Module xl.core

Interface Member

All Known Subinterfaces:
Field, Method, Type<T>
All Known Implementing Classes:
Abs.Type, Acos.Type, AdditionalArrange.Type, AlgorithmSwitchShader.Type, AllFilter.Type, AmbientLight.Type, Arc.Type, ArcType, AreaLight.Type, ArrangeLOD.Type, Arrow.Type, Asin.Type, ASMType, Atan.Type, BernoulliProbability.Type, BetaprimeProbability.Type, BetaProbability.Type, BezierCurve.Type, BezierSurface.Type, BinomialProbability.Type, BlackbodySPD.Type, BlackbodySpectralCurve.Type, BoundedType, BSplineCurveImpl.Type, BSplineOfVertices.Type, BSplineSurfaceImpl.Type, Camera.Type, CauchyProbability.Type, CClass, Ceil.Type, Chain.Type, ChannelSPD.Type, ChisquareProbability.Type, CIENormSPD.Type, Circle.Type, CircleGraphLayout.Type, Circular.Type, ClassAdapter, CompilationUnitScope, ComponentTransform.Type, Connection.Type, ConstantSPD.Type, ConstantSpectralCurve.Type, Cos.Type, Cosh.Type, Cubic.Type, Curve.Type, CurveRef.Type, CurveSequence.Type, CustomFunction.Type, CustomGraphDescriptor.Type, DartThrowing.Type, DatasetRef.Type, DavidsonHarelLayout.Type, DefaultView3DEventFactory.Type, DirectionalLight.Type, E.Type, EadesLayout.Type, EdgeBasedLayout.Type, EdgeBasedLayout2.Type, EdgeBits.Type, Ellipse.Type, EllipseType, EmptyEventFactory.Type, EmptyViewEventFactory.Type, EnergyModelLayout.Type, EnumerationType, ErlangProbability.Type, Exp.Type, Exp2.Type, Expm1.Type, ExtrudedSurface.Type, FieldBase, FieldDecorator, FileRef.Type, FilterDescriptor.Type, FixedImageAdapter.Type, Floor.Type, FluxLightModel.Type, FluxLightModelTracer.Type, FontAdapter.Type, ForceBasedLayout.Type, FProbability.Type, FruchtermanReingoldLayout.Type, Function.Type, FunctionRef.Type, GammaProbability.Type, GeneralPurposeLayout.Type, GeometricArrange.Type, GeometricProbability.Type, GraphDescriptor.Type, GraphObjectRef.Type, Graytone.Type, GRSMesh.Type, HalftoningArrange.Type, HeightField.Type, HeightFieldMapping.Type, Helix.Type, Hexagon.Type, HighlightFilterDescriptor.Type, HornLOD.Type, HydraLOD.Type, Id.Type, ImageAdapter.Type, ImageHeightField.Type, ImageRef.Type, IndirectField, InheritedField, InheritedMethod, IntersectionType, InvgammaProbability.Type, IOR.Type, IORShader.Type, IrregularSpectralCurve.Type, IsoCurve.Type, ItemReference.Type, Kachelung.Type, Layout.Type, LazyType, LensProjection.Type, LightBase.Type, LightDistribution.Type, LightDistributionRef.Type, LightDistributionResource.Type, LightModel.Type, LightModelD.Type, Local, LocationParameterBase.Type, Log.Type, Log10.Type, LogisticProbability.Type, Lognormal2Probability.Type, LognormalProbability.Type, ManageableType, ManageableType.ArrayComponent, ManageableType.Field, MaterialRef.Type, Matrix3dType, Matrix3fType, Matrix4dType, Matrix4fType, MemberBase, MemberDecorator, MetaGraphDescriptor.Type, Navigator2DFactory.Type, Navigator3DFactory.Type, NegexpProbability.Type, NetworkHeightField.Type, Node.NType, Node.NType.BitField, Node.NType.Field, NoHighlightView3DEventFactory.Type, NoneFilter.Type, Normal2Probability.Type, NormalProbability.Type, ObjectData.Type, Octagon.Type, Package, ParallelProjection.Type, ParetoProbability.Type, PascalProbability.Type, PatternWrapper, PersistenceField, PerspectiveProjection.Type, Phi.Type, PhiBallLOD.Type, PhysicalLight.Type, Pi.Type, PointCloudView3DEventManager.Type, PointLight.Type, PoissonProbability.Type, ProbabilityArrange.Type, ProductSurface.Type, ProfileSweep.Type, ProjectGraphDescriptor.Type, Projection.Type, Rad.Type, Ramp.Type, RandomBase.Type, RandomLayout.Type, RectangleType, RectangularHeightFieldMapping.Type, Reference.Type, RegularPolygon.Type, RegularSpectralCurve.Type, RGBSPD.Type, RGBSpectralCurve.Type, Rhombus.Type, Rnd.Type, Rndabs.Type, RoundRectangleType, RuledSurface.Type, Scallop.Type, SCOType, SCOType.Field, SelectionEventFactory.Type, Sequence.Type, ShaderRef.Type, ShiftedMethod, SideSwitchShader.Type, SimpleEdgeBasedLayout.Type, Sin.Type, Sin01.Type, Sinh.Type, SkinnedSurface.Type, SPD.Type, SPDCurve.Type, SPDResource.Type, SpectralLight.Type, SpectralLightMapNode.Type, SpectrumRef.Type, SphericalHeightFieldMapping.Type, SplineFunction.Type, SpotLight.Type, SpringLayout.Type, Sqr.Type, Sqrt.Type, SquareLayout.Type, StraightLine.Type, StrokeAdapter.Type, SubGraphDescriptor.Type, SubGraphRef.Type, SubGrid.Type, SugiyamaLayout.Type, SurfaceRef.Type, Sweep.Type, SweepSequence.Type, SwitchShader.Type, SwitchShape.Type, SwungSurface.Type, Tan.Type, Tanh.Type, ToolEvent2DFactory.Type, ToolEventFactory.Type, TopologyGraphDescriptor.Type, TouchLayout.Type, Trapezoid.Type, TreeLayout.Type, TreeLOD.Type, Triangle.Type, Triangle.Type, TstudentProbability.Type, Tuple2dType, Tuple2fType, Tuple3dType, Tuple3fType, Tuple4dType, Tuple4fType, TurtleState.Type, TypeDecorator, TypeImpl, UniformProbability.Type, UniformScale.Type, VertexGridImpl.Type, VertexListImpl.Type, VertexSequence.Type, VertexSetBase.Type, View.Type, View2D.Type, View2DEventFactory.Type, View3D.Type, Voronoi_Lloyd.Type, WeibullProbability.Type, XArray, XClass, XField, XMethod

public interface Member
Member is the superinterface for types, methods, and fields. It describes the common functionality of these interfaces and defines a set of int constants which are combined to encode the modifiers of the member.
Ole Kniemeyer
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final int
    Modifier for abstract members.
    static final int
    Mask for the access modifiers public, private, and protected.
    static final int
    Modifier for classes which are arrays.
    static final int
    Modifier for bridge methods.
    static final int
    Modifier for fields which are compile-time constants.
    static final int
    Modifier for final members.
    static final int
    Modifier indicating that a type is an interface.
    static final int
    Mask for all modifiers which are valid in the byte-code of classes.
    static final int
    Modifier for classes which are local classes.
    static final int
    Minimal bit mask which is not defined by this interface.
    static final int
    Modifier for native methods.
    static final int
    Modifier for private members.
    static final int
    Modifier for protected members.
    static final int
    Modifier for public members.
    static final int
    Modifier for static members.
    static final int
    Modifier for strictfp members.
    static final int
    Modifier for synchronized methods.
    static final int
    Modifier for synthetic members.
    static final int
    Modifier for transient fields.
    static final int
    Modifier for variable arity methods.
    static final int
    Modifier for volatile fields.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the declaring type of which this is a member.
    Returns a descriptor for this member.
    Returns the modifiers of this member as a combination of the bit masks which are defined in this interface.
    Returns the name of this member.
    Returns the simple name of this member.
  • Field Details

    • PUBLIC

      static final int PUBLIC
      Modifier for public members.
      See Also:

      static final int PRIVATE
      Modifier for private members.
      See Also:

      static final int PROTECTED
      Modifier for protected members.
      See Also:
    • STATIC

      static final int STATIC
      Modifier for static members.
      See Also:
    • FINAL

      static final int FINAL
      Modifier for final members.
      See Also:

      static final int SYNCHRONIZED
      Modifier for synchronized methods.
      See Also:

      static final int VOLATILE
      Modifier for volatile fields.
      See Also:

      static final int TRANSIENT
      Modifier for transient fields.
      See Also:
    • NATIVE

      static final int NATIVE
      Modifier for native methods.
      See Also:

      static final int INTERFACE
      Modifier indicating that a type is an interface.
      See Also:

      static final int ABSTRACT
      Modifier for abstract members.
      See Also:
    • STRICT

      static final int STRICT
      Modifier for strictfp members.
      See Also:

      static final int SYNTHETIC
      Modifier for synthetic members.
      See Also:
    • BRIDGE

      static final int BRIDGE
      Modifier for bridge methods.
      See Also:

      static final int VARARGS
      Modifier for variable arity methods.
      See Also:

      static final int ACCESS_MODIFIERS
      Mask for the access modifiers public, private, and protected.
      See Also:

      static final int JAVA_MODIFIERS
      Mask for all modifiers which are valid in the byte-code of classes.
      See Also:

      static final int CONSTANT
      Modifier for fields which are compile-time constants. This modifier is not defined by the Java virtual machine.
      See Also:

      static final int LOCAL_CLASS
      Modifier for classes which are local classes. This modifier is not defined by the Java virtual machine.
      See Also:
    • ARRAY

      static final int ARRAY
      Modifier for classes which are arrays. This modifier is not defined by the Java virtual machine.
      See Also:

      static final int MIN_UNUSED_MODIFIER
      Minimal bit mask which is not defined by this interface.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getDeclaringType

      Type getDeclaringType()
      Returns the declaring type of which this is a member. May be null if such a type does not exist.
      this member's declaring type
    • getModifiers

      int getModifiers()
      Returns the modifiers of this member as a combination of the bit masks which are defined in this interface.
      modifiers of this member
    • getName

      String getName()
      Returns the name of this member. For types, this is the canonical name of the type, e.g, java.lang.Object, java.util.Map.Entry. Otherwise, it equals getSimpleName().
      name of the member
    • getSimpleName

      String getSimpleName()
      Returns the simple name of this member. This is the single identifier with which the member is declared in source code, e.g., Object, out, println.
      simple name of the member
    • getDescriptor

      String getDescriptor()
      Returns a descriptor for this member. Descriptors are constructed as follows:
      • For types, descriptors are defined as for the Java Virtual Machine. For primitive types these are the single characters 'Z', 'B', 'S', 'C', 'I', 'J', 'F', 'D', 'V' for boolean, byte, short, char, int, long, float, double, void. For array types, the descriptor is the character '[' plus the descriptor of its component type, e.g., [[I for int[][]. For non-array reference types, the descriptor is the character 'L', followed by the binary name (see Type.getBinaryName()) of the type, where '.' has to be replaced by '/', followed by ';', e.g., Ljava/lang/Object;.
      • For fields, the descriptor is the character 'f', followed by the simple name of the field, followed by the character ';', followed by the descriptor of the field's type. E.g., fout;Ljava/io/PrintStream; for the field System.out.
      • For methods and constructors, the descriptor is the character 'm', followed by the simple name of the method (which is <init> for constructors), followed by the characters ';' and '(', followed by the descriptors of the method's parameter types, followed by ')', followed by the descriptor of the return type. E.g. mprintln;(Ljava/lang/String;)V for the method PrintStream.println(String).
      the member's descriptor
    • getDeclaredAnnotationCount

      int getDeclaredAnnotationCount()
    • getDeclaredAnnotation

      Annotation getDeclaredAnnotation(int index)