Module platform

Interface Panel

All Superinterfaces:
Context, Disposable
All Known Subinterfaces:
ChartPanel, Console, TextEditor, Window
All Known Implementing Classes:
AutoCompletableTextEditorSupport, CLIChartPanelSupport, CLIConsolePanel, CLIPanelSupport, CLITextEditor, CLIWindowSupport, Curve2DPanel, Curve3DPanel, JConsole, JEditTextEditor, PanelDecorator, PanelHL, PanelSupport, TextEditorSupport, VideoPanelWrapper, View, View2D, View3D, WindowSupport

public interface Panel extends Context, Disposable
A Workbench presents its information in a set of Panels. Panels are displayed within Windows, they have their own title and menu bar and may be re-arranged by Drag&Drop.
Ole Kniemeyer