Module platform

Interface Context

All Known Subinterfaces:
ChartPanel, Console, JobManager, Panel, TextEditor, Window
All Known Implementing Classes:
ActionEditEvent, APIWorkbench, AutoCompletableTextEditorSupport, CLIChartPanelSupport, ClickEvent, ClickEvent2D, CLIConsolePanel, CLIPanelSupport, CLITextEditor, CLIWindowSupport, CLIWorkbench, Curve2DPanel, Curve3DPanel, DragEvent, DragEvent2D, DragEvent3D, EditEvent, IMPJobManager, IMPWorkbench, InputEditEvent, JConsole, JEditTextEditor, JobManagerImpl, MouseEditEvent, PanelDecorator, PanelHL, PanelSupport, ProjectWorkbench, TextEditorSupport, UIPropertyEditEvent, VideoPanelWrapper, View, View2D, View3D, ViewSelectionChanged, WindowSupport, Workbench

public interface Context
A Context represents some object in the context of the graphical user interface. It knows its containing workbench, window, panel, and component.
Ole Kniemeyer
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Determines the GUI component of this GUI context.
    Determines the panel of this GUI context.
    Determines the window of this GUI context.
    Determines the workbench of this GUI context.
  • Method Details

    • getWorkbench

      Workbench getWorkbench()
      Determines the workbench of this GUI context.
      this context's workbench
    • getWindow

      Window getWindow()
      Determines the window of this GUI context.
      this context's window
    • getPanel

      Panel getPanel()
      Determines the panel of this GUI context.
      this context's panel
    • getComponent

      Object getComponent()
      Determines the GUI component of this GUI context.
      this context's component