Module vecmath

Class Variables

Direct Known Subclasses:
IntersectionList, Octree.State

public class Variables extends Object
This class contains a set of temporary variables which may be used freely in methods which receive an instance of Variables as argument. The sole requirement is that the size of the int-stack is restored to its value before method invocation.
Ole Kniemeyer
  • Field Details

    • tmpPoint0

      public final Point3d tmpPoint0
      This point may be used freely.
    • tmpPoint1

      public final Point3d tmpPoint1
      This point may be used freely.
    • tmpPoint2

      public final Point3d tmpPoint2
      This point may be used freely.
    • tmpPoint3

      public final Point3d tmpPoint3
      This point may be used freely.
    • tmpVector0

      public final Vector3d tmpVector0
      This vector may be used freely.
    • tmpVector1

      public final Vector3d tmpVector1
      This vector may be used freely.
    • tmpVector2

      public final Vector3d tmpVector2
      This vector may be used freely.
    • tmpVector3

      public final Vector3d tmpVector3
      This vector may be used freely.
    • tmpMatrix3

      public final Matrix3d tmpMatrix3
      This matrix may be used freely.
    • tmpLine

      public final Line tmpLine
      This line may be used freely.
    • cache

      public final HashMap<Object,Object> cache
      This map may be used by methods which have an instance of Variables as parameter in order to store some information which should be available in following invocations of the method.
    • istack

      public int[] istack
      This field contains an int-stack. Its size is defined by isize.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • Variables

      public Variables()
  • Method Details

    • getISize

      public int getISize()
    • setISize

      public void setISize(int isize)
      This method sets the size of the int-stack istack to isize. The array is enlarged if necessary.
      isize - new size of stack
    • ipush

      public void ipush(int value)
      This method pushs a new value on the int-stack istack.
      value - value to push
    • ipop

      public int ipop()
      This method pops the topmost element off the int-stack istack and returns its value.
      popped element
    • ienter

      public int ienter(int size)
      This method increases the size of the int-stack istack by size and returns the previous size of the stack.
      size - size increment
      previous value of stack size
      See Also: