All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.Arrange
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.AdditionalArrange
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.BernoulliProbability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.BetaprimeProbability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.BetaProbability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.BinomialProbability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.CauchyProbability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.ChisquareProbability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.DartThrowing
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.ErlangProbability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.FProbability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.GammaProbability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.GeometricArrange
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.GeometricProbability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.HalftoningArrange
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.InvgammaProbability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.Kachelung
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.LogisticProbability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.Lognormal2Probability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.LognormalProbability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.NegexpProbability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.Normal2Probability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.NormalProbability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.ParetoProbability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.PascalProbability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.PoissonProbability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.ProbabilityArrange
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.TstudentProbability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.UniformProbability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.Voronoi_Lloyd
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.WeibullProbability
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.ArrangeLOD
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.BlockColor
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.BlockScale
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.CustomFunction
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.Horn
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.HornLOD
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.Hydra
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.HydraLOD
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.LocationParameterBase
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.NullWithShaderNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.PhiBall
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.PhiBallLOD
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.RandomBase
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.Tree
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.TreeLOD
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.Variation
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.coolbar.CoolbarItemAdder
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.coolbar.CoolbarMacroAdder
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.coolbar.CoolbarPanelAdder
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.coolbar.XLMacro
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.ext.exchangegraph.graphnodes.ExchangeNURBSSurface
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.ext.exchangegraph.graphnodes.PropertyBox
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.ext.exchangegraph.graphnodes.PropertyMeshNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.ext.exchangegraph.graphnodes.PropertyNodeImpl
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.objects.LightDistribution
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.objects.LightDistributionRef
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.objects.LightDistributionResource
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.objects.PhysicalLight
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.objects.SpectralLight
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.objects.SpectralLightMapNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.objects.SpectrumRef
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.shading.BlackbodySPD
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.shading.ChannelSPD
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.shading.CIENormSPD
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.shading.ConstantSPD
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.shading.IORShader
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.shading.RGBSPD
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.shading.SPD
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.shading.SPDCurve
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.shading.SPDResource
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.spectral.BlackbodySpectralCurve
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.spectral.ConstantSpectralCurve
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.spectral.IrregularSpectralCurve
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.spectral.RegularSpectralCurve
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.spectral.RGBSpectralCurve
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.spectral.SpectralCurve
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.scene.filter.AllFilter
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.scene.filter.NoneFilter
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.scene.filter.ObjectFilter
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.tracer.FluxLightModelTracer
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.graph.impl.Node
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.graph.impl.ScaleClass
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.graph.impl.SharedObjectNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.graph.object.impl.GraphInstance
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.graph.object.impl.GraphObjectDescriptor
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.graph.object.impl.GraphObjectRef
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.grogra.DTDSourceFile
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.grogra.DTGShoot
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.grogra.FruitObject
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.grogra.LeafObject
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.grogra.LSystem
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.CustomGraphDescriptor
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.edit.ToolRoot
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.FilterDescriptor
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.GraphDescriptor
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.MetaGraphDescriptor
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.objects.FixedImageAdapter
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.objects.FontAdapter
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.objects.ImageRef
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.ProjectGraphDescriptor
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.registry.EmbeddedFileObject
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.registry.NavigatorFactory
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.registry.RegistryViewEventFactory
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.registry.ToolFactory
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.registry.ViewComponentFactory
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.View
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.viewhandler.EmptyEventFactory
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.viewhandler.EmptyViewEventFactory
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.viewhandler.SelectionEventFactory
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.viewhandler.ToolEventFactory
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.edit.EditTool
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.edit.ToolRoot2D
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.graphs.EdgeBits
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.graphs.HighlightFilterDescriptor
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.graphs.ObjectData
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.graphs.TopologyGraphDescriptor
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.CircleGraphLayout
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.DavidsonHarelLayout
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.EadesLayout
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.EdgeBasedLayout
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.EdgeBasedLayout2
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.EnergyModelLayout
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.ForceBasedLayout
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.FruchtermanReingoldLayout
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.GeneralPurposeLayout
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.Layout
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.RandomLayout
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.SimpleEdgeBasedLayout
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.SpringLayout
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.SquareLayout
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.SugiyamaLayout
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.TouchLayout
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.TreeLayout
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.Navigator2DFactory
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.ArcType
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.Arrow
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.Connection
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.EllipseType
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.FillableShape2D
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.Hexagon
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.Label
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.Null
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.NURBSShape2D
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.Octagon
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.QuadraticLine
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.RectangleType
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.Rhombus
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.Rotation
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.RoundRectangleType
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.Shape2D
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.Shape2DBase
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.StrokeAdapter
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.SwitchShape
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.TextLabel
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.Trapezoid
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.Triangle
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.ToolEvent2DFactory
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.View2D
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.View2DEventFactory
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.Camera
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.DefaultView3DEventFactory
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.edit.Rotate
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.edit.Scale
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.edit.ToolRoot3D
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.edit.Translate
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.LensProjection
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.Navigator3DFactory
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.NoHighlightView3DEventFactory
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.AmbientLight
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.AreaLight
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.ArrayPoint
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Axis
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.AxisBase
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Box
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.CloudArray
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.CloudRef
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.ColoredNull
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Cone
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.CSGNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.CurveSequence
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Cylinder
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.DirectionalLight
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Frustum
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.FrustumBase
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.FrustumIrregular
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.GPP
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.GridClonerNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.GRSMesh
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.GRSVertex
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.GWedge
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.HeightField
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.HeightFieldMapping
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.ImageHeightField
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Instance3D
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Label
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Lamella
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Legend
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.LightBase
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.LightNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Line
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Mark
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.MeshNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.NetworkHeightField
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Null
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.NumericLabel
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.NURBSCurve
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.NURBSSurface
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Parallelogram
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Patch
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Plane
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Point
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.PointCloud
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.PointCloudImpl
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.PointLight
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Polygon
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.PrismRectangular
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.RectangularHeightFieldMapping
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.SensorNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Sequence
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.ShadedNull
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Sky
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Sphere
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.SphereSegment
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.SphereSegmentSolid
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.SphericalHeightFieldMapping
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.SpotLight
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Supershape
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.SweepSequence
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.TextBlock
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.TextLabel
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.TextLabelBase
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Vertex
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.VertexSequence
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.VoronoiCell
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.ParallelProjection
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.PerspectiveProjection
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.Projection
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.AffineUVTransformation
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.AlgorithmSwitchShader
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.BlendItem
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.BumpMap
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Carpenter
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.ChannelBlend
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.ChannelMapNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Checker
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.ColorMapNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Filter
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Gradient
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Granite
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.ImageMap
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.IOR
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Julia
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Laplace3D
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Leopard
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Mandel
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Material
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.MaterialRef
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Phong
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.RGBAShader
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.ShaderRef
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.SideSwitchShader
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Smooth3D
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.SunSkyLight
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.SurfaceMap
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.SwitchShader
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.SyntheticTexture
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Turbulence
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.UVTransformation
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.VolumeChecker
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.VolumeFunction
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.VolumeTurbulence
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.WaveMap
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Wood
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.XYZTransformation
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.View3D
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.lignum.stlLignum.CfTreeSegment
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.lignum.stlLignum.Tree
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.lignum.stlLignum.TreeCompartment
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.lignum.stlLignum.TreeSegment
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.lignum.stlVoxelspace.VoxelSpaceNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Abs
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Acos
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Add
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Arc
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Asin
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Atan
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.BezierCurve
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.BezierSurface
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.BSplineCurveImpl
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.BSplineOfVertices
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.BSplineSurfaceImpl
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Ceil
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Chain
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Circle
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Circular
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.ComponentTransform
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Const
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Cos
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Cosh
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Cubic
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.E
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Ellipse
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Exp
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Exp2
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Expm1
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.ExtrudedSurface
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Floor
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Graytone
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Helix
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Id
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.IsoCurve
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Log
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Log10
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Matrix3dType
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Matrix3fType
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Matrix4dType
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Matrix4fType
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Mul
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Phi
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Pi
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.ProductSurface
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.ProfileSweep
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Rad
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Ramp
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.RegularPolygon
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.RGBColor
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Rnd
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Rndabs
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.RuledSurface
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Scallop
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Sin
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Sin01
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Sinh
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.SkinnedSurface
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.SplineFunction
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Sqr
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Sqrt
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.StraightLine
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.SubGrid
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Sweep
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.SwungSurface
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Tan
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Tanh
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.TMatrix3d
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.TMatrix4d
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Triangle
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Tuple2dType
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Tuple2fType
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Tuple3dType
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Tuple3fType
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Tuple4dType
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Tuple4fType
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.TVector2d
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.TVector3d
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.UniformScale
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.VertexGridImpl
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.VertexListImpl
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.VertexSetBase
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.mesh.renderer.CollectionDisplay
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.mesh.renderer.CollectionMesh
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.mesh.renderer.CollectionPoint
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.mesh.renderer.handler.CollectionDisplayHandler
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.mesh.renderer.handler.CollectionMeshHandler
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.mesh.renderer.handler.CollectionPointHandler
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.mesh.renderer.handler.DisplayHandler
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.mesh.renderer.handler.FloatArrayHandler
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.msml.MSNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.mtg.MTGNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.mtg.MTGRoot
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.mtg.MTGSourceFile
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.persistence.SCOType
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.pointcloud.navigation.PointCloudView3DEventManager
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.pointcloud.objects.impl.CloudGraph
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.pointcloud.objects.impl.CloudList
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.pointcloud.objects.impl.CollectionCloudImpl
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.pointcloud.objects.impl.IntermediateCloudNodeImpl
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.pointcloud.objects.impl.LeafLineImpl
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.pointcloud.objects.impl.LeafMeshImpl
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.pointcloud.objects.impl.LeafPointImpl
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.pointcloud.objects.impl.PointCloudD
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.Axiom
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.BooleanNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.ByteNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.Cell
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.CharNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.Curve
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.CurveRef
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.DoubleNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.FileRef
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.FloatNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.FluxLightModel
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.Function
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.FunctionRef
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.Instance
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.IntNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.LightModel
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.LightModelBase
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.LightModelD
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.LightModelVisualizer
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.LongNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.model.InterpretiveMark
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.ObjectNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.Reference
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.RGG
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.RGGRoot
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.ShortNode
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.SRoot
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.SurfaceRef
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.TypeRoot
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.AdjustLU
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.ArgShoot
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Assignment
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.C
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.C0
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.CAdd
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Cl
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.ClAdd
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.ClMul
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.CMul
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.D
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.D0
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.DAdd
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Dl
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.DlAdd
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.DlMul
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.DMul
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.F
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.F0
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.FAdd
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.FMul
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.GD
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.GRotation
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.H
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.H0
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.HAdd
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.HDir
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Hl
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.HlAdd
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.HlMul
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.HMul
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.IncScale
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.InvokeMethod
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.K
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.KAssignment
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.KL
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.L
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.L0
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.LAdd
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Ll
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.LlAdd
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.LlMul
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.LMul
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.M
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.M0
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.MAdd
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Minus
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.MMul
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Move
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.MRel
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.N
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.N0
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.NAdd
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Nl
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.NlAdd
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.NlMul
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.NMul
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.OR
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.P
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.P0
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Pl
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Plus
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.RD
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.RG
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.RH
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.RL
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.RN
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.RO
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Rotate
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Rotation
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.RP
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.RU
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.RV
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.RV0
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.RVAdd
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.RVMul
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Scale
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Shoot
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Translate
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Tropism
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.TurtleState
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.TurtleStep
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.U
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.U0
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.UAdd
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Ul
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.UlAdd
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.UlMul
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.UMul
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.V
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.V0
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.VAdd
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Vl
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.VlAdd
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.VlMul
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.VMul
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.xl.expr.Expression
- $TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.xl.expr.FieldUpdater
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- $TYPE - Static variable in class
- a - Variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.Expr
- a - Variable in class de.grogra.icon.IconOverlay
- a - Variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Lamella
- a - Variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Supershape
- a - Variable in class de.grogra.ray.intersection.Intersections.ConeLocalVariables
- a - Variable in class de.grogra.ray.intersection.Intersections.CylinderLocalVariables
- a - Variable in class de.grogra.ray.intersection.Intersections.FrustumLocalVariables
- a - Variable in class de.grogra.ray.intersection.Intersections.SphereIntersectionLocalVariables
- a - Variable in class de.grogra.ray.intersection.Intersections.SphereLocalVariables
- a - Variable in class de.grogra.util.EventListener.Bicast
- a - Variable in class de.grogra.vecmath.geom.Supershape
- a - Variable in class de.grogra.vecmath.Range
- a - Variable in class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.geometry.SweepHullDelaunay2D.Triangle
References to points in Delaunay2D.points
- A - Enum constant in enum class de.grogra.imp3d.math.delaunay.V
- A - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.spectral.CIENormSpectralCurve
- A - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Attributes
- A - Static variable in class de.grogra.math.Channel
- A_1NM - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.spectral.CIENormSpectralCurve
- A_MAX - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Supershape
- A_MIN - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Supershape
- A_VALUE - Static variable in interface de.grogra.reflect.TypeId
This is the mask for type ids of types whose values are represented as references by the Java Virtual Machine.
- a$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Lamella
- a$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Supershape
- AA - Static variable in class de.grogra.mtg.Attributes
- AA - Variable in class de.grogra.mtg.MTGNode
- AA$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.mtg.MTGNode
- ab - Variable in class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.geometry.SweepHullDelaunay2D.Triangle
References to neighbor triangles
- abbortCode - Variable in class de.grogra.ray2.metropolis.strategy.MutationStrategy
- abbortCode - Variable in class de.grogra.ray2.tracing.modular.LineTracer
- abind(int, Object) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.query.QueryState
- abound(int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.query.QueryState
- about(Item, Object, Context) - Static method in class
- ABOUT_ICON_SIZE - Static variable in class
- ABOVE - Static variable in class de.grogra.vecmath.geom.BoundingBox
Return value for
BoundingBox.testParallelogram(javax.vecmath.Tuple3d, javax.vecmath.Tuple3d, javax.vecmath.Tuple3d, javax.vecmath.Tuple3d, javax.vecmath.Matrix3d, javax.vecmath.Vector3d, javax.vecmath.Vector3d)
indicating that this bounding box lies completely above the plane of the quad. - AbruptCompletion - Exception in de.grogra.xl.vmx
Base class for abrupt completions.
- AbruptCompletion.Break - Exception in de.grogra.xl.vmx
An abrupt completion due to a
. - AbruptCompletion.Nonlocal - Error in de.grogra.xl.vmx
This class wraps an abrupt completion that has to be transferred (non-locally) to a statically containing routine invocation before Java's catching mechanism comes into play.
- AbruptCompletion.Return - Exception in de.grogra.xl.vmx
An abrupt completion due to a
. - AbruptCompletion.Throw - Exception in de.grogra.xl.vmx
An abrupt completion due to a thrown
. - abs(Range, Range) - Static method in class de.grogra.vecmath.Range
- Abs - Class in de.grogra.blocks.functionParser
- Abs - Class in de.grogra.math
- Abs() - Constructor for class de.grogra.math.Abs
- Abs(Expr) - Constructor for class de.grogra.blocks.functionParser.Abs
- ABS - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.functionParser.sym
- ABS - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.sym
- Abs.Type - Class in de.grogra.math
- absolute() - Element in annotation interface de.grogra.rgg.numeric.Tolerance
- absolute() - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2d
Sets each component of this tuple to its absolute value.
- absolute() - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2f
Sets each component of this tuple to its absolute value.
- absolute() - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3d
Sets each component of this tuple to its absolute value.
- absolute() - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3f
Sets each component of this tuple to its absolute value.
- absolute() - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4d
Sets each component of this tuple to its absolute value.
- absolute() - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4f
Sets each component of this tuple to its absolute value.
- absolute(float[]) - Static method in class org.jagatoo.util.arrays.ArrayVector
Sets each compnent of the given vector v1 to its absolute.
- absolute(Tuple2d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2d
Sets each component of the tuple parameter to its absolute value and places the modified values into this tuple.
- absolute(Tuple2f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2f
Sets each component of the tuple parameter to its absolute value and places the modified values into this tuple.
- absolute(Tuple3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3d
Sets each component of the tuple parameter to its absolute value and places the modified values into this tuple.
- absolute(Tuple3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3f
Sets each component of the tuple parameter to its absolute value and places the modified values into this tuple.
- absolute(Tuple4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4d
Sets each component of the tuple parameter to its absolute value and places the modified values into this tuple.
- absolute(Tuple4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4f
Sets each component of the tuple parameter to its absolute value and places the modified values into this tuple.
- ABSOLUTE - Enum constant in enum class org.jfree.chart.util.UnitType
- absthgs(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Static method in class de.grogra.vecmath.Math2
- abstphg(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Static method in class de.grogra.vecmath.Math2
- abstpp(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Static method in class de.grogra.vecmath.Math2
Computated the distance between two vectors
- abstps(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Static method in class de.grogra.vecmath.Math2
Calculates the distance between the point pp and the piece of straight line delimited by sa and se.
- ABSTRACT - Static variable in interface de.grogra.reflect.Member
Modifier for
members. - ABSTRACT - Static variable in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser
- ABSTRACT - Static variable in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser
- ABSTRACT - Static variable in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLLexer
- ABSTRACT - Static variable in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser
- ABSTRACT() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ClassOrInterfaceModifierContext
- ABSTRACT() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.InterfaceMethodModifierContext
- ABSTRACT() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ClassOrInterfaceModifierContext
- ABSTRACT() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.InterfaceMethodModifierContext
- ABSTRACT_ - Static variable in interface de.grogra.grogra.LSYTokenTypes
- ABSTRACT_ - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.compiler.CompilerTokenTypes
- ABSTRACT_ - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.parser.XLTokenTypes
- ABSTRACT_IN_CONCRETE - Static variable in exception de.grogra.xl.compiler.ProblemReporter
- ABSTRACT_INSTANTIATION - Static variable in exception de.grogra.xl.compiler.ProblemReporter
- ABSTRACT_METHOD_INVOCATION - Static variable in exception de.grogra.xl.compiler.ProblemReporter
- ABSTRACT_PRIMITIVE - Static variable in interface de.grogra.reflect.TypeId
Type id for abstract primitive types, i.e.,
. - AbstractAnnotation - Class in org.jfree.chart.annotations
An abstract implementation of the
interface, containing a mechanism for registering change listeners. - AbstractAnnotation() - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.annotations.AbstractAnnotation
Constructs an annotation.
- AbstractAutoCompletor - Class in
Adds auto-completion to a text component.
- AbstractAutoCompletor() - Constructor for class
- AbstractAutoCompletor.AutoCompleteAction - Class in
that displays the popup window if auto-completion is enabled. - AbstractBlock - Class in org.jfree.chart.block
A convenience class for creating new classes that implement the
interface. - AbstractBlock() - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.block.AbstractBlock
Creates a new block.
- AbstractCategoryItemLabelGenerator - Class in org.jfree.chart.labels
A base class that can be used to create a label or tooltip generator that can be assigned to a
. - AbstractCategoryItemLabelGenerator(String, DateFormat) - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.labels.AbstractCategoryItemLabelGenerator
Creates a label generator with the specified date formatter.
- AbstractCategoryItemLabelGenerator(String, NumberFormat) - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.labels.AbstractCategoryItemLabelGenerator
Creates a label generator with the specified number formatter.
- AbstractCategoryItemLabelGenerator(String, NumberFormat, NumberFormat) - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.labels.AbstractCategoryItemLabelGenerator
Creates a label generator with the specified number formatter.
- AbstractCategoryItemRenderer - Class in org.jfree.chart.renderer.category
An abstract base class that you can use to implement a new
. - AbstractCategoryItemRenderer() - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.AbstractCategoryItemRenderer
Creates a new renderer with no tool tip generator and no URL generator.
- AbstractCompletion - Class in
Base class for possible completions.
- AbstractCompletion(CompletionProvider) - Constructor for class
- AbstractCompletion(CompletionProvider, Icon) - Constructor for class
- AbstractCompletionProvider - Class in
A base class for completion providers.
- AbstractCompletionProvider() - Constructor for class
- AbstractCompletionProvider.CaseInsensitiveComparator - Class in
A comparator that compares the input text of a
against a String lexicographically, ignoring case. - AbstractDataset - Class in
An abstract implementation of the
interface, containing a mechanism for registering change listeners. - AbstractDataset() - Constructor for class
Constructs a dataset.
- AbstractDialLayer - Class in org.jfree.chart.plot.dial
A base class that can be used to implement a
. - AbstractDialLayer() - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.plot.dial.AbstractDialLayer
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractExpressionPattern - Class in de.grogra.xl.query
- AbstractExpressionPattern(Type[], int, int, int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.xl.query.AbstractExpressionPattern
- AbstractIntervalXYDataset - Class in
An base class that you can use to create new implementations of the
interface. - AbstractIntervalXYDataset() - Constructor for class
- AbstractObjectList - Class in org.jfree.chart.util
A list of objects that can grow as required.
- AbstractObjectList() - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.util.AbstractObjectList
Creates a new list with the default initial capacity.
- AbstractObjectList(int) - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.util.AbstractObjectList
Creates a new list.
- AbstractObjectList(int, int) - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.util.AbstractObjectList
Creates a new list.
- AbstractOverlay - Class in org.jfree.chart.panel
A base class for implementing overlays for a
. - AbstractOverlay() - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.panel.AbstractOverlay
Default constructor.
- AbstractPieItemLabelGenerator - Class in org.jfree.chart.labels
A base class used for generating pie chart item labels.
- AbstractPieItemLabelGenerator(String, NumberFormat, NumberFormat) - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.labels.AbstractPieItemLabelGenerator
Creates an item label generator using the specified number formatters.
- AbstractPieLabelDistributor - Class in org.jfree.chart.plot
A base class for handling the distribution of pie section labels.
- AbstractPieLabelDistributor() - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.plot.AbstractPieLabelDistributor
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractRenderer - Class in org.jfree.chart.renderer
Base class providing common services for renderers.
- AbstractRenderer() - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.renderer.AbstractRenderer
Default constructor.
- AbstractSeriesDataset - Class in
An abstract implementation of the
interface, containing a mechanism for registering change listeners. - AbstractSeriesDataset() - Constructor for class
Creates a new dataset.
- AbstractTreeMapper - Class in de.grogra.util
- AbstractTreeMapper(TreeModel, Object, MutableTreeModel, Comparator) - Constructor for class de.grogra.util.AbstractTreeMapper
- AbstractXYAnnotation - Class in org.jfree.chart.annotations
The interface that must be supported by annotations that are to be added to an
. - AbstractXYAnnotation() - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.annotations.AbstractXYAnnotation
Creates a new instance that has no tool tip or URL specified.
- AbstractXYDataset - Class in
An base class that you can use to create new implementations of the
interface. - AbstractXYDataset() - Constructor for class
- AbstractXYItemLabelGenerator - Class in org.jfree.chart.labels
A base class for creating item label generators.
- AbstractXYItemLabelGenerator() - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.labels.AbstractXYItemLabelGenerator
Creates an item label generator using default number formatters.
- AbstractXYItemLabelGenerator(String, DateFormat, DateFormat) - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.labels.AbstractXYItemLabelGenerator
Creates an item label generator using the specified number formatters.
- AbstractXYItemLabelGenerator(String, DateFormat, NumberFormat) - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.labels.AbstractXYItemLabelGenerator
Creates an item label generator using the specified number formatters.
- AbstractXYItemLabelGenerator(String, NumberFormat, DateFormat) - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.labels.AbstractXYItemLabelGenerator
Creates an item label generator using the specified formatters (a number formatter for the x-values and a date formatter for the y-values).
- AbstractXYItemLabelGenerator(String, NumberFormat, NumberFormat) - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.labels.AbstractXYItemLabelGenerator
Creates an item label generator using the specified number formatters.
- AbstractXYItemRenderer - Class in org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy
A base class that can be used to create new
implementations. - AbstractXYItemRenderer() - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.AbstractXYItemRenderer
Creates a renderer where the tooltip generator and the URL generator are both
. - AbstractXYZDataset - Class in
An base class that you can use to create new implementations of the
interface. - AbstractXYZDataset() - Constructor for class
- absValue() - Method in class
Returns the absolute value of this rational number.
- ACCELERATION - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.sym
- Accelerator - Annotation Interface in de.grogra.rgg
- ACCELERATOR_KEY - Static variable in interface de.grogra.util.Described
Constant for
specifying an accelerator key to be used as the accelerator for the object. - accept - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.lang.Filter
An invocation of a filter method has to set this field to indicate whether the invocation has passed the filter or not.
- accept(Dockable) - Method in interface de.grogra.docking.DockableFilter
- accept(SceneTree.Visitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.SceneTree
This method is invoked if one wants to inform the
of the complete set of nodes of this tree. - accept(SceneTree.Visitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.SceneTree.InnerNode
- accept(SceneTree.Visitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.SceneTree.Leaf
- accept(SceneTree.Visitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.SceneTree.Node
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.AffineUVTransformation
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.BumpMap
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Carpenter
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.ChannelBlend
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.ChannelMapNode
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Checker
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Filter
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Gradient
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Granite
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.ImageMap
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Julia
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Laplace3D
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Leopard
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Mandel
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Phong
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.SunSkyLight
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Turbulence
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.VolumeChecker
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.VolumeFunction
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.VolumeTurbulence
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.WaveMap
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Wood
- accept(ChannelMapNodeVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.XYZTransformation
- accept(LightVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.objects.SpectralLight
- accept(LightVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.AmbientLight
- accept(LightVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.DirectionalLight
- accept(LightVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Parallelogram
- accept(LightVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.PointLight
- accept(LightVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Sky
- accept(LightVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.SpotLight
- accept(LightVisitor) - Method in interface de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Light
- accept(LightVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.SunSkyLight
- accept(ShaderVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.shading.IORShader
- accept(ShaderVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.AlgorithmSwitchShader
- accept(ShaderVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Phong
- accept(ShaderVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.RGBAShader
- accept(ShaderVisitor) - Method in interface de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Shader
- accept(ShaderVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.ShaderRef
- accept(ShaderVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.SideSwitchShader
- accept(ShaderVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.SunSkyLight
- accept(ChannelMapVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.shading.ChannelSPD
- accept(ChannelMapVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.ChannelMapNode
- accept(ChannelMapVisitor) - Method in interface de.grogra.math.ChannelMap
- accept(ChannelMapVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.math.Graytone
- accept(ChannelMapVisitor) - Method in class de.grogra.math.RGBColor
- accept(Item, Property) - Method in class
- accept(File) - Method in class
- accept(Object, Visitor, ArrayPath) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.AttributeOverwritingFilter
- accept(Object, Visitor, ArrayPath) - Method in interface de.grogra.graph.Graph
- accept(Object, Visitor, ArrayPath) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.GraphManager
- accept(Object, Visitor, ArrayPath, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.GraphFilter
- accept(Socket) - Method in class de.grogra.http.Server
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser.ArgContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser.ArgumentContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser.ArgumentListContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser.ArgumentsContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser.ArrayContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser.ArrayCreatorRestContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser.CastTypeContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser.ClassArgumentsContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser.ClassCreatorRestContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser.CreatorContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser.FloatLiteralContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser.IdentifierContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser.IntegerLiteralContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser.LastBrackContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser.LastDotContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser.LiteralContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser.MemberContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser.MemberListContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser.MemberPContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser.MemberUnitContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser.MethodCallContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser.PrimitiveTypeContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser.QualifiedTypeContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser.TypeTypeContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.AccessMemberContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.AltAnnotationQualifiedNameContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.AnnotationConstantRestContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.AnnotationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.AnnotationMethodOrConstantRestContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.AnnotationMethodRestContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.AnnotationTypeBodyContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.AnnotationTypeDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.AnnotationTypeElementDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.AnnotationTypeElementRestContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ArgumentsContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ArrayCreatorRestContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ArrayInitializerContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.BlockContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.BlockStatementContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.CastedMemberContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.CastedTypeContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.CatchClauseContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.CatchTypeContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ClassBodyContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ClassBodyDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ClassCreatorRestContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ClassDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ClassOrInterfaceModifierContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ClassOrInterfaceTypeContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ClassTypeContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ClosureRangeContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.CollectionNodesContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.CompactConstructorDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.CompilationUnitContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.CompoundPatternContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ConnectedPatternContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ConnectedPatternListContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ConnectedPatternPartContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ConstantDeclaratorContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ConstDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ConstructorDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ControlBodyContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ControlStatementContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.CreatedNameContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.CreatorContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.DefaultValueContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.EdgeNodeContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ElementValueArrayInitializerContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ElementValueContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ElementValuePairContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ElementValuePairsContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.EnhancedForControlContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ExpressionContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ExpressionListContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ExpressionListParenContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ExpressionOrDeclContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ExpressionOrDeclListContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ExtendsDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ExtendsModuleDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.FieldDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.FinallyBlockContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.FloatLiteralContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ForControlContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ForControlNoVarContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ForInitContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.FormalParameterContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.FormalParameterListContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.FormalParametersContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.GeneratorDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.IdentifierContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ImplementsDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ImportDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.InnerCreatorContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.IntegerLiteralContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.InterfaceBodyContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.InterfaceBodyDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.InterfaceCommonBodyDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.InterfaceDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.InterfaceMemberDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.InterfaceMethodDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.InterfaceMethodModifierContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.IntersectionPatternContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.LabeledPrimaryPatternNoDotContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.LastFormalParameterContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.LiteralContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.LocalTypeDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.LocalVariableDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.MemberDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.MemberIdentifierContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.MethodBodyContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.MethodCallContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.MethodDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.MethodInitializerModuleParamContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ModifierContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ModuleBodyContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ModuleCtorBlockContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ModuleDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ModuleInstContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ModuleParameterDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ModuleParameterDeclarationListContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ModuleParentParameterDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ModuleParentParameterDeclarationListContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.NodeContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ObserverExtendsClauseContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.PackageDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ParExpressionContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.PatternSelectorRestContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.PrimaryContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.PrimaryEdgePatternContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.PrimaryExpressionNodeContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.PrimaryNodePatternContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.PrimaryNodePatternRestContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.PrimaryNoParenContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.PrimaryPatternContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.PrimitiveTypeContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ProduceEdgeOpContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ProductionBlockContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ProductionStatementContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ProductionStatementsAsListContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ProductionStatementsContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ProductionStatementsWithoutCliqueContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ProductionStatementWithoutCliqueContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.QualifiedNameContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.QualifiedNameListContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.QueryClassContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.QueryContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.RefTypeTypeContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ResourceContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ResourcesContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ResourceSpecificationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.RggBodyDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.RggMemberDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.RggMethodBodyContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.RggMethodDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.RulesContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.RulesInCurrentGraphContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ScaleDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ScriptContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.SelectorExpressionContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.StatementContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.StatementNoExprNoLabelContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.StatementSemiContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.SuperSuffixContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.SwitchBlockStatementGroupContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.SwitchLabelContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.TraversalModifierContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.TypeBoundContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.TypeDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.TypeIdentifierContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.TypeListContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.TypeParameterContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.TypeParametersContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.TypeTypeContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.TypeTypeOrVoidContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.UnaryOpNodeContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.VariableDeclaratorContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.VariableDeclaratorIdContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.VariableDeclaratorsContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.VariableInitializerContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.VariableModifierContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.WithInstanceRestContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.XlOperatorContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.XlRuleContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.AccessMemberContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.AdditiveExpressionContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.AltAnnotationQualifiedNameContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.AndExpressionContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.AnnotationConstantRestContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.AnnotationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.AnnotationMethodOrConstantRestContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.AnnotationMethodRestContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.AnnotationTypeBodyContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.AnnotationTypeDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.AnnotationTypeElementDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.AnnotationTypeElementRestContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ArgumentsContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ArrayCreatorRestContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ArrayInitializerContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ArrowExpressionContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.AssignmentExpressionRestContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.BlockContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.BlockStatementContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.CastedMemberContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.CastedTypeContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.CatchClauseContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.CatchTypeContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ClassBodyContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ClassBodyDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ClassCreatorRestContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ClassDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ClassOrInterfaceModifierContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ClassOrInterfaceTypeContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ClassTypeContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ClosureRangeContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.CollectionNodesContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.CompactConstructorDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.CompilationUnitContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.CompoundPatternContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ConditionalExpressionContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ConnectedPatternContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ConnectedPatternListContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ConnectedPatternPartContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ConstantDeclaratorContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ConstDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ConstructorDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ControlBodyContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ControlStatementContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.CreatedNameContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.CreatorContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.DefaultValueContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.EdgeNodeContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ElementValueArrayInitializerContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ElementValueContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ElementValuePairContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ElementValuePairsContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.EnhancedForControlContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.EqualityExpressionContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ExclusiveOrExpressionContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ExpressionContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ExpressionListContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ExpressionListParenContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ExpressionOrDeclContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ExpressionOrDeclListContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ExtendsDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ExtendsModuleDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.FieldDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.FinallyBlockContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.FloatLiteralContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ForControlContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ForControlNoVarContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ForInitContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.FormalParameterContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.FormalParameterListContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.FormalParametersContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.GeneratorDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.GuardExpressionContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.IdentifierContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ImplementsDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ImportDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.InclusiveOrExpressionContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.InnerCreatorContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.IntegerLiteralContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.InterfaceBodyContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.InterfaceBodyDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.InterfaceCommonBodyDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.InterfaceDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.InterfaceMemberDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.InterfaceMethodDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.InterfaceMethodModifierContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.IntersectionPatternContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.LabeledPrimaryPatternNoDotContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.LambdaStatementContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.LastFormalParameterContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.LiteralContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.LocalTypeDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.LocalVariableDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.LogicalAndExpressionContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.LogicalOrExpressionContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.MemberDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.MemberIdentifierContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.MethodBodyContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.MethodCallContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.MethodDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.MethodInitializerModuleParamContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ModifierContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ModuleBodyContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ModuleCtorBlockContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ModuleDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ModuleInstContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ModuleParameterDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ModuleParameterDeclarationListContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ModuleParentParameterDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ModuleParentParameterDeclarationListContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.MultiplicativeExpressionContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.NodeContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ObserverExtendsClauseContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.PackageDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ParExpressionContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.PatternSelectorRestContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.PostfixExpressionContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.PowerExpressionContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.PrimaryContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.PrimaryEdgePatternContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.PrimaryExpressionNodeContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.PrimaryNodePatternContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.PrimaryNodePatternRestContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.PrimaryNoParenContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.PrimaryPatternContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.PrimitiveTypeContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ProduceEdgeOpContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ProductionBlockContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ProductionStatementContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ProductionStatementsAsListContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ProductionStatementsContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ProductionStatementsWithoutCliqueContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ProductionStatementWithoutCliqueContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.QualifiedNameContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.QualifiedNameListContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.QueryClassContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.QueryContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.QvDeclarationsContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.RangeExpressionContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ReceiverParameterContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.RefTypeTypeContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.RelationalExpressionContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ResourceContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ResourcesContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ResourceSpecificationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.RggBodyDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.RggMemberDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.RggMethodBodyContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.RggMethodDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.RulesContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.RulesInCurrentGraphContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ScaleDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ScriptContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.SelectorExpressionContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ShiftExpressionContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.SingleExpressionContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.SingleExpressionNoRangeContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.StatementContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.StatementNoExprNoLabelContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.StatementSemiContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.SuperSuffixContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.SwitchBlockStatementGroupContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.SwitchLabelContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.TraversalModifierContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.TypeBoundContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.TypeDeclarationContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.TypeIdentifierContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.TypeListContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.TypeParameterContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.TypeParametersContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.TypeTypeContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.TypeTypeOrVoidContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.UnaryExpressionContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.UnaryExpressionNoBinaryOpContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.UnaryExpressionNoBinaryOpPredicateContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.UnaryOpNodeContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.VariableDeclaratorContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.VariableDeclaratorIdContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.VariableDeclaratorsContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.VariableInitializerContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.VariableModifierContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.WithInstanceRestContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.XlLambdaExpressionContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.XlOperatorContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.XlRuleContext
- accept(ParseTreeVisitor<? extends T>) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.XlSymbolContext
- acceptance - Variable in class de.grogra.ray2.metropolis.strategy.BidirectionalMutationStrat
- acceptance - Variable in class de.grogra.ray2.metropolis.strategy.CausticPerturbation
- acceptance - Variable in class de.grogra.ray2.metropolis.strategy.LensPerturbationStrat
- acceptance - Variable in class de.grogra.ray2.metropolis.strategy.LensSubpathStrat
- acceptGraph(Node, Visitor, ArrayPath) - Static method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.GraphManager
- acceptLeaf(Object, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.SceneTree
This method defines for which objects of the graph a
node shall be created. - acceptLeaf(Object, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.ray.Tree
- acceptNode(Object) - Method in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.Layout.Algorithm
Determines whether a given
of the original graph is to be included in the layout graph. - acceptPath(Path, Visitor, ArrayPath) - Static method in class de.grogra.graph.GraphUtils
- accepts(double) - Method in class
if the specified value belongs in the bin, andfalse
otherwise. - ACCESS_MODIFIERS - Static variable in interface de.grogra.reflect.Member
Mask for the access modifiers
, andprotected
. - ACCESSINFO - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.sym
- accessMember() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser
- accessMember() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.CastedMemberContext
- accessMember() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ExpressionContext
- accessMember() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser
- accessMember() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.CastedMemberContext
- accessMember() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ExpressionContext
- AccessMemberContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.AccessMemberContext
- AccessMemberContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.AccessMemberContext
- AccessMemberSuggestion - Class in de.grogra.suggest.simplexl.suggestion
- AccessMemberSuggestion() - Constructor for class de.grogra.suggest.simplexl.suggestion.AccessMemberSuggestion
- AccessMethod - Class in de.grogra.xl.compiler
- AccessMethod(CClass, Member, boolean) - Constructor for class de.grogra.xl.compiler.AccessMethod
- AccessorBase<T> - Class in de.grogra.graph
- AccessorBase(Attribute) - Constructor for class de.grogra.graph.AccessorBase
- AccessorBridge(Attribute) - Constructor for class de.grogra.graph.impl.Node.AccessorBridge
- AccessorBridge(Attribute, boolean) - Constructor for class de.grogra.graph.GraphFilter.AccessorBridge
Creates a new
for the givenattribute
. - AccessorMap - Class in de.grogra.graph
- AccessorMap() - Constructor for class de.grogra.graph.AccessorMap
- AccessorMap(boolean) - Constructor for class de.grogra.graph.AccessorMap
- AccessorMap(AccessorMap) - Constructor for class de.grogra.graph.AccessorMap
- accumulateFindCfBoundingBox(BoundingBox, CfTreeSegment) - Method in class de.grogra.lignum.stlLignum.BoundingBox
- AccumulateOpticalThickness - Class in de.grogra.lignum.stlLignum
Translated from orignal C++ Lignum code.
- AccumulateOpticalThickness(double, double, double) - Constructor for class de.grogra.lignum.stlLignum.AccumulateOpticalThickness
- accuracy$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.ForceBasedLayout
- Aclass() - Constructor for class de.grogra.suggest.reflection.Test.Aclass
- acos(double) - Static method in class de.grogra.math.Degree
- acos(Range, Range) - Static method in class de.grogra.vecmath.Range
- Acos - Class in de.grogra.math
- Acos() - Constructor for class de.grogra.math.Acos
- ACos - Class in de.grogra.blocks.functionParser
- ACos(Expr) - Constructor for class de.grogra.blocks.functionParser.ACos
- ACOS - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.functionParser.sym
- ACOS - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.sym
- Acos.Type - Class in de.grogra.math
- acropetal - Class in de.grogra.rgg
- acropetal() - Constructor for class de.grogra.rgg.acropetal
- ACTION_COUNT - Static variable in class
- ACTION_COUNT - Static variable in class
- ACTION_COUNT - Static variable in class
- ACTION_DELETE - Static variable in interface
- ACTION_FLAGS - Static variable in interface
- ACTION_MOVE - Static variable in interface
- action_obj - Variable in class de.grogra.blocks.functionParser.parser
Instance of action encapsulation class.
- action_obj - Variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.parser
Instance of action encapsulation class.
- ACTION_OPEN - Static variable in interface
- ACTION_RENAME - Static variable in interface
- ACTION_SELECT - Static variable in interface
- action_table() - Method in class de.grogra.blocks.functionParser.parser
Access to parse-action table.
- action_table() - Method in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.parser
Access to parse-action table.
- ActionEditEvent - Class in
- ActionEditEvent(String, int) - Constructor for class
- ActionEditEvent(String, ActionEvent) - Constructor for class
- ActionEditEvent(String, Object, int) - Constructor for class
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class de.grogra.gpuflux.tracer.FluxTracer.MsgBox
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.member.MMain.TextArea
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.simplexl.SimpleXLMain.TextArea
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.xl.XLMain.TextArea
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel
Handles action events generated by the popup menu.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.editor.DefaultLogAxisEditor
Handles actions from within the property panel.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.editor.DefaultPolarPlotEditor
Handles actions from within the property panel.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.PolarChartPanel
Handles action events generated by the popup menu.
- activate() - Method in class
- activateGLSLShader(OpenGLState, GLSLDisplay) - Method in class de.grogra.glsl.utility.Drawable
- activateGLSLShader(OpenGLState, GLSLDisplay, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.glsl.utility.Drawable
- activateGLSLShader(OpenGLState, GLSLDisplay, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.glsl.utility.Drawable
- activateImpl() - Method in class de.grogra.grogra.DTDSourceFile
- activateImpl() - Method in class de.grogra.mtg.MTGSourceFile
- activateImpl() - Method in class
- activateImpl() - Method in class
- activateImpl() - Method in class
- activateImpl() - Method in class
- activateImpl() - Method in class
- activateImpl() - Method in class
- activateImpl() - Method in class
- activateImpl() - Method in class
If the file do not exist.
- activateImpl() - Method in class
- activateImpl() - Method in class
- activateImpl() - Method in class
- activateItems() - Method in class
- activateShader(OpenGLState, GLSLDisplay, Shader, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.glsl.renderable.GLSLPlane
- activateShader(OpenGLState, GLSLDisplay, Shader, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.glsl.renderable.GLSLRenderable
- activateShader(OpenGLState, GLSLDisplay, Object) - Method in class de.grogra.glsl.utility.GLSLShader
Only public method.
- activateTextures(GL, int[], int) - Static method in class de.grogra.glsl.renderpass.RenderPass
- activateTextures(GL, int[], int, int) - Static method in class de.grogra.glsl.renderpass.RenderPass
Bind Textures present in img-Array.
- activationStamp - Variable in class
- ACTIVE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.sym
- ACTIVE - Static variable in class
- activeCount() - Method in class
returns the number of objects are still moving
- activeTab(int) - Method in class de.grogra.greenlab.GreenLabGeometryPanel
- activeTab(int) - Method in class de.grogra.greenlab.GreenLabGlobalPanel
- activeTab(int) - Method in class de.grogra.greenlab.GreenLabGrowthAllometryPanel
- activeTab(int) - Method in class de.grogra.greenlab.GreenLabGrowthPanel
- activeTab(int) - Method in class de.grogra.greenlab.GreenLabGrowthSinkPanel
- activeTab(int) - Method in class de.grogra.greenlab.GreenLabGrowthSourcePanel
- activeTab(int) - Method in class de.grogra.greenlab.GreenLabOutputPanel
- activeTab(int) - Method in class de.grogra.greenlab.GreenLabTopologyPanel
- actRenderingStage - Static variable in class de.grogra.ray2.tracing.MetropolisRenderer
- actualArguments - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.scope.Members.Applicability
- Adapter() - Constructor for class de.grogra.graph.impl.GraphTransaction.Consumer.Adapter
- Adapter() - Constructor for class de.grogra.persistence.Transaction.Consumer.Adapter
- adaptImage(BufferedImage, int, int) - Static method in class de.grogra.imp3d.anaglyph.ImageTool
Methode Aendert bild Groesse so das Proportionen werde beibechalten
- ADAPTIVE_SUPERSAMPLING - Static variable in class de.grogra.ray.Raytracer
- AdaptiveSupersampling - Class in de.grogra.ray.antialiasing
The adaptive supersampling algorithm is a nonuniform supersampling algorithm.
- AdaptiveSupersampling() - Constructor for class de.grogra.ray.antialiasing.AdaptiveSupersampling
- add - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.Neighbors
- add() - Method in class de.grogra.imp.PickList
- add(boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.BooleanList
as last element to this list. - add(byte) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.ByteList
as last element to this list. - add(char) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.CharList
as last element to this list. - add(double) - Method in class de.grogra.imp.PickList
- add(double) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.DoubleList
as last element to this list. - add(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3d
Adds a scalar to each component of this matrix.
- add(double) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Adds a scalar to each component of this matrix.
- add(double, double) - Method in class
Adds a data item to the series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(double, double, boolean) - Method in class
Adds a data item to the series and, if requested, sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(double, double, double, double) - Method in class
Adds a data item to the series.
- add(double, double, double, double) - Method in class
Adds a data item to the series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(double, double, double, double) - Method in class
Adds a data item to the series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class
Adds a data item to the series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(double, double, Comparable, Comparable) - Method in class
Adds a mean and standard deviation to the table.
- add(double, double, String) - Method in class
Adds a data item to this dataset and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(double, Paint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.renderer.LookupPaintScale
Adds an entry to the lookup table.
- add(double, Number) - Method in class
Adds a data item to the series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(double, Number, boolean) - Method in class
Adds a data item to the series and, if requested, sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(double, Matrix3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3d
Adds a scalar to each component of the matrix m1 and places the result into this.
- add(double, Matrix4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Adds a scalar to each component of the matrix m1 and places the result into this.
- add(double, RectangleEdge) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.axis.AxisSpace
Adds space to the top, bottom, left or right edge of the plot area.
- add(float) - Method in class de.grogra.mesh.utils.FloatListArray
- add(float) - Method in class de.grogra.ray2.radiosity.FormFactor
Adds the given value to the FormFactor value
- add(float) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.FloatList
as last element to this list. - add(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3f
Adds a scalar to each component of this matrix.
- add(float) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Adds a scalar to each component of this matrix.
- add(float[]) - Method in class org.jagatoo.util.geometry.Polygon
- add(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in class org.jagatoo.util.arrays.ArrayVector
Adds the array a componentwise to the array b and puts the result into o.
- add(float, float, float) - Method in class org.jagatoo.util.geometry.Polygon
- add(float, Matrix3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3f
Adds a scalar to each component of the matrix m1 and places the result into this.
- add(float, Matrix4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Adds a scalar to each component of the matrix m1 and places the result into this.
- add(int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.IntList
as last element to this list. - add(int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.XBitSet
- add(int, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.BooleanList
at positionindex
to this list. - add(int, byte) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.ByteList
at positionindex
to this list. - add(int, char) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.CharList
at positionindex
to this list. - add(int, double) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.DoubleList
at positionindex
to this list. - add(int, float) - Method in class de.grogra.mesh.utils.FloatListArray
- add(int, float) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.FloatList
at positionindex
to this list. - add(int, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.IntList
at positionindex
to this list. - add(int, int, int) - Method in class org.jagatoo.loaders.models.obj.OBJFace
- add(int, long) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.LongList
at positionindex
to this list. - add(int, short) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.ShortList
at positionindex
to this list. - add(int, DockComponent) - Method in interface de.grogra.docking.DockContainer
- add(int, DockComponent) - Method in class de.grogra.docking.DockContentPane
- add(int, DockComponent) - Method in class de.grogra.docking.DockSplitPane
- add(int, DockComponent) - Method in class de.grogra.docking.DockTabbedPane
- add(int, Path) - Method in class de.grogra.imp.edit.ViewSelection
- add(int, Item) - Method in class
- add(int, VideoImage) - Method in class
Add a
at a specified position in the sequence. - add(int, VideoImage) - Method in interface
Add a
at a specified position in the sequence. - add(int, VideoImage) - Method in class
- add(int, E) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.ObjectList
at positionindex
to this list. - add(int, String) - Method in class de.grogra.grammar.ASTWithToken
- add(int, V) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.IntHashMap
- add(long) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.LongList
as last element to this list. - add(long, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.LongToIntHashMap
- add(long, V) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.LongHashMap
- add(short) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.ShortList
as last element to this list. - add(AST) - Method in class de.grogra.grammar.ASTWithToken
- add(ChemicalReaction, double) - Method in class de.grogra.chem.Model
- add(ChemicalReaction, double, double) - Method in class de.grogra.chem.Model
- add(ChemicalTerm) - Method in class de.grogra.chem.ChemicalExpression
- add(CLIComponent) - Method in class de.grogra.cli.ui.CLIContainer
- add(CLIComponent, Object) - Method in class de.grogra.cli.ui.CLIContainer
- add(CLIComponent, Object, int) - Method in class de.grogra.cli.ui.CLIContainer
- add(GLSLRenderable, Shader, GLSLMaterial, boolean, int, Matrix4d, Matrix4d) - Method in class de.grogra.glsl.utility.DrawableContainer
- add(Measurement) - Method in class de.grogra.gpuflux.scene.experiment.Measurement
Adds a measurement vector to this measurement.
- add(RecognitionException) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- add(Attribute) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.AttributeSet
- add(AttributeAccessor) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.AccessorMap
- add(Attribute, Attribute) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.AttributeDependencies
- add(GraphContext) - Method in class
- add(GraphContext) - Method in class
- add(GraphContext) - Method in interface
- add(Arrow, GeneralPath, boolean, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.Arrow
- add(BoundingBox) - Method in class de.grogra.lignum.stlLignum.BoundingBox
- add(ManageableType.Field) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.IndirectField
- add(PersistenceField) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.IndirectField
- add(Transaction.Key, Transaction.Data) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.LogStore
- add(Item) - Method in class
- add(ComponentWrapper) - Method in class de.grogra.cli.ui.CLIContainer
- add(Context) - Static method in class
- add(UITreePipeline.Transformer) - Method in class
- add(Collector) - Method in interface de.grogra.ray.physics.Collector
This method combines to collectors to one single collector by add every corresponding value.
- add(Collector) - Method in class de.grogra.ray.physics.Collector3d
To combine two Collector-instances.
- add(Collector) - Method in class de.grogra.ray.physics.CollectorW3d
To combine two Collector-instances.
- add(Shader, Vector3d[]) - Method in class de.grogra.ray2.radiosity.GroupListBuilder
Converts a list of vertices into a patch group.
- add(Shader, Vector3d[], Color3f) - Method in class de.grogra.ray2.radiosity.GroupListBuilder
Converts a list of vertices into a patch group.
- add(Spectrum) - Method in class de.grogra.ray.physics.Collector3d
Add the newSpectrum to the spectrum of this Collector-instance and update the statistics.
- add(Spectrum) - Method in class de.grogra.ray.physics.Collector3dList
- add(Spectrum) - Method in class de.grogra.ray.physics.CollectorW3d
Add the newSpectrum to the spectrum of this Collector-instance and update the statistics.
- add(Spectrum) - Method in interface de.grogra.ray.physics.Spectrum
Adds the function
to this function. - add(Spectrum) - Method in class de.grogra.ray.physics.Spectrum3d
- add(Spectrum) - Method in class de.grogra.ray.physics.Spectrum3f
- add(SubPatch, double, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.ray2.radiosity.ZPixel
Adds a patch to this pixel.
- add(Vector3d[], Color3f, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.ray2.radiosity.GroupListBuilder
Converts a list of vertices into a patch group.
- add(Field) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.IndirectField
- add(FieldChain) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.IndirectField
- add(Member, Scope, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.scope.Members
- add(ConcurrentTask) - Method in class de.grogra.rgg.ConcurrentTasks
Adds a task to be solved during
. - add(PTask) - Method in class de.grogra.util.concurrent.PTaskManager
Adds a task to be solved during
. - add(Configurable) - Method in class de.grogra.util.ConfigurationSet
Adds the configurations of
to this set by invokingConfigurable.addConfigurations(ConfigurationSet)
. - add(Configuration) - Method in class de.grogra.util.ConfigurationSet
to this set. - add(Map, Map) - Static method in class de.grogra.util.Map.Chain
- add(Unit) - Method in class de.grogra.util.Quantity
- add(Volume, Line, double, int) - Method in class de.grogra.vecmath.geom.IntersectionList
Appends an intersection element to this list and returns the appended instance.
- add(Volume, Line, double, int, int) - Method in class de.grogra.vecmath.geom.IntersectionList
Appends an intersection element to this list and returns the appended instance.
- add(Range, Range, Range) - Static method in class de.grogra.vecmath.Range
- add(VideoImage) - Method in class
Add a
at the end of the sequence. - add(VideoImage) - Method in interface
Add a
at the end of the sequence. - add(VideoImage) - Method in class
- add(Expression) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.expr.Expression
- add(Vector) - Method in class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.geometry.GrahamScanConvexHull2D
Add a single point to the list (this does not compute the hull!)
- add(Vector) - Method in class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.geometry.SweepHullDelaunay2D
Add a single point to the list (this does not compute or update the triangulation!)
- add(E) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.EHashMap
- add(E) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.ObjectList
as last element to this list. - add(Comparable, Object) - Method in class
Adds new data to the series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(Comparable, Object, boolean) - Method in class
Adds new data to the series and, if requested, sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(Number) - Method in class
- add(Number, Number) - Method in class
- add(Number, Number) - Method in class
Adds a new data item to the series (in the correct position if the
flag is set for the series) and sends aSeriesChangeEvent
to all registered listeners. - add(Number, Number, boolean) - Method in class
Adds new data to the series and, if requested, sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(Number, Number, Comparable, Comparable) - Method in class
Adds a mean and standard deviation to the table.
- add(Number, Number, Number) - Method in class
- add(Number, Number, String, boolean) - Method in class
Adds a data item to this dataset and, if requested, sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(Object) - Method in class de.grogra.math.util.OpenAddressingSet
- add(Object) - Method in class
- add(Object, float) - Method in class
- add(String) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.scope.StringTable
- add(String, double) - Method in class de.grogra.util.Quantity
- add(String, Object) - Method in class
- add(String, Object, float) - Method in class
- add(String, OBJMaterial) - Method in class org.jagatoo.loaders.models.obj.OBJFaceList
- add(Date, BoxAndWhiskerItem) - Method in class
Adds an item to the dataset and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(Enumeration<E>) - Method in class de.grogra.util.CompoundEnumeration
- add(List, Comparable, Comparable) - Method in class
Adds a list of values relating to one box-and-whisker entity to the table.
- add(List, Comparable, Comparable) - Method in class
Adds a list of values to the dataset (
and Double.NaN items are automatically removed) and sends aDatasetChangeEvent
to all registered listeners. - add(GMatrix) - Method in class javax.vecmath.GMatrix
Sets the value of this matrix to sum of itself and matrix m1.
- add(GMatrix, GMatrix) - Method in class javax.vecmath.GMatrix
Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix sum of matrices m1 and m2.
- add(GVector) - Method in class javax.vecmath.GVector
Sets the value of this vector to sum of itself and the specified vector
- add(GVector, GVector) - Method in class javax.vecmath.GVector
Sets the value of this vector to the vector sum of vectors vector1 and vector2.
- add(Matrix3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3d
Sets the value of this matrix to sum of itself and matrix m1.
- add(Matrix3d, Matrix3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3d
Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix sum of matrices m1 and m2.
- add(Matrix3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3f
Sets the value of this matrix to sum of itself and matrix m1.
- add(Matrix3f, Matrix3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix3f
Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix sum of matrices m1 and m2.
- add(Matrix4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Sets the value of this matrix to sum of itself and matrix m1.
- add(Matrix4d, Matrix4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix sum of matrices m1 and m2.
- add(Matrix4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Sets the value of this matrix to sum of itself and matrix m1.
- add(Matrix4f, Matrix4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Matrix4f
Sets the value of this matrix to the matrix sum of matrices m1 and m2.
- add(Tuple2d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2d
Sets the value of this tuple to the vector sum of itself and tuple t1.
- add(Tuple2d, Tuple2d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2d
Sets the value of this tuple to the vector sum of tuples t1 and t2.
- add(Tuple2f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2f
Sets the value of this tuple to the vector sum of itself and tuple t1.
- add(Tuple2f, Tuple2f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple2f
Sets the value of this tuple to the vector sum of tuples t1 and t2.
- add(Tuple3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3d
Sets the value of this tuple to the vector sum of itself and tuple t1.
- add(Tuple3d, Tuple3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3d
Sets the value of this tuple to the vector sum of tuples t1 and t2.
- add(Tuple3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3f
Sets the value of this tuple to the vector sum of itself and tuple t1.
- add(Tuple3f, Tuple3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple3f
Sets the value of this tuple to the vector sum of tuples t1 and t2.
- add(Tuple4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4d
Sets the value of this tuple to the vector sum of itself and tuple t1.
- add(Tuple4d, Tuple4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4d
Sets the value of this tuple to the vector sum of tuples t1 and t2.
- add(Tuple4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4f
Sets the value of this tuple to the vector sum of itself and tuple t1.
- add(Tuple4f, Tuple4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Tuple4f
Sets the value of this tuple to the vector sum of tuples t1 and t2.
- add(K, V) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.XHashMap
- add(Axis, RectangleEdge) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.axis.AxisCollection
Adds an axis to the collection.
- add(TickUnit) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.axis.TickUnits
Adds a tick unit to the collection.
- add(Block) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.BlockContainer
Adds a block to the container.
- add(Block, Object) - Method in interface org.jfree.chart.block.Arrangement
Adds a block and a key which can be used to determine the position of the block in the arrangement.
- add(Block, Object) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.BlockContainer
Adds a block to the container.
- add(Block, Object) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.BorderArrangement
Adds a block to the arrangement manager at the specified edge.
- add(Block, Object) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.CenterArrangement
Adds a block to be managed by this instance.
- add(Block, Object) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.ColumnArrangement
Adds a block to be managed by this instance.
- add(Block, Object) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.FlowArrangement
Adds a block to be managed by this instance.
- add(Block, Object) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.block.GridArrangement
Adds a block and a key which can be used to determine the position of the block in the arrangement.
- add(ChartEntity) - Method in interface org.jfree.chart.entity.EntityCollection
Adds an entity to the collection.
- add(ChartEntity) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.entity.StandardEntityCollection
Adds an entity to the collection.
- add(LegendItem) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.LegendItemCollection
Adds a legend item to the collection.
- add(CategoryPlot) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.CombinedDomainCategoryPlot
Adds a subplot to the combined chart and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(CategoryPlot) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.CombinedRangeCategoryPlot
Adds a subplot (with a default 'weight' of 1) and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(CategoryPlot, int) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.CombinedDomainCategoryPlot
Adds a subplot to the combined chart and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(CategoryPlot, int) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.CombinedRangeCategoryPlot
Adds a subplot and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(XYPlot) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.CombinedDomainXYPlot
Adds a subplot (with a default 'weight' of 1) and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(XYPlot) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.CombinedRangeXYPlot
Adds a subplot, with a default 'weight' of 1.
- add(XYPlot, int) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.CombinedDomainXYPlot
Adds a subplot with the specified weight and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(XYPlot, int) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.CombinedRangeXYPlot
Adds a subplot with a particular weight (greater than or equal to one).
- add(Outlier) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.renderer.OutlierList
Adds an outlier to the list.
- add(Outlier) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.renderer.OutlierListCollection
Appends the specified element as a new
to the end of this list if it does not overlap an outlier in an existing list. - add(ComparableObjectItem, boolean) - Method in class
Adds a data item to the series and, if requested, sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(Task) - Method in class
Adds a task to the series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(TaskSeries) - Method in class
Adds a series to the dataset and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(BoxAndWhiskerItem, Comparable, Comparable) - Method in class
Adds a list of values relating to one Box and Whisker entity to the table.
- add(OHLCItem) - Method in class
Adds a data item to the series.
- add(RegularTimePeriod, double) - Method in class
Adds a new data item to the series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(RegularTimePeriod, double, boolean) - Method in class
Adds a new data item to the series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(RegularTimePeriod, double, double, double, double) - Method in class
Adds a data item to the series.
- add(RegularTimePeriod, Number) - Method in class
Adds a new data item to the series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(RegularTimePeriod, Number, boolean) - Method in class
Adds a new data item to the series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(TimePeriod, double) - Method in class
Adds a new data item to the series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(TimePeriod, double, Comparable) - Method in class
Adds a new data item to the dataset and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(TimePeriod, Number) - Method in class
Adds a new data item to the series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(TimePeriod, Number, Comparable, boolean) - Method in class
Adds a new data item to the dataset and, if requested, sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(TimePeriodValue) - Method in class
Adds a data item to the series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(TimeSeriesDataItem) - Method in class
Adds a data item to the series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(TimeSeriesDataItem, boolean) - Method in class
Adds a data item to the series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(VectorDataItem, boolean) - Method in class
Adds a data item to the series and, if requested, sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(XIntervalDataItem, boolean) - Method in class
Adds a data item to the series and, if requested, sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(XYDataItem) - Method in class
Adds a data item to the series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(XYDataItem, boolean) - Method in class
Adds a data item to the series and, if requested, sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(XYIntervalDataItem, boolean) - Method in class
Adds a data item to the series and, if requested, sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(YIntervalDataItem, boolean) - Method in class
Adds a data item to the series and, if requested, sends a
to all registered listeners. - add(Color) - Method in class org.sunflow.image.Color
- add(Color, Color) - Static method in class org.sunflow.image.Color
- add(Color, Color, Color) - Static method in class org.sunflow.image.Color
- Add - Class in de.grogra.math
- Add - Class in de.grogra.xl.expr
- Add() - Constructor for class de.grogra.math.Add
- Add() - Constructor for class de.grogra.xl.expr.Add
- ADD - Static variable in interface de.grogra.grogra.LSYTokenTypes
- ADD - Static variable in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser
- ADD - Static variable in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser
- ADD - Static variable in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLLexer
- ADD - Static variable in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser
- ADD - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.compiler.CompilerTokenTypes
- ADD - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.parser.XLTokenTypes
- ADD() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ProduceEdgeOpContext
- ADD() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.TraversalModifierContext
- ADD() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.AdditiveExpressionContext
- ADD() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ProduceEdgeOpContext
- ADD() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.TraversalModifierContext
- ADD() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.UnaryExpressionContext
- ADD(int) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.AdditiveExpressionContext
- ADD_ASSIGN - Static variable in interface de.grogra.grogra.LSYTokenTypes
- ADD_ASSIGN - Static variable in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser
- ADD_ASSIGN - Static variable in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser
- ADD_ASSIGN - Static variable in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLLexer
- ADD_ASSIGN - Static variable in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser
- ADD_ASSIGN - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.compiler.CompilerTokenTypes
- ADD_ASSIGN - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.parser.XLTokenTypes
- ADD_ASSIGN() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.XlOperatorContext
- ADD_ASSIGN() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.XlOperatorContext
- ADD_ASSIGN() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.XlSymbolContext
- ADD_BYTE - Static variable in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- ADD_CHAR - Static variable in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- ADD_DOUBLE - Static variable in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- ADD_EDGE_BITS - Static variable in class de.grogra.graph.impl.GraphTransaction
- ADD_EDGE_DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.GraphQueue
- ADD_FILE - Static variable in interface
- ADD_FLOAT - Static variable in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- ADD_INT - Static variable in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- ADD_LONG - Static variable in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- ADD_MEMBER - Static variable in exception de.grogra.xl.compiler.ProblemReporter
- ADD_NODE_DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.GraphQueue
- ADD_SHORT - Static variable in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- ADD_UNDIRECTED_EDGE_DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.GraphQueue
- Add.Type - Class in de.grogra.math
- addAccessor(AttributeAccessor) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.Node.NType
- addAll(boolean[], int, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.BooleanList
components ofv
to this list, starting at indexbegin
. - addAll(byte[], int, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.ByteList
components ofv
to this list, starting at indexbegin
. - addAll(char[], int, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.CharList
components ofv
to this list, starting at indexbegin
. - addAll(double[], int, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.DoubleList
components ofv
to this list, starting at indexbegin
. - addAll(float[], int, int) - Method in class de.grogra.mesh.utils.FloatListArray
- addAll(float[], int, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.FloatList
components ofv
to this list, starting at indexbegin
. - addAll(int[], int, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.IntList
components ofv
to this list, starting at indexbegin
. - addAll(long[], int, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.LongList
components ofv
to this list, starting at indexbegin
. - addAll(short[], int, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.ShortList
components ofv
to this list, starting at indexbegin
. - addAll(RecognitionException[]) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addAll(RecognitionExceptionList) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addAll(BooleanList) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.BooleanList
Appends all elements of
to this list. - addAll(ByteList) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.ByteList
Appends all elements of
to this list. - addAll(CharList) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.CharList
Appends all elements of
to this list. - addAll(DoubleList) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.DoubleList
Appends all elements of
to this list. - addAll(FloatList) - Method in class de.grogra.mesh.utils.FloatListArray
- addAll(FloatList) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.FloatList
Appends all elements of
to this list. - addAll(IntList) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.IntList
Appends all elements of
to this list. - addAll(LongList) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.LongList
Appends all elements of
to this list. - addAll(ObjectList<? extends E>) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.ObjectList
Appends all elements of
to this list. - addAll(ShortList) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.ShortList
Appends all elements of
to this list. - addAll(Object[], int, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.ObjectList
components ofv
to this list, starting at indexbegin
. - addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.ObjectList
Appends all elements of
to this list. - addAll(EntityCollection) - Method in interface org.jfree.chart.entity.EntityCollection
Adds the entities from another collection to this collection.
- addAll(EntityCollection) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.entity.StandardEntityCollection
Adds all the entities from the specified collection.
- addAll(LegendItemCollection) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.LegendItemCollection
Adds the legend items from another collection to this collection.
- addAllArguments(String[]) - Method in class de.grogra.rchart.Rchart.PlotOption
add arguments to the command/plot function
- addAminoAcid(AminoAcid) - Method in class de.grogra.ext.pdb.model.AminoSequence
- addAminoSequence(AminoSequence) - Method in class de.grogra.ext.pdb.model.Protein
- addAndOrUpdate(TimeSeries) - Method in class
Adds or updates data from one series to another.
- addAnnotation(CategoryAnnotation) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot
Adds an annotation to the plot and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addAnnotation(CategoryAnnotation, boolean) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot
Adds an annotation to the plot and, if requested, sends a
to all registered listeners. - addAnnotation(XYAnnotation) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot
Adds an annotation to the plot and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addAnnotation(XYAnnotation) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.AbstractXYItemRenderer
Adds an annotation and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addAnnotation(XYAnnotation) - Method in interface org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYItemRenderer
Adds an annotation and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addAnnotation(XYAnnotation, boolean) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot
Adds an annotation to the plot and, if requested, sends a
to all registered listeners. - addAnnotation(XYAnnotation, Layer) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.AbstractXYItemRenderer
Adds an annotation to the specified layer and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addAnnotation(XYAnnotation, Layer) - Method in interface org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYItemRenderer
Adds an annotation to the specified layer.
- addAny(AST, AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addArgument(String) - Method in class de.grogra.rchart.Rchart.PlotOption
add argument to the command/plot function
- addAtom(Atom) - Method in class de.grogra.ext.pdb.model.AminoAcid
Adds an atom to this amino acid
- addAttributeChangeListener(AttributeChangeListener) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.EventSupport
- addAttributeChangeListener(AttributeChangeListener) - Method in interface de.grogra.graph.Graph
- addAttributeChangeListener(AttributeChangeListener) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.GraphBase
- addAttributeChangeListener(AttributeChangeListener) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.GraphManager
- addAttributeChangeListener(Object, boolean, AttributeChangeListener) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.EventSupport
- addAttributeChangeListener(Object, boolean, AttributeChangeListener) - Method in interface de.grogra.graph.Graph
- addAttributeChangeListener(Object, boolean, AttributeChangeListener) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.GraphBase
- addAttributeChangeListener(Object, boolean, AttributeChangeListener) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.GraphManager
- addAttributes(StringBuilder) - Method in class
Adds HTML describing the attributes of this tag to a buffer.
- addAutoCompletionListener(AutoCompletionListener) - Method in class
Adds a listener interested in popup window events from this instance.
- addB$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.BlockColor
- addBin(SimpleHistogramBin) - Method in class
Adds a bin to the dataset.
- addBlock(Expression, AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addByte(PersistenceCapable, PersistenceField, int[], byte) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- addCachedChannelMap(FluxChannelMap, ChannelMap, Object) - Method in class
- addCandidateVersionListener(Version.VersionListener) - Method in class
- addCaretListener(CaretListener) - Method in interface
- addCategoryLabelToolTip(Comparable, String) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.axis.CategoryAxis
Adds a tooltip to the specified category and sends an
to all registered listeners. - addCategoryLabelURL(Comparable, String) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.axis.CategoryAxis
Adds a URL (to be used in image maps) to the specified category and sends an
to all registered listeners. - addCell() - Method in class
- addChangeBoundaryListener(ChangeBoundaryListener) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.EventSupport
- addChangeBoundaryListener(ChangeBoundaryListener) - Method in interface de.grogra.graph.Graph
- addChangeBoundaryListener(ChangeBoundaryListener) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.GraphBase
- addChangeBoundaryListener(ChangeBoundaryListener) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.GraphManager
- addChangeListener(AnnotationChangeListener) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.annotations.AbstractAnnotation
Registers an object to receive notification of changes to the annotation.
- addChangeListener(AnnotationChangeListener) - Method in interface org.jfree.chart.annotations.Annotation
Registers an object for notification of changes to the annotation.
- addChangeListener(AxisChangeListener) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.axis.Axis
Registers an object for notification of changes to the axis.
- addChangeListener(ChartChangeListener) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart
Registers an object for notification of changes to the chart.
- addChangeListener(MarkerChangeListener) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.Marker
Registers an object for notification of changes to the marker.
- addChangeListener(OverlayChangeListener) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.panel.AbstractOverlay
Registers an object for notification of changes to the overlay.
- addChangeListener(OverlayChangeListener) - Method in interface org.jfree.chart.panel.Overlay
Registers a change listener with the overlay.
- addChangeListener(PlotChangeListener) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.Plot
Registers an object for notification of changes to the plot.
- addChangeListener(RendererChangeListener) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.renderer.AbstractRenderer
Registers an object to receive notification of changes to the renderer.
- addChangeListener(RendererChangeListener) - Method in interface org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.CategoryItemRenderer
Adds a change listener.
- addChangeListener(RendererChangeListener) - Method in interface org.jfree.chart.renderer.PolarItemRenderer
Adds a change listener.
- addChangeListener(RendererChangeListener) - Method in interface org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYItemRenderer
Add a renderer change listener.
- addChangeListener(TitleChangeListener) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.title.Title
Registers an object for notification of changes to the title.
- addChangeListener(DialLayerChangeListener) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.dial.AbstractDialLayer
Registers an object for notification of changes to the dial layer.
- addChangeListener(DialLayerChangeListener) - Method in interface org.jfree.chart.plot.dial.DialLayer
Registers a listener with this layer, so that it receives notification of changes to this layer.
- addChangeListener(DatasetChangeListener) - Method in class
- addChangeListener(DatasetChangeListener) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.CyclicXYItemRenderer.OverwriteDataSet
Does nothing.
- addChangeListener(DatasetChangeListener) - Method in class
Registers an object to receive notification of changes to the dataset.
- addChangeListener(DatasetChangeListener) - Method in interface
Registers an object for notification of changes to the dataset.
- addChangeListener(SeriesChangeListener) - Method in class
Registers an object with this series, to receive notification whenever the series changes.
- addChannelMap(FluxChannelMap, ChannelMap) - Method in class
- addChar(PersistenceCapable, PersistenceField, int[], char) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- addChartMouseListener(ChartMouseListener) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel
Adds a listener to the list of objects listening for chart mouse events.
- addChild(long) - Method in class de.grogra.pointcloud.objects.IntermediateCloudNode
- addChild(GLTFNodeWrapper) - Method in class de.grogra.gltf.exporter.GLTFNodeWrapper
- addChild(ObjectInspector.TreeNode) - Method in class de.grogra.imp.ObjectInspector.TreeNode
- addChild(Tree.Node) - Method in class de.grogra.util.Tree.Node
- addChild(DefaultNodeModel) - Method in class de.grogra.gltf.exporter.GLTFExport
- addChild(Object, Node) - Method in class de.grogra.ext.x3d.X3DParser
- addChild(OBJGroup) - Method in class org.jagatoo.loaders.models.obj.OBJGroup
- addCloudToGraph(Cloud, Node, Context) - Static method in class de.grogra.pointcloud.utils.Utils
Adds a point cloud to the current context's graph Obsolete.
- addColumn() - Method in class
Adds a new column to this dataset and returns it as a dataseries.
- addColumn() - Method in class
- addColumn(Comparable) - Method in class
Adds a new column to this dataset and returns it as a dataseries.
- addColumn(Comparable) - Method in class
- addCompletion(Completion) - Method in class
Adds a single completion to this provider.
- addCompletionProvider(CompletionProvider) - Method in class de.grogra.autocompletors.RoundRobinAutoCompletion
Adds an additional
to the list to cycle through. - addCompletions(List<Completion>) - Method in class
s to this provider. - addComponent(Object, Object, Object) - Method in class
- addComponent(Object, Object, Object, int) - Method in class de.grogra.cli.CLIToolkit
- addComponent(Object, Object, Object, int) - Method in class
- addComponent(Object, Object, Object, int) - Method in class
- addComponent(Object, Object, Object, int) - Method in class
- addComposite(AST, PatternBuilder, EdgeDirection, boolean, AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addCondition(AST, Expression, AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addConfigurations(ConfigurationSet) - Method in class de.grogra.ext.pdb.PDBImport
- addConfigurations(ConfigurationSet) - Method in class
- addConfigurations(ConfigurationSet) - Method in interface de.grogra.util.Configurable
This method is invoked to obtain the configurable options of this
object. - addConnection(Connection) - Method in class de.grogra.imp.IMPWorkbench
- addConstantEdge(AST, EdgeDirection, Type, Serializable, AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addConstructors(FunctionCompletion) - Method in class
- addConstructors(List<FunctionCompletion>) - Method in class
- addConsumer(Object) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.Transaction.Consumer.Multicaster
- addContentDescription(HashMap<String, ContentDescriptionType[]>) - Method in class
Add the ContentDescriptionTypes to the registry.
- addContext(int) - Method in class de.grogra.autocompletors.XLCompletionContext
- addConvexIntersections(double, int, double, int, boolean, Line, int, IntersectionList, Intersection, Intersection) - Method in class de.grogra.vecmath.geom.VolumeBase
- addCoordinates(Cloud.Point, Cloud.Point) - Static method in class
- addCornerTextItem(String) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.PolarPlot
Add text to be displayed in the lower right hand corner and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addCurve(NURBSCurve) - Static method in class de.grogra.nurbseditor2d.ObjectGeometry2D
- addCurve(NURBSCurve) - Static method in class de.grogra.nurbseditor3d.ObjectGeometry3D
- addCurvePoint(Point4f) - Static method in class de.grogra.nurbseditor3d.ObjectGeometry3D
- addDataset(ValueDataset) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.CompassPlot
Adds a dataset to the compass.
- addDataset(ValueDataset, MeterNeedle) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.CompassPlot
Adds a dataset to the compass.
- addDays(int, SerialDate) - Static method in class
Creates a new date by adding the specified number of days to the base date.
- addDeferred(MassObject) - Method in class
- addDefinitionString(StringBuilder) - Method in class
- addDefinitionString(StringBuilder) - Method in class
- addDefinitionString(StringBuilder) - Method in class
- addDefinitionString(StringBuilder) - Method in class
- addDependency(Attribute, Attribute) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.Node.NType
- addDependency(PatternData) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.Component
- addDockable(Dockable) - Method in interface de.grogra.docking.LayoutConsumer
- addDockPosition(DockComponent, int, Point, DockShape) - Method in interface de.grogra.docking.DockPositionList
- addDockPositions(DockPositionList, DockComponent, int, Point, Container, DockShape) - Static method in class de.grogra.docking.DockPosition
- addDomainCrosshair(Crosshair) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.panel.CrosshairOverlay
Adds a crosshair against the domain axis (x-axis) and sends an
to all registered listeners. - addDomainMarker(int, CategoryMarker, Layer) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot
Adds a marker for display by a particular renderer and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addDomainMarker(int, CategoryMarker, Layer, boolean) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot
Adds a marker for display by a particular renderer and, if requested, sends a
to all registered listeners. - addDomainMarker(int, Marker, Layer) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot
Adds a marker for a specific dataset/renderer and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addDomainMarker(int, Marker, Layer, boolean) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot
Adds a marker for a specific dataset/renderer and, if requested, sends a
to all registered listeners. - addDomainMarker(CategoryMarker) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot
Adds a marker for display (in the foreground) against the domain axis and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addDomainMarker(CategoryMarker, Layer) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot
Adds a marker for display against the domain axis and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addDomainMarker(Marker) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot
Adds a marker for the domain axis and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addDomainMarker(Marker, Layer) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot
Adds a marker for the domain axis in the specified layer and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addDouble(PersistenceCapable, PersistenceField, int[], double) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- addEdge(AST, EdgeDirection, Expression, AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addEdgeBits(int, Transaction) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.Edge
- addEdgeBits(Node, Node, int) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.GraphTransaction.Consumer.Adapter
- addEdgeBits(Node, Node, int) - Method in interface de.grogra.graph.impl.GraphTransaction.Consumer
- addEdgeBits(Node, Node, int) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.GraphTransaction.Consumer.Multicaster
- addEdgeBits(Node, Node, int) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.GraphTransaction.Dump
- addEdgeBits(Node, Node, int) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.State
- addEdgeBits(Node, Node, int) - Method in class
- addEdgeBits(Node, Node, int, Context) - Static method in class de.grogra.imp.IMP
- addEdgeBits(Object, Object, int) - Method in class de.grogra.rgg.model.Runtime
- addEdgeBits(Object, Object, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.GraphImpl
Adds a set of edge bits from a
node to atarget
node. - addEdgeBits(Object, Object, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.GraphQueue
- addEdgeBits(Object, Object, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.GraphQueueImpl
- addEdgeBits(Object, Object, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.RuntimeModel
Adds a set of edge bits from a
node to atarget
node. - addEdgeBits(Object, Object, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.dom.Graph
- addEdgeBits(Object, Object, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.dom.RuntimeModel
- addEdgeBits(Object, Object, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.simple.Graph
- addEdgeBits(Object, Object, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.simple.RuntimeModel
- addEdgeBitsTo(Node, int, Transaction) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.Node
- addEdgeBitsTo(Node, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.simple.Node
- addEdgeChangeListener(EdgeChangeListener) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.EventSupport
- addEdgeChangeListener(EdgeChangeListener) - Method in interface de.grogra.graph.Graph
- addEdgeChangeListener(EdgeChangeListener) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.GraphBase
- addEdgeChangeListener(EdgeChangeListener) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.GraphManager
- addEdgeChangeListener(Object, boolean, EdgeChangeListener) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.EventSupport
- addEdgeChangeListener(Object, boolean, EdgeChangeListener) - Method in interface de.grogra.graph.Graph
- addEdgeChangeListener(Object, boolean, EdgeChangeListener) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.GraphBase
- addEdgeChangeListener(Object, boolean, EdgeChangeListener) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.GraphManager
- AddEdgeDescriptor() - Constructor for class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.GraphQueue.AddEdgeDescriptor
- addEdgeImpl(Object, Object, int, EdgeDirection) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.Producer
- addEdgePattern(AST, PatternWrapper, ArgumentDescription[], EdgeDirection, AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addElement(MTGBranchElement) - Method in class de.grogra.mtg.MTGBranch
- addEntity(EntityCollection, Shape, CategoryDataset, int, int, double, double) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.AbstractCategoryItemRenderer
Adds an entity to the collection.
- addEntity(EntityCollection, Shape, XYDataset, int, int, double, double) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.renderer.DefaultPolarItemRenderer
Adds an entity to the collection.
- addEntity(EntityCollection, Shape, XYDataset, int, int, double, double) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.AbstractXYItemRenderer
Adds an entity to the collection.
- addEntity(PlotRenderingInfo, Shape, int, String, String) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.annotations.AbstractXYAnnotation
A utility method for adding an
to aPlotRenderingInfo
instance. - addEntryToPool(E) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.EHashMap
- addEventListener(EventListener) - Method in class de.grogra.imp.View
- addEventListener(EventListener) - Method in class de.grogra.util.EventListener.Multicaster
- addExecutionListener(JobManager.ExecutionListener) - Method in class de.grogra.imp.IMPJobManager
- addExecutionListener(JobManager.ExecutionListener) - Method in interface
- addExecutionListener(JobManager.ExecutionListener) - Method in class de.grogra.projectmanager.JobManagerImpl
- addExpression(AST, Expression, AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addExpression(Expression) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.scope.BlockScope
- addFaces(List<VoronoiCell[]>) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.math.delaunay.Tetrahedron
Add the four faces defined by the tetrahedron to the list of faces
- addFacesCoordinates(List<Point3d[]>) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.math.delaunay.Tetrahedron
Add the four faces defined by the tetrahedron to the list of faces
- addFavorNode(Node) - Method in class de.grogra.rgg.AvoidIntersection
to the list offavorNodes
. - addFields(VariableCompletion) - Method in class
- addFields(List<VariableCompletion>) - Method in class
- addFile(Object, Object, String, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.vfs.FileSystem
- addFile(Object, Object, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.vfs.FileSystem
- addFiles(FileSystem, Object[], boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.ASMTypeLoader
- addFileSystem(FileSystem, String, Object) - Method in class de.grogra.vfs.JoinedFileSystem
- addFileSystemListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class
- addFilterFolding(FilterFolding) - Method in class de.grogra.imp2d.graphs.HighlightFilterData
- addFilterHide(FilterHide) - Method in class de.grogra.imp2d.graphs.HighlightFilterData
- addFilterHighlight(FilterHighlight) - Method in class de.grogra.imp2d.graphs.HighlightFilterData
- addFirstDeepNode(Object) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.FirstLastScale
- addFloat(PersistenceCapable, PersistenceField, int[], float) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- addFloatToFloat(Result, FloatToFloat, ShaderConfiguration) - Static method in class
- addFolding(AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addFragment(TextFragment) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.text.TextLine
Adds a text fragment to the text line.
- addFromFilterSource(Registry, FilterSource, ModifiableMap, Workbench) - Method in class
Reads an object from a given FilterSoruce.
- addFromURL(Registry, URL, ModifiableMap) - Method in class
Reads an object from
. - addFromURL(Registry, URL, ModifiableMap, Workbench) - Method in class
Reads an object from
. - addG$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.BlockColor
- addGround(float, float) - Method in class
- addGuard(AST, Expression, AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addIdentityAccessor(ObjectAttribute) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.Node.NType
- addIfNotContained(boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.BooleanList
as last element to this list if is not yet contained as reported byBooleanList.contains(boolean)
. - addIfNotContained(byte) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.ByteList
as last element to this list if is not yet contained as reported byByteList.contains(byte)
. - addIfNotContained(char) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.CharList
as last element to this list if is not yet contained as reported byCharList.contains(char)
. - addIfNotContained(double) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.DoubleList
as last element to this list if is not yet contained as reported byDoubleList.contains(double)
. - addIfNotContained(float) - Method in class de.grogra.mesh.utils.FloatListArray
- addIfNotContained(float) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.FloatList
as last element to this list if is not yet contained as reported byFloatList.contains(float)
. - addIfNotContained(int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.IntList
as last element to this list if is not yet contained as reported byIntList.contains(int)
. - addIfNotContained(long) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.LongList
as last element to this list if is not yet contained as reported byLongList.contains(long)
. - addIfNotContained(short) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.ShortList
as last element to this list if is not yet contained as reported byShortList.contains(short)
. - addIfNotContained(E) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.ObjectList
as last element to this list if is not yet contained as reported byObjectList.contains(Object)
. - addImageObserver(ImageObserver) - Method in class de.grogra.imp.Renderer
- addImpl(CLIComponent, Object, int) - Method in class de.grogra.cli.ui.CLIContainer
- addImpl(Component, Object, int) - Method in class de.grogra.docking.DockSplitPane
- addIncompleteConstructorInvocation(Invoke) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.scope.TypeScope
- addInfinitePrimitive(FluxPrimitive) - Method in class de.grogra.gpuflux.scene.volume.FluxVolumeBuilder
- addInfiniteVolume(Volume) - Method in class de.grogra.vecmath.geom.OctreeUnion
- addInOrder(E, Comparator<? super E>) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.ObjectList
into this ordered list, based onc
. - addInOrder(Comparable<? super E>) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.ObjectList
into this ordered list. - addInt(PersistenceCapable, PersistenceField, int[], int) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- addInterceptedRadiation(double) - Method in class de.grogra.lignum.stlVoxelspace.VoxelBox
- addInterface(Type<?>) - Method in class de.grogra.reflect.IntersectionType
- addInterface(Type<?>) - Method in class de.grogra.reflect.XClass
- addInterface(String) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.scope.ClassSymbol
- addInterface(String) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.scope.ClassSymbolImport
- addInterval(MeterInterval) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.MeterPlot
Adds an interval and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addIsMultiScaleMatcher(boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.QStateMultiScale
- addIsMultiScaleMatcher(boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.query.QueryState
- addIsMultiScaleMatcher(boolean) - Method in interface de.grogra.xl.query.QueryStateMultiScale
- addItem(Item, Context) - Method in class de.grogra.coolbar.CoolbarItemAdder
- addItem(Item, Object, Context) - Static method in class de.grogra.coolbar.CoolbarConfiguration
- addItem(Comparable, Comparable, Number) - Method in class
Adds an item to the dataset.
- addItem(Comparable, Number) - Method in class
Adds an item to the temporary storage for the series.
- addItem(Comparable, Number) - Method in class
Adds an item to the dataset under construction.
- addItemEntity(EntityCollection, CategoryDataset, int, int, Shape) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.AbstractCategoryItemRenderer
Adds an entity with the specified hotspot.
- ADDITIONAL_FIELDS - Static variable in class de.grogra.graph.impl.Node
- AdditionalArrange - Class in de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock
- AdditionalArrange() - Constructor for class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.AdditionalArrange
- AdditionalArrange(int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.AdditionalArrange
- AdditionalArrange.Type - Class in de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock
- AdditionalArrangeMethod - Interface in de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock
- AdditionalNodeFieldsEditor - Class in
- additions - Variable in class
- additiveExpression() - Method in class de.grogra.grogra.LSYParser
- additiveExpression() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser
- additiveExpression() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ShiftExpressionContext
- additiveExpression() - Method in class de.grogra.xl.parser.XLParser
- additiveExpression(int) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ShiftExpressionContext
- AdditiveExpressionContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.AdditiveExpressionContext
- additiveInverse() - Method in class
Returns the additive inverse of this RationalNumber.
- addJars(URL[], boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.ASMTypeLoader
- addJob(Job) - Method in class
Add a new
to the worker. - addJobListener(JobListener) - Method in class
Add a
to theWorker
. - addLayer(DialLayer) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.dial.DialPlot
Adds a layer to the plot and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addLayout(Item, Object, Context) - Static method in class
- addLayoutComponent(Component) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.ui.LCBLayout
Not used.
- addLayoutComponent(Component, Object) - Method in class
- addLayoutComponent(String, Component) - Method in class
- addLayoutComponent(String, Component) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.ui.LCBLayout
Not used.
- addLeafArea(double) - Method in class de.grogra.lignum.stlVoxelspace.VoxelBox
- addLeafMass(double) - Method in class de.grogra.lignum.stlVoxelspace.VoxelBox
- addLegend(LegendTitle) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart
Adds a legend to the plot and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addLexicalError(I18NBundle, String, AST) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addLexicalError(I18NBundle, String, Token) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addLexicalError(String, AST) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addLexicalError(String, Token) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addLexicalWarning(I18NBundle, String, AST) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addLexicalWarning(I18NBundle, String, Token) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addLexicalWarning(String, AST) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addLexicalWarning(String, Token) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addLine(String, Font, Paint) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.text.TextBlock
Adds a line of text that will be displayed using the specified font.
- addLine(TextLine) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.text.TextBlock
Adds a
to the block. - addList(String, Object[]) - Method in class de.grogra.api.APIReturn
Creating a JSONArray from a array of Strings and adding it, to the return data based on the given key.
- addList(String, Object[]) - Method in class de.grogra.api.APIRunner
- addList(String, StackTraceElement[]) - Method in class de.grogra.api.APIReturn
Creating a JSONArray from a array of Strings and adding it, to the return data based on the given key.
- addList(String, JSONArray) - Method in class de.grogra.api.APIRunner
- addListDataListener(ListDataListener) - Method in class de.grogra.msml.MSNode
- addListDataListener(ListDataListener) - Method in class
- addListDataListener(ListDataListener) - Method in class de.grogra.util.EnumerationType
- addListDataListener(ListDataListener) - Method in class de.grogra.util.EnumValueImpl
- addListener(Version.VersionListener) - Method in class
- addLocalFile(Object, Object, String) - Method in class de.grogra.vfs.FileSystem
- addLocalFile(Object, Object, String) - Method in class de.grogra.vfs.LocalFileSystem
- addLocalFile(Object, Object, String, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.vfs.FileSystem
- addLocalFile(Object, Object, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.vfs.FileSystem
- addLock(Lock) - Method in class de.grogra.rgg.RGG
- addLong(PersistenceCapable, PersistenceField, int[], long) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- addManagedField(ManageableType.Field) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.ManageableType
- addManagedField(String, int, Type, Type, int) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.SCOType
- addManagedField(String, int, Class, Class, int) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.SCOType
- addMappings(ModifiableMap) - Method in class de.grogra.cli.ui.CLIChartPanelSupport
- addMappings(ModifiableMap) - Method in class de.grogra.imp.View
- addMappings(ModifiableMap) - Method in class
- addMappings(ModifiableMap) - Method in interface de.grogra.util.ModifiableMap.Producer
- addMarker(IntervalMarker) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.axis.MarkerAxisBand
Adds a marker to the band.
- addMatches(Scope, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.scope.Members
- addMatches(Scope, Type, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.scope.Members
- addMessage(StringBuffer, String) - Method in class
- addMessage(StringBuffer, String) - Method in class
- addMessage(StringBuffer, String) - Method in class
- addMessage(StringBuffer, String) - Method in class
- addMessageHandler(MessageHandler) - Method in class
- addMetadata(String, Node) - Method in class de.grogra.msml.MSMLMetadata
- addMetaNode(Node, Transaction) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.GraphManager
- addMethods(FunctionCompletion) - Method in class
- addMethods(List<FunctionCompletion>) - Method in class
- addMissingVersions(PluginEntry) - Method in class
- addModifier(int) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.scope.FieldSymbol
- addModifier(int) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.scope.MethodSymbol
- addModifier(int) - Method in interface de.grogra.suggest.scope.SymbolWithModifiers
- addMonths(int, SerialDate) - Static method in class
Creates a new date by adding the specified number of months to the base date.
- addNeedleArea(double) - Method in class de.grogra.lignum.stlVoxelspace.VoxelBox
- addNeedleMass(double) - Method in class de.grogra.lignum.stlVoxelspace.VoxelBox
- addNeighbor(GRSVertex) - Method in class de.grogra.rgg.model.VVQueue
- AddNeighbor() - Constructor for class de.grogra.rgg.model.VVProducer.AddNeighbor
- addNewFaces(FaceList, Vertex, Vector<HalfEdge>) - Method in class de.grogra.math.convexhull.QuickHull3D
- addNewParser(X3DParser) - Method in class de.grogra.ext.x3d.X3DImport
Add a new parser on top of stack.
- addNewShadowMapType(Class, GLSLShadowMap) - Method in class de.grogra.glsl.light.shadow.ShadowMapCollection
- addNode(Node) - Method in class
- addNode(Node) - Method in class
- addNode(Node, Context) - Method in class
To add a node the used workbench must be added as a parameter to provide a context that contains a JobManager
- addNode(Item, Object, Context) - Static method in class de.grogra.imp.IMP
- addNode(Item, Object, Context) - Static method in class
- addNode(Object) - Method in class de.grogra.api.APIWorkbench
- addNode(Object) - Method in class de.grogra.cli.CLIWorkbench
- addNode(Object) - Method in class de.grogra.imp.IMPWorkbench
In IMP workbenches addnodes is perfomed by IMP
- addNode(Object) - Method in class
- addNode(Object) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.GraphImpl
Adds a node to this graph extent.
- addNode(Object) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.GraphQueue
- addNode(Object) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.GraphQueueImpl
- addNode(Object) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.dom.Graph
- addNode(Object) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.simple.Graph
- AddNodeDescriptor() - Constructor for class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.GraphQueue.AddNodeDescriptor
- addNodeImpl(Object, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.Producer
- addNodeImplMS(Object, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.Producer
- addNodeLeft(Node, int) - Method in class
- addNodePattern(AST, PatternWrapper, ArgumentDescription[], AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addNodePattern(AST, BuiltInPattern, ArgumentDescription[], AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addNodeQueue - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.Producer
- addNodeRight(Node, int) - Method in class
- addNodeRightLeft(Node, int) - Method in class
- addNodeToChangedExtent(Node) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.GraphTransaction
- addNumberOfSegmentsReal(double) - Method in class de.grogra.lignum.stlVoxelspace.VoxelBox
- addObject(Comparable, Object) - Method in class
Adds a new object to the collection, or overwrites an existing object.
- addObject(Object, Comparable, Comparable) - Method in class
Adds an object to the table.
- addObservation(double) - Method in class
Adds an observation to the dataset (by incrementing the item count for the appropriate bin).
- addObservation(double, boolean) - Method in class
Adds an observation to the dataset (by incrementing the item count for the appropriate bin).
- addObservations(double[]) - Method in class
Adds a set of values to the dataset and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addObserver(ScaleClass) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.ScaleClass
- addObserver(Observer) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.ScaleClass
- addOneLeaf() - Method in class de.grogra.lignum.stlVoxelspace.VoxelBox
- addOptionFile(Item, Object, Context) - Static method in class de.grogra.imp.IMP
- addOrCopy - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.Neighbors
- addOrder(List<? super QueueDescriptor<?>>) - Static method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.queues.QueueDescriptor
- addOrUpdate(double, double) - Method in class
Adds or updates an item in the series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addOrUpdate(Number, Number) - Method in class
Adds or updates an item in the series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addOrUpdate(RegularTimePeriod, double) - Method in class
Adds or updates an item in the times series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addOrUpdate(RegularTimePeriod, Number) - Method in class
Adds or updates an item in the times series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addOrUpdate(TimeSeriesDataItem) - Method in class
Adds or updates an item in the times series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addOrUpdate(XYDataItem) - Method in class
Adds or updates an item in the series and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addOrUpdateTypeGraph() - Static method in class de.grogra.rgg.Library
- addOverlay(Overlay) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel
Add an overlay to the panel.
- addPanel(Panel) - Method in class de.grogra.cli.ui.CLIWindowSupport
- addParameters(StringBuilder) - Method in class
Adds HTML describing the parameters to this function to a buffer.
- addPathExpression(AST, Expression, boolean, AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addPattern(AST, Pattern, ArgumentDescription[], AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addPattern(AST, Pattern, ArgumentDescription[], AST, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addPieLabelRecord(PieLabelRecord) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.AbstractPieLabelDistributor
Adds a label record.
- addPluginPrerequisite(Collection, Class) - Static method in class
- addPluginPrerequisites(Collection) - Method in class
- addPluginPrerequisites(Collection) - Method in class
- addPluginPrerequisites(Collection) - Method in class
- addPluginPrerequisites(Collection) - Method in class
- addPoint(ArrayPoint) - Method in class de.grogra.pointcloud.objects.impl.CloudList
Adds a point to this point cloud.
- addPoint(Cloud.Point) - Method in interface de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Cloud
- addPoint(Cloud.Point) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.CloudArray
- addPoint(Cloud.Point) - Method in class de.grogra.pointcloud.objects.impl.CloudGraph
- addPoint(Cloud.Point) - Method in class de.grogra.pointcloud.objects.impl.CloudList
- addPoint(IntermediateCloudNode) - Method in class de.grogra.pointcloud.objects.CloudGraphBase
- addPoint(IntermediateCloudNode) - Method in class de.grogra.pointcloud.objects.impl.CloudGraph
- addPoint(IntermediateCloudNode[]) - Method in class de.grogra.pointcloud.objects.CloudGraphBase
- addPoint(IntermediateCloudNode[]) - Method in class de.grogra.pointcloud.objects.impl.CloudGraph
- addPoint(String, String) - Method in class de.grogra.api.APIReturn
adding a String value, repented by a key, to the return data.
- addPoint(String, JSONArray) - Method in class de.grogra.api.APIReturn
- addPoint(String, JSONObject) - Method in class de.grogra.api.APIReturn
- addPoint(String, JSONObject) - Method in class de.grogra.api.APIRunner
- addPoint(Point3f) - Static method in class de.grogra.nurbseditor2d.ObjectGeometry2D
- addPointer(DialPointer) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.dial.DialPlot
Adds a pointer to the plot and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addPoints - Variable in class de.grogra.pointcloud.importer.PointCloudFilterBase
- addPoints(Cloud.Point[]) - Method in interface de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Cloud
- addPoints(Cloud.Point[]) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.CloudArray
- addPoints(Cloud.Point[]) - Method in class de.grogra.pointcloud.objects.impl.CloudGraph
- addPoints(Cloud.Point[]) - Method in class de.grogra.pointcloud.objects.impl.CloudList
- addPointToHull(Vertex) - Method in class de.grogra.math.convexhull.QuickHull3D
- addPrimitive(FluxPrimitive) - Method in class de.grogra.gpuflux.scene.volume.FluxVolumeBuilder
- addPrimitives(Vector<FluxPrimitive>) - Method in class de.grogra.gpuflux.scene.volume.FluxVolumeBuilder
- addProgressListener(RTProgressListener) - Method in class de.grogra.ray.event.ProgressNotifier
- addProgressListener(ChartProgressListener) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart
Registers an object for notification of progress events relating to the chart.
- addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface de.grogra.docking.Dockable
- addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class
- addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class
- addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface
- addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.Crosshair
Adds a property change listener.
- addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class
Adds a property change listener to the series.
- addPropertyListener(Context, EventListener) - Method in class
- addQabs(double) - Method in class de.grogra.lignum.stlVoxelspace.VoxelBox
- addQin(double) - Method in class de.grogra.lignum.stlVoxelspace.VoxelBox
- addQueue(Queue) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.queues.QueueCollection
- addQueues(QueueCollection, ObjectList<? extends Queue>) - Static method in class de.grogra.rgg.model.RGGGraph
- addQueuesTo(QueueCollection) - Method in class de.grogra.rgg.model.LocalSolver
- addQueuesTo(QueueCollection) - Method in interface de.grogra.rgg.model.QueueSolver
- addR$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.BlockColor
- addRadiation(double) - Method in class de.grogra.lignum.stlVoxelspace.VoxelBox
- addRangeCrosshair(Crosshair) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.panel.CrosshairOverlay
Adds a crosshair against the range axis and sends an
to all registered listeners. - addRangeMarker(int, Marker, Layer) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot
Adds a marker for display by a particular renderer and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addRangeMarker(int, Marker, Layer) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot
Adds a marker for a specific dataset/renderer and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addRangeMarker(int, Marker, Layer, boolean) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot
Adds a marker for display by a particular renderer and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addRangeMarker(int, Marker, Layer, boolean) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot
Adds a marker for a specific dataset/renderer and, if requested, sends a
to all registered listeners. - addRangeMarker(Marker) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot
Adds a marker for display (in the foreground) against the range axis and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addRangeMarker(Marker) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot
Adds a marker for the range axis and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addRangeMarker(Marker, Layer) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot
Adds a marker for display against the range axis and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addRangeMarker(Marker, Layer) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot
Adds a marker for the range axis in the specified layer and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addReference(SharedObjectReference) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.Node
- addReference(SharedObjectReference) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.Camera
- addReference(SharedObjectReference) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.RGBAShader
- addReference(SharedObjectReference) - Method in class de.grogra.math.RGBColor
- addReference(SharedObjectReference) - Method in interface de.grogra.persistence.Shareable
- addReference(SharedObjectReference) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.ShareableBase
- addReference(SharedObjectReference) - Method in class
- addRelation(AST, Expression, boolean, AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addRelation(Object, Object, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.QStateMultiScale
- addRelation(Object, Object, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.query.QueryState
- addRelation(Object, Object, int) - Method in interface de.grogra.xl.query.QueryStateMultiScale
- addRelationPattern(AST, PatternWrapper, ArgumentDescription[], boolean, AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addRelationPattern(AST, BuiltInPattern, ArgumentDescription[], boolean, AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addRenderingHints(Map) - Method in class org.jibble.epsgraphics.EpsGraphics2D
Adds rendering hints.
- addReplacementCopy(String, int, int) - Method in class
Adds a copy of a replacement.
- addReplacementLocation(int, int) - Method in class
Marks a region of the replacement text as representing a variable name or some other construct that the user should replace.
- addRequiredFiles(Collection) - Method in class de.grogra.grogra.DTDSourceFile
- addRequiredFiles(Collection) - Method in class de.grogra.mtg.MTGSourceFile
- addRequiredFiles(Collection) - Method in class
- addRequiredFiles(Collection) - Method in class
- addRequiredFiles(Collection) - Method in class
- addRequiredFiles(Collection) - Method in class
- addRequiredFiles(Collection) - Method in class
- addRequiredFiles(Collection) - Method in class
- addResource(FilterSource) - Method in class
- addResource(FilterSource) - Method in interface
- addResource(FilterSource) - Method in class de.grogra.rgg.model.CompilationFilter
- addResourceConverter(ResourceConverter) - Static method in class de.grogra.util.I18NBundle
- addResponseContent(byte[]) - Method in class de.grogra.api.APIRunner
- addResponseContent(String, Object[]) - Method in class de.grogra.api.APIRunner
- addResponseContent(String, String) - Method in class de.grogra.api.APIRunner
- addResponseContent(String, JSONArray) - Method in class de.grogra.api.APIRunner
- addRoot(DefaultNodeModel) - Method in class de.grogra.gltf.exporter.GLTFExport
- addRow() - Method in class de.grogra.math.SimpleDataTable
- addRow() - Method in class
Adds a new row to this dataset and returns it as a dataseries.
- addRow() - Method in class
- addRow(Comparable) - Method in class
Adds a new row to this dataset and returns it as a dataseries.
- addRow(Comparable) - Method in class
- addScale(int, DialScale) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.dial.DialPlot
Adds a dial scale to the plot and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addScale(Node) - Method in class de.grogra.msml.MSNode
- addScale(ScaleClass) - Method in class de.grogra.imp.ScaleVisibilityPanel
- addSemanticError(I18NBundle, String, AST) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addSemanticError(I18NBundle, String, Token) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addSemanticError(String, AST) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addSemanticError(String, Token) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addSemanticWarning(I18NBundle, String, AST) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addSemanticWarning(I18NBundle, String, Token) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addSemanticWarning(String, AST) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addSemanticWarning(String, Token) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addSeparation(AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addSeries(float[], int, Comparable) - Method in class
Adds a series to the dataset.
- addSeries(Comparable, double[][]) - Method in class
Adds a series or if a series with the same key already exists replaces the data for that series, then sends a
to all registered listeners. - addSeries(Comparable, double[][]) - Method in class
Adds a series or if a series with the same key already exists replaces the data for that series, then sends a
to all registered listeners. - addSeries(Comparable, double[][]) - Method in class
Adds a series or if a series with the same key already exists replaces the data for that series, then sends a
to all registered listeners. - addSeries(Comparable, double[], int) - Method in class
Adds a series to the dataset, using the specified number of bins, and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addSeries(Comparable, double[], int, double, double) - Method in class
Adds a series to the dataset.
- addSeries(OHLCSeries) - Method in class
Adds a series to the collection and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addSeries(TimePeriodValues) - Method in class
Adds a series to the collection.
- addSeries(TimeSeries) - Method in class
Adds a series to the collection and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addSeries(MatrixSeries) - Method in class
Adds a series to the collection.
- addSeries(VectorSeries) - Method in class
Adds a series to the collection and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addSeries(XIntervalSeries) - Method in class
Adds a series to the collection and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addSeries(XYIntervalSeries) - Method in class
Adds a series to the collection and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addSeries(XYSeries) - Method in class
Adds a series to the collection and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addSeries(XYSeries) - Method in class
Adds a series to the collection and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addSeries(YIntervalSeries) - Method in class
Adds a series to the collection and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addSeriesLabel(int, String) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.labels.MultipleXYSeriesLabelGenerator
Adds an extra label for the specified series.
- addSharedObject(String, Shareable, String, boolean) - Method in class
Adds a
to the meta-graph (seeGraphManager.META_GRAPH
) of the project graph (seeRegistry.getProjectGraph()
), and creates a reference to this node in the specifieddirectory
of this registry. - addSharedObjectListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.GraphManager
- addShort(PersistenceCapable, PersistenceField, int[], short) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- addSize(int) - Method in class de.grogra.pointcloud.objects.impl.CloudGraph
TODO: this should probably not exists.
- addSliderMouseReleasedListener(SliderMouseReleasedListener) - Method in class de.grogra.rchart.RangeSlider
- addSlope(ISlope) - Method in class de.grogra.chem.Model
- addSolver(Solver) - Method in class de.grogra.task.Task
Adds a solver to this task.
- addSourceDirectory(String, Context, Object) - Static method in class de.grogra.imp.IMP
- addSourceFile(Item, Object, Context) - Static method in class
- addSourceFile(File, MimeType) - Method in class
Add a new SourceFile to the Project
- addSourceFile(File, MimeType) - Method in class
- addSourceFile(File, MimeType, Context) - Static method in class de.grogra.imp.IMP
- addSourceFile(File, MimeType, Context, Object) - Static method in class de.grogra.imp.IMP
- addSourceFile(File, MimeType, Object) - Method in class
Add a new sourceFile to the project at a specific destination If no destination is null the file is added to the default location
- addSourceFile(File, MimeType, Object) - Method in class
- addSourceFile(Object) - Method in class de.grogra.api.APIWorkbench
- addSourceFile(Object) - Method in class de.grogra.cli.CLIWorkbench
- addSourceFile(Object) - Method in class de.grogra.imp.IMPWorkbench
In imp workbenches source files are managed by the file explorer
- addSourceFile(Object) - Method in class
- addSourceFile(String, MimeType, InputStream, Object) - Method in class
To add a SourceFile from a stream an empty file is created and the stream is written in it
- addSourceFile(String, MimeType, InputStream, Object) - Method in class
- addStandardEdge(AST, EdgeDirection, int, AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addStarSum(double) - Method in class de.grogra.lignum.stlVoxelspace.VoxelBox
- addStatusChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class
- addSubCategory(Comparable) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.axis.SubCategoryAxis
Adds a sub-category to the axis and sends an
to all registered listeners. - addSubLabel(Comparable, String) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.axis.ExtendedCategoryAxis
Adds a sublabel for a category.
- addSubplotInfo(PlotRenderingInfo) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotRenderingInfo
Adds the info for a subplot.
- addSubtask(Task) - Method in class
Adds a sub-task to the task.
- addSubtitle(int, Title) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart
Adds a subtitle at a particular position in the subtitle list, and sends a
to all registered listeners. - addSubtitle(Title) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart
Adds a chart subtitle, and notifies registered listeners that the chart has been modified.
- addSuperClass(String) - Method in class
- addSurface(BSplineSurfaceImpl) - Static method in class de.grogra.nurbseditor3d.ObjectGeometry3D
- addSurfacePoint(Point4f) - Static method in class de.grogra.nurbseditor3d.ObjectGeometry3D
- addSwap(int) - Method in class de.grogra.vecmath.geom.IntersectionList
Appends a new intersection element to this list and swaps it with the existing element at
. - addSyntacticError(I18NBundle, String, AST) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addSyntacticError(I18NBundle, String, Token) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addSyntacticError(String, AST) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addSyntacticError(String, Token) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addSyntacticWarning(I18NBundle, String, AST) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addSyntacticWarning(I18NBundle, String, Token) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addSyntacticWarning(String, AST) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addSyntacticWarning(String, Token) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addTableModelListener(TableModelListener) - Method in class
- addTableModelListener(TableModelListener) - Method in class
- addTask(ConcurrentTask) - Method in class de.grogra.rgg.RGG
- addTConstructors(ContentDescriptionType) - Method in class
- addTDescription(String) - Method in class
- addTextAreaListener(TextAreaListener) - Method in interface
- addTextAreaListener(TextAreaListener) - Method in class
- addTInternalTypes(ContentDescriptionType) - Method in class
- addToDate(Date, TimeZone) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.axis.DateTickUnit
Calculates a new date by adding this unit to the base date.
- addToken(int, String) - Method in class de.grogra.grammar.Tokenizer
- addToken(int, String, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.grammar.Tokenizer
- addToken(Token) - Method in class de.grogra.grammar.Tokenizer
- addToken(Token, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.grammar.Tokenizer
- addToken(Token, String) - Method in class de.grogra.grammar.Tokenizer
- addToken(Token, String, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.grammar.Tokenizer
- addToLastUsed(Workbench, File) - Static method in class
- addToList(IntList) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.XBitSet
- AddToMap(GLSLManagedShader) - Method in class de.grogra.glsl.utility.GLSLCollection
- addToolListener(View, UIProperty) - Method in class de.grogra.imp.View
- addToolTipSeries(List) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.labels.CustomXYToolTipGenerator
Adds a list of tooltips for a series.
- addToRegistry(Registry, String) - Method in class
- addToStatistic(Tuple3d, Spectrum3d, double, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.ray.physics.Collector3d
Add the Vector of the origin of a certain ray, which hits the object for this corresponding Collector-instance.
- addToStatistic(Tuple3d, Spectrum3d, double, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.ray.physics.Collector3dList
- addToStatistic(Tuple3d, Spectrum3d, double, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.ray.physics.CollectorW3d
Add the Vector of the origin of a certain ray, which hits the object for this corresponding Collector-instance.
- addToStatistic(Tuple3d, Spectrum, double, boolean) - Method in interface de.grogra.ray.physics.Collector
Here the information of
computation are stored. - addToStatistic(Tuple3d, Spectrum, double, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.ray.physics.Collector3d
- addToStatistic(Tuple3d, Spectrum, double, boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.ray.physics.CollectorW3d
- addTParameter(ContentDescriptionType.Parameter) - Method in class
- addTransfer(ControlTransfer) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.expr.Invoke
- addTransfer(ControlTransfer) - Method in interface de.grogra.xl.expr.NonlocalGenerator
- addTraversal(AST, PatternBuilder, EdgeDirection, Expression, Expression, boolean, AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addTree(UITreePipeline.Node, int, UITree, Object, ObjectToBoolean, Comparator) - Method in class
- addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class de.grogra.cli.ui.CLIMenuComponent
- addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class de.grogra.imp.ObjectInspector
- addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.SceneTree
- addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class
- addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class
- addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class
- addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class de.grogra.util.TreeModelSupport
- addTSee(String) - Method in class
- addTSuperClass(ContentDescriptionType) - Method in class
- addType(AST, Type, AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addUndirectedEdgeBits(Object, Object, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.GraphQueue
- addUndirectedEdgeBits(Object, Object, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.GraphQueueImpl
- AddUndirectedEdgeDescriptor() - Constructor for class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.GraphQueue.AddUndirectedEdgeDescriptor
- addURLs(Map) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.urls.CustomPieURLGenerator
Adds a map containing
(key, URL)
mappings where eachkey
is an instance ofComparable
(corresponding to the key for an item in a pie dataset) and eachURL
is aString
representing a URL fragment. - addURLSeries(List) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.urls.CustomCategoryURLGenerator
Adds a list of URLs.
- addURLSeries(List) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.urls.CustomXYURLGenerator
Adds a list of URLs.
- addUserItem(Item) - Method in class
- addUserItemWithUniqueName(Item, String) - Method in class
- addValue(double, Comparable, Comparable) - Method in class
Adds a value to the table.
- addValue(int, int, float) - Method in class
Adds a value to a series.
- addValue(int, int, int) - Method in class
Adds a value to the dataset.
- addValue(Number, Comparable, Comparable) - Method in class
Adds a value to the table.
- addValue(Number, Comparable, Comparable) - Method in class
Adds a value to the table.
- addValue(Number, Comparable, Comparable) - Method in class
Sets a value in the dataset.
- addValue(K, double) - Method in class
Updates an existing value, or adds a new value to the collection.
- addValue(K, Number) - Method in class
Adds a new value to the collection, or updates an existing value.
- addVariable() - Method in class de.grogra.xl.query.QueryState
- addVariable(Variable) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.query.QueryState
- addVariableReference(Local, AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addVector() - Method in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.QuadraticLine
- addVector(PositionVector) - Method in class de.grogra.lignum.stlVoxelspace.VoxelBox
- addVectors(ClusterVector, ClusterVector) - Static method in class
Adds the values of both vectors and returns a third vector with the sum of both input vectors in each field of the output vector.
- addVertex(float, float, float) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.VertexArray
- addVertex(Tuple3d) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.VertexArray
- addVertex(Tuple3f) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.VertexArray
- addVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener) - Method in class
- addVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener) - Method in class
- addVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener) - Method in interface
- addVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener) - Method in class
Adds a vetoable property change listener to the series.
- AddViewComponentMenu - Class in de.grogra.imp.registry
- AddViewComponentMenu() - Constructor for class de.grogra.imp.registry.AddViewComponentMenu
- addVolume(Volume) - Method in class de.grogra.vecmath.geom.Octree.Cell
Adds a volume to this cell.
- addVolume(Volume, Matrix4d, Shader) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.VolumeBuilder
- addVoxel(MTGVoxel) - Method in class de.grogra.mtg.MTGSquares
- addWarning(RecognitionException) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addWarning(RecognitionException, long) - Method in exception de.grogra.grammar.RecognitionExceptionList
- addWatermarkToImage(BufferedImage, BufferedImage, int, int, float) - Static method in class de.grogra.imp3d.anaglyph.ImageTool
Methode fuegt ein Wasserzeichen zu Hauptbild
- addWeight(double) - Method in class de.grogra.lignum.stlVoxelspace.VoxelBox
- addWhenMatching - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.Neighbors
- addWithUniqueName(Item, String, boolean) - Method in class
- addWoodArea(double) - Method in class de.grogra.lignum.stlVoxelspace.VoxelBox
- addWoodMass(double) - Method in class de.grogra.lignum.stlVoxelspace.VoxelBox
- addWordCompletions(String[]) - Method in class
Adds simple completions for a list of words.
- addWrappedType(AST, Type, Expression, AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- addXAListener(XAListener) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.PersistenceManager
- addXmlEdge(int, String, String, String, BidirectionalHashMap<Integer, String>, Graph) - Method in class de.grogra.ext.exchangegraph.export.BaseExportEdge
- addYears(int, SerialDate) - Static method in class
Creates a new date by adding the specified number of years to the base date.
- adjacentVertexOrdinal - Variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.math.delaunay.OrientedFace
The vertex in the adjacent tetrahedron opposite of this face
- adjustDownwards(double, double) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.PieLabelDistributor
Any labels that are overlapping are moved down in an attempt to eliminate the overlaps.
- adjustedLog10(double) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.axis.LogarithmicAxis
Returns an adjusted log10 value for graphing purposes.
- adjustedPow10(double) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.axis.LogarithmicAxis
Returns an adjusted power of 10 value for graphing purposes.
- adjustInwards() - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.PieLabelDistributor
Adjusts the y-coordinate for the labels in towards the center in an attempt to fix overlapping.
- AdjustLU - Class in de.grogra.turtle
The turtle command
performs a rotation about the local z-axis (the turtle's head axis) such that the angle between the rotated local y-axis (the turtle's up axis) and the global z-axis becomes minimal. - AdjustLU() - Constructor for class de.grogra.turtle.AdjustLU
- adjustScale(Matrix4d, CameraBase, float) - Static method in class de.grogra.imp3d.edit.ToolRoot3D
- adjustToolTransformation(Matrix4d, CameraBase) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.edit.Scale
- adjustToolTransformation(Matrix4d, CameraBase) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.edit.ToolRoot3D
This method is invoked to compute an adjustment of the tool coordinates system.
- adjustToolTransformation(Matrix4d, CameraBase) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.edit.TransformTool
- adjustUpwards(double, double) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.PieLabelDistributor
Any labels that are overlapping are moved up in an attempt to eliminate the overlaps.
- ADOBE - Static variable in class org.sunflow.image.RGBSpace
- advance() - Method in class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.datastructures.iterator.ArrayListIter
- advance() - Method in interface de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.datastructures.iterator.Iter
Moves the iterator forward to the next entry.
- advance(int) - Method in interface de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.datastructures.iterator.ArrayIter
Moves the iterator forward or backward by the given offset.
- advance(int) - Method in class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.datastructures.iterator.ArrayListIter
- AdvancedSettings - Class in
is a littleJFrame
which provides additional settings to the plugin user interface. - AdvancedSettings(ExportPanel, VideoSettings) - Constructor for class
Create the frame for the advanced settings.
- advanceLinePaint - Variable in class org.jfree.chart.axis.CyclicNumberAxis
The advance line paint.
- advanceLineStroke - Variable in class org.jfree.chart.axis.CyclicNumberAxis
The advance line stroke.
- advanceLineVisible - Variable in class org.jfree.chart.axis.CyclicNumberAxis
A flag that controls whether or not the advance line is visible.
- advanceProvider() - Method in class de.grogra.autocompletors.RoundRobinAutoCompletion
Moves to the next Provider internally.
- advanceTime() - Method in class
Adjust the array offset as needed when a new time-period is added: Increments the indices "oldestAt" and "newestAt", mod(array length), zeroes the series values at newestAt, returns the new TimePeriod.
- aes(String) - Method in class de.grogra.rchart.Rchart.PlotOption
add argument to ggplot2 aesthetics mapping
- af - Variable in class de.grogra.lignum.stlVoxelspace.VoxelMovement
- AffineUVTransformation - Class in de.grogra.imp3d.shading
- AffineUVTransformation() - Constructor for class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.AffineUVTransformation
- ageJoint(double) - Method in class
adds a proportion of the joint displacement back into the joint frame to fix the angle as the stem ages
- aget() - Method in exception de.grogra.xl.vmx.AbruptCompletion.Return
Returns the wrapped
value. - aget(Frame) - Method in interface de.grogra.xl.query.Variable
- aget(Frame) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.vmx.VMXState.Local
- aget(VMXState.Local, Authorization) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.vmx.VMXState
Returns the value of the stack element corresponding to
. - aget(VMXState, int, int, Authorization) - Static method in class de.grogra.xl.vmx.VMXState
Returns the value of the stack element
of thenesting
-th statically containing frame. - agetj(int, Authorization) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.vmx.VMXState
Returns the value of the stack element
of the current Java frame. - aggregate(Experiment, float) - Method in class de.grogra.gpuflux.scene.experiment.Experiment
Aggregate two experiments by scaling the input experiment and adding it to this experiment.
- aggregate(T, T) - Method in interface de.grogra.gpuflux.scene.experiment.MeasuringSetup.MeasurementAggregater
- Aggregate - Class in de.grogra.xl.lang
An instance of
is used in aggregate method invocations as specified by the XL programming language. - aggregateMeasurements(Vector<Measurement>, double) - Method in class de.grogra.gpuflux.scene.experiment.MeasuringSetup
- AggregateState - Interface in de.grogra.xl.lang
An instance of
is used in aggregate method invocations as specified by the XL programming language. - AggregateStateImpl<T> - Class in de.grogra.xl.util
Utility class which implements all
interfaces and provides some general fields for storing state. - aging() - Method in class de.grogra.lignum.stlLignum.CfTreeSegment
- aktKeyFrame - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.Expr
- aktLocationParameter$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.LocationParameterBase
- aktPrimitive - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.Expr
- aktStructName - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.Expr
- aktTexture - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.Expr
- aktTextureName - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.Expr
- aktTransform - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.Expr
- Algorithm() - Constructor for class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.Layout.Algorithm
- AlgorithmSwitchShader - Class in de.grogra.imp3d.shading
- AlgorithmSwitchShader() - Constructor for class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.AlgorithmSwitchShader
- AlgorithmSwitchShader(Shader, Shader) - Constructor for class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.AlgorithmSwitchShader
- AlgorithmSwitchShader(Shader, Shader, Shader) - Constructor for class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.AlgorithmSwitchShader
- AlgorithmSwitchShader.Type - Class in de.grogra.imp3d.shading
- alias$FIELD - Static variable in class
- align(Rectangle2D, Rectangle2D, int) - Static method in class org.jfree.chart.ui.Align
Aligns one rectangle (
) relative to another rectangle (frame
). - Align - Class in org.jfree.chart.ui
A utility class for aligning rectangles.
- ALIGNMENT_CENTER - Static variable in class
- ALIGNMENT_LEADING - Static variable in class
- ALIGNMENT_TRAILING - Static variable in class
- ALL - Static variable in interface de.grogra.imp.ViewComponent
- ALL - Static variable in interface de.grogra.util.ProgressMonitor
All that display all messages
- ALL - Static variable in class de.grogra.vecmath.geom.Intersection
Parameter for
Volume.computeIntersections(de.grogra.vecmath.geom.Line, int, de.grogra.vecmath.geom.IntersectionList, de.grogra.vecmath.geom.Intersection, de.grogra.vecmath.geom.Intersection)
indicating that all intersections have to be found. - ALL_FILE_SYSTEMS - Static variable in class
- allCastableTo(Class, Iterable<Object>) - Static method in class
- AllFilter - Class in de.grogra.gpuflux.scene.filter
- AllFilter() - Constructor for class de.grogra.gpuflux.scene.filter.AllFilter
- AllFilter.Type - Class in de.grogra.gpuflux.scene.filter
- allListenersRemoved() - Method in class
- allListenersRemoved() - Method in class
- allListenersRemoved() - Method in class de.grogra.util.SubTree
- allListenersRemoved() - Method in class de.grogra.util.TreeModelSupport
- allocate() - Static method in class de.grogra.xl.util.AggregateStateImpl
- allocate(Class) - Static method in class de.grogra.xl.lang.Aggregate
- allocate(Class) - Static method in class de.grogra.xl.lang.Filter
- allocateBitMark(boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.GraphManager
- allocateBitMark(boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.PersistenceManager
- allocateObjectMark(boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.GraphManager
- allocateObjectMark(boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.PersistenceManager
- allocatePropertyId() - Static method in class de.grogra.graph.GraphState
- allocatePropertyId() - Static method in class
- allocationNodes(Node, Vector) - Method in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.ForceBasedLayout2.FBAlgorithm2
- allowConversionWithCtor - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.CompilerOptions
Compiler option: if true any function of the type 'B(A)' in the current scope is used to implicitly perform autoconversion from type A to type B.
- allowConversionWithStaticToX - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.CompilerOptions
Compiler option: if true any function of the type 'static B toB(A)' in the current scope is used to implicitly perform autoconversion from type A to type B.
- allowConversionWithStaticValueOf - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.CompilerOptions
Compiler option: if true any function of the type 'static B valueOf(A)' in the current scope is used to implicitly perform autoconversion from type A to type B.
- allowConversionWithToX - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.CompilerOptions
Compiler option: if true any function of the type 'B A.valueOf()' in the current scope is used to implicitly perform autoconversion from type A to type B.
- allowNegativesFlag - Variable in class org.jfree.chart.axis.LogarithmicAxis
Flag set true to allow negative values in data.
- allowNoninjectiveMatchesByDefault(boolean) - Static method in class de.grogra.rgg.Library
- allowNoninjectiveMatchesByDefault(boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.Graph
- allowNoninjectiveMatchesForNextQuery(boolean) - Static method in class de.grogra.rgg.Library
- allowNoninjectiveMatchesForNextQuery(boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.Graph
- allowOpenEnds() - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.PatternBuilder
- allowsAmbiguousMembers(Member) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.CompilerBase
- allowsAmbiguousMembers(Member) - Method in interface de.grogra.xl.compiler.scope.Members.Resolution
Defines if ambiguous members are allowed.
- allowsIteration(int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.expr.Assignment
- allowsIteration(int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.expr.Conditional
- allowsIteration(int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.expr.ConditionalAnd
- allowsIteration(int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.expr.ConditionalOr
- allowsIteration(int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.expr.Expression
- allowsIteration(int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.expr.ModelExpression
- allowsIteration(int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.expr.VoidExpression
- allowsIteration(int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.expr.Yield
- allowsNoninjectiveMatches() - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.Graph.QState
- allowsNoninjectiveMatches() - Method in class de.grogra.xl.query.QueryState
- allowToWrite - Variable in class de.grogra.cli.CLIApplication
- allPlugins - Variable in class
- allPlugins - Variable in class
- allPoints - Variable in class de.grogra.pointcloud.importer.PointCloudFilterBase
- almostEquals(double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra.VMath
Compare two matrices with a delta parameter to take numerical errors into account.
- almostEquals(double[][], double[][], double) - Static method in class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra.VMath
Compare two matrices with a delta parameter to take numerical errors into account.
- almostEquals(Object) - Method in class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra.Matrix
Compare two matrices with a delta parameter to take numerical errors into account.
- almostEquals(Object, double) - Method in class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra.Matrix
Compare two matrices with a delta parameter to take numerical errors into account.
- alpha - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.Expr
- alpha - Variable in class org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.DeviationRenderer
The alpha transparency for the interval shading.
- Alpha - Class in de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser
- Alpha - Static variable in class de.grogra.mtg.Attributes
- Alpha - Variable in class de.grogra.mtg.MTGNode
- Alpha(Expr) - Constructor for class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.Alpha
- ALPHA - Enum constant in enum class de.grogra.pointcloud.objects.impl.LeafLineImpl.Keys
- ALPHA - Enum constant in enum class de.grogra.pointcloud.objects.impl.LeafMeshImpl.Keys
- ALPHA - Enum constant in enum class de.grogra.pointcloud.objects.impl.LeafPointImpl.Keys
- ALPHA - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.sym
- ALPHA_SHAPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.rgg.Library
- ALPHA_TEST - Static variable in class de.grogra.glsl.OpenGLState
- ALPHA_TEST_BIT - Static variable in class de.grogra.glsl.OpenGLState
- Alpha$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.mtg.MTGNode
- Alpha1 - Class in de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser
- Alpha1(Expr) - Constructor for class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.Alpha1
- ALPHA1 - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.sym
- ALPHABET - Static variable in class
- AlphaFadingStrategy - Class in
Generates images using a simple alpha fading strategy.
- AlphaFadingStrategy() - Constructor for class
- AlphaShape - Class in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.geometry
Compute the alpha-Shape of a point set, using Delaunay triangulation.
- AlphaShape(List<Vector>, double) - Constructor for class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.geometry.AlphaShape
- altAnnotationQualifiedName() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser
- altAnnotationQualifiedName() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.AnnotationContext
- altAnnotationQualifiedName() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser
- altAnnotationQualifiedName() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.AnnotationContext
- AltAnnotationQualifiedNameContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.AltAnnotationQualifiedNameContext
- AltAnnotationQualifiedNameContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.AltAnnotationQualifiedNameContext
- amatch(int, Object, MatchConsumer, int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.query.QueryState
- ambient - Variable in class de.grogra.ray.util.Ray
- AMBIENT - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.ChannelMapNode
- AMBIENT - Static variable in interface de.grogra.ray.physics.Light
This return value for
indicates an ambient light. - ambient$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Phong
- AMBIENT1 - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.sym
- AmbientLight - Class in de.grogra.imp3d.objects
This class implements an ambient light.
- AmbientLight() - Constructor for class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.AmbientLight
- AmbientLight.Type - Class in de.grogra.imp3d.objects
- AMBIGUOUS_CONVERSIONS - Static variable in exception de.grogra.xl.compiler.ProblemReporter
- AMBIGUOUS_MEMBERS - Static variable in exception de.grogra.xl.compiler.ProblemReporter
- AMBIGUOUS_OPERATOR_OVERLOAD - Static variable in exception de.grogra.xl.compiler.ProblemReporter
- AMINO_NAME_END - Variable in class de.grogra.ext.pdb.PDBAtomReader
- AMINO_NAME_START - Variable in class de.grogra.ext.pdb.PDBAtomReader
- AminoAcid - Class in de.grogra.ext.pdb.model
- AminoAcid(String, int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.ext.pdb.model.AminoAcid
By every creation a counter is incremented.
- AminoSequence - Class in de.grogra.ext.pdb.model
- AminoSequence() - Constructor for class de.grogra.ext.pdb.model.AminoSequence
- amount$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.Turbulence
- amp$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.spectral.ConstantSpectralCurve
- amplitude$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.WaveMap
- amplitudes - Variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.spectral.IrregularSpectralCurve
- amplitudes$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.spectral.IrregularSpectralCurve
- ANAGLYPH_LIST - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.anaglyph.ImageTool
- ANAGLYPH_MAX - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.View
- ANAGLYPH_RAD_BLUE_COLOR - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.anaglyph.ImageTool
- ANAGLYPH_RAD_BLUE_GRAY - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.anaglyph.ImageTool
- ANAGLYPH_RAD_CYAN_COLOR - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.anaglyph.ImageTool
- ANAGLYPH_RAD_CYAN_GRAY - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.anaglyph.ImageTool
- ANAGLYPH_RAD_GREEN_COLOR - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.anaglyph.ImageTool
- ANAGLYPH_RAD_GREEN_GRAY - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.anaglyph.ImageTool
- ANAGLYPH_VIEW_TYPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.View
- ANAGLYPH_YELLOW_BLUE_COLOR - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.anaglyph.ImageTool
- ANAGLYPH_YELLOW_BLUE_GRAY - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.anaglyph.ImageTool
- Analysis - Class in de.grogra.grogra
This class contains a set of static analysis functions which are similar to the analysis functions of the GROGRA software.
- analyzeBVH(BVHTree) - Method in class de.grogra.gpuflux.scene.BVH.BVHAnalyzer
- ancestor(Node, ObjectToBoolean<? super Node>) - Static method in class de.grogra.rgg.Library
Returns the nearest ancestor of
which fulfillscondition
. - ancestor(Node, Class<C>) - Static method in class de.grogra.rgg.Library
Returns the nearest ancestor of
which is an instance oft
. - and(XBitSet, XBitSet) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.XBitSet
- And - Class in de.grogra.blocks.functionParser
- And - Class in
- And - Class in de.grogra.xl.expr
- And() - Constructor for class
- And() - Constructor for class de.grogra.xl.expr.And
- And(BoolExpr, BoolExpr) - Constructor for class de.grogra.blocks.functionParser.And
- AND - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.functionParser.sym
- AND - Static variable in interface de.grogra.grogra.LSYTokenTypes
- AND - Static variable in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser
- AND - Static variable in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser
- AND - Static variable in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLLexer
- AND - Static variable in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser
- AND - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.compiler.CompilerTokenTypes
- AND - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.parser.XLTokenTypes
- AND() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.PrimaryEdgePatternContext
- AND() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.PrimaryNodePatternRestContext
- AND() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ProduceEdgeOpContext
- AND() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.XlOperatorContext
- AND() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.AndExpressionContext
- AND() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.PrimaryEdgePatternContext
- AND() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.PrimaryNodePatternRestContext
- AND() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ProduceEdgeOpContext
- AND() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.XlOperatorContext
- AND(int) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.PrimaryNodePatternRestContext
- AND(int) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.AndExpressionContext
- AND(int) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.PrimaryNodePatternRestContext
- AND_ASSIGN - Static variable in interface de.grogra.grogra.LSYTokenTypes
- AND_ASSIGN - Static variable in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser
- AND_ASSIGN - Static variable in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser
- AND_ASSIGN - Static variable in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLLexer
- AND_ASSIGN - Static variable in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser
- AND_ASSIGN - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.compiler.CompilerTokenTypes
- AND_ASSIGN - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.parser.XLTokenTypes
- AND_ASSIGN() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.XlOperatorContext
- AND_ASSIGN() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.XlOperatorContext
- AND_ASSIGN() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.XlSymbolContext
- AND_BOOLEAN - Static variable in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- AND_BYTE - Static variable in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- AND_CHAR - Static variable in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- AND_INT - Static variable in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- AND_LONG - Static variable in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- AND_SHORT - Static variable in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- andBoolean(PersistenceCapable, PersistenceField, int[], boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- andByte(PersistenceCapable, PersistenceField, int[], byte) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- andChar(PersistenceCapable, PersistenceField, int[], char) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- andExpression() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser
- andExpression() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ExclusiveOrExpressionContext
- andExpression() - Method in class de.grogra.xl.parser.XLParser
- andExpression(int) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ExclusiveOrExpressionContext
- AndExpressionContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.AndExpressionContext
- andInt(PersistenceCapable, PersistenceField, int[], int) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- andLong(PersistenceCapable, PersistenceField, int[], long) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- andNot(XBitSet, XBitSet) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.util.XBitSet
- andShort(PersistenceCapable, PersistenceField, int[], short) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- angle - Variable in class de.grogra.grogra.LSystem
- angle - Variable in class de.grogra.turtle.HDir
The rotation angle in degrees.
- angle - Variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Rotation
The rotation angle in degrees.
- angle - Variable in class javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4d
The angle.
- angle - Variable in class javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4f
The angle.
- angle(double[], double[]) - Static method in class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.MathUtil
Compute the angle between two vectors.
- angle(double[], double[], double[]) - Static method in class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.MathUtil
Compute the angle between two vectors.
- angle(float[], float[]) - Static method in class org.jagatoo.util.arrays.ArrayVector
Returns the angle in radians between vector v1 and v2;
The return value is constrained to the range [0, PI]. - angle(Node) - Static method in class de.grogra.rgg.Library
Computes the rotation angle in degrees of the transformation defined by
. - angle(Vector, Vector) - Static method in class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.MathUtil
Compute the angle between two vectors.
- angle(Vector, Vector, Vector) - Static method in class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.MathUtil
Compute the angle between two vectors.
- angle(GVector) - Method in class javax.vecmath.GVector
Returns the (n-space) angle in radians between this vector and the vector parameter; the return value is constrained to the range [0,PI].
- angle(Tuple3d, Tuple3d) - Static method in class de.grogra.rgg.Library
- angle(Vector2d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Vector2d
Returns the angle in radians between this vector and the vector parameter; the return value is constrained to the range [0,PI].
- angle(Vector2f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Vector2f
Returns the angle in radians between this vector and the vector parameter; the return value is constrained to the range [0,PI].
- angle(Vector3d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Vector3d
Returns the angle in radians between this vector and the vector parameter; the return value is constrained to the range [0,PI].
- angle(Vector3f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Vector3f
Returns the angle in radians between this vector and the vector parameter; the return value is constrained to the range [0,PI].
- angle(Vector4d) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Vector4d
Returns the (4-space) angle in radians between this vector and the vector parameter; the return value is constrained to the range [0,PI].
- angle(Vector4f) - Method in class javax.vecmath.Vector4f
Returns the (4-space) angle in radians between this vector and the vector parameter; the return value is constrained to the range [0,PI].
- ANGLE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.sym
- ANGLE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp.objects.Attributes
- ANGLE - Static variable in class de.grogra.util.Quantity
- angle$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.grogra.LSystem
- angle$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.Rotation
- angle$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.AffineUVTransformation
- angle$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.HDir
- angle$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Rotation
- angle1$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.PhiBall
- angle2$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.PhiBall
- angleDirection - Variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.msml.CoordTransformer
- angleMode$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.PhiBall
- angleOffset - Variable in class de.grogra.billboard.Billboarder
- angleOffset(int) - Method in class de.grogra.billboard.Billboarder
Shift the camera after the rotation to the value
. - angleToValue(double) - Method in interface org.jfree.chart.plot.dial.DialScale
Converts an angle (in degrees) to a data value.
- angleToValue(double) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.dial.StandardDialScale
Converts the given angle to a data value, based on this scale.
- ANIMATE_CAMERA - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.sym
- annotate - Enum constant in enum class de.grogra.rchart.Rchart.GGPLOT2COMMAND
- annotate(String...) - Method in class de.grogra.rchart.Rchart
ggplot2 function
- annotation() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser
- annotation() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ClassOrInterfaceModifierContext
- annotation() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ClassTypeContext
- annotation() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ElementValueContext
- annotation() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.InterfaceCommonBodyDeclarationContext
- annotation() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.InterfaceMethodModifierContext
- annotation() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.LastFormalParameterContext
- annotation() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.PackageDeclarationContext
- annotation() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.TypeParameterContext
- annotation() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.TypeTypeContext
- annotation() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.VariableModifierContext
- annotation() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser
- annotation() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ClassOrInterfaceModifierContext
- annotation() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ClassTypeContext
- annotation() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ElementValueContext
- annotation() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ExpressionContext
- annotation() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.InterfaceCommonBodyDeclarationContext
- annotation() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.InterfaceMethodModifierContext
- annotation() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.LastFormalParameterContext
- annotation() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.PackageDeclarationContext
- annotation() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.TypeParameterContext
- annotation() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.TypeTypeContext
- annotation() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.VariableModifierContext
- annotation() - Method in class de.grogra.xl.parser.XLParser
- annotation(int) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ClassTypeContext
- annotation(int) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.InterfaceCommonBodyDeclarationContext
- annotation(int) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.LastFormalParameterContext
- annotation(int) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.PackageDeclarationContext
- annotation(int) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.TypeParameterContext
- annotation(int) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.TypeTypeContext
- annotation(int) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ClassTypeContext
- annotation(int) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ExpressionContext
- annotation(int) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.InterfaceCommonBodyDeclarationContext
- annotation(int) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.LastFormalParameterContext
- annotation(int) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.PackageDeclarationContext
- annotation(int) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.TypeParameterContext
- annotation(int) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.TypeTypeContext
- annotation(AST, Scope) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.Compiler
- Annotation<T extends Annotation> - Interface in de.grogra.reflect
- Annotation - Interface in org.jfree.chart.annotations
The base interface for annotations.
- ANNOTATION - Static variable in interface de.grogra.grogra.LSYTokenTypes
- ANNOTATION - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.compiler.CompilerTokenTypes
- ANNOTATION - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.parser.XLTokenTypes
- ANNOTATION_CONSTANT_EXPECTED - Static variable in exception de.grogra.xl.compiler.ProblemReporter
- annotation_custom - Enum constant in enum class de.grogra.rchart.Rchart.GGPLOT2COMMAND
- annotation_custom(String...) - Method in class de.grogra.rchart.Rchart
ggplot2 function
- annotationChanged(AnnotationChangeEvent) - Method in interface org.jfree.chart.event.AnnotationChangeListener
Receives notification of an annotation change event.
- annotationChanged(AnnotationChangeEvent) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot
Receives notification of a change to an
added to this plot. - annotationChanged(AnnotationChangeEvent) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.Plot
Receives notification of a change to an
added to this plot. - annotationChanged(AnnotationChangeEvent) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot
Receives notification of a change to an
added to this plot. - annotationChanged(AnnotationChangeEvent) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.AbstractXYItemRenderer
Receives notification of a change to an
added to this renderer. - AnnotationChangeEvent - Class in org.jfree.chart.event
An event that can be forwarded to any
to signal a change to anAnnotation
. - AnnotationChangeEvent(Object, Annotation) - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.event.AnnotationChangeEvent
Creates a new
instance. - AnnotationChangeListener - Interface in org.jfree.chart.event
The interface that must be supported by classes that wish to receive notification of changes to an
. - annotationConstantRest() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser
- annotationConstantRest() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.AnnotationMethodOrConstantRestContext
- annotationConstantRest() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser
- annotationConstantRest() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.AnnotationMethodOrConstantRestContext
- AnnotationConstantRestContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.AnnotationConstantRestContext
- AnnotationConstantRestContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.AnnotationConstantRestContext
- AnnotationContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.AnnotationContext
- AnnotationContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.AnnotationContext
- AnnotationImpl<T extends Annotation> - Class in de.grogra.reflect
- AnnotationImpl(Type<T>) - Constructor for class de.grogra.reflect.AnnotationImpl
- AnnotationImpl(Class<T>) - Constructor for class de.grogra.reflect.AnnotationImpl
- annotationMethodOrConstantRest() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser
- annotationMethodOrConstantRest() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.AnnotationTypeElementRestContext
- annotationMethodOrConstantRest() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser
- annotationMethodOrConstantRest() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.AnnotationTypeElementRestContext
- AnnotationMethodOrConstantRestContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.AnnotationMethodOrConstantRestContext
- AnnotationMethodOrConstantRestContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.AnnotationMethodOrConstantRestContext
- annotationMethodRest() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.AnnotationMethodOrConstantRestContext
- annotationMethodRest() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser
- annotationMethodRest() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.AnnotationMethodOrConstantRestContext
- annotationMethodRest() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser
- AnnotationMethodRestContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.AnnotationMethodRestContext
- AnnotationMethodRestContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.AnnotationMethodRestContext
- annotations - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.CompilationUnit
- annotationType() - Method in interface de.grogra.reflect.Annotation
- annotationType() - Method in class de.grogra.reflect.AnnotationImpl
- annotationTypeBody() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser
- annotationTypeBody() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.AnnotationTypeDeclarationContext
- annotationTypeBody() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser
- annotationTypeBody() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.AnnotationTypeDeclarationContext
- AnnotationTypeBodyContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.AnnotationTypeBodyContext
- AnnotationTypeBodyContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.AnnotationTypeBodyContext
- annotationTypeDeclaration() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser
- annotationTypeDeclaration() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser
- AnnotationTypeDeclarationContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.AnnotationTypeDeclarationContext
- AnnotationTypeDeclarationContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.AnnotationTypeDeclarationContext
- annotationTypeElementDeclaration() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.AnnotationTypeBodyContext
- annotationTypeElementDeclaration() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser
- annotationTypeElementDeclaration() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.AnnotationTypeBodyContext
- annotationTypeElementDeclaration() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser
- annotationTypeElementDeclaration(int) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.AnnotationTypeBodyContext
- annotationTypeElementDeclaration(int) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.AnnotationTypeBodyContext
- AnnotationTypeElementDeclarationContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.AnnotationTypeElementDeclarationContext
- AnnotationTypeElementDeclarationContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.AnnotationTypeElementDeclarationContext
- annotationTypeElementRest() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.AnnotationTypeElementDeclarationContext
- annotationTypeElementRest() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser
- annotationTypeElementRest() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.AnnotationTypeElementDeclarationContext
- annotationTypeElementRest() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser
- AnnotationTypeElementRestContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.AnnotationTypeElementRestContext
- AnnotationTypeElementRestContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.AnnotationTypeElementRestContext
- annotationWithParens() - Method in class de.grogra.xl.parser.XLParser
- annots - Variable in class de.grogra.reflect.MemberBase
- annual_rings - Variable in class de.grogra.lignum.stlLignum.TreeSegment
Annual rings of the tree segment (m)
- anonymousClass(AST, BlockScope, Type, AST, Expression, Expression[], AST) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.Compiler
- anonymousClassBody() - Method in class de.grogra.xl.parser.XLParser
- anonymousClassImpl(AST, TypeScope) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.Compiler
- antialiasing - Variable in class de.grogra.imp.awt.CanvasAdapter
- antialiasing - Variable in class de.grogra.ray2.tracing.PixelwiseRenderer
- Antialiasing - Interface in de.grogra.ray.antialiasing
A implementation of this interface encapsulates a single antialising methode that is based on prefiltering.
- Antialiasing - Interface in de.grogra.ray2.antialiasing
An implementation of this interface encapsulates a single antialiasing method that is based on prefiltering.
- ANTIALIASING - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.ray2.Raytracer
- ANTIALIASING - Static variable in class de.grogra.ray2.tracing.PixelwiseRenderer
- ANTIALIASING_MODE - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.ray.GroIMPRaytracer
- antialiser - Variable in class de.grogra.ray2.metropolis.strategy.MutationStrategy
- ANTICLOCKWISE - Enum constant in enum class org.jfree.chart.util.Rotation
The reverse order renders the primary dataset first.
- ANY - Static variable in interface de.grogra.grogra.LSYTokenTypes
- ANY - Static variable in class de.grogra.vecmath.geom.Intersection
Parameter for
Volume.computeIntersections(de.grogra.vecmath.geom.Line, int, de.grogra.vecmath.geom.IntersectionList, de.grogra.vecmath.geom.Intersection, de.grogra.vecmath.geom.Intersection)
indicating that some arbitrary intersection of the set of all intersections has to be found. - ANY - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.compiler.CompilerTokenTypes
- ANY - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.parser.XLTokenTypes
- ANY_EDGE - Static variable in class de.grogra.xl.query.EdgePattern
Any edge.
- anzIterationen$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.arrangeBlock.Voronoi_Lloyd
- aparamsBound - Variable in class de.grogra.xl.query.CompoundPattern.Matcher
- apeek() - Method in class de.grogra.xl.vmx.VMXState
Returns the topmost value from the stack without popping if off the stack.
- apeek(int) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.vmx.VMXState
Returns the
-th value from the top of the stack, i.e., the value with absolute addresssp - index
. - api - module api
- APIApplication - Class in de.grogra.api
- APIApplication() - Constructor for class de.grogra.api.APIApplication
- APICommandNotFoundException - Exception in de.grogra.api
- APICommandNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception de.grogra.api.APICommandNotFoundException
- APIParameterNotDefinedException - Exception in de.grogra.api
- APIParameterNotDefinedException(String) - Constructor for exception de.grogra.api.APIParameterNotDefinedException
- APIReturn - Class in de.grogra.api
This class is mainly a wrapper for a JSON object, therefore it is possible to add values to free or predefined fields.
- APIReturn() - Constructor for class de.grogra.api.APIReturn
Initialize the JSONObject
- APIRunner - Class in de.grogra.api
- APIRunner(Request, Socket, APIApplication) - Constructor for class de.grogra.api.APIRunner
- APIServer - Class in de.grogra.api
- APIServer(ServerSocket, Logger, Level, Level, APIApplication) - Constructor for class de.grogra.api.APIServer
- APIToolkit - Class in de.grogra.api
- APIToolkit() - Constructor for class de.grogra.api.APIToolkit
- APIWorkbench - Class in de.grogra.api
- APIWorkbench(Registry, JobManager, UIApplication, Map) - Constructor for class de.grogra.api.APIWorkbench
- APIWorkbench(Registry, JobManager, UIToolkit, Map) - Constructor for class de.grogra.api.APIWorkbench
- APIWorkbenchManager - Class in de.grogra.api
- APIWorkbenchManager(Registry, APIApplication) - Constructor for class de.grogra.api.APIWorkbenchManager
- apop() - Method in class de.grogra.xl.vmx.VMXState
Pops the topmost value from the stack.
- app - Variable in class de.grogra.cli.CLIWorkbenchManager
- app - Variable in class
- Appearance - Class in de.grogra.imp3d.msml
- Appearance() - Constructor for class de.grogra.imp3d.msml.Appearance
- AppearanceExport - Class in de.grogra.ext.x3d.exportation
- AppearanceExport() - Constructor for class de.grogra.ext.x3d.exportation.AppearanceExport
- AppearanceImport - Class in de.grogra.ext.x3d.importation
- AppearanceImport() - Constructor for class de.grogra.ext.x3d.importation.AppearanceImport
- append(String, DefaultStyledDocument, AttributeSet) - Method in class de.grogra.imp.FunctionBrowserManager
- append(EpsGraphics2D, String) - Method in class org.jibble.epsgraphics.EpsDocument
Appends a line to the EpsDocument.
- append$FIELD - Static variable in class
- appendBranchNode(Node) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.Node
- appendBranchNode(Node, Transaction) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.Node
- appendColumns(double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra.VMath
Returns a matrix which consists of this matrix and the specified columns.
- appendColumns(Matrix) - Method in class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra.Matrix
Returns a matrix which consists of this matrix and the specified columns.
- appendData(float[]) - Method in class
Appends new data.
- appendData(float[], int, int) - Method in class
Appends data at specified index, for loading up with data from file(s).
- appendfix - Variable in class de.grogra.billboard.Billboarder
- appendRay(Ray) - Method in class de.grogra.ray.util.RayList
- appendReferencesTo(List) - Method in class de.grogra.graph.impl.Node
- appendReferencesTo(List) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.Camera
- appendReferencesTo(List) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.shading.RGBAShader
- appendReferencesTo(List) - Method in class de.grogra.math.RGBColor
- appendReferencesTo(List) - Method in interface de.grogra.persistence.Shareable
- appendReferencesTo(List) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.ShareableBase
- appendReferencesTo(List) - Method in class
- appendShortDescription(StringBuilder, String) - Method in class
Utility function to append a short description to a string buffer.
- appendStatistics(StringBuffer) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.ray2.SceneVisitor
- appendStatistics(StringBuffer) - Method in interface de.grogra.ray2.antialiasing.Antialiasing
Appends some statistics information about the antialiasing to
. - appendStatistics(StringBuffer) - Method in interface de.grogra.ray2.light.LightProcessor
Appends some statistics information about the light computations to
. - appendStatistics(StringBuffer) - Method in interface de.grogra.ray2.Scene
Appends some statistics information about the scene to
. - appendStatistics(StringBuffer) - Method in class de.grogra.ray2.tracing.ProcessorBase
- appendStatistics(StringBuffer) - Method in interface de.grogra.ray2.tracing.RayProcessor
Appends some statistics information about the ray processing to
. - appendStatisticsImpl(StringBuffer) - Method in class de.grogra.ray2.antialiasing.NoAntialiasing
- appendStatisticsImpl(StringBuffer) - Method in class de.grogra.ray2.antialiasing.StochasticSupersampling
- appendStatisticsImpl(StringBuffer) - Method in class de.grogra.ray2.light.DefaultLightProcessor
- appendStatisticsImpl(StringBuffer) - Method in class de.grogra.ray2.tracing.BiDirectionalProcessor
- appendStatisticsImpl(StringBuffer) - Method in class de.grogra.ray2.tracing.DefaultRayProcessor
- appendStatisticsImpl(StringBuffer) - Method in class de.grogra.ray2.tracing.MetropolisProcessor
- appendStatisticsImpl(StringBuffer) - Method in class de.grogra.ray2.tracing.PathTracer
- appendStatisticsImpl(StringBuffer) - Method in class de.grogra.ray2.tracing.PhotonMapRayProcessor
- appendStatisticsImpl(StringBuffer) - Method in class de.grogra.ray2.tracing.ProcessorBase
- appendStatisticsImpl(StringBuffer) - Method in class de.grogra.ray2.tracing.Radiosity
- appendToBuffer(StringBuilder) - Method in class
Append the polygon to the buffer.
- appendTypeIfNecessary(StringBuilder, VariableCompletion) - Method in class
Utility function that appends a variable or function completion's type to a string buffer if
. - APPLE - Static variable in class org.sunflow.image.RGBSpace
- Applicability() - Constructor for class de.grogra.xl.compiler.scope.Members.Applicability
- Application - Class in
- APPLICATION_CONDITION - Static variable in interface de.grogra.grogra.LSYTokenTypes
- APPLICATION_CONDITION - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.compiler.CompilerTokenTypes
- APPLICATION_CONDITION - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.parser.XLTokenTypes
- APPLICATION_XML - Static variable in class de.grogra.util.MimeType
The MIME type
without parameters. - ApplicationFrame - Class in org.jfree.chart.ui
A base class for creating the main frame for simple applications.
- ApplicationFrame(String) - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.ui.ApplicationFrame
Constructs a new application frame.
- Applier() - Constructor for class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue.Applier
- apply() - Static method in class de.grogra.rgg.Library
- apply(int) - Static method in class de.grogra.rgg.Library
This finish iterator (see the XL Language Specification) is used in a
-statement to execute its bodycount
times. - apply(int, Transaction) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue.Applier
- apply(SecGraph) - Static method in class
Apply a
(a SecGraph with a queryRoot and a ProductionRoot) on the ProjectGraph - apply(SecGraph) - Method in class
- apply(SecGraph) - Method in class
- apply(SecGraph) - Method in interface
apply the given SecGraph on this SecGraph
- apply(SecGraph, SecGraph) - Static method in class
Apply a
(a SecGraph with a queryRoot and a ProductionRoot) on the Destination-SecGraph. - apply(Transaction) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue.Applier
- apply(Transaction) - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.ModificationQueue
- apply(String) - Method in class
- apply(String) - Method in class
- apply(String) - Method in interface
Apply a RGG function on the SecGraph
- apply(JFreeChart) - Method in interface org.jfree.chart.ChartTheme
Applies this theme to the supplied chart.
- apply(JFreeChart) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies this theme to the supplied chart.
- Apply(boolean, boolean, int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.grogra.LSystem.Apply
- Apply(Method, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class de.grogra.rgg.RGG.Apply
- applyChanges(Item, Object, Context) - Static method in class
- applyChanges(GenericCallback<String>, boolean, LinkedList<String>) - Method in class
- applyCurrentTheme(JFreeChart) - Static method in class org.jfree.chart.ChartUtils
Applies the current theme to the specified chart.
- applyDerivation() - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.simple.SimpleProducer
- applyImageGeneratorStrategy() - Method in class
Generate interpolated images by creating a
and pass it to theWorker
. - applyInterpretation() - Method in class de.grogra.rgg.RGG
This method can be invoked if interpretive rules shall be applied to the current graph by the method
. - APPLYPROFIL - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.sym
- APPLYPROFIL3D - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.sym
- applyRules(Transaction) - Method in class de.grogra.grogra.LSystem.Apply
- applyRules(Transaction) - Method in class de.grogra.rgg.RGG.Apply
- applyShadow(BufferedImage) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.util.DefaultShadowGenerator
Applies a shadow to the image.
- APPLYSHAPE - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.sym
- applyToAbstractRenderer(AbstractRenderer) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies the attributes for this theme to an
. - applyToBlock(Block) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies the attributes of this theme to the specified block.
- applyToBlockContainer(BlockContainer) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies the attributes of this theme to the specified container.
- applyToCategoryAxis(CategoryAxis) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies the attributes for this theme to a
. - applyToCategoryItemRenderer(CategoryItemRenderer) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies the settings of this theme to the specified renderer.
- applyToCategoryPlot(CategoryPlot) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies the attributes of this theme to a
. - applyToFastScatterPlot(FastScatterPlot) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies the attributes of this theme to a
. - applyToMeterPlot(MeterPlot) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies the attributes of this theme to a
. - applyToMultiplePiePlot(MultiplePiePlot) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies the attributes of this theme to a
. - applyToPeriodAxis(PeriodAxis) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies the attributes for this theme to a
. - applyToPiePlot(PiePlot) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies the attributes of this theme to a
instance. - applyToPlot(Plot) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies the attributes of this theme to a plot.
- applyToPolarPlot(PolarPlot) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies the attributes of this theme to a
. - applyToSpiderWebPlot(SpiderWebPlot) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies the attributes of this theme to a
. - applyToSymbolAxis(SymbolAxis) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies the attributes for this theme to a
. - applyToThermometerPlot(ThermometerPlot) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies the attributes for this theme to a
. - applyToTitle(Title) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies the attributes of this theme to the specified title.
- applyToValueAxis(ValueAxis) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies the attributes for this theme to a
. - applyToXYAnnotation(XYAnnotation) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies the settings of this theme to the specified annotation.
- applyToXYItemRenderer(XYItemRenderer) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies the settings of this theme to the specified renderer.
- applyToXYPlot(XYPlot) - Method in class org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme
Applies the attributes of this theme to a
. - applyUntilFinished() - Static method in class de.grogra.rgg.Library
This finish iterator (see the XL Language Specification) is used in a
-statement to execute its body as long as the body makes modifications to the graph. - applyVectorToNode(Node, Point2d, double) - Method in class de.grogra.imp2d.layout.ForceBasedLayout2.FBAlgorithm2
- applyXL(String) - Method in class
- applyXL(String) - Method in class
- applyXL(String) - Method in interface
Apply an XL Query on the SecGraph
- approximateBinomialCoefficient(int, int) - Static method in class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.MathUtil
Binomial coefficent, also known as "n choose k").
- approximateFactorial(int) - Static method in class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.MathUtil
Compute the Factorial of n, often written as
- APRIL - Static variable in interface
Constant for April.
- apush(Object) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.vmx.VMXState
Pushs the given
on top of the stack. - aquireLog() - Method in class de.grogra.gpuflux.jocl.compute.ComputeContext
- Arc - Class in de.grogra.math
- Arc() - Constructor for class de.grogra.math.Arc
- Arc(float, float, float) - Constructor for class de.grogra.math.Arc
- Arc.Type - Class in de.grogra.math
- Arc2DImport - Class in de.grogra.ext.x3d.importation
- Arc2DImport() - Constructor for class de.grogra.ext.x3d.importation.Arc2DImport
- ArcDialFrame - Class in org.jfree.chart.plot.dial
A standard frame for the
class. - ArcDialFrame() - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.plot.dial.ArcDialFrame
Creates a new instance of
that spans 180 degrees. - ArcDialFrame(double, double) - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.plot.dial.ArcDialFrame
Creates a new instance of
that spans the arc specified. - archeight$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.RoundRectangleType
- ArcType - Class in de.grogra.imp2d.objects
- ArcType(Arc2D.Float, SCOType) - Constructor for class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.ArcType
- ArcType(Class, SCOType) - Constructor for class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.ArcType
- arcType$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.ArcType
- arcwidth$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp2d.objects.RoundRectangleType
- area() - Method in class de.grogra.vecmath.BoundingBox3d
- AREA - Static variable in interface de.grogra.ray.physics.Light
This return value for
indicates an area light. - AREA - Static variable in class org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYAreaRenderer
Useful constant for specifying the type of rendering (area only).
- AREA - Static variable in class org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYStepAreaRenderer
Useful constant for specifying the type of rendering (area only).
- AREA_AND_SHAPES - Static variable in class org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYAreaRenderer
Useful constant for specifying the type of rendering (area and shapes).
- AREA_AND_SHAPES - Static variable in class org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYStepAreaRenderer
Useful constant for specifying the type of rendering (area and shapes).
- AREA_GF - Static variable in class de.grogra.blocks.xFrogFileParser.sym
- AREA_LIGHT - Static variable in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.Attributes
- AREA_PLOT - Static variable in interface
- AreaLight - Class in de.grogra.imp3d.objects
- AreaLight() - Constructor for class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.AreaLight
- AreaLight.Type - Class in de.grogra.imp3d.objects
- AreaPlot(int, int) - Method in class de.grogra.rchart.Rchart
wrapper for function geom_area(...)
- AreaRenderer - Class in org.jfree.chart.renderer.category
A category item renderer that draws area charts.
- AreaRenderer() - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.AreaRenderer
Creates a new renderer.
- AreaRendererEndType - Class in org.jfree.chart.renderer
An enumeration of the 'end types' for an area renderer.
- areasByInclination - Variable in class
- areasByInclination - Variable in class
- areComparableScales(Object, Object) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.impl.base.Graph
- areCurvesCompatible(GraphState) - Method in class de.grogra.imp3d.objects.CurveSequence
- areCurvesCompatible(GraphState) - Method in interface de.grogra.math.BSplineCurveList
- areCurvesCompatible(GraphState) - Method in class de.grogra.math.RuledSurface
- areCurvesCompatible(GraphState) - Method in class de.grogra.math.Sweep
- areFieldsProvided() - Method in interface de.grogra.persistence.PersistenceInput
- areFieldsProvided() - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.PersistenceInputDecorator
- areFieldsProvided() - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.PersistenceInputStream
- areFieldsProvided() - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.XAQueue.Reader
- areFieldsProvided() - Method in class de.grogra.persistence.XMLPersistenceReader
- areturn(Object) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.vmx.VMXState
Returns an instance of
. - arg() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser
- arg() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser.ArgumentContext
- arg(boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.parser.XLParser
- arg(int) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser.ArgumentContext
- ArgContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser.ArgContext
- arglist(AST, Scope) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.compiler.Compiler
- argList() - Method in class de.grogra.grogra.LSYParser
- argList(boolean) - Method in class de.grogra.xl.parser.XLParser
- ARGLIST - Static variable in interface de.grogra.grogra.LSYTokenTypes
- ARGLIST - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.compiler.CompilerTokenTypes
- ARGLIST - Static variable in interface de.grogra.xl.parser.XLTokenTypes
- Args - Class in org.jfree.chart.util
A utility class for checking method arguments.
- Args() - Constructor for class org.jfree.chart.util.Args
- ArgShoot - Class in de.grogra.turtle
- ArgShoot(float) - Constructor for class de.grogra.turtle.ArgShoot
- argument - Variable in class de.grogra.turtle.ArgShoot
- argument - Variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Assignment
The single parameter of this turtle command.
- argument - Variable in class de.grogra.turtle.InvokeMethod
- argument - Variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Move
- argument - Variable in class de.grogra.turtle.RV
- argument - Variable in class de.grogra.turtle.RVAdd
- argument - Variable in class de.grogra.turtle.RVMul
- argument() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser
- argument() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser.ArgumentListContext
- argument() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser.ArrayContext
- argument(int) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser.ArgumentListContext
- argument(int) - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser.ArrayContext
- Argument - Class in
- Argument - Class in de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern
- ARGUMENT - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Attributes
- argument$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.ArgShoot
- argument$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Assignment
- argument$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.InvokeMethod
- argument$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.K
- argument$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.KAssignment
- argument$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.KL
- argument$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.Move
- argument$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.RV
- argument$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.RVAdd
- argument$FIELD - Static variable in class de.grogra.turtle.RVMul
- ArgumentContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser.ArgumentContext
- ArgumentDescription - Class in de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern
- ArgumentDescription(AST, Place) - Constructor for class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.ArgumentDescription
- ArgumentDescription(AST, Local) - Constructor for class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.ArgumentDescription
- ArgumentDescription(AST, Expression) - Constructor for class de.grogra.xl.compiler.pattern.ArgumentDescription
- argumentList() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser
- argumentList() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser.ArgumentsContext
- argumentList() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser.ClassArgumentsContext
- ArgumentListContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser.ArgumentListContext
- arguments() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser
- arguments() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser.MethodCallContext
- arguments() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser
- arguments() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ClassCreatorRestContext
- arguments() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.MethodCallContext
- arguments() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.PrimaryContext
- arguments() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.PrimaryNoParenContext
- arguments() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.SuperSuffixContext
- arguments() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser
- arguments() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.ClassCreatorRestContext
- arguments() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.MethodCallContext
- arguments() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.PrimaryContext
- arguments() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.PrimaryNoParenContext
- arguments() - Method in class de.grogra.suggest.generated.XLParser.SuperSuffixContext
- ArgumentsContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.suggest.generated.MemberParser.ArgumentsContext
- ArgumentsContext(ParserRuleContext, int) - Constructor for class de.grogra.suggest.generated.SimpleXLParser.ArgumentsContext