Module platform

Class AttrStringUtils


public class AttrStringUtils extends Object
Some AttributedString utilities.
  • Method Details

    • getTextBounds

      public static Rectangle2D getTextBounds(AttributedString text, Graphics2D g2)
      Returns the bounds for the attributed string.
      text - the attributed string (null not permitted).
      g2 - the graphics target (null not permitted).
      The bounds (never null).
    • drawRotatedString

      public static void drawRotatedString(AttributedString text, Graphics2D g2, double angle, float x, float y)
      Draws the attributed string at (x, y), rotated by the specified angle about (x, y).
      text - the attributed string (null not permitted).
      g2 - the graphics output target.
      angle - the angle.
      x - the x-coordinate.
      y - the y-coordinate.
    • drawRotatedString

      public static void drawRotatedString(AttributedString text, Graphics2D g2, float textX, float textY, double angle, float rotateX, float rotateY)
      Draws the attributed string at (textX, textY), rotated by the specified angle about (rotateX, rotateY).
      text - the attributed string (null not permitted).
      g2 - the graphics output target.
      textX - the x-coordinate for the text.
      textY - the y-coordinate for the text.
      angle - the rotation angle (in radians).
      rotateX - the x-coordinate for the rotation point.
      rotateY - the y-coordinate for the rotation point.
    • drawRotatedString

      public static void drawRotatedString(AttributedString text, Graphics2D g2, float x, float y, TextAnchor textAnchor, double angle, float rotationX, float rotationY)
      Draws the string anchored to (x, y), rotated by the specified angle about (rotationX, rotationY).
      text - the text (null not permitted).
      g2 - the graphics target.
      x - the x-coordinate for the text location.
      y - the y-coordinate for the text location.
      textAnchor - the text anchor point.
      angle - the rotation (in radians).
      rotationX - the x-coordinate for the rotation point.
      rotationY - the y-coordinate for the rotation point.
    • drawRotatedString

      public static void drawRotatedString(AttributedString text, Graphics2D g2, float x, float y, TextAnchor textAnchor, double angle, TextAnchor rotationAnchor)
      Draws a rotated string.
      text - the text to draw.
      g2 - the graphics target.
      x - the x-coordinate for the text location.
      y - the y-coordinate for the text location.
      textAnchor - the text anchor point.
      angle - the rotation (in radians).
      rotationAnchor - the rotation anchor point.