Module platform

Interface Console

All Superinterfaces:
Context, Disposable, Panel
All Known Implementing Classes:
CLIConsolePanel, JConsole

public interface Console extends Panel
A Console represents a Panel of the GUI which provides textual input and output.
Ole Kniemeyer
  • Method Details

    • enter

      void enter(String text)
      Enters text as if the user had typed this text.
      text - text to enter in the console
    • clear

      void clear()
      Clears the console.
    • getIn

      Reader getIn()
      This method returns a Reader which can be used to obtain the textual input from the user.
      a reader
    • getOut

      This method returns a ConsoleWriter which is used to write to the console. It should be used for normal messages.
      a writer
    • getErr

      This method returns a ConsoleWriter which is used to write to the console. It should be used for error messages. Implementations should use a different color to highlight the characters which are written through this writer.
      a writer
    • setNameCompletion

      void setNameCompletion(NameCompletion nc)