Module xl.impl

Class EdgeIterator


public abstract class EdgeIterator extends Object
An EdgeIterator is used to iterate over the edges of a node. It is obtained by Graph#createEdgeIterator and used in the following way:
     for (EdgeIterator i = graph.createEdgeIterator (node); i.hasEdge ();
          i.moveToNext ())
         // i.source contains the source node, the target node,
         // i.edgeBits the edge bits of the current edge
Ole Kniemeyer
  • Field Details

    • source

      public Object source
      Contains the source node of the current edge.
    • target

      public Object target
      Contains the target node of the current edge.
    • edgeBits

      public int edgeBits
      Contains the edge bits of the current edge.
  • Constructor Details

    • EdgeIterator

      public EdgeIterator()
  • Method Details

    • hasEdge

      public abstract boolean hasEdge()
      Returns true if the fields source, target and edgeBits contain a valid edge. Otherwise, it has been iterated over all edges of the node, and this method returns false. Then, further use of this edge iterator is not allowed; the iterator may be re-used by implementations of Graph.
      true iff this iterator contains a valid edge
    • moveToNext

      public abstract void moveToNext()
      Moves the iterator to the next edge. This operation is allowed only when hasEdge() returns true. If there is no next edge left to iterate, hasEdge() will return false afterwards.
    • dispose

      public abstract void dispose()