class org.jagatoo.loaders.models.obj.OBJGroup
- addChildren(Element) - Method in class de.grogra.sqlite.Element
- addClassPath(URL) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.bsh.BshClassManager
- addClassPath(URL) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.bsh.classpath.ClassManagerImpl
- addColumn() - Method in class
Adds a new column to this dataset and returns it as a dataseries.
- addColumn() - Method in class
- addColumn(Comparable) - Method in class
Adds a new column to this dataset and returns it as a dataseries.
- addColumn(Comparable) - Method in class
- addCommandPath(String, Class) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.bsh.NameSpace
Adds a URL to the command path.
- addCompletion(Completion) - Method in class
Adds a single completion to this provider.
- addCompletionProvider(CompletionProvider) - Method in class de.grogra.autocompletors.RoundRobinAutoCompletion
Adds an additional
to the list to cycle through. - addCompletions(List<Completion>) - Method in class
s to this provider. - addComponent(Component) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.AbstractOptionPane
Adds a component to the option pane.
- addComponent(Component, int) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.AbstractOptionPane
Adds a component to the option pane.
- addComponent(Component, Component) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.AbstractOptionPane
Adds a labeled component to the option pane.
- addComponent(Component, Component, int) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.AbstractOptionPane
Adds a labeled component to the option pane.
- addComponent(Object, Object, Object) - Method in class
- addComponent(Object, Object, Object, int) - Method in class de.grogra.cli.CLIToolkit
- addComponent(Object, Object, Object, int) - Method in class
- addComponent(Object, Object, Object, int) - Method in class
- addComponent(Object, Object, Object, int) - Method in class
- addComponent(String, Component) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.AbstractOptionPane
Adds a labeled component to the option pane.
- addComponent(String, Component, int) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.AbstractOptionPane
Adds a labeled component to the option pane.
- addComponent(BshClassPath) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.bsh.classpath.BshClassPath
Add the specified BshClassPath as a component of our path.
- addComponentsToPane() - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.FilePropertiesDialog
- addComposite(AST, PatternBuilder, EdgeDirection, boolean, AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addCondition(AST, Expression, AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addConfigurations(ConfigurationSet) - Method in class de.grogra.ext.pdb.PDBImport
- addConfigurations(ConfigurationSet) - Method in class
- addConfigurations(ConfigurationSet) - Method in interface de.grogra.util.Configurable
This method is invoked to obtain the configurable options of this
object. - addConnection(Connection) - Method in class de.grogra.imp.IMPWorkbench
- addConstantEdge(AST, EdgeDirection, Type, Serializable, AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addConstructors(FunctionCompletion) - Method in class
- addConstructors(List<FunctionCompletion>) - Method in class
- addConsumer(Object) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.Transaction.Consumer.Multicaster
- addContentDescription(HashMap<String, ContentDescriptionType[]>) - Method in class
Add the ContentDescriptionTypes to the registry.
- addContext(int) - Method in class de.grogra.autocompletors.XLCompletionContext
- addConvexIntersections(double, int, double, int, boolean, Line, int, IntersectionList, Intersection, Intersection) - Method in class de.grogra.vecmath.geom.VolumeBase
- addCoordinates(ClusterPoint) - Method in class de.grogra.pointcloud.clustering.ClusterPoint
Adds the position of the given other point to the position of this point.
- addCornerTextItem(String) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.PolarPlot
Add text to be displayed in the lower right hand corner and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addCurrentToHistory() - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.HistoryText
Adds the currently entered item to the history.
- addCurrentToHistory() - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.HistoryTextArea
Adds the currently entered item to the history.
- addCurrentToHistory() - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.HistoryTextField
Adds the currently entered item to the history.
- addCurve(NURBSCurve) - Static method in class de.grogra.nurbseditor2d.ObjectGeometry2D
- addCurve(NURBSCurve) - Static method in class de.grogra.nurbseditor3d.ObjectGeometry3D
- addCurvePoint(Point4f) - Static method in class de.grogra.nurbseditor3d.ObjectGeometry3D
- addDataset(ValueDataset) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.CompassPlot
Adds a dataset to the compass.
- addDataset(ValueDataset, MeterNeedle) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.CompassPlot
Adds a dataset to the compass.
- addDays(int, SerialDate) - Static method in class
Creates a new date by adding the specified number of days to the base date.
- addDeferred(MassObject) - Method in class
- addDefinitionString(StringBuilder) - Method in class
- addDefinitionString(StringBuilder) - Method in class
- addDefinitionString(StringBuilder) - Method in class
- addDefinitionString(StringBuilder) - Method in class
- addDependency(Attribute, Attribute) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.Node.NType
- addDependency(PatternData) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.Component
- addDockable(Dockable) - Method in interface de.grogra.docking.LayoutConsumer
- addDockableWindow(String) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.DockableWindowManager
Opens the specified dockable window.
- addDockPosition(DockComponent, int, Point, DockShape) - Method in interface de.grogra.docking.DockPositionList
- addDockPositions(DockPositionList, DockComponent, int, Point, Container, DockShape) - Static method in class de.grogra.docking.DockPosition
- addDomainCrosshair(Crosshair) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.panel.CrosshairOverlay
Adds a crosshair against the domain axis (x-axis) and sends an
to all registered listeners. - addDomainMarker(int, CategoryMarker, Layer) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot
Adds a marker for display by a particular renderer and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addDomainMarker(int, CategoryMarker, Layer, boolean) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot
Adds a marker for display by a particular renderer and, if requested, sends a
to all registered listeners. - addDomainMarker(int, Marker, Layer) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot
Adds a marker for a specific dataset/renderer and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addDomainMarker(int, Marker, Layer, boolean) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot
Adds a marker for a specific dataset/renderer and, if requested, sends a
to all registered listeners. - addDomainMarker(CategoryMarker) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot
Adds a marker for display (in the foreground) against the domain axis and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addDomainMarker(CategoryMarker, Layer) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot
Adds a marker for display against the domain axis and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addDomainMarker(Marker) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot
Adds a marker for the domain axis and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addDomainMarker(Marker, Layer) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot
Adds a marker for the domain axis in the specified layer and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addDouble(PersistenceCapable, PersistenceField, int[], double) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- addEdge(AST, EdgeDirection, Expression, AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addEdgeBits(int, Transaction) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.Edge
- addEdgeBits(Node, Node, int) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.GraphTransaction.Consumer.Adapter
- addEdgeBits(Node, Node, int) - Method in interface de.grogra.graph.impl.GraphTransaction.Consumer
- addEdgeBits(Node, Node, int) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.GraphTransaction.Consumer.Multicaster
- addEdgeBits(Node, Node, int) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.GraphTransaction.Dump
- addEdgeBits(Node, Node, int) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.State
- addEdgeBits(Node, Node, int) - Method in class
- addEdgeBits(Node, Node, int, Context) - Static method in class de.grogra.imp.IMP
- addEdgeBits(Object, Object, int) - Method in class de.grogra.rgg.model.Runtime
- addEdgeBits(Object, Object, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.GraphImpl
Adds a set of edge bits from a
node to atarget
node. - addEdgeBits(Object, Object, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.GraphQueue
- addEdgeBits(Object, Object, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.GraphQueueImpl
- addEdgeBits(Object, Object, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.RuntimeModel
Adds a set of edge bits from a
node to atarget
node. - addEdgeBits(Object, Object, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.dom.Graph
- addEdgeBits(Object, Object, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.dom.RuntimeModel
- addEdgeBits(Object, Object, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.simple.Graph
- addEdgeBits(Object, Object, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.simple.RuntimeModel
- addEdgeBitsTo(Node, int, Transaction) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.Node
- addEdgeBitsTo(Node, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.simple.Node
- addEdgeChangeListener(EdgeChangeListener) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.EventSupport
- addEdgeChangeListener(EdgeChangeListener) - Method in interface de.grogra.graph.Graph
- addEdgeChangeListener(EdgeChangeListener) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.GraphBase
- addEdgeChangeListener(EdgeChangeListener) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.GraphManager
- addEdgeChangeListener(Object, boolean, EdgeChangeListener) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.EventSupport
- addEdgeChangeListener(Object, boolean, EdgeChangeListener) - Method in interface de.grogra.graph.Graph
- addEdgeChangeListener(Object, boolean, EdgeChangeListener) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.GraphBase
- addEdgeChangeListener(Object, boolean, EdgeChangeListener) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.GraphManager
- AddEdgeDescriptor() - Constructor for class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.GraphQueue.AddEdgeDescriptor
- addEdgeImpl(Object, Object, int, EdgeDirection) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.Producer
- addEdgePattern(AST, PatternWrapper, ArgumentDescription[], EdgeDirection, AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addElement(MTGBranchElement) - Method in class de.grogra.mtg.MTGBranch
- addEntity(EntityCollection, Shape, CategoryDataset, int, int, double, double) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.AbstractCategoryItemRenderer
Adds an entity to the collection.
- addEntity(EntityCollection, Shape, XYDataset, int, int, double, double) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.renderer.DefaultPolarItemRenderer
Adds an entity to the collection.
- addEntity(EntityCollection, Shape, XYDataset, int, int, double, double) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.AbstractXYItemRenderer
Adds an entity to the collection.
- addEntity(PlotRenderingInfo, Shape, int, String, String) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.annotations.AbstractXYAnnotation
A utility method for adding an
to aPlotRenderingInfo
instance. - addEntryToPool(E) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.EHashMap
- addEscapes(String) - Static method in error org.gjt.sp.jedit.bsh.TokenMgrError
Replaces unprintable characters by their espaced (or unicode escaped) equivalents in the given string
- addEventListener(EventListener) - Method in class de.grogra.imp.View
- addEventListener(EventListener) - Method in class de.grogra.util.EventListener.Multicaster
- addExecutionListener(JobManager.ExecutionListener) - Method in class de.grogra.imp.IMPJobManager
- addExecutionListener(JobManager.ExecutionListener) - Method in interface
- addExecutionListener(JobManager.ExecutionListener) - Method in class de.grogra.projectmanager.JobManagerImpl
- addExplicitFold() - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.JEditTextArea
Surrounds the selection with explicit fold markers.
- addExplicitFold() - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.TextArea
Surrounds the selection with explicit fold markers.
- addExplicitFold(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.TextArea
Add an explicit fold.
- addExpression(AST, Expression, AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addExpression(Expression) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.scope.BlockScope
- addExtension(int, TextAreaExtension) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.Gutter
Adds a text area extension, which can perform custom painting and tool tip handling.
- addExtension(int, TextAreaExtension) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.TextAreaPainter
Adds a text area extension, which can perform custom painting and tool tip handling.
- addExtension(TextAreaExtension) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.Gutter
Adds a text area extension, which can perform custom painting and tool tip handling.
- addExtension(TextAreaExtension) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.TextAreaPainter
Adds a text area extension, which can perform custom painting and tool tip handling.
- addFaces(List<VoronoiCell[]>) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.math.delaunay.Tetrahedron
Add the four faces defined by the tetrahedron to the list of faces
- addFacesCoordinates(List<Point3d[]>) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.math.delaunay.Tetrahedron
Add the four faces defined by the tetrahedron to the list of faces
- addFavorNode(Node) - Method in class de.grogra.rgg.AvoidIntersection
to the list offavorNodes
. - addFields(VariableCompletion) - Method in class
- addFields(List<VariableCompletion>) - Method in class
- addFile(Object, Object, String, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.vfs.FileSystem
- addFile(Object, Object, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.vfs.FileSystem
- addFiles(FileSystem, Object[], boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.ASMTypeLoader
- addFileSystem(FileSystem, String, Object) - Method in class de.grogra.vfs.JoinedFileSystem
- addFileSystemListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class
- addFilterFolding(FilterFolding) - Method in class de.grogra.imp2d.graphs.HighlightFilterData
- addFilterHide(FilterHide) - Method in class de.grogra.imp2d.graphs.HighlightFilterData
- addFilterHighlight(FilterHighlight) - Method in class de.grogra.imp2d.graphs.HighlightFilterData
- addFirstDeepNode(Object) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.FirstLastScale
- addFloat(PersistenceCapable, PersistenceField, int[], float) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- addFloatToFloat(Result, FloatToFloat, ShaderConfiguration) - Static method in class
- addFoldHandler(FoldHandler) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.buffer.DefaultFoldHandlerProvider
Add a new FoldHander.
- addFolding(AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addFragment(TextFragment) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.text.TextLine
Adds a text fragment to the text line.
- addFromFilterSource(Registry, FilterSource, ModifiableMap, Workbench) - Method in class
Reads an object from a given FilterSoruce.
- addFromURL(Registry, URL, ModifiableMap) - Method in class
Reads an object from
. - addFromURL(Registry, URL, ModifiableMap, Workbench) - Method in class
Reads an object from
. - addG$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.BlockColor
- addGlobalAbbrev(String, String) - Static method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.Abbrevs
Adds an abbreviation to the global abbreviation list.
- addGradient(CameraState, CameraState, int) - Method in class de.grogra.flyingcamera.FlyingCamera
- addGradient(CameraState, Camera, int) - Method in class de.grogra.flyingcamera.FlyingCamera
- addGradient(CameraState, String, int) - Method in class de.grogra.flyingcamera.FlyingCamera
- addGradient(Camera, CameraState, int) - Method in class de.grogra.flyingcamera.FlyingCamera
- addGradient(Camera, Camera, int) - Method in class de.grogra.flyingcamera.FlyingCamera
- addGradient(Camera, String, int) - Method in class de.grogra.flyingcamera.FlyingCamera
- addGradient(String, CameraState, int) - Method in class de.grogra.flyingcamera.FlyingCamera
- addGradient(String, Camera, int) - Method in class de.grogra.flyingcamera.FlyingCamera
- addGradient(String, String, int) - Method in class de.grogra.flyingcamera.FlyingCamera
- addGround(float, float) - Method in class
- addGuard(AST, Expression, AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addHelpHistoryModelListener(HelpHistoryModelListener) - Method in class
- addHighlight(int, int, Highlighter.HighlightPainter) - Method in class de.grogra.ext.jedit.OverlySimpleHighlighter
- addIdentityAccessor(ObjectAttribute) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.Node.NType
- addIfNotContained(boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.BooleanList
as last element to this list if is not yet contained as reported byBooleanList.contains(boolean)
. - addIfNotContained(byte) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.ByteList
as last element to this list if is not yet contained as reported byByteList.contains(byte)
. - addIfNotContained(char) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.CharList
as last element to this list if is not yet contained as reported byCharList.contains(char)
. - addIfNotContained(double) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.DoubleList
as last element to this list if is not yet contained as reported byDoubleList.contains(double)
. - addIfNotContained(float) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.FloatList
as last element to this list if is not yet contained as reported byFloatList.contains(float)
. - addIfNotContained(int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.IntList
as last element to this list if is not yet contained as reported byIntList.contains(int)
. - addIfNotContained(long) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.LongList
as last element to this list if is not yet contained as reported byLongList.contains(long)
. - addIfNotContained(short) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.ShortList
as last element to this list if is not yet contained as reported byShortList.contains(short)
. - addIfNotContained(E) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.ObjectList
as last element to this list if is not yet contained as reported byObjectList.contains(Object)
. - addImageObserver(ImageObserver) - Method in class de.grogra.imp.Renderer
- addImpl(CLIComponent, Object, int) - Method in class de.grogra.cli.ui.CLIContainer
- addImpl(Component, Object, int) - Method in class de.grogra.docking.DockSplitPane
- addIncompleteConstructorInvocation(Invoke) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.scope.TypeScope
- addInfinitePrimitive(FluxPrimitive) - Method in class de.grogra.gpuflux.scene.volume.FluxVolumeBuilder
- addInfiniteVolume(Volume) - Method in class de.grogra.vecmath.geom.OctreeUnion
- addInOrder(E, Comparator<? super E>) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.ObjectList
into this ordered list, based onc
. - addInOrder(Comparable<? super E>) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.ObjectList
into this ordered list. - addInt(PersistenceCapable, PersistenceField, int[], int) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- addInterceptedRadiation(double) - Method in class de.grogra.lignum.stlVoxelspace.VoxelBox
- addInterface(Type<?>) - Method in class de.grogra.reflect.IntersectionType
- addInterface(Type<?>) - Method in class de.grogra.reflect.XClass
- addInterval(MeterInterval) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.MeterPlot
Adds an interval and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addIsMultiScaleMatcher(boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.QStateMultiScale
- addIsMultiScaleMatcher(boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.query.QueryState
- addIsMultiScaleMatcher(boolean) - Method in interface de.grogra.xl.query.QueryStateMultiScale
- addItem(Item, Context) - Method in class de.grogra.coolbar.CoolbarItemAdder
- addItem(Item, Object, Context) - Static method in class de.grogra.coolbar.CoolbarConfiguration
- addItem(Comparable, Comparable, Number) - Method in class
Adds an item to the dataset.
- addItem(Comparable, Number) - Method in class
Adds an item to the temporary storage for the series.
- addItem(Comparable, Number) - Method in class
Adds an item to the dataset under construction.
- addItem(String) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.HistoryModel
Adds an item to the end of this history list, trimming the list to the maximum number of items if necessary.
- addItemEntity(EntityCollection, CategoryDataset, int, int, Shape) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.AbstractCategoryItemRenderer
Adds an entity with the specified hotspot.
- ADDITIONAL_FIELDS - Static variable in class de.grogra.graph.impl.Node
- AdditionalArrange - Class in de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock
- AdditionalArrange() - Constructor for class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.AdditionalArrange
- AdditionalArrange(int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.AdditionalArrange
- AdditionalArrange.Type - Class in de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock
- AdditionalArrangeMethod - Interface in de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock
- AdditionalNodeFieldsEditor - Class in
- additions - Variable in class
- additiveExpression() - Method in class de.grogra.grogra.LSYParser
- additiveExpression() - Method in class de.grogra.xl.parser.XLParser
- AdditiveExpression() - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.bsh.Parser
- additiveInverse() - Method in class
Returns the additive inverse of this RationalNumber.
- addJars(URL[], boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.ASMTypeLoader
- addJob(Job) - Method in class
Add a new
to the worker. - addJobListener(JobListener) - Method in class
Add a
to theWorker
. - addKeyBinding(String, E) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.input.AbstractInputHandler
Adds a key binding to this input handler.
- addKeyBinding(String, Object) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.input.AbstractInputHandler
Adds a key binding to this input handler.
- addKeyBinding(String, String) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.input.AbstractInputHandler
Adds a key binding to this input handler.
- addLayer(DialLayer) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.dial.DialPlot
Adds a layer to the plot and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addLayout(Item, Object, Context) - Static method in class
- addLayoutComponent(Component) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.ui.LCBLayout
Not used.
- addLayoutComponent(Component, Object) - Method in class
- addLayoutComponent(Component, Object) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.DockableLayout
- addLayoutComponent(Component, Object) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.ExtendedGridLayout
Adds the specified component to the layout, using the specified constraints object.
- addLayoutComponent(Component, Object) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.VariableGridLayout
Not used in this class.
- addLayoutComponent(String, Component) - Method in class
- addLayoutComponent(String, Component) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.DockableLayout
- addLayoutComponent(String, Component) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.ExtendedGridLayout
If the layout manager uses a per-component string, adds the component
to the layout, associating it with the string specified byname
. - addLayoutComponent(String, Component) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.VariableGridLayout
Not used in this class.
- addLayoutComponent(String, Component) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.ScrollLayout
Adds a component to the layout using the
parameter to position the component. - addLayoutComponent(String, Component) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.ui.LCBLayout
Not used.
- addLeafArea(double) - Method in class de.grogra.lignum.stlVoxelspace.VoxelBox
- addLeafMass(double) - Method in class de.grogra.lignum.stlVoxelspace.VoxelBox
- addLeftListSelectionListener(ListSelectionListener) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.PingPongList
- addLeftOfScrollBar(Component) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.TextArea
Adds a component to the left side of the box left of the vertical scroll bar.
- addLegend(LegendTitle) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart
Adds a legend to the plot and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addLexicalError(I18NBundle, String, AST) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addLexicalError(I18NBundle, String, Token) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addLexicalError(String, AST) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addLexicalError(String, Token) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addLexicalWarning(I18NBundle, String, AST) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addLexicalWarning(I18NBundle, String, Token) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addLexicalWarning(String, AST) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addLexicalWarning(String, Token) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addLine(String, Font, Paint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.text.TextBlock
Adds a line of text that will be displayed using the specified font.
- addLine(TextLine) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.text.TextBlock
Adds a
to the block. - addList(String, Object[]) - Method in class de.grogra.api.APIReturn
Creating a JSONArray from a array of Strings and adding it, to the return data based on the given key.
- addList(String, Object[]) - Method in class de.grogra.api.APIRunner
- addList(String, StackTraceElement[]) - Method in class de.grogra.api.APIReturn
Creating a JSONArray from a array of Strings and adding it, to the return data based on the given key.
- addList(String, JSONArray) - Method in class de.grogra.api.APIRunner
- addListDataListener(ListDataListener) - Method in class de.grogra.msml.MSNode
- addListDataListener(ListDataListener) - Method in class
- addListDataListener(ListDataListener) - Method in class de.grogra.util.EnumerationType
- addListDataListener(ListDataListener) - Method in class de.grogra.util.EnumValueImpl
- addListDataListener(ListDataListener) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.buffer.KillRing
- addListener(Version.VersionListener) - Method in class
- addListener(BshClassManager.Listener) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.bsh.BshClassManager
- addListener(BshClassManager.Listener) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.bsh.classpath.ClassManagerImpl
- addListener(ClassPathListener) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.bsh.classpath.BshClassPath
- addLocalFile(Object, Object, String) - Method in class de.grogra.vfs.FileSystem
- addLocalFile(Object, Object, String) - Method in class de.grogra.vfs.LocalFileSystem
- addLocalFile(Object, Object, String, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.vfs.FileSystem
- addLocalFile(Object, Object, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.vfs.FileSystem
- addLock(Lock) - Method in class de.grogra.rgg.RGG
- addLong(PersistenceCapable, PersistenceField, int[], long) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- addManagedField(ManageableType.Field) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.ManageableType
- addManagedField(String, int, Type, Type, int) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.SCOType
- addManagedField(String, int, Class, Class, int) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.SCOType
- addMappingFeedback(BshClassPath.MappingFeedback) - Static method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.bsh.classpath.BshClassPath
- addMappings(ModifiableMap) - Method in class de.grogra.cli.ui.CLIChartPanelSupport
- addMappings(ModifiableMap) - Method in class de.grogra.ext.jedit.JEditTextEditor
- addMappings(ModifiableMap) - Method in class de.grogra.imp.View
- addMappings(ModifiableMap) - Method in class
- addMappings(ModifiableMap) - Method in interface de.grogra.util.ModifiableMap.Producer
- addMarker() - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.EditPane
Adds a marker at the caret position.
- addMarker(char, int) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.Buffer
Adds a marker to this buffer.
- addMarker(IntervalMarker) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.axis.MarkerAxisBand
Adds a marker to the band.
- addMatches(Scope, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.scope.Members
- addMatches(Scope, Type, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.scope.Members
- addMessage(StringBuffer, String) - Method in class
- addMessage(StringBuffer, String) - Method in class
- addMessage(StringBuffer, String) - Method in class
- addMessage(StringBuffer, String) - Method in class
- addMessageHandler(MessageHandler) - Method in class
- addMetadata(String, Node) - Method in class de.grogra.msml.MSMLMetadata
- addMetaNode(Node, Transaction) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.GraphManager
- addMethod(CameraState, String, int, int) - Method in class de.grogra.flyingcamera.FlyingCamera
- addMethod(Camera, String, int, int) - Method in class de.grogra.flyingcamera.FlyingCamera
- addMethod(String, String, int, int) - Method in class de.grogra.flyingcamera.FlyingCamera
- addMethods(FunctionCompletion) - Method in class
- addMethods(List<FunctionCompletion>) - Method in class
- addMissingVersions(PluginEntry) - Method in class
- addMode(Mode) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.syntax.ModeProvider
Do not call this method.
- addModeAbbrev(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.Abbrevs
Adds a mode-specific abbrev.
- AddModeDialog - Class in org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui
Add Mode dialog.
- AddModeDialog(View) - Constructor for class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.AddModeDialog
- addModifier(int, String) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.bsh.Modifiers
- addMonths(int, SerialDate) - Static method in class
Creates a new date by adding the specified number of months to the base date.
- addNameSourceListener(NameSource.Listener) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.bsh.classpath.BshClassPath
Implements NameSource Add a listener who is notified upon changes to names in this space.
- addNameSourceListener(NameSource.Listener) - Method in interface org.gjt.sp.jedit.bsh.NameSource
- addNameSourceListener(NameSource.Listener) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.bsh.NameSpace
Implements NameSource Add a listener who is notified upon changes to names in this space.
- addNeedleArea(double) - Method in class de.grogra.lignum.stlVoxelspace.VoxelBox
- addNeedleMass(double) - Method in class de.grogra.lignum.stlVoxelspace.VoxelBox
- addNeighbor(GRSVertex) - Method in class de.grogra.rgg.model.VVQueue
- AddNeighbor() - Constructor for class de.grogra.rgg.model.VVProducer.AddNeighbor
- addNewFaces(FaceList, Vertex, Vector<HalfEdge>) - Method in class de.grogra.math.convexhull.QuickHull3D
- addNewParser(X3DParser) - Method in class de.grogra.ext.x3d.X3DImport
Add a new parser on top of stack.
- addNewShadowMapType(Class, GLSLShadowMap) - Method in class de.grogra.glsl.light.shadow.ShadowMapCollection
- addNode(Node) - Method in class
- addNode(Node) - Method in class
- addNode(Node, Context) - Method in class
To add a node the used workbench must be added as a parameter to provide a context that contains a JobManager
- addNode(Item, Object, Context) - Static method in class de.grogra.imp.IMP
- addNode(Item, Object, Context) - Static method in class
- addNode(Object) - Method in class de.grogra.api.APIWorkbench
- addNode(Object) - Method in class de.grogra.cli.CLIWorkbench
- addNode(Object) - Method in class de.grogra.imp.IMPWorkbench
In IMP workbenches addnodes is perfomed by IMP
- addNode(Object) - Method in class
- addNode(Object) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.GraphImpl
Adds a node to this graph extent.
- addNode(Object) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.GraphQueue
- addNode(Object) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.GraphQueueImpl
- addNode(Object) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.dom.Graph
- addNode(Object) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.simple.Graph
- AddNodeDescriptor() - Constructor for class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.GraphQueue.AddNodeDescriptor
- addNodeImpl(Object, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.Producer
- addNodeImplMS(Object, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.Producer
- addNodeLeft(Node, int) - Method in class
- addNodePattern(AST, PatternWrapper, ArgumentDescription[], AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addNodePattern(AST, BuiltInPattern, ArgumentDescription[], AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addNodeQueue - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.Producer
- addNodeRight(Node, int) - Method in class
- addNodeRightLeft(Node, int) - Method in class
- addNotify() - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.browser.VFSBrowser
- addNotify() - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.LogViewer
- addNotify() - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.MarkerViewer
- addNotify() - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.RegisterViewer
- addNotify() - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.StatusBar
- addNotify() - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.TaskMonitor
- addNotify() - Method in class
- addNotify() - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.TextArea
Called by the AWT when this component is added to a parent.
- addNotify() - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.TextAreaPainter
- addNumberOfSegmentsReal(double) - Method in class de.grogra.lignum.stlVoxelspace.VoxelBox
- addObject(Comparable, Object) - Method in class
Adds a new object to the collection, or overwrites an existing object.
- addObject(Object, Comparable, Comparable) - Method in class
Adds an object to the table.
- addObservation(double) - Method in class
Adds an observation to the dataset (by incrementing the item count for the appropriate bin).
- addObservation(double, boolean) - Method in class
Adds an observation to the dataset (by incrementing the item count for the appropriate bin).
- addObservations(double[]) - Method in class
Adds a set of values to the dataset and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addObserver(ScaleClass) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.ScaleClass
- addObserver(Observer) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.ScaleClass
- addOneLeaf() - Method in class de.grogra.lignum.stlVoxelspace.VoxelBox
- addOptionFile(Item, Object, Context) - Static method in class de.grogra.imp.IMP
- addOptionGroup(OptionGroup) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.OptionsDialog
- addOptionGroup(OptionGroup) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.OptionGroup
- addOptionGroup(OptionGroup) - Method in class org.jedit.options.TabbedOptionDialog
- addOptionPane(String) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.OptionGroup
- addOptionPane(OptionPane) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.OptionsDialog
- addOptionPane(OptionPane) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.OptionGroup
- addOptionPane(OptionPane) - Method in class org.jedit.options.TabbedOptionDialog
- addOrCopy - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.Neighbors
- addOrder(List<? super QueueDescriptor<?>>) - Static method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.queues.QueueDescriptor
- addOrRemoveMarker(char, int) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.Buffer
If a marker is set on the line of the position, it is removed.
- addOrUpdate(double, double) - Method in class
Adds or updates an item in the series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addOrUpdate(Number, Number) - Method in class
Adds or updates an item in the series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addOrUpdate(RegularTimePeriod, double) - Method in class
Adds or updates an item in the times series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addOrUpdate(RegularTimePeriod, Number) - Method in class
Adds or updates an item in the times series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addOrUpdate(TimeSeriesDataItem) - Method in class
Adds or updates an item in the times series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addOrUpdate(XYDataItem) - Method in class
Adds or updates an item in the series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addOrUpdateTypeGraph() - Static method in class de.grogra.rgg.Library
- addOverlay(Overlay) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel
Add an overlay to the panel.
- addPanel(Panel) - Method in class de.grogra.cli.ui.CLIWindowSupport
- addParameters(StringBuilder) - Method in class
Adds HTML describing the parameters to this function to a buffer.
- addPathExpression(AST, Expression, boolean, AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addPattern(AST, Pattern, ArgumentDescription[], AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addPattern(AST, Pattern, ArgumentDescription[], AST, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addPieLabelRecord(PieLabelRecord) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.AbstractPieLabelDistributor
Adds a label record.
- addPluginJAR(String) - Static method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.jEdit
Loads the plugin JAR with the specified path.
- addPluginPrerequisite(Collection, Class) - Static method in class
- addPluginPrerequisites(Collection) - Method in class
- addPluginPrerequisites(Collection) - Method in class
- addPluginPrerequisites(Collection) - Method in class
- addPluginPrerequisites(Collection) - Method in class
- addPoint(ClusterPoint) - Method in class de.grogra.pointcloud.clustering.PointCloudOctree
Adds a point to this octree.
- addPoint(PointCloudLeaf) - Method in class de.grogra.pointcloud.objects.impl.PointCloudBaseImpl
- addPoint(PointCloudLeaf) - Method in class de.grogra.pointcloud.objects.PointCloudBase
- addPoint(PointCloudLeaf[]) - Method in class de.grogra.pointcloud.objects.impl.PointCloudBaseImpl
- addPoint(PointCloudLeaf[]) - Method in class de.grogra.pointcloud.objects.PointCloudBase
- addPoint(String, String) - Method in class de.grogra.api.APIReturn
adding a String value, repented by a key, to the return data.
- addPoint(String, JSONArray) - Method in class de.grogra.api.APIReturn
- addPoint(String, JSONObject) - Method in class de.grogra.api.APIReturn
- addPoint(String, JSONObject) - Method in class de.grogra.api.APIRunner
- addPoint(Point3f) - Static method in class de.grogra.nurbseditor2d.ObjectGeometry2D
- addPointer(DialPointer) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.dial.DialPlot
Adds a pointer to the plot and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addPoints - Variable in class de.grogra.pointcloud.importer.PointCloudFilterBase
- addPointToHull(Vertex) - Method in class de.grogra.math.convexhull.QuickHull3D
- addPrimitive(FluxPrimitive) - Method in class de.grogra.gpuflux.scene.volume.FluxVolumeBuilder
- addPrimitives(Vector<FluxPrimitive>) - Method in class de.grogra.gpuflux.scene.volume.FluxVolumeBuilder
- addProgressListener(RTProgressListener) - Method in class de.grogra.ray.event.ProgressNotifier
- addProgressListener(ChartProgressListener) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart
Registers an object for notification of progress events relating to the chart.
- addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface de.grogra.docking.Dockable
- addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class
- addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class
- addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface
- addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface
- addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.Crosshair
Adds a property change listener.
- addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class
Adds a property change listener to the series.
- addPropertyListener(Context, EventListener) - Method in class
- addQabs(double) - Method in class de.grogra.lignum.stlVoxelspace.VoxelBox
- addQin(double) - Method in class de.grogra.lignum.stlVoxelspace.VoxelBox
- addQueryAtt(String) - Method in class
- addQueue(Queue) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.queues.QueueCollection
- addQueues(QueueCollection, ObjectList<? extends Queue>) - Static method in class de.grogra.rgg.model.RGGGraph
- addQueuesTo(QueueCollection) - Method in class de.grogra.rgg.model.LocalSolver
- addQueuesTo(QueueCollection) - Method in interface de.grogra.rgg.model.QueueSolver
- addR$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.BlockColor
- addRadiation(double) - Method in class de.grogra.lignum.stlVoxelspace.VoxelBox
- addRangeCrosshair(Crosshair) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.panel.CrosshairOverlay
Adds a crosshair against the range axis and sends an
to all registered listeners. - addRangeMarker(int, Marker, Layer) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot
Adds a marker for display by a particular renderer and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addRangeMarker(int, Marker, Layer) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot
Adds a marker for a specific dataset/renderer and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addRangeMarker(int, Marker, Layer, boolean) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot
Adds a marker for display by a particular renderer and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addRangeMarker(int, Marker, Layer, boolean) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot
Adds a marker for a specific dataset/renderer and, if requested, sends a
to all registered listeners. - addRangeMarker(Marker) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot
Adds a marker for display (in the foreground) against the range axis and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addRangeMarker(Marker) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot
Adds a marker for the range axis and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addRangeMarker(Marker, Layer) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot
Adds a marker for display against the range axis and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addRangeMarker(Marker, Layer) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot
Adds a marker for the range axis in the specified layer and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addReference(SharedObjectReference) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.Node
- addReference(SharedObjectReference) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.Camera
- addReference(SharedObjectReference) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.RGBAShader
- addReference(SharedObjectReference) - Method in class de.grogra.math.RGBColor
- addReference(SharedObjectReference) - Method in interface de.grogra.persistence.Shareable
- addReference(SharedObjectReference) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.ShareableBase
- addReference(SharedObjectReference) - Method in class
- addRelation(AST, Expression, boolean, AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addRelation(Object, Object, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.QStateMultiScale
- addRelation(Object, Object, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.query.QueryState
- addRelation(Object, Object, int) - Method in interface de.grogra.xl.query.QueryStateMultiScale
- addRelationPattern(AST, PatternWrapper, ArgumentDescription[], boolean, AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addRelationPattern(AST, BuiltInPattern, ArgumentDescription[], boolean, AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addRenderingHints(Map) - Method in class org.jibble.epsgraphics.EpsGraphics2D
Adds rendering hints.
- addReplacementCopy(String, int, int) - Method in class
Adds a copy of a replacement.
- addReplacementLocation(int, int) - Method in class
Marks a region of the replacement text as representing a variable name or some other construct that the user should replace.
- addRequiredFiles(Collection) - Method in class de.grogra.grogra.DTDSourceFile
- addRequiredFiles(Collection) - Method in class de.grogra.mtg.MTGSourceFile
- addRequiredFiles(Collection) - Method in class
- addRequiredFiles(Collection) - Method in class
- addRequiredFiles(Collection) - Method in class
- addRequiredFiles(Collection) - Method in class
- addRequiredFiles(Collection) - Method in class
- addRequiredFiles(Collection) - Method in class
- addResource(FilterSource) - Method in class
- addResource(FilterSource) - Method in interface
- addResource(FilterSource) - Method in class de.grogra.rgg.model.CompilationFilter
- addResourceConverter(ResourceConverter) - Static method in class de.grogra.util.I18NBundle
- addResponseContent(byte[]) - Method in class de.grogra.api.APIRunner
- addResponseContent(String, Object[]) - Method in class de.grogra.api.APIRunner
- addResponseContent(String, String) - Method in class de.grogra.api.APIRunner
- addResponseContent(String, JSONArray) - Method in class de.grogra.api.APIRunner
- addRightListSelectionListener(ListSelectionListener) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.PingPongList
- addRow() - Method in class de.grogra.math.SimpleDataTable
- addRow() - Method in class
Adds a new row to this dataset and returns it as a dataseries.
- addRow() - Method in class
- addRow(Comparable) - Method in class
Adds a new row to this dataset and returns it as a dataseries.
- addRow(Comparable) - Method in class
- addRule(ParserRule) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.syntax.ParserRuleSet
- addRuleSet(ParserRuleSet) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.syntax.ParserRuleSet
Adds all rules contained in the given ruleset.
- addRuleSet(ParserRuleSet) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.syntax.TokenMarker
- addScale(int, DialScale) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.dial.DialPlot
Adds a dial scale to the plot and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addScale(Node) - Method in class de.grogra.msml.MSNode
- addScale(ScaleClass) - Method in class de.grogra.imp.ScaleVisibilityPanel
- addScrollListener(ScrollListener) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.TextArea
Adds a scroll listener to this text area.
- addSemanticError(I18NBundle, String, AST) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addSemanticError(I18NBundle, String, Token) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addSemanticError(String, AST) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addSemanticError(String, Token) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addSemanticWarning(I18NBundle, String, AST) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addSemanticWarning(I18NBundle, String, Token) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addSemanticWarning(String, AST) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addSemanticWarning(String, Token) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addSeparation(AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addSeparator() - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.AbstractOptionPane
Adds a separator component.
- addSeparator(String) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.AbstractOptionPane
Adds a separator component.
- addSeries(float[], int, Comparable) - Method in class
Adds a series to the dataset.
- addSeries(Comparable, double[][]) - Method in class
Adds a series or if a series with the same key already exists replaces the data for that series, then sends a
to all registered listeners. - addSeries(Comparable, double[][]) - Method in class
Adds a series or if a series with the same key already exists replaces the data for that series, then sends a
to all registered listeners. - addSeries(Comparable, double[][]) - Method in class
Adds a series or if a series with the same key already exists replaces the data for that series, then sends a
to all registered listeners. - addSeries(Comparable, double[], int) - Method in class
Adds a series to the dataset, using the specified number of bins, and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addSeries(Comparable, double[], int, double, double) - Method in class
Adds a series to the dataset.
- addSeries(OHLCSeries) - Method in class
Adds a series to the collection and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addSeries(TimePeriodValues) - Method in class
Adds a series to the collection.
- addSeries(TimeSeries) - Method in class
Adds a series to the collection and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addSeries(MatrixSeries) - Method in class
Adds a series to the collection.
- addSeries(VectorSeries) - Method in class
Adds a series to the collection and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addSeries(XIntervalSeries) - Method in class
Adds a series to the collection and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addSeries(XYIntervalSeries) - Method in class
Adds a series to the collection and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addSeries(XYSeries) - Method in class
Adds a series to the collection and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addSeries(XYSeries) - Method in class
Adds a series to the collection and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addSeries(YIntervalSeries) - Method in class
Adds a series to the collection and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addSeriesLabel(int, String) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.labels.MultipleXYSeriesLabelGenerator
Adds an extra label for the specified series.
- addSharedObject(String, Shareable, String, boolean) - Method in class
Adds a
to the meta-graph (seeGraphManager.META_GRAPH
) of the project graph (seeRegistry.getProjectGraph()
), and creates a reference to this node in the specifieddirectory
of this registry. - addSharedObjectListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.GraphManager
- addShort(PersistenceCapable, PersistenceField, int[], short) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- addSizeSaver(Frame, Container, String) - Static method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.GUIUtilities
Adds a SizeSaver to the specified Frame.
- addSizeSaver(Frame, String) - Static method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.GUIUtilities
Adds a SizeSaver to the specified Frame.
- addSliderMouseReleasedListener(SliderMouseReleasedListener) - Method in class de.grogra.rchart.RangeSlider
- addSlope(ISlope) - Method in class de.grogra.chem.Model
- addSolver(Solver) - Method in class de.grogra.task.Task
Adds a solver to this task.
- addSourceDirectory(String, Context, Object) - Static method in class de.grogra.imp.IMP
- addSourceFile(Item, Object, Context) - Static method in class
- addSourceFile(File, MimeType) - Method in class
Add a new SourceFile to the Project
- addSourceFile(File, MimeType) - Method in class
- addSourceFile(File, MimeType, Context) - Static method in class de.grogra.imp.IMP
- addSourceFile(File, MimeType, Context, Object) - Static method in class de.grogra.imp.IMP
- addSourceFile(File, MimeType, Object) - Method in class
Add a new sourceFile to the project at a specific destination If no destination is null the file is added to the default location
- addSourceFile(File, MimeType, Object) - Method in class
- addSourceFile(Object) - Method in class de.grogra.api.APIWorkbench
- addSourceFile(Object) - Method in class de.grogra.cli.CLIWorkbench
- addSourceFile(Object) - Method in class de.grogra.imp.IMPWorkbench
In imp workbenches source files are managed by the file explorer
- addSourceFile(Object) - Method in class
- addSourceFile(String, MimeType, InputStream, Object) - Method in class
To add a SourceFile from a stream an empty file is created and the stream is written in it
- addSourceFile(String, MimeType, InputStream, Object) - Method in class
- addStandardEdge(AST, EdgeDirection, int, AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addStarSum(double) - Method in class de.grogra.lignum.stlVoxelspace.VoxelBox
- addStatusChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class
- addStatusListener(StatusListener) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.TextArea
Adds a scroll listener to this text area.
- addStructureMatcher(StructureMatcher) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.TextArea
Adds a structure matcher.
- addSubCategory(Comparable) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.axis.SubCategoryAxis
Adds a sub-category to the axis and sends an
to all registered listeners. - addSubLabel(Comparable, String) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.axis.ExtendedCategoryAxis
Adds a sublabel for a category.
- addSubplotInfo(PlotRenderingInfo) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotRenderingInfo
Adds the info for a subplot.
- addSubtask(Task) - Method in class
Adds a sub-task to the task.
- addSubtitle(int, Title) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart
Adds a subtitle at a particular position in the subtitle list, and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addSubtitle(Title) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart
Adds a chart subtitle, and notifies registered listeners that the chart has been modified.
- addSuperClass(String) - Method in class
- addSurface(BSplineSurfaceImpl) - Static method in class de.grogra.nurbseditor3d.ObjectGeometry3D
- addSurfacePoint(Point4f) - Static method in class de.grogra.nurbseditor3d.ObjectGeometry3D
- addSwap(int) - Method in class de.grogra.vecmath.geom.IntersectionList
Appends a new intersection element to this list and swaps it with the existing element at
. - addSyntacticError(I18NBundle, String, AST) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addSyntacticError(I18NBundle, String, Token) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addSyntacticError(String, AST) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addSyntacticError(String, Token) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addSyntacticWarning(I18NBundle, String, AST) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addSyntacticWarning(I18NBundle, String, Token) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addSyntacticWarning(String, AST) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addSyntacticWarning(String, Token) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addTableModelListener(TableModelListener) - Method in class
- addTableModelListener(TableModelListener) - Method in class
- addTask(ConcurrentTask) - Method in class de.grogra.rgg.RGG
- addTaskListener(TaskListener) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.util.TaskManager
- addTConstructors(ContentDescriptionType) - Method in class
- addTDescription(String) - Method in class
- addTextListener(TextListener) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.util.StringModel
- addTInternalTypes(ContentDescriptionType) - Method in class
- addToBus(Object) - Static method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.EditBus
Adds a component to the bus.
- addToBus(EBComponent) - Static method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.EditBus
Adds a component to the bus.
- addToClipboardAndHistory(String) - Method in class org.jedit.keymap.EmacsUtil
- addToClipboardAndHistory(Selection) - Method in class org.jedit.keymap.EmacsUtil
- addToDate(Date, TimeZone) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.axis.DateTickUnit
Calculates a new date by adding this unit to the base date.
- addToFavorites(String, int) - Static method in class
- addToHistory(String) - Method in class
- addToken(int, String) - Method in class de.grogra.grammar.Tokenizer
- addToken(int, String, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.grammar.Tokenizer
- addToken(Token) - Method in class de.grogra.grammar.Tokenizer
- addToken(Token, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.grammar.Tokenizer
- addToken(Token, String) - Method in class de.grogra.grammar.Tokenizer
- addToken(Token, String, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.grammar.Tokenizer
- addToken(Token, TokenMarker.LineContext) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.syntax.DefaultTokenHandler
- addToLastUsed(Workbench, File) - Static method in class
- addToList(IntList) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.XBitSet
- AddToMap(GLSLManagedShader) - Method in class de.grogra.glsl.utility.GLSLCollection
- addToolBar(int, int, Component) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.ToolBarManager
- addToolBar(int, int, Component) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.View
Adds a tool bar to this view.
- addToolBar(int, Component) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.View
Adds a tool bar to this view.
- addToolBar(Component) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.View
Adds a tool bar to this view.
- addToolListener(View, UIProperty) - Method in class de.grogra.imp.View
- addToolTipSeries(List) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.labels.CustomXYToolTipGenerator
Adds a list of tooltips for a series.
- addTopComponent(Component) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.TextArea
Adds a component above the gutter, text area, and vertical scroll bar.
- addTopLeftComponent(Component) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.TextArea
Adds a component above the gutter.
- addTopRightComponent(Component) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.TextArea
Adds a component above the vertical scroll bar.
- addToRegistry(Registry, String) - Method in class
- addToSelection(Selection) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.TextArea
Adds to the selection.
- addToSelection(Selection[]) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.TextArea
Adds to the selection.
- addToStatistic(Tuple3d, Spectrum3d, double, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.ray.physics.Collector3d
Add the Vector of the origin of a certain ray, which hits the object for this corresponding Collector-instance.
- addToStatistic(Tuple3d, Spectrum3d, double, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.ray.physics.Collector3dList
- addToStatistic(Tuple3d, Spectrum3d, double, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.ray.physics.CollectorW3d
Add the Vector of the origin of a certain ray, which hits the object for this corresponding Collector-instance.
- addToStatistic(Tuple3d, Spectrum, double, boolean) - Method in interface de.grogra.ray.physics.Collector
Here the information of
computation are stored. - addToStatistic(Tuple3d, Spectrum, double, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.ray.physics.Collector3d
- addToStatistic(Tuple3d, Spectrum, double, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.ray.physics.CollectorW3d
- addTParameter(ContentDescriptionType.Parameter) - Method in class
- addTransfer(ControlTransfer) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.expr.Invoke
- addTransfer(ControlTransfer) - Method in interface de.grogra.xl.expr.NonlocalGenerator
- addTranslation(KeyEventTranslator.Key, KeyEventTranslator.Key) - Static method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.KeyEventTranslator
Adds a keyboard translation.
- addTraversal(AST, PatternBuilder, EdgeDirection, Expression, Expression, boolean, AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addTrayIcon() - Static method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.tray.JTrayIconManager
- addTree(UITreePipeline.Node, int, UITree, Object, ObjectToBoolean, Comparator) - Method in class
- addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class de.grogra.cli.ui.CLIMenuComponent
- addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class de.grogra.imp.ObjectInspector
- addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.SceneTree
- addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class
- addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class
- addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class
- addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class de.grogra.util.TreeModelSupport
- addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class org.jedit.options.OptionTreeModel
- addTSee(String) - Method in class
- addTSuperClass(ContentDescriptionType) - Method in class
- addType(AST, Type, AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addUndirectedEdgeBits(Object, Object, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.GraphQueue
- addUndirectedEdgeBits(Object, Object, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.GraphQueueImpl
- AddUndirectedEdgeDescriptor() - Constructor for class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.GraphQueue.AddUndirectedEdgeDescriptor
- addURL(URL) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.bsh.classpath.BshClassLoader
- addURLs(Map) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.urls.CustomPieURLGenerator
Adds a map containing
(key, URL)
mappings where eachkey
is an instance ofComparable
(corresponding to the key for an item in a pie dataset) and eachURL
is aString
representing a URL fragment. - addURLSeries(List) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.urls.CustomCategoryURLGenerator
Adds a list of URLs.
- addURLSeries(List) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.urls.CustomXYURLGenerator
Adds a list of URLs.
- addUserItem(Item) - Method in class
- addUserItemWithUniqueName(Item, String) - Method in class
- addUserMode(Mode, Path) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.syntax.ModeProvider
Do not call this method.
- addValue(double, Comparable, Comparable) - Method in class
Adds a value to the table.
- addValue(int, int, float) - Method in class
Adds a value to a series.
- addValue(int, int, int) - Method in class
Adds a value to the dataset.
- addValue(Number, Comparable, Comparable) - Method in class
Adds a value to the table.
- addValue(Number, Comparable, Comparable) - Method in class
Adds a value to the table.
- addValue(Number, Comparable, Comparable) - Method in class
Sets a value in the dataset.
- addValue(K, double) - Method in class
Updates an existing value, or adds a new value to the collection.
- addValue(K, Number) - Method in class
Adds a new value to the collection, or updates an existing value.
- addVariable() - Method in class de.grogra.xl.query.QueryState
- addVariable(Variable) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.query.QueryState
- addVariableReference(Local, AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addVector() - Method in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.QuadraticLine
- addVector(PositionVector) - Method in class de.grogra.lignum.stlVoxelspace.VoxelBox
- addVectors(ClusterVector, ClusterVector) - Static method in class de.grogra.pointcloud.clustering.ClusterVector
Adds the values of both vectors and returns a third vector with the sum of both input vectors in each field of the output vector.
- addVertex(float, float, float) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.VertexArray
- addVertex(Tuple3d) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.VertexArray
- addVertex(Tuple3f) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.VertexArray
- addVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener) - Method in class
- addVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener) - Method in class
- addVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener) - Method in interface
- addVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener) - Method in class
Adds a vetoable property change listener to the series.
- addVFSFileFilter(VFSFileFilter) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.browser.VFSBrowser
Adds a file filter to the browser.
- AddViewComponentMenu - Class in de.grogra.imp.registry
- AddViewComponentMenu() - Constructor for class de.grogra.imp.registry.AddViewComponentMenu
- addVolume(Volume) - Method in class de.grogra.vecmath.geom.Octree.Cell
Adds a volume to this cell.
- addVolume(Volume, Matrix4d, Shader) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.VolumeBuilder
- addVoxel(MTGVoxel) - Method in class de.grogra.mtg.MTGSquares
- addWarning(RecognitionException) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addWarning(RecognitionException, long) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addWatermarkToImage(BufferedImage, BufferedImage, int, int, float) - Static method in class de.grogra.imp3d.anaglyph.ImageTool
Methode fuegt ein Wasserzeichen zu Hauptbild
- addWeight(double) - Method in class de.grogra.lignum.stlVoxelspace.VoxelBox
- addWhenMatching - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.Neighbors
- addWindowListener(WindowListener) - Method in class de.grogra.ext.jedit.ViewBase
- addWithUniqueName(Item, String, boolean) - Method in class
- addWoodArea(double) - Method in class de.grogra.lignum.stlVoxelspace.VoxelBox
- addWoodMass(double) - Method in class de.grogra.lignum.stlVoxelspace.VoxelBox
- addWordCompletions(String[]) - Method in class
Adds simple completions for a list of words.
- addWrappedType(AST, Type, Expression, AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addXAListener(XAListener) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.PersistenceManager
- addXmlEdge(int, String, String, String, BidirectionalHashMap<Integer, String>, Graph) - Method in class de.grogra.ext.exchangegraph.export.BaseExportEdge
- addYears(int, SerialDate) - Static method in class
Creates a new date by adding the specified number of years to the base date.
- adjacentVertexOrdinal - Variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.math.delaunay.OrientedFace
The vertex in the adjacent tetrahedron opposite of this face
- adjust(View, View.ViewConfig) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.View
- adjustBeginLineColumn(int, int) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.bsh.JavaCharStream
Method to adjust line and column numbers for the start of a token.
- AdjustBuffSize() - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.bsh.JavaCharStream
- adjustDownwards(double, double) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.PieLabelDistributor
Any labels that are overlapping are moved down in an attempt to eliminate the overlaps.
- adjustedLog10(double) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.axis.LogarithmicAxis
Returns an adjusted log10 value for graphing purposes.
- adjustedPow10(double) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.axis.LogarithmicAxis
Returns an adjusted power of 10 value for graphing purposes.
- adjustForScreenBounds(Rectangle) - Static method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.GUIUtilities
- adjustForScreenBounds(Rectangle) - Static method in class org.gjt.sp.util.GenericGUIUtilities
Gives a rectangle the specified bounds, ensuring it is within the screen bounds.
- adjustInwards() - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.PieLabelDistributor
Adjusts the y-coordinate for the labels in towards the center in an attempt to fix overlapping.
- AdjustLU - Class in de.grogra.turtle
The turtle command
performs a rotation about the local z-axis (the turtle's head axis) such that the angle between the rotated local y-axis (the turtle's up axis) and the global z-axis becomes minimal. - AdjustLU() - Constructor for class de.grogra.turtle.AdjustLU
- adjustScale(Matrix4d, CameraBase, float) - Static method in class de.grogra.imp3d.edit.ToolRoot3D
- adjustToolTransformation(Matrix4d, CameraBase) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.edit.Scale
- adjustToolTransformation(Matrix4d, CameraBase) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.edit.ToolRoot3D
This method is invoked to compute an adjustment of the tool coordinates system.
- adjustToolTransformation(Matrix4d, CameraBase) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.edit.TransformTool
- adjustUpwards(double, double) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.PieLabelDistributor
Any labels that are overlapping are moved up in an attempt to eliminate the overlaps.
- ADOBE - Static variable in class org.sunflow.image.RGBSpace
- advance() - Method in class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.datastructures.iterator.ArrayListIter
- advance() - Method in interface de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.datastructures.iterator.Iter
Moves the iterator forward to the next entry.
- advance() - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.SplashScreen
- advance(int) - Method in interface de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.datastructures.iterator.ArrayIter
Moves the iterator forward or backward by the given offset.
- advance(int) - Method in class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.datastructures.iterator.ArrayListIter
- advance(String) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.SplashScreen
- AdvancedSettings - Class in
is a littleJFrame
which provides additional settings to the plugin user interface. - AdvancedSettings(ExportPanel, VideoSettings) - Constructor for class
Create the frame for the advanced settings.
- advanceLinePaint - Variable in class org.jfree.chart.axis.CyclicNumberAxis
The advance line paint.
- advanceLineStroke - Variable in class org.jfree.chart.axis.CyclicNumberAxis
The advance line stroke.
- advanceLineVisible - Variable in class org.jfree.chart.axis.CyclicNumberAxis
A flag that controls whether or not the advance line is visible.
- advanceProvider() - Method in class de.grogra.autocompletors.RoundRobinAutoCompletion
Moves to the next Provider internally.
- advanceTime() - Method in class
Adjust the array offset as needed when a new time-period is added: Increments the indices "oldestAt" and "newestAt", mod(array length), zeroes the series values at newestAt, returns the new TimePeriod.
- aes(String) - Method in class de.grogra.rchart.Rchart.PlotOption
add argument to ggplot2 aesthetics mapping
- af - Variable in class de.grogra.lignum.stlVoxelspace.VoxelMovement
- AffineUVTransformation - Class in de.grogra.imp3d.shading
- AffineUVTransformation() - Constructor for class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.AffineUVTransformation
- ageJoint(double) - Method in class
adds a proportion of the joint displacement back into the joint frame to fix the angle as the stem ages
- aget() - Method in exception de.grogra.xl.vmx.AbruptCompletion.Return
Returns the wrapped
value. - aget(Frame) - Method in interface de.grogra.xl.query.Variable
- aget(Frame) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.vmx.VMXState.Local
- aget(VMXState.Local, Authorization) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.vmx.VMXState
Returns the value of the stack element corresponding to
. - aget(VMXState, int, int, Authorization) - Static method in class de.grogra.xl.vmx.VMXState
Returns the value of the stack element
of thenesting
-th statically containing frame. - agetj(int, Authorization) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.vmx.VMXState
Returns the value of the stack element
of the current Java frame. - aggregate(Experiment, float) - Method in class de.grogra.gpuflux.scene.experiment.Experiment
Aggregate two experiments by scaling the input experiment and adding it to this experiment.
- aggregate(T, T) - Method in interface de.grogra.gpuflux.scene.experiment.MeasuringSetup.MeasurementAggregater
- Aggregate - Class in de.grogra.xl.lang
An instance of
is used in aggregate method invocations as specified by the XL programming language. - aggregateMeasurements(Vector<Measurement>, double) - Method in class de.grogra.gpuflux.scene.experiment.MeasuringSetup
- AggregateState - Interface in de.grogra.xl.lang
An instance of
is used in aggregate method invocations as specified by the XL programming language. - AggregateStateImpl<T> - Class in de.grogra.xl.util
Utility class which implements all
interfaces and provides some general fields for storing state. - aging() - Method in class de.grogra.lignum.stlLignum.CfTreeSegment
- aktKeyFrame - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.Expr
- aktLocationParameter$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.LocationParameterBase
- aktPrimitive - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.Expr
- aktStructName - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.Expr
- aktTexture - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.Expr
- aktTextureName - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.Expr
- aktTransform - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.Expr
- Algorithm() - Constructor for class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.Layout.Algorithm
- AlgorithmSwitchShader - Class in de.grogra.imp3d.shading
- AlgorithmSwitchShader() - Constructor for class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.AlgorithmSwitchShader
- AlgorithmSwitchShader(Shader, Shader) - Constructor for class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.AlgorithmSwitchShader
- AlgorithmSwitchShader(Shader, Shader, Shader) - Constructor for class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.AlgorithmSwitchShader
- AlgorithmSwitchShader.Type - Class in de.grogra.imp3d.shading
- alias$FIELD - Static variable in class
- align(Rectangle2D, Rectangle2D, int) - Static method in class org.jfree.chart.ui.Align
Aligns one rectangle (
) relative to another rectangle (frame
). - Align - Class in org.jfree.chart.ui
A utility class for aligning rectangles.
- ALIGNMENT_CENTER - Static variable in class
- ALIGNMENT_LEADING - Static variable in class
- ALIGNMENT_TRAILING - Static variable in class
- AlignOffset(int) - Constructor for class org.gjt.sp.jedit.indent.IndentAction.AlignOffset
- AlignParameter(int) - Constructor for class org.gjt.sp.jedit.indent.IndentAction.AlignParameter
- ALL - Static variable in interface de.grogra.imp.ViewComponent
- ALL - Static variable in interface de.grogra.util.ProgressMonitor
All that display all messages
- ALL - Static variable in class de.grogra.vecmath.geom.Intersection
Parameter for
Volume.computeIntersections(de.grogra.vecmath.geom.Line, int, de.grogra.vecmath.geom.IntersectionList, de.grogra.vecmath.geom.Intersection, de.grogra.vecmath.geom.Intersection)
indicating that all intersections have to be found. - ALL - Static variable in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.print.PrintRangeType
- ALL_BUFFERS - Static variable in class
- ALL_FILE_SYSTEMS - Static variable in class
- AllBufferSet - Class in
A file set for searching all open buffers in a view.
- AllBufferSet(String, View) - Constructor for class
Creates a view buffer set.
- AllFilter - Class in de.grogra.gpuflux.scene.filter
- AllFilter() - Constructor for class de.grogra.gpuflux.scene.filter.AllFilter
- AllFilter.Type - Class in de.grogra.gpuflux.scene.filter
- allListenersRemoved() - Method in class
- allListenersRemoved() - Method in class
- allListenersRemoved() - Method in class de.grogra.util.SubTree
- allListenersRemoved() - Method in class de.grogra.util.TreeModelSupport
- allocate() - Static method in class de.grogra.xl.util.AggregateStateImpl
- allocate(Class) - Static method in class de.grogra.xl.lang.Aggregate
- allocate(Class) - Static method in class de.grogra.xl.lang.Filter
- allocateBitMark(boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.GraphManager
- allocateBitMark(boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.PersistenceManager
- allocateObjectMark(boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.GraphManager
- allocateObjectMark(boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.PersistenceManager
- allocatePropertyId() - Static method in class de.grogra.graph.GraphState
- allocatePropertyId() - Static method in class
- AllocationExpression() - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.bsh.Parser
- allocationNodes(Node, Vector) - Method in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.ForceBasedLayout2.FBAlgorithm2
- allowConversionWithCtor - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.CompilerOptions
Compiler option: if true any function of the type 'B(A)' in the current scope is used to implicitly perform autoconversion from type A to type B.
- allowConversionWithStaticToX - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.CompilerOptions
Compiler option: if true any function of the type 'static B toB(A)' in the current scope is used to implicitly perform autoconversion from type A to type B.
- allowConversionWithStaticValueOf - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.CompilerOptions
Compiler option: if true any function of the type 'static B valueOf(A)' in the current scope is used to implicitly perform autoconversion from type A to type B.
- allowConversionWithToX - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.CompilerOptions
Compiler option: if true any function of the type 'B A.valueOf()' in the current scope is used to implicitly perform autoconversion from type A to type B.
- allowNegativesFlag - Variable in class org.jfree.chart.axis.LogarithmicAxis
Flag set true to allow negative values in data.
- allowNoninjectiveMatchesByDefault(boolean) - Static method in class de.grogra.rgg.Library
- allowNoninjectiveMatchesByDefault(boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.Graph
- allowNoninjectiveMatchesForNextQuery(boolean) - Static method in class de.grogra.rgg.Library
- allowNoninjectiveMatchesForNextQuery(boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.Graph
- allowOpenEnds() - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- allowsAmbiguousMembers(Member) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.CompilerBase
- allowsAmbiguousMembers(Member) - Method in interface de.grogra.xl.compiler.scope.Members.Resolution
Defines if ambiguous members are allowed.
- allowsIteration(int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.expr.Assignment
- allowsIteration(int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.expr.Conditional
- allowsIteration(int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.expr.ConditionalAnd
- allowsIteration(int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.expr.ConditionalOr
- allowsIteration(int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.expr.Expression
- allowsIteration(int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.expr.ModelExpression
- allowsIteration(int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.expr.VoidExpression
- allowsIteration(int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.expr.Yield
- allowsNoninjectiveMatches() - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.Graph.QState
- allowsNoninjectiveMatches() - Method in class de.grogra.xl.query.QueryState
- allowToWrite - Variable in class de.grogra.cli.CLIApplication
- allPlugins - Variable in class
- allPlugins - Variable in class
- allPoints - Variable in class de.grogra.pointcloud.importer.PointCloudFilterBase
- almostEquals(double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra.VMath
Compare two matrices with a delta parameter to take numerical errors into account.
- almostEquals(double[][], double[][], double) - Static method in class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra.VMath
Compare two matrices with a delta parameter to take numerical errors into account.
- almostEquals(Object) - Method in class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra.Matrix
Compare two matrices with a delta parameter to take numerical errors into account.
- almostEquals(Object, double) - Method in class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra.Matrix
Compare two matrices with a delta parameter to take numerical errors into account.
- alpha - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.Expr
- alpha - Variable in class org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.DeviationRenderer
The alpha transparency for the interval shading.
- Alpha - Class in de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser
- Alpha - Static variable in class de.grogra.mtg.Attributes
- Alpha - Variable in class de.grogra.mtg.MTGNode
- Alpha(Expr) - Constructor for class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.Alpha
- ALPHA - Enum constant in enum class de.grogra.pointcloud.objects.impl.LeafLineImpl.Keys
- ALPHA - Enum constant in enum class de.grogra.pointcloud.objects.impl.LeafMeshImpl.Keys
- ALPHA - Enum constant in enum class de.grogra.pointcloud.objects.impl.LeafPointImpl.Keys
- ALPHA - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.sym
- ALPHA_SHAPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.Library
- ALPHA_TEST - Static variable in class de.grogra.glsl.OpenGLState
- ALPHA_TEST_BIT - Static variable in class de.grogra.glsl.OpenGLState
- Alpha$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.mtg.MTGNode
- Alpha1 - Class in de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser
- Alpha1(Expr) - Constructor for class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.Alpha1
- ALPHA1 - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.sym
- ALPHABET - Static variable in class
- AlphaFadingStrategy - Class in
Generates images using a simple alpha fading strategy.
- AlphaFadingStrategy() - Constructor for class
- AlphaShape - Class in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.geometry
Compute the alpha-Shape of a point set, using Delaunay triangulation.
- AlphaShape(List<Vector>, double) - Constructor for class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.geometry.AlphaShape
- ALT_KEY_PRESSED_DISABLED - Static variable in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.Debug
If true, A+ shortcuts are disabled.
- ALTERNATIVE_DISPATCHER - Static variable in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.Debug
- longer used.
- amatch(int, Object, MatchConsumer, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.query.QueryState
- ambient - Variable in class de.grogra.ray.util.Ray
- AMBIENT - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.ChannelMapNode
- AMBIENT - Static variable in interface de.grogra.ray.physics.Light
This return value for
indicates an ambient light. - ambient$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Phong
- AMBIENT1 - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.sym
- AmbientLight - Class in de.grogra.imp3d.objects
This class implements an ambient light.
- AmbientLight() - Constructor for class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.AmbientLight
- AmbientLight.Type - Class in de.grogra.imp3d.objects
- AMBIGUOUS_CONVERSIONS - Static variable in exception de.grogra.xl.compiler.ProblemReporter
- AMBIGUOUS_MEMBERS - Static variable in exception de.grogra.xl.compiler.ProblemReporter
- AMBIGUOUS_OPERATOR_OVERLOAD - Static variable in exception de.grogra.xl.compiler.ProblemReporter
- AmbiguousName() - Constructor for class org.gjt.sp.jedit.bsh.classpath.BshClassPath.AmbiguousName
- AmbiguousName() - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.bsh.Parser
- AMINO_NAME_END - Variable in class de.grogra.ext.pdb.PDBAtomReader
- AMINO_NAME_START - Variable in class de.grogra.ext.pdb.PDBAtomReader
- AminoAcid - Class in de.grogra.ext.pdb.model
- AminoAcid(String, int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.ext.pdb.model.AminoAcid
By every creation a counter is incremented.
- AminoSequence - Class in de.grogra.ext.pdb.model
- AminoSequence() - Constructor for class de.grogra.ext.pdb.model.AminoSequence
- amount$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Turbulence
- amp$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.spectral.ConstantSpectralCurve
- amplitude$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.WaveMap
- amplitudes - Variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.spectral.IrregularSpectralCurve
- amplitudes$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.spectral.IrregularSpectralCurve
- ANAGLYPH_LIST - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.anaglyph.ImageTool
- ANAGLYPH_MAX - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.View
- ANAGLYPH_RAD_BLUE_COLOR - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.anaglyph.ImageTool
- ANAGLYPH_RAD_BLUE_GRAY - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.anaglyph.ImageTool
- ANAGLYPH_RAD_CYAN_COLOR - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.anaglyph.ImageTool
- ANAGLYPH_RAD_CYAN_GRAY - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.anaglyph.ImageTool
- ANAGLYPH_RAD_GREEN_COLOR - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.anaglyph.ImageTool
- ANAGLYPH_RAD_GREEN_GRAY - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.anaglyph.ImageTool
- ANAGLYPH_VIEW_TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.View
- ANAGLYPH_YELLOW_BLUE_COLOR - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.anaglyph.ImageTool
- ANAGLYPH_YELLOW_BLUE_GRAY - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.anaglyph.ImageTool
- Analysis - Class in de.grogra.grogra
This class contains a set of static analysis functions which are similar to the analysis functions of the GROGRA software.
- analyzeBVH(BVHTree) - Method in class de.grogra.gpuflux.scene.BVH.BVHAnalyzer
- ancestor(Node, ObjectToBoolean<? super Node>) - Static method in class de.grogra.rgg.Library
Returns the nearest ancestor of
which fulfillscondition
. - ancestor(Node, Class<C>) - Static method in class de.grogra.rgg.Library
Returns the nearest ancestor of
which is an instance oft
. - and(XBitSet, XBitSet) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.XBitSet
- And - Class in de.grogra.blocks.functionParser
- And - Class in
- And - Class in de.grogra.xl.expr
- And() - Constructor for class
- And() - Constructor for class de.grogra.xl.expr.And
- And(BoolExpr, BoolExpr) - Constructor for class de.grogra.blocks.functionParser.And
- AND - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.functionParser.sym
- AND - Static variable in interface de.grogra.grogra.LSYTokenTypes
- AND - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.compiler.CompilerTokenTypes
- AND - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.parser.XLTokenTypes
- AND_ASSIGN - Static variable in interface de.grogra.grogra.LSYTokenTypes
- AND_ASSIGN - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.compiler.CompilerTokenTypes
- AND_ASSIGN - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.parser.XLTokenTypes
- AND_BOOLEAN - Static variable in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- AND_BYTE - Static variable in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- AND_CHAR - Static variable in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- AND_INT - Static variable in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- AND_LONG - Static variable in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- AND_SHORT - Static variable in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- ANDASSIGN - Static variable in interface org.gjt.sp.jedit.bsh.ParserConstants
- ANDASSIGNX - Static variable in interface org.gjt.sp.jedit.bsh.ParserConstants
- andBoolean(PersistenceCapable, PersistenceField, int[], boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- andByte(PersistenceCapable, PersistenceField, int[], byte) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- andChar(PersistenceCapable, PersistenceField, int[], char) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- andExpression() - Method in class de.grogra.xl.parser.XLParser
- AndExpression() - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.bsh.Parser
- andInt(PersistenceCapable, PersistenceField, int[], int) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- andLong(PersistenceCapable, PersistenceField, int[], long) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- andNot(XBitSet, XBitSet) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.XBitSet
- andShort(PersistenceCapable, PersistenceField, int[], short) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- angle - Variable in class de.grogra.grogra.LSystem
- angle - Variable in class de.grogra.turtle.HDir
The rotation angle in degrees.
- angle - Variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Rotation
The rotation angle in degrees.
- angle - Variable in class javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4d
The angle.
- angle - Variable in class javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4f
The angle.
- angle(double[], double[]) - Static method in class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.MathUtil
Compute the angle between two vectors.
- angle(double[], double[], double[]) - Static method in class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.MathUtil
Compute the angle between two vectors.
- angle(float[], float[]) - Static method in class org.jagatoo.util.arrays.ArrayVector
Returns the angle in radians between vector v1 and v2;
The return value is constrained to the range [0, PI]. - angle(Node) - Static method in class de.grogra.rgg.Library
Computes the rotation angle in degrees of the transformation defined by
. - angle(Vector, Vector) - Static method in class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.MathUtil
Compute the angle between two vectors.
- angle(Vector, Vector, Vector) - Static method in class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.MathUtil
Compute the angle between two vectors.
- angle(GVector) - Method in class javax.vecmath.GVector
Returns the (n-space) angle in radians between this vector and the vector parameter; the return value is constrained to the range [0,PI].
- angle(Tuple3d, Tuple3d) - Static method in class de.grogra.rgg.Library
- angle(Vector2d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Vector2d
Returns the angle in radians between this vector and the vector parameter; the return value is constrained to the range [0,PI].
- angle(Vector2f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Vector2f
Returns the angle in radians between this vector and the vector parameter; the return value is constrained to the range [0,PI].
- angle(Vector3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Vector3d
Returns the angle in radians between this vector and the vector parameter; the return value is constrained to the range [0,PI].
- angle(Vector3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Vector3f
Returns the angle in radians between this vector and the vector parameter; the return value is constrained to the range [0,PI].
- angle(Vector4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Vector4d
Returns the (4-space) angle in radians between this vector and the vector parameter; the return value is constrained to the range [0,PI].
- angle(Vector4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Vector4f
Returns the (4-space) angle in radians between this vector and the vector parameter; the return value is constrained to the range [0,PI].
- ANGLE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.sym
- ANGLE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.objects.Attributes
- ANGLE - Static variable in class de.grogra.util.Quantity
- angle$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.grogra.LSystem
- angle$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.Rotation
- angle$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.AffineUVTransformation
- angle$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.HDir
- angle$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Rotation
- angle1$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.PhiBall
- angle2$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.PhiBall
- angleDirection - Variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.msml.CoordTransformer
- angleMode$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.PhiBall
- angleOffset - Variable in class de.grogra.billboard.Billboarder
- angleOffset(int) - Method in class de.grogra.billboard.Billboarder
Shift the camera after the rotation to the value
. - angleToValue(double) - Method in interface org.jfree.chart.plot.dial.DialScale
Converts an angle (in degrees) to a data value.
- angleToValue(double) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.dial.StandardDialScale
Converts the given angle to a data value, based on this scale.
- ANIMATE_CAMERA - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.sym
- AnimatedIcon - Class in org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui
A Animated version of ImageIcon.
- AnimatedIcon(Image, Image[], int, Component) - Constructor for class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.AnimatedIcon
- annotate - Enum constant in enum class de.grogra.rchart.Rchart.GGPLOT2COMMAND
- annotate(String...) - Method in class de.grogra.rchart.Rchart
ggplot2 function
- annotation() - Method in class de.grogra.xl.parser.XLParser
- annotation(AST, Scope) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.Compiler
- Annotation<T extends Annotation> - Interface in de.grogra.reflect
- Annotation - Interface in org.jfree.chart.annotations
The base interface for annotations.
- ANNOTATION - Static variable in interface de.grogra.grogra.LSYTokenTypes
- ANNOTATION - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.compiler.CompilerTokenTypes
- ANNOTATION - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.parser.XLTokenTypes
- ANNOTATION_CONSTANT_EXPECTED - Static variable in exception de.grogra.xl.compiler.ProblemReporter
- annotation_custom - Enum constant in enum class de.grogra.rchart.Rchart.GGPLOT2COMMAND
- annotation_custom(String...) - Method in class de.grogra.rchart.Rchart
ggplot2 function
- annotationChanged(AnnotationChangeEvent) - Method in interface org.jfree.chart.event.AnnotationChangeListener
Receives notification of an annotation change event.
- annotationChanged(AnnotationChangeEvent) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot
Receives notification of a change to an
added to this plot. - annotationChanged(AnnotationChangeEvent) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.Plot
Receives notification of a change to an
added to this plot. - annotationChanged(AnnotationChangeEvent) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot
Receives notification of a change to an
added to this plot. - annotationChanged(AnnotationChangeEvent) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.AbstractXYItemRenderer
Receives notification of a change to an
added to this renderer. - AnnotationChangeEvent - Class in org.jfree.chart.event
An event that can be forwarded to any
to signal a change to anAnnotation
. - AnnotationChangeEvent(Object, Annotation) - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.event.AnnotationChangeEvent
Creates a new
instance. - AnnotationChangeListener - Interface in org.jfree.chart.event
The interface that must be supported by classes that wish to receive notification of changes to an
. - AnnotationImpl<T extends Annotation> - Class in de.grogra.reflect
- AnnotationImpl(Type<T>) - Constructor for class de.grogra.reflect.AnnotationImpl
- AnnotationImpl(Class<T>) - Constructor for class de.grogra.reflect.AnnotationImpl
- annotations - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.CompilationUnit
- annotationType() - Method in interface de.grogra.reflect.Annotation
- annotationType() - Method in class de.grogra.reflect.AnnotationImpl
- annotationWithParens() - Method in class de.grogra.xl.parser.XLParser
- annots - Variable in class de.grogra.reflect.MemberBase
- annual_rings - Variable in class de.grogra.lignum.stlLignum.TreeSegment
Annual rings of the tree segment (m)
- anonymousClass(AST, BlockScope, Type, AST, Expression, Expression[], AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.Compiler
- anonymousClassBody() - Method in class de.grogra.xl.parser.XLParser
- anonymousClassImpl(AST, TypeScope) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.Compiler
- AntiAlias - Class in org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea
Class for representing AntiAlias values.
- AntiAlias(boolean) - Constructor for class org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.AntiAlias
- AntiAlias(int) - Constructor for class org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.AntiAlias
- AntiAlias(String) - Constructor for class org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.AntiAlias
- antialiasing - Variable in class de.grogra.imp.awt.CanvasAdapter
- antialiasing - Variable in class de.grogra.ray2.tracing.PixelwiseRenderer
- Antialiasing - Interface in de.grogra.ray.antialiasing
A implementation of this interface encapsulates a single antialising methode that is based on prefiltering.
- Antialiasing - Interface in de.grogra.ray2.antialiasing
An implementation of this interface encapsulates a single antialiasing method that is based on prefiltering.
- ANTIALIASING - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.ray2.Raytracer
- ANTIALIASING - Static variable in class de.grogra.ray2.tracing.PixelwiseRenderer
- ANTIALIASING_MODE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.ray.GroIMPRaytracer
- antialiser - Variable in class de.grogra.ray2.metropolis.strategy.MutationStrategy
- ANTICLOCKWISE - Enum constant in enum class org.jfree.chart.util.Rotation
The reverse order renders the primary dataset first.
- ANY - Static variable in interface de.grogra.grogra.LSYTokenTypes
- ANY - Static variable in class de.grogra.vecmath.geom.Intersection
Parameter for
Volume.computeIntersections(de.grogra.vecmath.geom.Line, int, de.grogra.vecmath.geom.IntersectionList, de.grogra.vecmath.geom.Intersection, de.grogra.vecmath.geom.Intersection)
indicating that some arbitrary intersection of the set of all intersections has to be found. - ANY - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.compiler.CompilerTokenTypes
- ANY - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.parser.XLTokenTypes
- ANY_EDGE - Static variable in class de.grogra.xl.query.EdgePattern
Any edge.
- anzIterationen$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.Voronoi_Lloyd
- aparamsBound - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.query.CompoundPattern.Matcher
- apeek() - Method in class de.grogra.xl.vmx.VMXState
Returns the topmost value from the stack without popping if off the stack.
- apeek(int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.vmx.VMXState
Returns the
-th value from the top of the stack, i.e., the value with absolute addresssp - index
. - api - module api
- APIApplication - Class in de.grogra.api
- APIApplication() - Constructor for class de.grogra.api.APIApplication
- APICommandNotFoundException - Exception in de.grogra.api
- APICommandNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception de.grogra.api.APICommandNotFoundException
- APIParameterNotDefinedException - Exception in de.grogra.api
- APIParameterNotDefinedException(String) - Constructor for exception de.grogra.api.APIParameterNotDefinedException
- APIReturn - Class in de.grogra.api
This class is mainly a wrapper for a JSON object, therefore it is possible to add values to free or predefined fields.
- APIReturn() - Constructor for class de.grogra.api.APIReturn
Initialize the JSONObject
- APIRunner - Class in de.grogra.api
- APIRunner(Request, Socket, APIApplication) - Constructor for class de.grogra.api.APIRunner
- APIServer - Class in de.grogra.api
- APIServer(ServerSocket, Logger, Level, Level, APIApplication) - Constructor for class de.grogra.api.APIServer
- APIToolkit - Class in de.grogra.api
- APIToolkit() - Constructor for class de.grogra.api.APIToolkit
- APIWorkbench - Class in de.grogra.api
- APIWorkbench(Registry, JobManager, UIApplication, Map) - Constructor for class de.grogra.api.APIWorkbench
- APIWorkbench(Registry, JobManager, UIToolkit, Map) - Constructor for class de.grogra.api.APIWorkbench
- APIWorkbenchManager - Class in de.grogra.api
- APIWorkbenchManager(Registry, APIApplication) - Constructor for class de.grogra.api.APIWorkbenchManager
- apop() - Method in class de.grogra.xl.vmx.VMXState
Pops the topmost value from the stack.
- app - Variable in class de.grogra.cli.CLIWorkbenchManager
- app - Variable in class
- Appearance - Class in de.grogra.imp3d.msml
- Appearance() - Constructor for class de.grogra.imp3d.msml.Appearance
- AppearanceExport - Class in de.grogra.ext.x3d.exportation
- AppearanceExport() - Constructor for class de.grogra.ext.x3d.exportation.AppearanceExport
- AppearanceImport - Class in de.grogra.ext.x3d.importation
- AppearanceImport() - Constructor for class de.grogra.ext.x3d.importation.AppearanceImport
- AppearanceOptionPane - Class in org.gjt.sp.jedit.options
- AppearanceOptionPane() - Constructor for class org.gjt.sp.jedit.options.AppearanceOptionPane
- append(char) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.util.SegmentBuffer
- append(char[], int, int) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.util.SegmentBuffer
- append(String, DefaultStyledDocument, AttributeSet) - Method in class de.grogra.imp.FunctionBrowserManager
- append(TextArea, char) - Static method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.Registers
Appends the text selected in the text area to the specified register, with a newline between the old and new text.
- append(TextArea, char, String) - Static method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.Registers
Appends the text selected in the text area to the specified register.
- append(TextArea, char, String, boolean) - Static method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.Registers
Appends the text selected in the text area to the specified register.
- append(EpsGraphics2D, String) - Method in class org.jibble.epsgraphics.EpsDocument
Appends a line to the EpsDocument.
- append$FIELD - Static variable in class
- appendBranchNode(Node) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.Node
- appendBranchNode(Node, Transaction) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.Node
- appendColumns(double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra.VMath
Returns a matrix which consists of this matrix and the specified columns.
- appendColumns(Matrix) - Method in class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra.Matrix
Returns a matrix which consists of this matrix and the specified columns.
- appendData(float[]) - Method in class
Appends new data.
- appendData(float[], int, int) - Method in class
Appends data at specified index, for loading up with data from file(s).
- appendfix - Variable in class de.grogra.billboard.Billboarder
- appendRay(Ray) - Method in class de.grogra.ray.util.RayList
- appendReferencesTo(List) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.Node
- appendReferencesTo(List) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.Camera
- appendReferencesTo(List) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.RGBAShader
- appendReferencesTo(List) - Method in class de.grogra.math.RGBColor
- appendReferencesTo(List) - Method in interface de.grogra.persistence.Shareable
- appendReferencesTo(List) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.ShareableBase
- appendReferencesTo(List) - Method in class
- appendShortDescription(StringBuilder, String) - Method in class
Utility function to append a short description to a string buffer.
- appendStatistics(StringBuffer) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.ray2.SceneVisitor
- appendStatistics(StringBuffer) - Method in interface de.grogra.ray2.antialiasing.Antialiasing
Appends some statistics information about the antialiasing to
. - appendStatistics(StringBuffer) - Method in interface de.grogra.ray2.light.LightProcessor
Appends some statistics information about the light computations to
. - appendStatistics(StringBuffer) - Method in interface de.grogra.ray2.Scene
Appends some statistics information about the scene to
. - appendStatistics(StringBuffer) - Method in class de.grogra.ray2.tracing.ProcessorBase
- appendStatistics(StringBuffer) - Method in interface de.grogra.ray2.tracing.RayProcessor
Appends some statistics information about the ray processing to
. - appendStatisticsImpl(StringBuffer) - Method in class de.grogra.ray2.antialiasing.NoAntialiasing
- appendStatisticsImpl(StringBuffer) - Method in class de.grogra.ray2.antialiasing.StochasticSupersampling
- appendStatisticsImpl(StringBuffer) - Method in class de.grogra.ray2.light.DefaultLightProcessor
- appendStatisticsImpl(StringBuffer) - Method in class de.grogra.ray2.tracing.BiDirectionalProcessor
- appendStatisticsImpl(StringBuffer) - Method in class de.grogra.ray2.tracing.DefaultRayProcessor
- appendStatisticsImpl(StringBuffer) - Method in class de.grogra.ray2.tracing.MetropolisProcessor
- appendStatisticsImpl(StringBuffer) - Method in class de.grogra.ray2.tracing.PathTracer
- appendStatisticsImpl(StringBuffer) - Method in class de.grogra.ray2.tracing.PhotonMapRayProcessor
- appendStatisticsImpl(StringBuffer) - Method in class de.grogra.ray2.tracing.ProcessorBase
- appendStatisticsImpl(StringBuffer) - Method in class de.grogra.ray2.tracing.Radiosity
- appendString2html(StringBuilder, String) - Static method in class org.gjt.sp.util.HtmlUtilities
Appends a given non-HTML string to an HTML string, translating character entities to the appropriate HTML form.
- appendToBuffer(StringBuilder) - Method in class
Append the polygon to the buffer.
- appendTypeIfNecessary(StringBuilder, VariableCompletion) - Method in class
Utility function that appends a variable or function completion's type to a string buffer if
. - APPLE - Static variable in class org.sunflow.image.RGBSpace
- Applicability() - Constructor for class de.grogra.xl.compiler.scope.Members.Applicability
- Application - Class in
- APPLICATION_CONDITION - Static variable in interface de.grogra.grogra.LSYTokenTypes
- APPLICATION_CONDITION - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.compiler.CompilerTokenTypes
- APPLICATION_CONDITION - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.parser.XLTokenTypes
- APPLICATION_XML - Static variable in class de.grogra.util.MimeType
The MIME type
without parameters. - ApplicationFrame - Class in org.jfree.chart.ui
A base class for creating the main frame for simple applications.
- ApplicationFrame(String) - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.ui.ApplicationFrame
Constructs a new application frame.
- Applier() - Constructor for class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue.Applier
- apply() - Static method in class de.grogra.rgg.Library
Deprecated.replaced by
- apply(int) - Static method in class de.grogra.rgg.Library
This finish iterator (see the XL Language Specification) is used in a
-statement to execute its bodycount
times. - apply(int, Transaction) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue.Applier
- apply(Transaction) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue.Applier
- apply(Transaction) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- apply(String) - Method in class
- apply(String) - Method in class
- apply(String) - Method in interface
Apply a RGG function on the subgraph
- apply(JEditBuffer, int, int, int, List<IndentAction>) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.indent.CloseBracketIndentRule
- apply(JEditBuffer, int, int, int, List<IndentAction>) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.indent.DeepIndentRule
- apply(JEditBuffer, int, int, int, List<IndentAction>) - Method in interface org.gjt.sp.jedit.indent.IndentRule
Apply the indent rule to this line, and return an indent action.
- apply(JEditBuffer, int, int, int, List<IndentAction>) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.indent.OpenBracketIndentRule
- apply(JEditBuffer, int, int, int, List<IndentAction>) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.indent.RegexpIndentRule
- apply(JEditBuffer, int, int, int, List<IndentAction>) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.indent.WhitespaceRule
- apply(JFreeChart) - Method in interface org.jfree.chart.ChartTheme
Applies this theme to the supplied chart.
- apply(JFreeChart) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies this theme to the supplied chart.
- Apply(boolean, boolean, int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.grogra.LSystem.Apply
- Apply(Method, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class de.grogra.rgg.RGG.Apply
- applyAlternateLayout(boolean) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.DockableWindowManager
- applyChanges(Item, Object, Context) - Static method in class
- applyChanges(GenericCallback<String>, boolean, LinkedList<String>) - Method in class
- applyCurrentTheme(JFreeChart) - Static method in class org.jfree.chart.ChartUtils
Applies the current theme to the specified chart.
- applyDerivation() - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.simple.SimpleProducer
- applyDockingLayout(DockableWindowManager.DockingLayout) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.DockableWindowManager
- applyImageGeneratorStrategy() - Method in class
Generate interpolated images by creating a
and pass it to theWorker
. - applyInterpretation() - Method in class de.grogra.rgg.RGG
This method can be invoked if interpretive rules shall be applied to the current graph by the method
. - APPLYPROFIL - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.sym
- APPLYPROFIL3D - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.sym
- applyRules(Transaction) - Method in class de.grogra.grogra.LSystem.Apply
- applyRules(Transaction) - Method in class de.grogra.rgg.RGG.Apply
- applyShadow(BufferedImage) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.util.DefaultShadowGenerator
Applies a shadow to the image.
- APPLYSHAPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.sym
- applyTextAreaColors(Container) - Static method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.GUIUtilities
experimental - applies the text area colors on a Component (such as a dockable window) and its children.
- applyToAbstractRenderer(AbstractRenderer) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies the attributes for this theme to an
. - applyToBlock(Block) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies the attributes of this theme to the specified block.
- applyToBlockContainer(BlockContainer) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies the attributes of this theme to the specified container.
- applyToCategoryAxis(CategoryAxis) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies the attributes for this theme to a
. - applyToCategoryItemRenderer(CategoryItemRenderer) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies the settings of this theme to the specified renderer.
- applyToCategoryPlot(CategoryPlot) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies the attributes of this theme to a
. - applyToFastScatterPlot(FastScatterPlot) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies the attributes of this theme to a
. - applyToMeterPlot(MeterPlot) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies the attributes of this theme to a
. - applyToMultiplePiePlot(MultiplePiePlot) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies the attributes of this theme to a
. - applyToPeriodAxis(PeriodAxis) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies the attributes for this theme to a
. - applyToPiePlot(PiePlot) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies the attributes of this theme to a
instance. - applyToPlot(Plot) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies the attributes of this theme to a plot.
- applyToPolarPlot(PolarPlot) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies the attributes of this theme to a
. - applyToSpiderWebPlot(SpiderWebPlot) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies the attributes of this theme to a
. - applyToSymbolAxis(SymbolAxis) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies the attributes for this theme to a
. - applyToThermometerPlot(ThermometerPlot) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies the attributes for this theme to a
. - applyToTitle(Title) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies the attributes of this theme to the specified title.
- applyToValueAxis(ValueAxis) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies the attributes for this theme to a
. - applyToXYAnnotation(XYAnnotation) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies the settings of this theme to the specified annotation.
- applyToXYItemRenderer(XYItemRenderer) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies the settings of this theme to the specified renderer.
- applyToXYPlot(XYPlot) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies the attributes of this theme to a
. - applyUntilFinished() - Static method in class de.grogra.rgg.Library
This finish iterator (see the XL Language Specification) is used in a
-statement to execute its body as long as the body makes modifications to the graph. - applyVectorToNode(Node, Point2d, double) - Method in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.ForceBasedLayout2.FBAlgorithm2
- applyXL(String) - Method in class
- applyXL(String) - Method in class
- applyXL(String) - Method in interface
Apply an XL Query on the SubGraph
- approximateBinomialCoefficient(int, int) - Static method in class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.MathUtil
Binomial coefficent, also known as "n choose k").
- approximateFactorial(int) - Static method in class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.MathUtil
Compute the Factorial of n, often written as
- APRIL - Static variable in interface
Constant for April.
- apush(Object) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.vmx.VMXState
Pushs the given
on top of the stack. - aquireLog() - Method in class de.grogra.gpuflux.jocl.compute.ComputeContext
- Arc - Class in de.grogra.math
- Arc() - Constructor for class de.grogra.math.Arc
- Arc(float, float, float) - Constructor for class de.grogra.math.Arc
- Arc.Type - Class in de.grogra.math
- Arc2DImport - Class in de.grogra.ext.x3d.importation
- Arc2DImport() - Constructor for class de.grogra.ext.x3d.importation.Arc2DImport
- ArcDialFrame - Class in org.jfree.chart.plot.dial
A standard frame for the
class. - ArcDialFrame() - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.plot.dial.ArcDialFrame
Creates a new instance of
that spans 180 degrees. - ArcDialFrame(double, double) - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.plot.dial.ArcDialFrame
Creates a new instance of
that spans the arc specified. - archeight$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.RoundRectangleType
- ArcType - Class in de.grogra.imp2d.objects
- ArcType(Arc2D.Float, SCOType) - Constructor for class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.ArcType
- ArcType(Class, SCOType) - Constructor for class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.ArcType
- arcType$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.ArcType
- arcwidth$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.RoundRectangleType
- area() - Method in class de.grogra.vecmath.BoundingBox3d
- AREA - Static variable in interface de.grogra.ray.physics.Light
This return value for
indicates an area light. - AREA - Static variable in class org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYAreaRenderer
Useful constant for specifying the type of rendering (area only).
- AREA - Static variable in class org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYStepAreaRenderer
Useful constant for specifying the type of rendering (area only).
- AREA_AND_SHAPES - Static variable in class org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYAreaRenderer
Useful constant for specifying the type of rendering (area and shapes).
- AREA_AND_SHAPES - Static variable in class org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYStepAreaRenderer
Useful constant for specifying the type of rendering (area and shapes).
- AREA_GF - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.sym
- AREA_LIGHT - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Attributes
- AREA_PLOT - Static variable in interface
- AreaLight - Class in de.grogra.imp3d.objects
- AreaLight() - Constructor for class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.AreaLight
- AreaLight.Type - Class in de.grogra.imp3d.objects
- AreaPlot(int, int) - Method in class de.grogra.rchart.Rchart
wrapper for function geom_area(...)
- AreaRenderer - Class in org.jfree.chart.renderer.category
A category item renderer that draws area charts.
- AreaRenderer() - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.AreaRenderer
Creates a new renderer.
- AreaRendererEndType - Class in org.jfree.chart.renderer
An enumeration of the 'end types' for an area renderer.
- areasByInclination - Variable in class
- areasByInclination - Variable in class
- areComparableScales(Object, Object) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.Graph
- areCurvesCompatible(GraphState) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.CurveSequence
- areCurvesCompatible(GraphState) - Method in interface de.grogra.math.BSplineCurveList
- areCurvesCompatible(GraphState) - Method in class de.grogra.math.RuledSurface
- areCurvesCompatible(GraphState) - Method in class de.grogra.math.Sweep
- areFieldsProvided() - Method in interface de.grogra.persistence.PersistenceInput
- areFieldsProvided() - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.PersistenceInputDecorator
- areFieldsProvided() - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.PersistenceInputStream
- areFieldsProvided() - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.XAQueue.Reader
- areFieldsProvided() - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.XMLPersistenceReader
- areFieldsProvided() - Method in class
- areTabSizesDirty() - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.ColumnBlock
- areturn(Object) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.vmx.VMXState
Returns an instance of
. - arg(boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.parser.XLParser
- arglist(AST, Scope) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.Compiler
- argList() - Method in class de.grogra.grogra.LSYParser
- argList(boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.parser.XLParser
- ARGLIST - Static variable in interface de.grogra.grogra.LSYTokenTypes
- ARGLIST - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.compiler.CompilerTokenTypes
- ARGLIST - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.parser.XLTokenTypes
- args - Variable in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.JEditAbstractEditAction
- Args - Class in org.jfree.chart.util
A utility class for checking method arguments.
- Args() - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.util.Args
- ArgShoot - Class in de.grogra.turtle
- ArgShoot(float) - Constructor for class de.grogra.turtle.ArgShoot
- argument - Variable in class de.grogra.turtle.ArgShoot
- argument - Variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Assignment
The single parameter of this turtle command.
- argument - Variable in class de.grogra.turtle.InvokeMethod
- argument - Variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Move
- argument - Variable in class de.grogra.turtle.RV
- argument - Variable in class de.grogra.turtle.RVAdd
- argument - Variable in class de.grogra.turtle.RVMul
- Argument - Class in
- Argument - Class in de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern
- ARGUMENT - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Attributes
- argument$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.ArgShoot
- argument$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Assignment
- argument$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.InvokeMethod
- argument$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.K
- argument$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.KAssignment
- argument$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.KL
- argument$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Move
- argument$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.RV
- argument$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.RVAdd
- argument$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.RVMul
- ArgumentDescription - Class in de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern
- ArgumentDescription(AST, Place) - Constructor for class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.ArgumentDescription
- ArgumentDescription(AST, Local) - Constructor for class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.ArgumentDescription
- ArgumentDescription(AST, Expression) - Constructor for class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.ArgumentDescription
- ArgumentList() - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.bsh.Parser
- Arguments() - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.bsh.Parser
- argumentsCount() - Method in class de.grogra.rchart.Rchart.PlotOption
get the number of arguments
- Arithmetic<N extends Number> - Interface in
An interface to define requirements for a number to perform arithmetic operations.
- arrange(Graphics2D) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.AbstractBlock
Arranges the contents of the block, with no constraints, and returns the block size.
- arrange(Graphics2D) - Method in interface org.jfree.chart.block.Block
Arranges the contents of the block, with no constraints, and returns the block size.
- arrange(Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.AbstractBlock
Arranges the contents of the block, within the given constraints, and returns the block size.
- arrange(Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in interface org.jfree.chart.block.Block
Arranges the contents of the block, within the given constraints, and returns the block size.
- arrange(Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.BlockContainer
Arranges the contents of the block, within the given constraints, and returns the block size.
- arrange(Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.ColorBlock
Arranges the contents of the block, within the given constraints, and returns the block size.
- arrange(Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.EmptyBlock
Arranges the contents of the block, within the given constraints, and returns the block size.
- arrange(Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.LabelBlock
Arranges the contents of the block, within the given constraints, and returns the block size.
- arrange(Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.title.CompositeTitle
Arranges the contents of the block, within the given constraints, and returns the block size.
- arrange(Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.title.ImageTitle
Arranges the contents of the block, within the given constraints, and returns the block size.
- arrange(Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.title.LegendGraphic
Arranges the contents of the block, within the given constraints, and returns the block size.
- arrange(Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.title.LegendTitle
Arranges the contents of the block, within the given constraints, and returns the block size.
- arrange(Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.title.PaintScaleLegend
Arranges the contents of the block, within the given constraints, and returns the block size.
- arrange(Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.title.ShortTextTitle
Performs a layout for this title, subject to the supplied constraint, and returns the dimensions required for the title (if the title cannot be displayed in the available space, this method will return zero width and height for the dimensions).
- arrange(Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.title.TextTitle
Arranges the contents of the block, within the given constraints, and returns the block size.
- arrange(BlockContainer, Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in interface org.jfree.chart.block.Arrangement
Arranges the blocks within the specified container, subject to the given constraint.
- arrange(BlockContainer, Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.BorderArrangement
Arranges the items in the specified container, subject to the given constraint.
- arrange(BlockContainer, Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.CenterArrangement
Calculates and sets the bounds of all the items in the specified container, subject to the given constraint.
- arrange(BlockContainer, Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.ColumnArrangement
Calculates and sets the bounds of all the items in the specified container, subject to the given constraint.
- arrange(BlockContainer, Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.FlowArrangement
Calculates and sets the bounds of all the items in the specified container, subject to the given constraint.
- arrange(BlockContainer, Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.GridArrangement
Arranges the blocks within the specified container, subject to the given constraint.
- Arrange - Class in de.grogra.blocks
- Arrange() - Constructor for class de.grogra.blocks.Arrange
- Arrange(int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.blocks.Arrange
- ArrangeBase - Class in de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock
- ArrangeBase() - Constructor for class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.ArrangeBase
- arrangeFF(BlockContainer, Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.BorderArrangement
Arranges the items within a container.
- arrangeFF(BlockContainer, Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.CenterArrangement
Arranges the blocks in the container with the overall height and width specified as fixed constraints.
- arrangeFF(BlockContainer, Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.ColumnArrangement
Calculates and sets the bounds of all the items in the specified container, subject to the given constraint.
- arrangeFF(BlockContainer, Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.FlowArrangement
Arranges the blocks in the container with the overall height and width specified as fixed constraints.
- arrangeFF(BlockContainer, Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.GridArrangement
Arranges the container with a fixed overall width and height.
- arrangeFN(Graphics2D, double) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.title.ShortTextTitle
Arranges the content for this title assuming a fixed width and no bounds on the height, and returns the required size.
- arrangeFN(Graphics2D, double) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.title.TextTitle
Arranges the content for this title assuming a fixed width and no bounds on the height, and returns the required size.
- arrangeFN(BlockContainer, Graphics2D, double) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.BorderArrangement
Arranges the container width a fixed width and no constraint on the height.
- arrangeFN(BlockContainer, Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.CenterArrangement
Arranges the blocks in the container with a fixed width and no height constraint.
- arrangeFN(BlockContainer, Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.FlowArrangement
Arranges the blocks in the container with a fixed width and no height constraint.
- arrangeFN(BlockContainer, Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.GridArrangement
Arrange with a fixed width and a height within a given range.
- arrangeFR(BlockContainer, Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.BorderArrangement
Performs an arrangement with a fixed width and a range for the height.
- arrangeFR(BlockContainer, Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.CenterArrangement
Arranges the blocks in the container with a fixed with and a range constraint on the height.
- arrangeFR(BlockContainer, Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.FlowArrangement
Arranges the blocks in the container with a fixed width and a range constraint on the height.
- arrangeFR(BlockContainer, Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.GridArrangement
Arrange with a fixed width and a height within a given range.
- ArrangeLOD - Class in de.grogra.blocks
- ArrangeLOD() - Constructor for class de.grogra.blocks.ArrangeLOD
- ArrangeLOD.Type - Class in de.grogra.blocks
- Arrangement - Interface in org.jfree.chart.block
An object that is responsible for arranging a collection of
s within aBlockContainer
. - arrangement$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.Tree
- ArrangeMethod - Interface in de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock
- arrangeMethod$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.Arrange
- arrangeNF(BlockContainer, Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.CenterArrangement
Arranges the blocks with no width constraint and a fixed height constraint.
- arrangeNF(BlockContainer, Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.ColumnArrangement
Calculates and sets the bounds of all the items in the specified container, subject to the given constraint.
- arrangeNF(BlockContainer, Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.FlowArrangement
Arranges the blocks with no width constraint and a fixed height constraint.
- arrangeNF(BlockContainer, Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.GridArrangement
Arrange with a fixed height and no constraint for the width.
- arrangeNN(Graphics2D) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.title.LegendGraphic
Performs the layout with no constraint, so the content size is determined by the bounds of the shape and/or line drawn to represent the series.
- arrangeNN(Graphics2D) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.title.ShortTextTitle
Arranges the content for this title assuming no bounds on the width or the height, and returns the required size.
- arrangeNN(Graphics2D) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.title.TextTitle
Arranges the content for this title assuming no bounds on the width or the height, and returns the required size.
- arrangeNN(BlockContainer, Graphics2D) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.BorderArrangement
Performs an arrangement without constraints.
- arrangeNN(BlockContainer, Graphics2D) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.CenterArrangement
Arranges the blocks without any constraints.
- arrangeNN(BlockContainer, Graphics2D) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.ColumnArrangement
Arranges the blocks without any constraints.
- arrangeNN(BlockContainer, Graphics2D) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.FlowArrangement
Arranges the blocks without any constraints.
- arrangeNN(BlockContainer, Graphics2D) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.GridArrangement
Arranges the container with no constraint on the width or height.
- arrangeNR(BlockContainer, Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.GridArrangement
Arrange with a fixed height and no width constraint.
- arrangeRF(BlockContainer, Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.CenterArrangement
Arranges the blocks in the container with a range constraint on the width and a fixed height.
- arrangeRF(BlockContainer, Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.ColumnArrangement
Arranges the blocks in the container using a fixed height and a range for the width.
- arrangeRF(BlockContainer, Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.FlowArrangement
Arranges the blocks in the container with a range constraint on the width and a fixed height.
- arrangeRF(BlockContainer, Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.GridArrangement
Arrange with a fixed height and a width within a given range.
- arrangeRN(Graphics2D, Range) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.title.ShortTextTitle
Arranges the content for this title assuming a range constraint for the width and no bounds on the height, and returns the required size.
- arrangeRN(Graphics2D, Range) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.title.TextTitle
Arranges the content for this title assuming a range constraint for the width and no bounds on the height, and returns the required size.
- arrangeRN(BlockContainer, Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.CenterArrangement
Arranges the block with a range constraint on the width, and no constraint on the height.
- arrangeRN(BlockContainer, Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.FlowArrangement
Arranges the block with a range constraint on the width, and no constraint on the height.
- arrangeRN(BlockContainer, Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.GridArrangement
Arrange with a fixed width and no height constraint.
- arrangeRR(Graphics2D, Range, Range) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.title.PaintScaleLegend
Returns the content size for the title.
- arrangeRR(Graphics2D, Range, Range) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.title.ShortTextTitle
Returns the content size for the title.
- arrangeRR(Graphics2D, Range, Range) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.title.TextTitle
Returns the content size for the title.
- arrangeRR(BlockContainer, Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.CenterArrangement
Arranges the blocks with the overall width and height to fit within specified ranges.
- arrangeRR(BlockContainer, Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.ColumnArrangement
Arranges a container with range constraints for both the horizontal and vertical.
- arrangeRR(BlockContainer, Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.FlowArrangement
Arranges the blocks with the overall width and height to fit within specified ranges.
- arrangeRR(BlockContainer, Graphics2D, RectangleConstraint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.GridArrangement
Arrange with ranges for both the width and height constraints.
- arrangeRR(BlockContainer, Range, Range, Graphics2D) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.BorderArrangement
Performs an arrangement with range constraints on both the vertical and horizontal sides.
- array(Aggregate, boolean) - Static method in class de.grogra.xl.util.Operators
- array(Aggregate, byte) - Static method in class de.grogra.xl.util.Operators
- array(Aggregate, char) - Static method in class de.grogra.xl.util.Operators
- array(Aggregate, double) - Static method in class de.grogra.xl.util.Operators
- array(Aggregate, float) - Static method in class de.grogra.xl.util.Operators
- array(Aggregate, int) - Static method in class de.grogra.xl.util.Operators
- array(Aggregate, long) - Static method in class de.grogra.xl.util.Operators
- array(Aggregate, short) - Static method in class de.grogra.xl.util.Operators
- array(Aggregate, Object) - Static method in class de.grogra.xl.util.Operators
- Array - Class in
- Array() - Constructor for class
- ARRAY - Static variable in interface de.grogra.reflect.Member
Modifier for classes which are arrays.
- ARRAY_DECLARATOR - Static variable in interface de.grogra.grogra.LSYTokenTypes
- ARRAY_DECLARATOR - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.compiler.CompilerTokenTypes
- ARRAY_DECLARATOR - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.parser.XLTokenTypes
- ARRAY_INIT - Static variable in interface de.grogra.grogra.LSYTokenTypes
- ARRAY_INIT - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.compiler.CompilerTokenTypes
- ARRAY_INIT - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.parser.XLTokenTypes
- ARRAY_ITERATOR - Static variable in interface de.grogra.grogra.LSYTokenTypes
- ARRAY_ITERATOR - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.compiler.CompilerTokenTypes
- ARRAY_ITERATOR - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.parser.XLTokenTypes
- ARRAY_OBJECT - Static variable in interface de.grogra.persistence.PersistenceInput
- array2Generator - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.scope.Members.Applicability
iff the member is applicable only after an array argument has been converted to an array generator argument, i.e., a loop over the components of the array. - ArrayAdapter<T,
A> - Interface in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.datastructures.arraylike -
Adapter for array-like things.
- arraycopy(boolean[], int, boolean[], int, int) - Static method in class de.grogra.xl.util.BooleanList
- arraycopy(byte[], int, byte[], int, int) - Static method in class de.grogra.xl.util.ByteList
- arraycopy(char[], int, char[], int, int) - Static method in class de.grogra.xl.util.CharList
- arraycopy(double[], int, double[], int, int) - Static method in class de.grogra.xl.util.DoubleList
- arraycopy(float[], int, float[], int, int) - Static method in class de.grogra.xl.util.FloatList
- arraycopy(int[], int, int[], int, int) - Static method in class de.grogra.xl.util.IntList
- arraycopy(long[], int, long[], int, int) - Static method in class de.grogra.xl.util.LongList
- arraycopy(short[], int, short[], int, int) - Static method in class de.grogra.xl.util.ShortList
- arraycopy(Object[], int, Object[], int, int) - Static method in class de.grogra.xl.util.ObjectList
- ArrayDimensions() - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.bsh.Parser
- ArrayGenerator - Class in de.grogra.xl.expr
- ArrayGenerator(Type, Local, Local) - Constructor for class de.grogra.xl.expr.ArrayGenerator
- arrayIndex(AST, BlockScope) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.Compiler
- ArrayInit - Class in de.grogra.xl.expr
- ArrayInit(Type) - Constructor for class de.grogra.xl.expr.ArrayInit
- ARRAYINIT_FOR_NONARRAY - Static variable in exception de.grogra.xl.compiler.ProblemReporter
- arrayInitializer(AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.parser.XLParser
- arrayInitializer(AST, BlockScope, Type) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.Compiler
- ArrayInitializer() - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.bsh.Parser
- arrayInitializerRest(AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.parser.XLParser
- ArrayIter - Interface in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.datastructures.iterator
Array iterators can also go backwards and seek.
- ArrayListIter<O> - Class in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.datastructures.iterator
ELKI style Iterator for array lists.
- ArrayListIter(List<O>) - Constructor for class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.datastructures.iterator.ArrayListIter
- ArrayPath - Class in de.grogra.graph
- ArrayPath(Graph) - Constructor for class de.grogra.graph.ArrayPath
- ArrayPath(Path) - Constructor for class de.grogra.graph.ArrayPath
- ArrayUtils - Class in org.jagatoo.util.arrays
Helper class for array operations.
- ArrayUtils - Class in org.jfree.chart.util
Utility methods for working with arrays.
- ArrayUtils() - Constructor for class org.jagatoo.util.arrays.ArrayUtils
- ArrayVector - Class in org.jagatoo.util.arrays
Utility class, that provides vector-arithmetic methods to be applied to float arrays.
- ArrayVector() - Constructor for class org.jagatoo.util.arrays.ArrayVector
- Arrow - Class in de.grogra.imp2d.objects
- Arrow() - Constructor for class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.Arrow
- ARROW - Static variable in interface de.grogra.grogra.LSYTokenTypes
- ARROW - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.compiler.CompilerTokenTypes
- ARROW - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.parser.XLTokenTypes
- Arrow.Type - Class in de.grogra.imp2d.objects
- arrowExpression() - Method in class de.grogra.xl.parser.XLParser
- ArrowNeedle - Class in org.jfree.chart.needle
A needle in the shape of an arrow.
- ArrowNeedle(boolean) - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.needle.ArrowNeedle
Constructs a new arrow needle.
- asButton$FIELD - Static variable in class
- ASCENDING - Enum constant in enum class org.jfree.chart.util.SortOrder
Ascending order.
- ASCENDING - Static variable in class
Ascending order.
- asCollector - Variable in class de.grogra.ray.physics.Collector3d
- asCollector - Variable in class de.grogra.ray.physics.CollectorW3d
- asDatasetAdapter() - Method in class
Returns a view of this dataset as an instance of
. - asDoubleArray() - Method in class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.DoubleMinMax
Return minimum and maximum as array.
- aset(Frame, Object) - Method in interface de.grogra.xl.query.Variable
- aset(Frame, Object) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.vmx.VMXState.Local
- aset(VMXState.Local, Object, Authorization) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.vmx.VMXState
Sets the stack element corresponding to
. - aset(Object, VMXState, int, int, Authorization) - Static method in class de.grogra.xl.vmx.VMXState
Sets the stack element
of thenesting
-th statically containing frame tovalue
. - asetj(int, Object, Authorization) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.vmx.VMXState
Sets the stack element
of the current Java frame tovalue
. - asin(double) - Static method in class de.grogra.math.Degree
- asin(Range, Range) - Static method in class de.grogra.vecmath.Range
- Asin - Class in de.grogra.math
- Asin() - Constructor for class de.grogra.math.Asin
- ASin - Class in de.grogra.blocks.functionParser
- ASin(Expr) - Constructor for class de.grogra.blocks.functionParser.ASin
- ASIN - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.functionParser.sym
- ASIN - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.sym
- Asin.Type - Class in de.grogra.math
- ASMType - Class in de.grogra.xl.compiler
- ASMType(ASMTypeLoader) - Constructor for class de.grogra.xl.compiler.ASMType
- ASMTypeLoader - Class in de.grogra.xl.compiler
- ASMTypeLoader(TypeLoader, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class de.grogra.xl.compiler.ASMTypeLoader
- asNode - Variable in class de.grogra.glsl.utility.Drawable
- asNode - Variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.SceneTree.Leaf
a node or an edge? - aspect - Variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.Projection
- ASPECT - Static variable in class de.grogra.ext.povray.POVExport
- aspect$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.Projection
- asPoint3d() - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.VoronoiCell
- asPoint3f() - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.VoronoiCell
- asProject - Variable in class de.grogra.ext.exchangegraph.XEGImport
- Assert - Class in de.grogra.xl.expr
- Assert(Field) - Constructor for class de.grogra.xl.expr.Assert
- ASSERT - Static variable in interface de.grogra.grogra.LSYTokenTypes
- ASSERT - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.compiler.CompilerTokenTypes
- ASSERT - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.parser.XLTokenTypes
- ASSIGN - Static variable in interface de.grogra.grogra.LSYTokenTypes
- ASSIGN - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.compiler.CompilerTokenTypes
- ASSIGN - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.parser.XLTokenTypes
- ASSIGN - Static variable in interface org.gjt.sp.jedit.bsh.ParserConstants
- AssignArrayComponent - Class in de.grogra.xl.expr
- AssignArrayComponent(Type, int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.xl.expr.AssignArrayComponent
- AssignArrayGenerator - Class in de.grogra.xl.expr
- AssignArrayGenerator(Type, Local, Local, int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.xl.expr.AssignArrayGenerator
- AssignField - Class in de.grogra.xl.expr
- AssignField(Field, int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.xl.expr.AssignField
- assignIndices(int, HashMap<Object, Integer>) - Method in class de.grogra.chem.ChemicalReaction
- assignIndices(int, HashMap<Object, Integer>) - Method in interface de.grogra.chem.ISlope
- assignIndices(int, HashMap<Object, Integer>) - Method in class de.grogra.chem.Model
- AssignLocal - Class in de.grogra.xl.expr
- AssignLocal(Local, int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.xl.expr.AssignLocal
- AssignLocal(VMXState.Local, Type, int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.xl.expr.AssignLocal
- assignLocalRegister(int, float) - Method in class de.grogra.grogra.LSystem
Go back to the next shoot with the given localregisterno and assign the given value
- assignLocalRegisterAdd(int, float) - Method in class de.grogra.grogra.LSystem
Go back to the next shoot with the given localregisterno and add the given value
- assignLocalRegisterMul(int, float) - Method in class de.grogra.grogra.LSystem
Go back to the next shoot with the given localregisterno and multiply the given value
- Assignment - Class in de.grogra.turtle
This is the base class of turtle commands which assign a value to a state variable of the turtle and have a single parameter.
- Assignment - Class in de.grogra.xl.expr
- Assignment(float) - Constructor for class de.grogra.turtle.Assignment
- Assignment(Type, int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.xl.expr.Assignment
- Assignment() - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.bsh.Parser
- ASSIGNMENT_TO_FINAL - Static variable in exception de.grogra.xl.compiler.ProblemReporter
- assignmentConversion(Expression, Type, Scope, AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.CompilerBase
- assignmentExpression() - Method in class de.grogra.xl.parser.XLParser
- assignmentExpressionRest(AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.parser.XLParser
- AssignmentOperator() - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.bsh.Parser
- assignmentType - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.expr.Assignment
- assignOp(AST, BlockScope, AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.Compiler
- assignReferenceShoot(int, float) - Method in class de.grogra.grogra.LSystem
Go to the reference shoot (select by function21) and assign the localregisterno with the given value
- assignReferenceShootAdd(int, float) - Method in class de.grogra.grogra.LSystem
Go to the reference shoot (select by function21) and add the localregisterno with the given value
- assignReferenceShootMul(int, float) - Method in class de.grogra.grogra.LSystem
Go to the reference shoot (select by function21) and multiply the localregisterno with the given value
- ASSIGNS_LOCAL - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.expr.LocalAccess
- ast - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.ArgumentDescription
- ast - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.scope.MethodScope
- asTableModel() - Method in class
Returns a view of this dataset as an instance of
. - astack - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.query.QueryState
- ASTWithToken - Class in de.grogra.grammar
- ASTWithToken() - Constructor for class de.grogra.grammar.ASTWithToken
- ASTWithToken(int, String) - Constructor for class de.grogra.grammar.ASTWithToken
- ASTWithTokenFactory - Class in de.grogra.grammar
- ASTWithTokenFactory() - Constructor for class de.grogra.grammar.ASTWithTokenFactory
- AT_LINE_START - Static variable in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.syntax.ParserRule
- AT_WHITESPACE_END - Static variable in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.syntax.ParserRule
- AT_WORD_START - Static variable in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.syntax.ParserRule
- atan(double) - Static method in class de.grogra.math.Degree
- atan(float) - Static method in class de.grogra.grogra.LSystem
- atan(Range, Range) - Static method in class de.grogra.vecmath.Range
- Atan - Class in de.grogra.math
- Atan() - Constructor for class de.grogra.math.Atan
- ATan - Class in de.grogra.blocks.functionParser
- ATan(Expr) - Constructor for class de.grogra.blocks.functionParser.ATan
- ATAN - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.functionParser.sym
- ATAN - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.sym
- Atan.Type - Class in de.grogra.math
- atan2(Range, Range, Range) - Static method in class de.grogra.vecmath.Range
- atEndOfBuffer() - Method in class org.jedit.keymap.EmacsUtil
- atEndOfBuffer(int) - Method in class org.jedit.keymap.EmacsUtil
- atg(float) - Static method in class de.grogra.grogra.LSystem
- Atom - Class in de.grogra.ext.pdb.model
- Atom(String, float, float, float) - Constructor for class de.grogra.ext.pdb.model.Atom
Creates an atom
- ATOM_NAME_END - Variable in class de.grogra.ext.pdb.PDBAtomReader
- ATOM_NAME_START - Variable in class de.grogra.ext.pdb.PDBAtomReader
- ATOMIC - Static variable in class de.grogra.xl.query.CompoundPattern
- ATT_ALPHA - Static variable in class de.grogra.mtg.MTGKeys
- ATT_AZIMUT - Static variable in class de.grogra.mtg.MTGKeys
- ATT_BOTTOMDIA - Static variable in class de.grogra.mtg.MTGKeys
- ATT_CATEGORY - Static variable in class de.grogra.mtg.MTGKeys
- ATT_DIRECTION_PRI - Static variable in class de.grogra.mtg.MTGKeys
- ATT_LENGTH - Static variable in class de.grogra.mtg.MTGKeys
- ATT_ORDER - Static variable in class de.grogra.mtg.MTGKeys
- ATT_PHI - Static variable in class de.grogra.mtg.MTGKeys
- ATT_POSITION - Static variable in class de.grogra.mtg.MTGKeys
- ATT_PSI - Static variable in class de.grogra.mtg.MTGKeys
- ATT_TETA - Static variable in class de.grogra.mtg.MTGKeys
- ATT_TOPDIA - Static variable in class de.grogra.mtg.MTGKeys
- attachDepthOnly(OpenGLState, FBOAttachment) - Method in class de.grogra.glsl.utility.FrameBufferObject
- attachDepthStencil(OpenGLState, FBOAttachment) - Method in class de.grogra.glsl.utility.FrameBufferObject
- attachDrawBuffer(OpenGLState, FBOAttachment, int) - Method in class de.grogra.glsl.utility.FrameBufferObject
- attachPoints - Static variable in class de.grogra.glsl.OpenGLState
- attachStencilOnly(OpenGLState, FBOAttachment) - Method in class de.grogra.glsl.utility.FrameBufferObject
- attachToFbo(OpenGLState, int) - Method in interface de.grogra.glsl.utility.FBOAttachment
- attachToFbo(OpenGLState, int) - Method in class de.grogra.glsl.utility.RenderBuffer
- attachToFbo(OpenGLState, int) - Method in class de.grogra.glsl.utility.TextureRenderTarget
- attemptGridPaintSelection() - Method in class org.jfree.chart.editor.DefaultLogAxisEditor
Handle a grid paint selection.
- attemptGridStrokeSelection() - Method in class org.jfree.chart.editor.DefaultLogAxisEditor
Handle a grid stroke selection.
- attemptTickLabelFontSelection() - Method in class org.jfree.chart.editor.DefaultLogAxisEditor
Presents a tick label font selection dialog to the user.
- attenuate(Interior.Input, Color3f) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.IOR
- attenuate(Interior.Input, Color3f) - Method in interface de.grogra.ray.physics.Interior
Calculates the attenuation of a light ray as it travels through this interior.
- attenuationDistance$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.PointLight
- attenuationExponent$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.PointLight
- attr - Static variable in class de.grogra.xl.impl.dom.RGG
- attraction$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.SpringLayout
- attractionExponent$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.EnergyModelLayout
- attractionFactor$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.DavidsonHarelLayout
- ATTRACTOR - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.sym
- ATTRACTOR_CENTER - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.sym
- ATTRACTOR_GF - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.sym
- ATTRACTOR_HOT_SPOT - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.sym
- Attractor_Mode - Class in de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser
- Attractor_Mode(Expr) - Constructor for class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.Attractor_Mode
- ATTRACTOR_MODE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.sym
- ATTRACTOR_STRENGTH - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.sym
- AttractorGroup - Class in de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser
- AttractorGroup(Expr, Expr, Expr, Expr) - Constructor for class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.AttractorGroup
- AttractorGroup2 - Class in de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser
- AttractorGroup2(Expr, Expr, Expr) - Constructor for class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.AttractorGroup2
- attribute - Variable in class de.grogra.graph.AccessorBase
- Attribute<T> - Class in de.grogra.graph
represents an attribute of nodes and edges in aGraph
. - ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in interface de.grogra.imp2d.edit.Editable
- ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.graphs.EdgeBits
- ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.GlobalTransformation
- ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.GlobalTransformation
- ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.VolumeAttribute
- ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.TurtleStateAttribute
- ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class de.grogra.xl.impl.dom.RuntimeModel
- ATTRIBUTE_0 - Static variable in class de.grogra.graph.Attribute
An attribute array of length 0.
- ATTRIBUTE_PRIORITY - Static variable in interface de.grogra.graph.ChangeBoundaryListener
- AttributeAccessor - Interface in de.grogra.graph
- attributeChanged(Attribute[]) - Method in class de.grogra.imp.edit.ToolRoot
This method is invoked to notify the tool root about modifications of attributes of the tool target.
- attributeChanged(Attribute[]) - Method in class de.grogra.imp2d.edit.ToolRoot2D
- attributeChanged(Attribute[]) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.edit.ToolRoot3D
- attributeChanged(AttributeChangeEvent) - Method in interface de.grogra.graph.AttributeChangeListener
- attributeChanged(AttributeChangeEvent) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.GraphFilter
- attributeChanged(AttributeChangeEvent) - Method in class de.grogra.imp.edit.Tool
- attributeChanged(AttributeChangeEvent) - Method in class de.grogra.imp.View.SceneListener
- attributeChanged(AttributeChangeEvent) - Method in class de.grogra.turtle.RN
- AttributeChangeEvent - Class in de.grogra.graph
- AttributeChangeListener - Interface in de.grogra.graph
- AttributeDependencies - Class in de.grogra.graph
- AttributeDependencies() - Constructor for class de.grogra.graph.AttributeDependencies
- AttributeDependencies(AttributeDependencies) - Constructor for class de.grogra.graph.AttributeDependencies
- AttributedStringUtils - Class in org.jfree.chart.text
Some utility methods for working with
objects. - AttributeItem - Class in
- AttributeItem(String) - Constructor for class
- AttributeListPattern - Class in de.grogra.xl.query
- AttributeListPattern(int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.xl.query.AttributeListPattern
- AttributeListPattern(Type, int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.xl.query.AttributeListPattern
- AttributeOverwritingFilter - Class in de.grogra.graph
This graph filter may be used as superclass for graph filters which overwrite attribute values of their source graphs.
- AttributeOverwritingFilter(Graph) - Constructor for class de.grogra.graph.AttributeOverwritingFilter
- Attributes - Class in de.grogra.blocks
- Attributes - Class in de.grogra.graph
- Attributes - Class in de.grogra.imp.objects
- Attributes - Class in de.grogra.imp2d.objects
- Attributes - Class in de.grogra.imp3d.objects
- Attributes - Class in de.grogra.mtg
- Attributes - Class in de.grogra.rgg
- Attributes - Class in de.grogra.turtle
- Attributes - Class in
- Attributes() - Constructor for class de.grogra.blocks.Attributes
- Attributes() - Constructor for class de.grogra.graph.Attributes
- Attributes() - Constructor for class de.grogra.imp.objects.Attributes
- Attributes() - Constructor for class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.Attributes
- Attributes() - Constructor for class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Attributes
- Attributes() - Constructor for class de.grogra.mtg.Attributes
- Attributes() - Constructor for class de.grogra.rgg.Attributes
- Attributes() - Constructor for class de.grogra.turtle.Attributes
- Attributes() - Constructor for class
- AttributeSet - Class in de.grogra.graph
- AttributeSet() - Constructor for class de.grogra.graph.AttributeSet
- AttributeSet(AttributeSet) - Constructor for class de.grogra.graph.AttributeSet
- AttributesWrapper - Class in de.grogra.sqlite
- AttributesWrapper() - Constructor for class de.grogra.sqlite.AttributesWrapper
- AttributesWrapper(String, String, String) - Constructor for class de.grogra.sqlite.AttributesWrapper
- ATTRS_SEP - Static variable in class de.grogra.sqlite.Element
- ATTRS_SEP - Static variable in class
- ATTRS_SEP - Static variable in class
- AttrStringUtils - Class in org.jfree.chart.util
utilities. - attrType - Variable in class de.grogra.graph.Attribute
- AUGUST - Static variable in interface
Constant for August.
- AUTH_DESCR - Static variable in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.BytecodeWriter
- Authorization - Class in de.grogra.xl.vmx
- Authorization() - Constructor for class de.grogra.xl.vmx.Authorization
- AUTHORS - Static variable in interface
Constant for
specifying some authors. - AUTO_ADJUST - Static variable in class de.grogra.ray2.tracing.PixelwiseRenderer
- AUTO_ADJUST_MAX_VALUE - Static variable in class de.grogra.ray2.tracing.PixelwiseRenderer
- AUTO_LOAD_MODE_LAYOUT_PROP - Static variable in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.options.DockingOptionPane
- AUTO_PROGRESS - Static variable in interface
- AUTO_SAVE_MODE_LAYOUT_PROP - Static variable in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.options.DockingOptionPane
- autoAdjust - Variable in class de.grogra.ray2.tracing.PixelwiseRenderer
- autoAdjustMaxValue - Variable in class de.grogra.ray2.tracing.PixelwiseRenderer
- autoAdjustRange() - Method in class org.jfree.chart.axis.DateAxis
Rescales the axis to ensure that all data is visible.
- autoAdjustRange() - Method in class org.jfree.chart.axis.LogarithmicAxis
Rescales the axis to ensure that all data is visible.
- autoAdjustRange() - Method in class org.jfree.chart.axis.LogAxis
Adjusts the axis range to match the data range that the axis is required to display.
- autoAdjustRange() - Method in class org.jfree.chart.axis.ModuloAxis
This method should calculate a range that will show all the data values.
- autoAdjustRange() - Method in class org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis
Rescales the axis to ensure that all data is visible.
- autoAdjustRange() - Method in class org.jfree.chart.axis.PeriodAxis
Rescales the axis to ensure that all data is visible.
- autoAdjustRange() - Method in class org.jfree.chart.axis.SymbolAxis
Rescales the axis to ensure that all data is visible.
- autoAdjustRange() - Method in class org.jfree.chart.axis.ValueAxis
Automatically sets the axis range to fit the range of values in the dataset.
- AutoCompletable - Interface in
Interface that define the required methods for a text panel to be able to auto complete the text in a document.
- AutoCompletableTextArea - Interface in
Default interface that textarea needs to implements to define the required methods for autocompletion The classes that implements this interface MUST extends JComponent
- AutoCompletableTextEditor - Class in
An extended text area used by an AutoCompletable panel
- AutoCompletableTextEditor(PlainDocument) - Constructor for class
- AutoCompletableTextEditorSupport - Class in
- AutoCompletableTextEditorSupport() - Constructor for class
- AutoCompletableTextEditorSupport(SwingPanel) - Constructor for class
- autocomplete() - Method in class de.grogra.ext.jedit.JEditTextEditor
- autocomplete() - Method in interface
Call the auto completion Likely useless with the autocmpletor implementation
- autocomplete() - Method in class
- AutoCompleteAction() - Constructor for class
- AutoCompletePopupWindow - Class in
The actual popup window of choices.
- autoCompleteUpdate(AutoCompletionEvent) - Method in interface
Callback notified when a change to the
's status occurs. - AutoCompletionEvent - Class in
An event fired by an instance of
. - AutoCompletionEvent(AbstractAutoCompletor, AutoCompletionEvent.Type) - Constructor for class
- AutoCompletionEvent.Type - Enum Class in
Enumeration of the various types of this event.
- AutoCompletionListener - Interface in
An interface that allows listening for interesting events from an
. - AutoCompletionStyleContext - Class in
Manages the colors shared across the library.
- AutoCompletionStyleContext() - Constructor for class
- AutoCompletorFactory - Class in
Registry Item that create an AutoCompletor.
- autocompletors - module autocompletors
- AutoCompletors - Class in
- AutoCompletors(Registry) - Constructor for class
- Autoconversion - Annotation Interface in de.grogra.xl.lang
If the compiler flag EnableAutoconversionAnnotation is enabled, only functions tagged with this annotation are subject to autoconversion.
- autodetect(InputStream) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.bufferio.BufferIORequest
Tries to detect if the stream is gzipped, and if it has an encoding specified with an XML PI.
- autodetect(InputStream, Buffer) - Static method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.MiscUtilities
Tries to detect if the stream is gzipped, and if it has an encoding specified with an XML PI.
- AutoDetection - Class in
Some functions for auto detection of I/O stream properties.
- AutoDetection() - Constructor for class
- AutoDetection.Result - Class in
An utility class to hold the result of some auto detections.
- AUTOMATIC_TOLERANCE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.convexhull.QuickHull3D
Specifies that the distance tolerance should be computed automatically from the input point data.
- autoRangeNextLogFlag - Variable in class org.jfree.chart.axis.LogarithmicAxis
True to make 'autoAdjustRange()' select "10^n" values.
- AutoRenderJob - Class in
- AutoRenderJob(ImageProvider, Dimension, SimulationMethod, ImageSequenceControl, int) - Constructor for class
- autosave() - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.Buffer
Autosaves this buffer.
- autosave(boolean) - Method in class org.gjt.sp.jedit.Buffer
Autosaves this buffer.
- available() - Method in class de.grogra.util.HierarchicalQueue.Reader
- availableProcessors(Item, Object, Context) - Static method in class
- aval - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.expr.Expression
- aval - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.lang.Aggregate
This field contains the result if the type is a reference type.
- aval - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.lang.Filter
This field contains the result if the type is a reference type.
- aval - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.util.AggregateStateImpl
This field contains the result if the type is a reference type.
- aval(Aggregate) - Static method in class de.grogra.xl.lang.Aggregate
- aval$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.xl.expr.Expression
- aval1 - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.lang.Aggregate
This field may be used freely by aggregate methods.
- aval1 - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.lang.Filter
This field may be used freely by filter methods.
- aval1 - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.util.AggregateStateImpl
This field may be used freely by aggregate methods.
- aval2 - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.lang.Aggregate
This field may be used freely by aggregate methods.
- aval2 - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.lang.Filter
This field may be used freely by filter methods.
- aval2 - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.util.AggregateStateImpl
This field may be used freely by aggregate methods.
- aval3 - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.lang.Aggregate
This field may be used freely by aggregate methods.
- aval3 - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.lang.Filter
This field may be used freely by filter methods.
- aval3 - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.util.AggregateStateImpl
This field may be used freely by aggregate methods.
- aval4 - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.lang.Aggregate
This field may be used freely by aggregate methods.
- aval4 - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.util.AggregateStateImpl
This field may be used freely by aggregate methods.
- AverageDither - Class in de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock
- AverageDither(float, float, float, float, float[][]) - Constructor for class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.AverageDither
- avgDistortion - Variable in class de.grogra.math.GenLloyd
- AvoidIntersection - Class in de.grogra.rgg
Instances of
helps to detected potential intersection by using rays (Line
). - AvoidIntersection() - Constructor for class de.grogra.rgg.AvoidIntersection
Create an instance of
with 100 rays. - AvoidIntersection(int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.rgg.AvoidIntersection
Create an instance of
Mode.acceptFile(String, String)