Module platform

Class UIPropertyUpdater

All Implemented Interfaces:
EventListener, EventListener

public class UIPropertyUpdater extends Object implements EventListener
  • Constructor Details

    • UIPropertyUpdater

      public UIPropertyUpdater(UIProperty property, Context ctx, boolean forComponent, String method, Executor queue, boolean updateImmediately)
  • Method Details

    • install

      public static UIPropertyUpdater install(UIProperty property, Context ctx, boolean forComponent, String method, Executor queue, Map init)
    • dispose

      public void dispose(Context ctx)
    • eventOccured

      public void eventOccured(EventObject e)
      Description copied from interface: EventListener
      This method is invoked on registered event listeners when event has occured. This general listener interface does not restrict the possible kinds of events. Concrete sources of events should specify which events they may fire.
      Specified by:
      eventOccured in interface EventListener
      e - an event
    • update

      public void update(Context ctx)