Module numeric

Class CVodeAdapter

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CVodeAdapter extends Object implements Solver
Wrapper to CVODE2 library. It implements the Solver interface and delegates computation to the CVODE2 library, which is part of SUNDIALS. requires 2 libraries ::> sundials_covde.dll + sundials_nvecserial.dll based on by Reinhard Hemmerling extended by Jonas Coussement 2016
  • Constructor Details

    • CVodeAdapter

      public CVodeAdapter()
  • Method Details

    • setMonitor

      public void setMonitor(int n, Monitor monitor) throws NumericException
      Description copied from interface: Solver
      Set monitor functions. A previously set monitor will be replaced by this one. A monitor can be disabled by passing zero for parameter n. The parameter monitor may be null in this case.
      Specified by:
      setMonitor in interface Solver
    • integrate

      public void integrate(ODE ode, double t0, double[] y0, double t1, double[] y1) throws NumericException
      Description copied from interface: Solver
      Integrate ode from t0 to t1. Initial state is passed in y0. Final state is stored in memory provided by y1 (can be the same as y0).
      Specified by:
      integrate in interface Solver
      ode - equations
      t0 - initial time
      y0 - initial state
      t1 - final time
      y1 - memory to return state at t1, may refer to same object as y0
    • setOptions

      public void setOptions(Map options)
      Description copied from interface: Solver
      Set additional options for the integration process. Options are provided as mapping from keys to values. Note that supported keys and the data format of associated values depends on the implementation of the solver.
      Specified by:
      setOptions in interface Solver
    • setTolerances

      public void setTolerances(double[] absTol, double[] relTol)
      Description copied from interface: Solver
      Set element-specific absolute and relative tolerance values. A value of null for either array indicates that element-specific tolerances should be disabled for this tolerance type. An value of zero in any of the arrays indicates that the integrator should provide a default tolerance value instead. Note that if any of the specified are really used is up to the implementation of the integrator.
      Specified by:
      setTolerances in interface Solver
      absTol - element-specific absolute tolerance values, or null
      relTol - element-specific relative tolerance values, or null
    • getAbsTolDefault

      public double getAbsTolDefault()
    • getRelTolDefault

      public double getRelTolDefault()
    • setAbsTolDefault

      public void setAbsTolDefault(double value)
    • setRelTolDefault

      public void setRelTolDefault(double value)