Module imp3d

Class SphereSegment

All Implemented Interfaces:
Transformation, Pickable, Polygonizable, Renderable, Manageable, PersistenceCapable, Shareable, UserFields, XObject, Map, Serializable

public class SphereSegment extends MeshNode implements Pickable, Polygonizable, Renderable
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • radius

      protected float radius
    • theta1

      protected float theta1
    • theta2

      protected float theta2
    • phi

      protected float phi
    • $TYPE

      public static final Node.NType $TYPE
    • radius$FIELD

      public static final Node.NType.Field radius$FIELD
    • theta1$FIELD

      public static final Node.NType.Field theta1$FIELD
    • theta2$FIELD

      public static final Node.NType.Field theta2$FIELD
    • phi$FIELD

      public static final Node.NType.Field phi$FIELD
  • Constructor Details

    • SphereSegment

      public SphereSegment()
    • SphereSegment

      public SphereSegment(float radius)
    • SphereSegment

      public SphereSegment(float radius, float theta1, float theta2, float phi)
  • Method Details

    • getNTypeImpl

      protected Node.NType getNTypeImpl()
      Description copied from class: Node
      This method returns the Node.NType which describes the managed fields of the class of this node. This method has to be implemented in every concrete subclass.
      getNTypeImpl in class MeshNode
      type describing the managed fields of the class of this node
    • newInstance

      protected Node newInstance()
      Description copied from class: Node
      This method returns a new instance of the class of this node. This method has to be implemented in every concrete subclass.
      newInstance in class MeshNode
      new instance of class of this node
    • getRadius

      public float getRadius()
    • setRadius

      public void setRadius(float value)
    • getTheta1

      public float getTheta1()
    • setTheta1

      public void setTheta1(float value)
    • getTheta2

      public float getTheta2()
    • setTheta2

      public void setTheta2(float value)
    • getPhi

      public float getPhi()
    • setPhi

      public void setPhi(float value)
    • getSurfaceArea

      public double getSurfaceArea()
      Calculates the area of an object. Intersection with other object are not considered.The total area will be calculated.
      getSurfaceArea in class MeshNode
    • getVolume

      public double getVolume()
      Calculates the volume. Intersection with other object are not considered.The total volume will be calculated. V=tbd
      getVolume in class MeshNode