All Classes and Interfaces

Base class for abrupt completions.
An abrupt completion due to a break or continue.
This class wraps an abrupt completion that has to be transferred (non-locally) to a statically containing routine invocation before Java's catching mechanism comes into play.
An abrupt completion due to a return.
An abrupt completion due to a thrown Throwable.
An abstract implementation of the Annotation interface, containing a mechanism for registering change listeners.
Adds auto-completion to a text component.
A convenience class for creating new classes that implement the Block interface.
A base class that can be used to create a label or tooltip generator that can be assigned to a CategoryItemRenderer.
An abstract base class that you can use to implement a new CategoryItemRenderer.
Base class for possible completions.
A base class for completion providers.
A comparator that compares the input text of a Completion against a String lexicographically, ignoring case.
An abstract implementation of the Dataset interface, containing a mechanism for registering change listeners.
A base class that can be used to implement a DialLayer.
An base class that you can use to create new implementations of the IntervalXYDataset interface.
A list of objects that can grow as required.
A base class for implementing overlays for a ChartPanel.
A base class used for generating pie chart item labels.
A base class for handling the distribution of pie section labels.
Base class providing common services for renderers.
An abstract implementation of the SeriesDataset interface, containing a mechanism for registering change listeners.
The interface that must be supported by annotations that are to be added to an XYPlot.
An base class that you can use to create new implementations of the XYDataset interface.
A base class for creating item label generators.
A base class that can be used to create new XYItemRenderer implementations.
An base class that you can use to create new implementations of the XYZDataset interface.
Translated from orignal C++ Lignum code.
The adaptive supersampling algorithm is a nonuniform supersampling algorithm.
The turtle command AdjustLU performs a rotation about the local z-axis (the turtle's head axis) such that the angle between the rotated local y-axis (the turtle's up axis) and the global z-axis becomes minimal.
AdvancedSettings is a little JFrame which provides additional settings to the plugin user interface.
An instance of Aggregate is used in aggregate method invocations as specified by the XL programming language.
An instance of AggregateState is used in aggregate method invocations as specified by the XL programming language.
Utility class which implements all AggregateState interfaces and provides some general fields for storing state.
A utility class for aligning rectangles.
Generates images using a simple alpha fading strategy.
Compute the alpha-Shape of a point set, using Delaunay triangulation.
This class implements an ambient light.
This class contains a set of static analysis functions which are similar to the analysis functions of the GROGRA software.
The base interface for annotations.
An event that can be forwarded to any AnnotationChangeListener to signal a change to an Annotation.
The interface that must be supported by classes that wish to receive notification of changes to an Annotation.
A implementation of this interface encapsulates a single antialising methode that is based on prefiltering.
An implementation of this interface encapsulates a single antialiasing method that is based on prefiltering.
This class is mainly a wrapper for a JSON object, therefore it is possible to add values to free or predefined fields.
A base class for creating the main frame for simple applications.
A standard frame for the DialPlot class.
A category item renderer that draws area charts.
An enumeration of the 'end types' for an area renderer.
A utility class for checking method arguments.
An interface to define requirements for a number to perform arithmetic operations.
An object that is responsible for arranging a collection of Blocks within a BlockContainer.
Adapter for array-like things.
Array iterators can also go backwards and seek.
ELKI style Iterator for array lists.
Minimal implementation of a point in a arraycloud.
Helper class for array operations.
Utility methods for working with arrays.
Utility class, that provides vector-arithmetic methods to be applied to float arrays.
A needle in the shape of an arrow.
This is the base class of turtle commands which assign a value to a state variable of the turtle and have a single parameter.
An Attribute represents an attribute of nodes and edges in a Graph.
Some utility methods for working with AttributedString objects.
This graph filter may be used as superclass for graph filters which overwrite attribute values of their source graphs.
Some AttributedString utilities.
Interface that define the required methods for a text panel to be able to auto complete the text in a document.
Default interface that textarea needs to implements to define the required methods for autocompletion The classes that implements this interface MUST extends JComponent
An extended text area used by an AutoCompletable panel
The actual popup window of choices.
An event fired by an instance of AutoCompletion.
Enumeration of the various types of this event.
An interface that allows listening for interesting events from an AutoCompletion.
Manages the colors shared across the library.
Registry Item that create an AutoCompletor.
If the compiler flag EnableAutoconversionAnnotation is enabled, only functions tagged with this annotation are subject to autoconversion.
The AutoRenderJob encapsulates the automatic simulation and rendering of images into a Job in order to be processed by a Worker.
Instances of AvoidIntersection helps to detected potential intersection by using rays (Line).
Translated from orignal C++ Lignum code.
The base class for all axes in JFreeChart.
A 4 element axis angle represented by double precision floating point x,y,z,angle components.
A 4 element axis angle represented by single precision floating point x,y,z,angle components.
A change event that encapsulates information about a change to an axis.
The interface that must be supported by classes that wish to receive notification of changes to an axis.
A collection of axes that have been assigned to the TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT or RIGHT of a chart.
A class that captures information about an Axis belonging to a chart.
Used to indicate the location of an axis label.
Used to indicate the location of an axis on a 2D plot, prior to knowing the orientation of the plot.
A record that contains the space required at each edge of a plot.
Instances of this class are used to carry state information for an axis during the drawing process.
The interface for plugin painter for the BarRenderer class.
A CategoryItemRenderer that draws individual data items as bars.
A scope where one key can be several symbols: e.g. one method name can be several method in the scope.
An abstract base class used to house common functionality.
This is a simple implementation of the abstract class #Billboarder.
A straightforward Completion implementation.
Translated from orignal C++ Lignum code.
A block is an arbitrary item that can be drawn (in Java2D space) within a rectangular area, has a preferred size, and can be arranged by an Arrangement manager.
A border for a block.
A container for a collection of Block objects.
A block frame is a type of border that can be drawn around the outside of any AbstractBlock.
A standard parameter object that can be passed to the draw() method defined by the Block class.
Used to return results from the draw() method in the Block class.
A BlockScope represents a scope for local variables.
BooleanAggregateState is the subinterface of AggregateState that is used for aggregate methods with return value of type boolean.
BooleanConsumer is a callback interface.
BooleanFilterState is the subinterface of FilterState that is used for filter methods with return value of type boolean.
A BooleanList represents a list of boolean values.
A list of Boolean objects.
Instances of BooleanSynth are used in the context of the method Library.synthesize(Object, ObjectToObjectGenerator, ObjectToBoolean).
Instances of BooleanToBoolean represent functions which take booleans as input and return values of type boolean.
Instances of BooleanToBooleanGenerator represent generator functions which take booleans as input and yield sequences of values of type boolean.
Instances of BooleanToByte represent functions which take booleans as input and return values of type byte.
Instances of BooleanToByteGenerator represent generator functions which take booleans as input and yield sequences of values of type byte.
Instances of BooleanToChar represent functions which take booleans as input and return values of type char.
Instances of BooleanToCharGenerator represent generator functions which take booleans as input and yield sequences of values of type char.
Instances of BooleanToDouble represent functions which take booleans as input and return values of type double.
Instances of BooleanToDoubleGenerator represent generator functions which take booleans as input and yield sequences of values of type double.
Instances of BooleanToFloat represent functions which take booleans as input and return values of type float.
Instances of BooleanToFloatGenerator represent generator functions which take booleans as input and yield sequences of values of type float.
Instances of BooleanToInt represent functions which take booleans as input and return values of type int.
Instances of BooleanToIntGenerator represent generator functions which take booleans as input and yield sequences of values of type int.
Instances of BooleanToLong represent functions which take booleans as input and return values of type long.
Instances of BooleanToLongGenerator represent generator functions which take booleans as input and yield sequences of values of type long.
Instances of BooleanToObject represent functions which take booleans as input and return values of type V.
Instances of BooleanToObjectGenerator represent generator functions which take booleans as input and yield sequences of values of type V.
Instances of BooleanToShort represent functions which take booleans as input and return values of type short.
Instances of BooleanToShortGenerator represent generator functions which take booleans as input and yield sequences of values of type short.
Instances of BooleanToVoid represent functions which take booleans as input and return values of type void.
Instances of BooleanToVoidGenerator represent generator functions which take booleans as input and yield sequences of values of type void.
A registry item that checks the boolean value of an option.
An arrangement manager that lays out blocks in a similar way to Swing's BorderLayout class.
Translated from orignal C++ Lignum code.
This class represents an axis-aligned bounding box.
Wrapper class.
Wrapper class.
Wrapper class.
A utility class that calculates the mean, median, quartiles Q1 and Q3, plus a list of outlier values...all from an arbitrary list of Number objects.
A category dataset that defines various medians, outliers and an average value for each item.
Represents one data item within a box-and-whisker dataset.
A box-and-whisker renderer.
An item label generator for plots that use data from a BoxAndWhiskerCategoryDataset.
An interface that defines data in the form of (x, max, min, average, median) tuples.
An item label generator for plots that use data from a BoxAndWhiskerXYDataset.
Translated from orignal C++ Lignum code.
Translated from orignal C++ Lignum code.
Browser launcher class, used to open a web page inside a current default browser.
An item label generator defined for use with the XYBubbleRenderer class, or any other class that uses an XYZDataset.
ByteAggregateState is the subinterface of AggregateState that is used for aggregate methods with return value of type byte.
Class to convert from and to byte arrays (in index structures).
ByteConsumer is a callback interface.
ByteFilterState is the subinterface of FilterState that is used for filter methods with return value of type byte.
A ByteList represents a list of byte values.
Instances of ByteSynth are used in the context of the method Library.synthesize(Object, ObjectToObjectGenerator, ObjectToByte).
Instances of ByteToBoolean represent functions which take bytes as input and return values of type boolean.
Instances of ByteToBooleanGenerator represent generator functions which take bytes as input and yield sequences of values of type boolean.
Instances of ByteToByte represent functions which take bytes as input and return values of type byte.
Instances of ByteToByteGenerator represent generator functions which take bytes as input and yield sequences of values of type byte.
Instances of ByteToChar represent functions which take bytes as input and return values of type char.
Instances of ByteToCharGenerator represent generator functions which take bytes as input and yield sequences of values of type char.
Instances of ByteToDouble represent functions which take bytes as input and return values of type double.
Instances of ByteToDoubleGenerator represent generator functions which take bytes as input and yield sequences of values of type double.
Instances of ByteToFloat represent functions which take bytes as input and return values of type float.
Instances of ByteToFloatGenerator represent generator functions which take bytes as input and yield sequences of values of type float.
Instances of ByteToInt represent functions which take bytes as input and return values of type int.
Instances of ByteToIntGenerator represent generator functions which take bytes as input and yield sequences of values of type int.
Instances of ByteToLong represent functions which take bytes as input and return values of type long.
Instances of ByteToLongGenerator represent generator functions which take bytes as input and yield sequences of values of type long.
Instances of ByteToObject represent functions which take bytes as input and return values of type V.
Instances of ByteToObjectGenerator represent generator functions which take bytes as input and yield sequences of values of type V.
Instances of ByteToShort represent functions which take bytes as input and return values of type short.
Instances of ByteToShortGenerator represent generator functions which take bytes as input and yield sequences of values of type short.
Instances of ByteToVoid represent functions which take bytes as input and return values of type void.
Instances of ByteToVoidGenerator represent generator functions which take bytes as input and yield sequences of values of type void.
The turtle command C(x) sets TurtleState.carbon to the specified argument x.
The turtle command C0 resets TurtleState.carbon to its initial value (as defined in TurtleState.initialState).
Interface for all GLSLShaders.
Render scene-graph to deferred shading textures using MaterialShaders (these are activated by GLDisplay per Node)
Render scene-graph to deferred shading textures using MaterialShaders (these are activated by GLDisplay per Node)
The turtle command CAdd(x) increments TurtleState.carbon by the specified argument x.
The object which has to be rendered will separate into cake-pieces.
A renderer that draws candlesticks on an XYPlot (requires a OHLCDataset).
Used to indicate one of three positions within a category: START, MIDDLE and END.
The interface that must be supported by annotations that are to be added to a CategoryPlot.
An axis that displays categories.
Represents state information for the crosshairs in a CategoryPlot.
The interface for a dataset with one or more series, and values associated with categories.
A SAX handler for reading a CategoryDataset from an XML file.
A chart entity that represents one item within a category plot.
A category item label generator is an object that can be assigned to a CategoryItemRenderer and that assumes responsibility for creating text items to be used as labels for the items in a CategoryPlot.
A plug-in object that is used by the CategoryPlot class to display individual data items from a CategoryDataset.
An object that retains temporary state information for a CategoryItemRenderer.
An entity to represent the labels on a CategoryAxis.
The attributes that control the position of the labels for the categories on a CategoryAxis.
Records the label positions for a category axis.
Represents the width types for a category label.
A line annotation that can be placed on a CategoryPlot.
A marker for a category.
A general plotting class that uses data from a CategoryDataset and renders each data item using a CategoryItemRenderer.
An arrow and label that can be placed on a CategoryPlot.
An interface that can (optionally) be implemented by a dataset to assist in determining the minimum and maximum y-values.
A handler for reading a series for a category dataset.
A generator that creates labels for the series in a CategoryDataset.
A "step" renderer similar to XYStepRenderer but that can be used with the CategoryPlot class.
State information for the renderer.
An implementation variant of the TableXYDataset where every series shares the same x-values (required for generating stacked area charts).
A text annotation that can be placed on a CategoryPlot.
A tick for a CategoryAxis.
A category tool tip generator is an object that can be assigned to a CategoryItemRenderer and that assumes responsibility for creating text items to be used as tooltips for the items in a CategoryPlot.
A PieDataset implementation that obtains its data from one row or column of a CategoryDataset.
A URL generator for items in a CategoryDataset.
CClass is used by the compiler to build up the class information during compilation.
A CellIterator is used to iterate over the cells of an octree which are intersected by a line.
Arranges a block in the center of its container.
The mode for the center text on a RingPlot.
Translated from orignal C++ Lignum code.
Translated from orignal C++ Lignum code.
An extension of LayerPainter that allows the user to change several of its properties: Its color/fill style (can use a GradientPaint, for example). Whether the edges of a painted highlight are rounded. Whether painted highlights have translucency.
This ChangeModelListener is used to make sure SpinnerModels does not exceed the limits.
This class serves as a base class for input to ChannelMap-based computations.
CharAggregateState is the subinterface of AggregateState that is used for aggregate methods with return value of type char.
CharConsumer is a callback interface.
CharFilterState is the subinterface of FilterState that is used for filter methods with return value of type char.
A CharList represents a list of char values.
Instances of CharSynth are used in the context of the method Library.synthesize(Object, ObjectToObjectGenerator, ObjectToChar).
A change event that encapsulates information about a change to a chart.
Defines tokens used to indicate an event type.
The interface that must be supported by classes that wish to receive notification of chart events.
Class to extend the number of Colors available to the charts.
A chart editor is typically a JComponent containing a user interface for modifying the properties of a chart.
A factory for creating new ChartEditor instances.
The central point for obtaining ChartEditor instances for editing charts.
A class that captures information about some component of a chart (a bar, line etc).
A collection of utility methods for creating some standard charts with JFreeChart.
A frame for displaying a chart.
Special rendering hints that can be used internally by JFreeChart or by specialised implementations of the Graphics2D API.
A key for rendering hints that can be used with JFreeChart (in addition to the regular Java2D rendering hints).
A mouse event for a chart that is displayed in a ChartPanel.
The interface that must be implemented by classes that wish to receive ChartMouseEvent notifications from a ChartPanel.
Instances of CharToBoolean represent functions which take chars as input and return values of type boolean.
Instances of CharToBooleanGenerator represent generator functions which take chars as input and yield sequences of values of type boolean.
Instances of CharToByte represent functions which take chars as input and return values of type byte.
Instances of CharToByteGenerator represent generator functions which take chars as input and yield sequences of values of type byte.
Instances of CharToChar represent functions which take chars as input and return values of type char.
Instances of CharToCharGenerator represent generator functions which take chars as input and yield sequences of values of type char.
Instances of CharToDouble represent functions which take chars as input and return values of type double.
Instances of CharToDoubleGenerator represent generator functions which take chars as input and yield sequences of values of type double.
Instances of CharToFloat represent functions which take chars as input and return values of type float.
Instances of CharToFloatGenerator represent generator functions which take chars as input and yield sequences of values of type float.
Instances of CharToInt represent functions which take chars as input and return values of type int.
Instances of CharToIntGenerator represent generator functions which take chars as input and yield sequences of values of type int.
Instances of CharToLong represent functions which take chars as input and return values of type long.
Instances of CharToLongGenerator represent generator functions which take chars as input and yield sequences of values of type long.
Instances of CharToObject represent functions which take chars as input and return values of type V.
Instances of CharToObjectGenerator represent generator functions which take chars as input and yield sequences of values of type V.
Instances of CharToShort represent functions which take chars as input and return values of type short.
Instances of CharToShortGenerator represent generator functions which take chars as input and yield sequences of values of type short.
Instances of CharToVoid represent functions which take chars as input and return values of type void.
Instances of CharToVoidGenerator represent generator functions which take chars as input and yield sequences of values of type void.
A Swing GUI component for displaying a JFreeChart object.
An event that contains information about the drawing progress of a chart.
The interface that must be supported by classes that wish to receive notification of chart progress events.
A structure for storing rendering information from one call to the JFreeChart.draw() method.
A ChartTheme a class that can apply a style or 'theme' to a chart.
A class used to represent a chart on the clipboard.
A collection of utility methods for JFreeChart.
A completion provider that do not manage the completion itself.
This spectral curve represents a given (x,y) chromaticity pair as explained in the sun/sky paper (section A.5)
This class implements a graph changing layout.
The turtle command Cl(x) sets TurtleState.localCarbon to the specified argument x.
The turtle command ClAdd(x) sets TurtleState.localCarbon to the sum of TurtleState.carbon and the specified argument x.
A completion for classes
A completion provider that check the text to the carret position, then, depending on the completioncontext it: if the CompletionContext.getContext() == NEWCLASS: it try to match the ClassCompletion.getName() to the entered text and autocomplete it with the ClassCompletion.getConstructors() if the CompletionContext.getContext() == INCLASS: it try to find match the name of the class with getEnteredClass() if it is not null (a.k.a. a CompletionClass matches) it will complete based on the ClassCompletion.getInternals()
A symbol representing the class.
A class/type that has been imported through imports (import xx.xx.MyClass)
Possible states in which the current readline operation may be in.
A simple text panel that can take string data as input & output.
The turtle command ClMul(x) sets TurtleState.localCarbon to the product of the field TurtleState.carbon and the specified argument x.
Utilities for cloning.
Abstract object that represent the data structure of a cloud of objects.
A point of a Cloud object
All object in a cloud are part of a cloud context.
Base implementation of a CloudGraphBase
CloudGraph is a cloud data structure that represent it "points" as node in the project graph.
An extension of a Cloud array to view point as list.
An extension of XYBarRenderer that displays bars for different series values at the same x next to each other.
The turtle command CMul(x) multiplies TurtleState.carbon by the specified argument x.
This object represent a collection of several clouds
Intermediate node in a collection cloud that "hide" the display of the point in the graph bellow.
Nodes whose display in the graph are handled by collectiondisplay object should implements this.
A collectiondisplay object.
A collection to display a graph of polygonizable object into meshes.
A class that behave similarly to CollectionMesh but that isn't a node.
A collection that store information for displaying a graph of points.
Similar to CollectionPoint but designed to not be part of the graph
This interface is used to store more information during the computation of the LightModel.
This class stores some useful information about incoming rays of an corresponding object, which has received a certain ray.
This class distinguish
This class stores some useful information about incoming rays of an corresponding object, which has received a certain ray.
A 3 element color represented by single precision floating point x,y,z coordinates.
A 4 element color represented by single precision floating point x,y,z,w coordinates.
A block that is filled with a single color.
This interface is helper to mark other Shaders instead of Phong as an owner of a ColorMapNode.
Arranges blocks in a column layout.
A combined category plot where the domain axis is shared.
An extension of XYPlot that contains multiple subplots that share a common domain axis.
A combined category plot where the range axis is shared.
An extension of XYPlot that contains multiple subplots that share a common range axis.
A Command is an object which can be executed by a set of methods of a JobManager.
The CommandLineProgress is an observer for objects, which are ProgressObservable.
Represents one (Comparable, Object) data item for use in a ComparableObjectSeries.
A (possibly ordered) list of (Comparable, Object) data items.
Generic implementation of version comparison.
A formatter that displays numbers as directions.
A specialised plot that draws a compass to indicate a direction based on the value from a ValueDataset.
A CompilationUnit is a simple collection of items which constitute the complete input of a single source file for the XL compiler.
An CompiledRGGFilter reads a byte stream representing a JAR file into a CompilationUnit.
This helper class is the superclass of Compiler.
This class contains the set of all compiler options.
This CompiletimeModel is used by an XL compiler to parameterize property-related aspects of XL language features.
A CompileModel is used by an XL compiler to parametrize the access to graph-like data sources in queries.
A compile-time Property is declared by the current CompiletimeModel and represents a property as defined by the specification of the XL programming language.
Represents a completion choice.
A cell renderer that adds some pizazz when rendering the standard Completion types, like Eclipse and NetBeans do.
Context in which the completion happens.
Provides autocompletion values to an AutoCompletion.
A base class for all standard completion providers.
A title that contains multiple titles within a BlockContainer.
This abstract class can be used as base class for compound volumes whose geometry is defined in terms of a set of contained volumes.
This abstract class has to be used as base class for concurrent tasks in the context of an RGG.
This class implements a list of ConcurrentTasks.
Wrapper class.
Wrapper class.
This class divides a Cone into triangle patches.
Wrapper class.
This class represents the geometry of a cone.
A Configurable object defines a set of configurable options.
A Configuration is a ModifiableMap which uses Strings as keys and maintains three levels of associations: The basic level is represented by default values and is not modified by methods of this class.
A ConfigurationSet is a ModifiableMap and consists of a set of Configurations.
A Connector is used to specify a connection of a new node with a graph at a position which is given by an existing node in the graph.
A Console represents a Panel of the GUI which provides textual input and output.
A ConsoleWriter is a PrintWriter with the additional possibility to set the text color to use.
Very simple class equivalent to a constant spectral curve.
Very simple class equivalent to a constant spectral curve.
The value of the field are stored in the Return parameter
The abstract class that define the registry items stored in the /statics directory
Parses the method xml description file (Platfor-Core/jel.xml) and returns a object representation of it.
A Context represents some object in the context of the graphical user interface.
This interface is implemented by attribute values and other objects whose semantics may depend on the object context of the current GraphState.
A continuous generator provides a double value according to the distribution it relies on.
This class provides methods to transform coordinates from a coordinatesystem to another one.
This class sets up primary transparency information and renders emissive materials which may need to be removed and worked into light shaders!
This class sets up primary transparency information and renders emissive materials which may need to be removed and worked into light shaders!
A crosshair for display on a plot.
A label generator for crosshairs.
An overlay for a ChartPanel that draws crosshairs on a chart.
Maintains state information about crosshairs on a plot between successive calls to the renderer's draw method.
An instance of this class represents the complement of a volume.
An instance of this class represents the difference of a list of volumes.
An instance of this class represents the intersection of a list of volumes.
An instance of this class represents the union of a list of volumes as defined by Constructive Solid Geometry.
A utility class for reading CategoryDataset data from a CSV file.
This class divides a Cube into triangle patches.
This class represents the geometry of a cube.
A custom URL generator.
A custom URL generator for pie charts.
A tool tip generator that stores custom tooltips.
A custom URL generator.
A special parameter-class for the cutCone-function in the Math2-class.
A special parameter-class for the cutRay2-function in the Math2-class.
This class provides native access to the CVODE library using JNA.
Wrapper to CVODE2 library.
Wrapper to CVODE library.
This class provides native access to the CVODE library using JNA.
This function computes the ODE right-hand side for a given value of the independent variable t and state vector y.
This function implements a vector-valued function g(t, y) such that the roots of the nrtfn components gi(t, y) are sought.
This class extends NumberAxis and handles cycling.
A special Number tick that also hold information about the cycle bound mapping for this tick.
The Cyclic XY item renderer is specially designed to handle cyclic axis.
A dataset to hold the interpolated points when drawing new lines.
Wrapper class.
Wrapper class.
This class divides a Cylinder into triangle patches.
Wrapper class.
This class represents the geometry of a cylinder.
The turtle command D(x) sets TurtleState.diameter to the specified argument x.
The turtle command D0 resets TurtleState.diameter to its initial value (as defined in TurtleState.initialState).
The turtle command DAdd(x) increments TurtleState.diameter by the specified argument x.
A symbol representing a collection of data like a struct or class.
A Datacell represents a aingle cell of a tabular Dataset.
A resource bundle that stores all the items that might need localisation.
A resource bundle that stores all the items that might need localisation.
A resource bundle that stores all the items that might need localisation.
A resource bundle that stores all the items that might need localisation.
A resource bundle that stores all the items that might need localisation.
A resource bundle that stores all the items that might need localisation.
A Dataseries represents a row or a column of a Dataset.
A Dataset contains a set of Datacells which are arranged in a tabular scheme, i.e., in rows and columns.
The base interface for data sets.
A change event that encapsulates information about a change to a dataset.
The interface that must be supported by classes that wish to receive notification of changes to a dataset.
A class that is used to group datasets (currently not used for any specific purpose).
A utility class for reading datasets from XML.
Defines the tokens that indicate the rendering order for datasets in a CategoryPlot or an XYPlot.
Constants for the tags that identify the elements in the XML files.
A collection of useful static methods relating to datasets.
Utility methods for use with some of the data classes (but not the datasets, see DatasetUtils).
The base class for axes that display dates.
A range specified in terms of two java.util.Date objects.
A tick used by the DateAxis class.
Used to indicate the required position of tick marks on a date axis relative to the underlying time period.
A tick unit for use by subclasses of DateAxis.
An enumeration of the unit types for a DateTickUnit instance.
A chart title that displays the date.
A DavidsonHarelLayout computes a graph layout based on the force based DavidsonHarel model.
Represents a single day in the range 1-Jan-1900 to 31-Dec-9999.
This helper class is used to control the debugging facilities.
A convenience class that provides a default implementation of the BoxAndWhiskerCategoryDataset interface.
A simple implementation of the BoxAndWhiskerXYDataset interface.
A default implementation of the CategoryDataset interface.
A default renderer for the CategoryPlot class.
A default implementation of the ChartEditorFactory interface.
A basic completion provider implementation.
A default implementation of the DrawingSupplier interface.
A dataset representing flows between source and destination nodes.
A default implementation of the HeatMapDataset interface.
A simple implementation of the OHLCDataset interface.
A convenience class that provides a default implementation of the IntervalCategoryDataset interface.
A dataset that defines a range (interval) for both the x-values and the y-values.
A (key, value) pair.
A default implementation of the KeyedValueDataset interface.
An ordered list of (key, value) items.
A data structure that stores zero, one or many values, where each value is associated with two keys (a 'row' key and a 'column' key).
A default implementation of the KeyedValues2DDataset interface.
A default implementation of the KeyedValuesDataset interface.
This class implements a standard LightProcessor.
A panel for editing properties of a LogAxis.
A category dataset that defines multiple values for each item.
A simple implementation of the OHLCDataset interface.
A default implementation of the PieDataset interface.
A renderer that can be used with the PolarPlot class.
A panel for editing the properties of a PolarPlot.
A default implementation of the ShadowGenerator interface, based on code in a blog post by Romain Guy.
A convenience class that provides a default implementation of the StatisticalCategoryDataset interface.
An XYDataset where every series shares the same x-values (required for generating stacked area charts).
A dataset that stores a single value (that is possibly null).
A default implementation of the WindDataset interface.
A default implementation of the XYDataset interface that stores data values in arrays of double primitives.
A default renderer for the XYPlot class.
A default implementation of the XYZDataset interface that stores data values in arrays of double primitives.
An instance of Described provides descriptions for an object.
Passed to ExternalURLHandlers as a way for them to display a summary for a new completion in response to a link event.
A specialised subclass of the XYLineAndShapeRenderer that requires an IntervalXYDataset and represents the y-interval by shading an area behind the y-values on the chart.
A state object that is passed to each call to drawItem().
A specialised subclass of the DeviationRenderer that requires an IntervalXYDataset and represents the y-interval by shading an area behind the y-values on the chart, drawing only horizontal or vertical lines (steps);
A regular dial layer that can be used to draw the background for a dial.
A regular dial layer that can be used to draw a cap over the center of the dial (the base of the dial pointer(s)).
A dial frame is the face plate for a dial plot - it is always drawn last.
A dial layer draws itself within a reference frame.
An event that can be forwarded to any DialLayerChangeListener to signal a change to a DialLayer.
The interface via which an object is notified of changes to a DialLayer.
A dial plot composed of user-definable layers.
A base class for the pointer in a DialPlot.
A dial pointer that draws a thin line (like a pin).
A dial pointer.
A dial scale is a specialised layer that has the ability to convert data values into angles.
Used to indicate the background shape for a MeterPlot.
A text annotation for a DialPlot.
A value indicator for a DialPlot.
Transforms a GradientPaint to range over the width of a target shape.
This class implements a directional light.
A continuous generator provides a long value according to the distribution it relies on.
This abstract visitor is used as base class
Object that might need to be disposed when the Node that hold the field is removed from the graph.
Wrap event listener that happen in a view.
Translated from orignal C++ Lignum code.
offers several discrete and continuous distributions all seeded by a common well-spaced pseudo random number generator (PRNG).
The turtle command Dl(x) sets TurtleState.localDiameter to the specified argument x.
The turtle command DlAdd(x) sets TurtleState.localDiameter to the sum of TurtleState.diameter and the specified argument x.
The turtle command DlMul(x) sets TurtleState.localDiameter to the product of the field TurtleState.diameter and the specified argument x.
The turtle command DMul(x) multiplies TurtleState.diameter by the specified argument x.
A range of text in a document.
An interface (optional) that can be implemented by a dataset to assist in determining the minimum and maximum values.
Used to indicate sorting order if any (ascending, descending or none).
This subinterface of FilterSource has to be implemented by filter sources whose flavor supports DOM trees (IOFlavor.DOM).
DoubleAggregateState is the subinterface of AggregateState that is used for aggregate methods with return value of type double.
DoubleConsumer is a callback interface.
Pair storing two doubles.
DoubleFilterState is the subinterface of FilterState that is used for filter methods with return value of type double.
Pair storing an integer and a double.
A DoubleList represents a list of double values.
Class to find the minimum and maximum double values in data.
Instances of DoubleSynth are used in the context of the method Library.synthesize(Object, ObjectToObjectGenerator, ObjectToDouble).
Instances of DoubleToBoolean represent functions which take doubles as input and return values of type boolean.
Instances of DoubleToBooleanGenerator represent generator functions which take doubles as input and yield sequences of values of type boolean.
Instances of DoubleToByte represent functions which take doubles as input and return values of type byte.
Instances of DoubleToByteGenerator represent generator functions which take doubles as input and yield sequences of values of type byte.
Instances of DoubleToChar represent functions which take doubles as input and return values of type char.
Instances of DoubleToCharGenerator represent generator functions which take doubles as input and yield sequences of values of type char.
Instances of DoubleToDouble represent functions which take doubles as input and return values of type double.
Instances of DoubleToDoubleGenerator represent generator functions which take doubles as input and yield sequences of values of type double.
Instances of DoubleToFloat represent functions which take doubles as input and return values of type float.
Instances of DoubleToFloatGenerator represent generator functions which take doubles as input and yield sequences of values of type float.
Instances of DoubleToInt represent functions which take doubles as input and return values of type int.
Instances of DoubleToIntGenerator represent generator functions which take doubles as input and yield sequences of values of type int.
Instances of DoubleToLong represent functions which take doubles as input and return values of type long.
Instances of DoubleToLongGenerator represent generator functions which take doubles as input and yield sequences of values of type long.
Instances of DoubleToObject represent functions which take doubles as input and return values of type V.
Instances of DoubleToObjectGenerator represent generator functions which take doubles as input and yield sequences of values of type V.
Instances of DoubleToShort represent functions which take doubles as input and return values of type short.
Instances of DoubleToShortGenerator represent generator functions which take doubles as input and yield sequences of values of type short.
Instances of DoubleToVoid represent functions which take doubles as input and return values of type void.
Instances of DoubleToVoidGenerator represent generator functions which take doubles as input and yield sequences of values of type void.
A DragEvent represents a mouse-drag event.
A DragEvent3D represents a drag event in a 3D view.
An interface for an object that can draw itself within an area on a Graphics2D.
Container for Drawables.
A supplier of Paint, Stroke and Shape objects for use by plots and renderers.
Simple ToneMapping to render results of the hd-lighting passes.
Simple ToneMapping to render results of the hd-lighting passes.
Simple ToneMapping to render results of the hd-lighting passes.
Simple ToneMapping to render results of the hd-lighting passes.
Translated from orignal C++ Lignum code.
Generates tooltips using the Dynamic Drive DHTML Tip Message library (
A dynamic dataset.
A EadesLayout computes a graph layout based on the force based eades model.
An Edge represents an edge of a graph which is to be layouted by a Layout.
This class implements an edge-based graph changing layout.
This class implements an edge-based graph changing layout.
Process deferred shading textures and render results into float-Textures (ping-pong'ing)
Process deferred shading textures and render results into float-Textures (ping-pong'ing)
An EdgeIterator is used to iterate over the edges of a node.
An EdgePattern is a boolean function which can be applied to edges in the context of graph traversal.
An EditEvent is an event within the context of the graphical user interface.
Translated from orignal C++ Lignum code.
Translated from orignal C++ Lignum code.
Shared object provider for object that are created in the project graph.
Object that is read/write from a file but created on runtime from the project graph.
The Emitter interface is the superinterface for all entities which emit a quantity of light transport: Light sources emit radiance, Sensors emit importance.
An empty block with a fixed size.
A standard icon that doesn't paint anything.
This class represents an empty volume, i.e., a volume which contains no point.
A collection of utility methods for encoding images and returning them as a byte[] or writing them directly to an OutputStream.
A EnergyModelLAyout computes a graph layout based on the rPolyLog-Model
An interface that is used by the draw() method of some Block implementations to determine whether or not to generate entities for the items within the block.
Provides access to the EntityCollection generated when a block is drawn.
This interface defines the methods used to access an ordered list of ChartEntity objects.
An EnumerationType is a type whose values are drawn from an enumeration.
This class serves as input to scattering calculations.
This represents an EPS document.
EpsGraphics2D is suitable for creating high quality EPS graphics for use in documents and papers, and can be used just like a standard Graphics2D object.
EvaluateRadiationForCfTreeSegment evaluates shading caused by all other segments on this conifer segment.
Is just like EvaluateRadiationForCfTreeSegment but uses instead of Firmaments diffuseRegionRadiationSum diffuseForestRegionRadiationSum, that is, the tree is surrounded by identical trees that are taken care with Lambert-Beer extinction.
Translated from orignal C++ Lignum code.
This interface is a listener interface for the general event EventObject.
An instance of EventSupport can be used in implementations of Graph for the management of event listeners and for dispatching of events.
The ExportJob encapsulates the export of the video into a Job in order to be processed by a Worker.
This panel controls the video generation process
Utility functions for exporting charts to SVG and PDF format.
Expression is the base class for the internal representation of compiled expression trees.
An extended version of the CategoryAxis class that supports sublabels on the axis.
An Extent keeps track of all nodes of a specific class in a GraphManager.
A callback for when an external URL is clicked in the description window.
The turtle command F(x) represents a cylinder along the local z-direction.
The turtle command F0 represents a cylinder along the local z-direction.
The turtle command FAdd(x) represents a cylinder along the local z-direction.
A fast scatter plot.
Generic FeatureVector class that can contain any type of data (i.e. numerical or categorical attributes).
Factory API for this feature vector.
Opens a panel for providing feedback to the GroIMP developer team.
A Java wrapper for the FFmpeg tool.
A field symbol is just a variable that lives inside an aggregate like a class or struct.
This is a data class for video file formats.
This subinterface of FilterSource has to be implemented by filter sources whose flavor supports reading from an underlying File (IOFlavor.FILE_READER).
This subinterface of FilterSource has to be implemented by filter sources whose flavor supports writing to Files (IOFlavor.FILE_WRITER).
A Filter is the base for 3D image filtering operations.
A Filter is part of a filter pipeline, consisting of a chain of Filters and FilterSources.
An instance of Filter is used in filter method invocations as specified by the XL programming language.
This is a base class for the implementation of Filters.
A FilterDescriptor can be used as base class for GraphDescriptors of GraphFilters.
This factory class is used to represent a FilterSource in the registry.
Instances of FilterSource represent data sources in the pipeline of Filters.
An instance of FilterState is used in filter method invocations as specified by the XL programming language.
Translated from orignal C++ Lignum code.
This class tries to model a gap in a forest.
This class contains the first and last nodes of a produced graph at a particular scale.
This class is a wrapper to Apache Commons Math.
Wrapper for a java.util.Date object that allows it to be used as a RegularTimePeriod.
FloatAggregateState is the subinterface of AggregateState that is used for aggregate methods with return value of type float.
FloatConsumer is a callback interface.
FloatFilterState is the subinterface of FilterState that is used for filter methods with return value of type float.
A FloatList represents a list of float values.
Instances of FloatSynth are used in the context of the method Library.synthesize(Object, ObjectToObjectGenerator, ObjectToFloat).
Instances of FloatToBoolean represent functions which take floats as input and return values of type boolean.
Instances of FloatToBooleanGenerator represent generator functions which take floats as input and yield sequences of values of type boolean.
Instances of FloatToByte represent functions which take floats as input and return values of type byte.
Instances of FloatToByteGenerator represent generator functions which take floats as input and yield sequences of values of type byte.
Instances of FloatToChar represent functions which take floats as input and return values of type char.
Instances of FloatToCharGenerator represent generator functions which take floats as input and yield sequences of values of type char.
Instances of FloatToDouble represent functions which take floats as input and return values of type double.
Instances of FloatToDoubleGenerator represent generator functions which take floats as input and yield sequences of values of type double.
Instances of FloatToFloat represent functions which take floats as input and return values of type float.
Wrapper for FloatToFloat instances.
Instances of FloatToFloatGenerator represent generator functions which take floats as input and yield sequences of values of type float.
Instances of FloatToInt represent functions which take floats as input and return values of type int.
Instances of FloatToIntGenerator represent generator functions which take floats as input and yield sequences of values of type int.
Instances of FloatToLong represent functions which take floats as input and return values of type long.
Instances of FloatToLongGenerator represent generator functions which take floats as input and yield sequences of values of type long.
Instances of FloatToObject represent functions which take floats as input and return values of type V.
Instances of FloatToObjectGenerator represent generator functions which take floats as input and yield sequences of values of type V.
Instances of FloatToShort represent functions which take floats as input and return values of type short.
Instances of FloatToShortGenerator represent generator functions which take floats as input and yield sequences of values of type short.
Instances of FloatToVoid represent functions which take floats as input and return values of type void.
Instances of FloatToVoidGenerator represent generator functions which take floats as input and yield sequences of values of type void.
Arranges blocks in a flow layout.
A dataset representing value flows from a set of source nodes to a set of destination nodes.
Utility methods related to FlowDataset.
A chart entity representing the flow between two nodes in a FlowPlot.
FlowKey<K extends Comparable<K>>
A key that identifies a flow within a dataset.
A label generator for a flow in a flow dataset.
A plot for visualising flows defined in a FlowDataset.

The FluxLightModel class provides a spectral light model, used to compute the spectral light distribution in the current graph.
The turtle command FMul(x) represents a cylinder along the local z-direction.
A panel for choosing a font from the available system fonts - still a bit of a hack at the moment, but good enough for demonstration applications.
A field for displaying a font selection.
A ForceBasedLayout computes a graph layout based on a force model.
A second ForceBasedLayout computes a graph layout based on a force model.
ForestDescriptor collects descriptive statistics and indices for the forest in the voxel space.
Utility methods for output formatting of various number objects
This class contains the FormFactor value.
A Frame stores the current values of query Variables of a single query, including information if the variables are already bound to a value or not.
A FruchtermanReingoldLayout computes a graph layout based on the force based FruchtermanReingold model.
Class is used to realize the FruitObject-command in the DTD-syntax
Wrapper class.
Wrapper class.
This class divides a Frustum into triangle patches.
Wrapper class.
This class represents the geometry of a frustum.
This class represents the geometry of a cone.
This class represents a frustum with a variable number of sectors for the top and bottom surface.
A function of the form y = f(x).
A completion choice representing a function.
A basic class for function-parameters.
This symbol represents a function ala C, not a method ala Java.
A TextMeasurer based on a Graphics2D.
An extension of the IntervalCategoryDataset interface that adds support for multiple sub-intervals.
A renderer for simple Gantt charts.
The turtle command GD(x) sets TurtleState.generativeDistance to the specified argument x.
This class implements a general purpose layout
GenLloyd Library - Implementation of Generalized Lloyd (also known as Linde-Buzo-Gray or LBG) algorithm
Robust geometric predicates.
This class is responsible for drawing all visible objects in the GroIMP3D editor.
This class is responsible for drawing all visible objects in the GroIMP3D editor.
A scope associated with globals.
Implementation of AffineUVTransformation.
Implementation of the spot light type.
Trigger class.
Base for all ChannelMaps.
Implementation of the surface-shader: Checker.
Implementation of the directional light type.
Implementation of the directional light type.
Extension to the GLDisplay class to work with shaders generated by ShaderOGL
A container-class managing all FBOs used in oglslview
Simple class that represents GroImps FloatToFloat classes.
Implementation of Graytone
Implementation for ImageMap.
Convention: If ambient is set to less than -1.0 the pixel should not be lit, only its diffuse color will be used to render it.
Represents a class of Shaders that need to be recompiled for every property change.
Represents a class of Shaders that need to be recompiled for every property change.
Implementation of Shader: Phong.
Implementation of the point light type.
Implementation of the point light type.
Translation of all renderables implementing the interface Polygonizable.
Implementation of RGBAShader.
Implementation of Shader: RGBColor
Base for all complete shaders like
Implements a textureCube to be used in point light shadow generation and rendering.
This class is the base for all shadowmaps.
Implementation of Shader: SideSwitch.
Implements a textureCube to be used as a reference for Sky-Illumination.
Implementation of the directional light type.
Implementation of the directional light type.
Implementation of the directional light type.
Implementation of the spot light type.
Implementation of the spot light type.
Implementation of ChannelMaps implementing surface-shader: SyntheticTexture.
Simple Texture class base for some "deferred Textures" which setup data but create glTextures only on demand.
Implementation of Shader: VolumeTurbulence.
GLSLUpdateCache is an Implementation of GLDisplay.GLVisitor.
Simple class that will gather Scene information about the extend of all objects
Implementation of Shader: VolumeChecker
Base class for all volume shaders.
Implementation of Shader: VolumeTurbulence.
A double precision, general, real, and dynamically resizeable two dimensional N x M matrix class.
An implementation of the BarPainter interface that uses several gradient fills to enrich the appearance of the bars.
The interface for a class that can transform a GradientPaint to fit an arbitrary shape.
Represents a type of transform for a GradientPaint.
An implementation of the XYBarPainter interface that uses several gradient fills to enrich the appearance of the bars.
Classes to compute the convex hull of a set of points in 2D, using the classic Grahams scan.
A Graph represents a graph-like structure.
This class is an abstract base class for implementations of XL's runtime model for graph-like structures.
A Graph represents a single relational data source for XL's relational query and rewriting facilities within the context of a single thread (i.e., the methods are not thread-safe).
A GraphDescriptor represents the persistent information which is needed to obtain a specific Graph in the context of a View.
A GraphFilter is a Graph which has another graph as source and filters the data of the source graph.
This abstract class represents an ODE on a graph.
A GraphState provides a context to access and modify a Graph.
This class represents an object context.
A Utility-Class with helping methods for layouting graphs especially for hierarchical graph layouts
A paint scale that returns shades of gray.
The JComboBox for choosing ages
The JCheckBox for boolean Values
The Color Chooser including a label to display color and a button to open a color chooser to select color
The JComboBox for choosing constant or variable
The Environment Panel
The Geometry Panel
The Global Panel
The Allometry Panel in Growth Panel
The Growth Panel including 3 sub-panels: source panel,sink panel, allometry panel
The Sink Panel of Growth Panel
The Source Panel of Growth Panel
Main class for the GreenLab GUI.
Autor : Cong Ding Date: 14.02.2012, Michael Henke Date: 21.06.2004 Time: 03:36:05
The Output Panel
The Property File Reader this class reads the *.sci file and store as a HashMap, and is updated on time.
The TextField
The Tooltip Panel shows additional information for a selected parameter.
The Topology Panel
Arranges blocks in a grid within their container.
This Billboarder render the object slice by slice from the back to the front.
The GroIMPConnector is the GroIMP implementation of the VideoPluginConnector interface and gives access to GroIMPs ImageProviders and SimulationMethods.
A renderer that draws stacked bars within groups.
This Class creates a List of PatchGroups.
A GRSMesh looks for GRSVertex nodes in its object context (see Polygons), interprets them as a graph rotation system, and computes the corresponding polygonal mesh.
A GRSVertex is used in conjunction with a GRSMesh to define a graph rotation system.
A double precision, general, and dynamically resizeable one dimensional vector class.
The turtle command H(x) sets TurtleState.heartwood to the specified argument x.
The turtle command H0 resets TurtleState.heartwood to its initial value (as defined in TurtleState.initialState).
The turtle command HAdd(x) increments TurtleState.heartwood by the specified argument x.
This class represents the geometry of a half space.
Some utility methods for calculating hash codes.
Set the local z-axis (the turtle's head axis) so that it encompasses the given angle to the world's up axis.
The HeapMonitor can be used to measure the heap usage of the java application.
Enumeration of available output formats of the HeapMonitor.
A dataset that represents a rectangular grid of (x, y, z) values.
A utility class for the HeatMapDataset.
This class creates a hemicube and calculates the delta form factors.
A custom number formatter that formats numbers as hexadecimal strings.
A HierarchicalQueue equips an OutputQueue with a record-like, hierarchical structure.
A HierarchyLayout computes a graph layout based on a hierarchy model.
Base class that highlighter have to extends.
Class that handle the highlight of object in a View.
A standard item label generator for plots that use data from a OHLCDataset.
A renderer that draws high/low/open/close markers on an XYPlot (requires a OHLCDataset).
A bin for the HistogramDataset class.
A dataset that can be used for creating histograms.
A class for creating constants to represent the histogram type.
The turtle command Hl(x) sets TurtleState.localHeartwood to the specified argument x.
The turtle command HlAdd(x) sets TurtleState.localHeartwood to the sum of TurtleState.heartwood and the specified argument x.
The turtle command HlMul(x) sets TurtleState.localHeartwood to the product of the field TurtleState.heartwood and the specified argument x.
A custom number formatter that formats numbers (in seconds) as HH:MM:SS.
The turtle command HMul(x) multiplies TurtleState.heartwood by the specified argument x.
An enumeration of the horizontal alignment types (LEFT, RIGHT and CENTER).
Represents an hour in a specific day.
Utility methods useful when generating HTML representations of RSTA content.
Translated from orignal C++ Lignum code.
Interface for abstracting different types of image encoders.
Factory class for returning ImageEncoders for different ImageFormats.
Interface used for referencing different image formats.
Collection of utility methods related to producing image maps.
Small class to display images in a panel with a fixed size.
Object which is capable of creating VideoImage instances showing the current scene.
An ImageSequence is able to collect an ordered list of images.
Controller for an ImageSequence which grants write only access to the sequence.
Implements an ImageSequenceControl which grants changing access to the sequence given by objects creation by simply passing all method calls to the sequence.
Viewer for an ImageSequence which grants read only access to the sequence.
Implements an ImageSequenceView which grants read only access to the sequence given by objects creation by simply passing all method calls to the sequence.
A chart title that displays an image.
Samlung von Methoden fuer Verarbeitung von Bilder

Diese Klasse wird kostenfrei verbreitet und darf geaendert werden.

by Aleksej Tokarev 2011

Klasse mit Exception
This abstract base class represents the geometry of an implicit function.
Wrapper class.
An InputEditEvent is a consumable edit event.
This subinterface of FilterSource has to be implemented by filter sources whose flavor supports InputStreams (IOFlavor.INPUT_STREAM).
IntAggregateState is the subinterface of AggregateState that is used for aggregate methods with return value of type int.
IntConsumer is a callback interface.
This interface can be used to enable or disable the input on a plugin panel.
An Interior instance represents the interior of a solid object.
This class serves as input to Interior.attenuate(Input, Color3f).
An intermediate node in a point cloud graph.
The InterpolationJob encapsulates the interpolation of images into a Job in order to be processed by a Worker.
This panel controls the image generation process
This abstract class describes classes which can generate images between all images of an ImageSequence given by an ImageSequenceView and an ImageSequenceControl object.
Instances of Intersection specify the properties of an intersection point of a Line with the surface of a Volume.
This class contains a list of intersection points of a line with the surface of a Volume.
An implementation of this interface encapsulates the algorithm of intersection determination of a single ray in a 3D-scene.
This is a helpful utility class for intersection calculations.
This class is used to speed up the sphere intersection calculation.
A renderer that handles the drawing of bars for a bar plot where each bar has a high and low value.
A category dataset that defines a value range for each series/category combination.
A label generator for plots that use data from an IntervalCategoryDataset.
A tooltip generator for plots that use data from an IntervalCategoryDataset.
Represents an interval to be highlighted in some way.
An extension of the XYDataset interface that allows an x-interval and a y-interval to be defined.
A delegate that handles the specification or automatic calculation of the interval surrounding the x-values in a dataset.
An item label generator for datasets that implement the IntervalXYDataset interface.
A tooltip generator for datasets that implement the IntervalXYDataset interface.
An extension of the XYZDataset interface that allows a range of data to be defined for any of the X values, the Y values, and the Z values.
IntFilterState is the subinterface of FilterState that is used for filter methods with return value of type int.
Pair storing two integers.
A IntList represents a list of int values.
Instances of IntSynth are used in the context of the method Library.synthesize(Object, ObjectToObjectGenerator, ObjectToInt).
Instances of IntToBoolean represent functions which take ints as input and return values of type boolean.
Instances of IntToBooleanGenerator represent generator functions which take ints as input and yield sequences of values of type boolean.
Instances of IntToByte represent functions which take ints as input and return values of type byte.
Instances of IntToByteGenerator represent generator functions which take ints as input and yield sequences of values of type byte.
Instances of IntToChar represent functions which take ints as input and return values of type char.
Instances of IntToCharGenerator represent generator functions which take ints as input and yield sequences of values of type char.
Instances of IntToDouble represent functions which take ints as input and return values of type double.
Instances of IntToDoubleGenerator represent generator functions which take ints as input and yield sequences of values of type double.
Instances of IntToFloat represent functions which take ints as input and return values of type float.
Instances of IntToFloatGenerator represent generator functions which take ints as input and yield sequences of values of type float.
Instances of IntToInt represent functions which take ints as input and return values of type int.
Instances of IntToIntGenerator represent generator functions which take ints as input and yield sequences of values of type int.
Instances of IntToLong represent functions which take ints as input and return values of type long.
Instances of IntToLongGenerator represent generator functions which take ints as input and yield sequences of values of type long.
Instances of IntToObject represent functions which take ints as input and return values of type V.
Instances of IntToObjectGenerator represent generator functions which take ints as input and yield sequences of values of type V.
Instances of IntToShort represent functions which take ints as input and return values of type short.
Instances of IntToShortGenerator represent generator functions which take ints as input and yield sequences of values of type short.
Instances of IntToVoid represent functions which take ints as input and return values of type void.
Instances of IntToVoidGenerator represent generator functions which take ints as input and yield sequences of values of type void.
The IOContext contains informations about import and export the exchange graph format.
An IOFlavor is similar to a DataFlavor: For some data to be transfered in an IO operation, it describes both the type of data and the way how to transfer it.
This class allows spectral curves to be defined from irregularly sampled data.
This class allows spectral curves to be defined from irregularly sampled data.
A handler for reading key-value items.
A key that references a single data item in a dataset.
An enumeration of the positions that a value label can take, relative to an item in a CategoryPlot.
The attributes that control the position of the label for each data item on a chart.
Iterator interface for more than one return value.
Computes the convex hull of a set of p using the Jarvis algorithm.
A JFC/Swing based console for the BeanShell desktop.
A chart class implemented using the Java 2D APIs.
A class that captures information about an entire chart.
Localised resources for JFreeChart.
This abstract class defines a Job for the Worker class, which is ProgressObservable.
This JobListener defines methods, which are called by the Worker when a job is started, ended and the worker finished processing all jobs.
almost a direct copy from the IMP jobManager
A wrapper for the JRT filesystem, as groimp filesystem do not extend java filesystem.
A JSON array.
Classes that support customized output of JSON text shall implement this interface.
A JSON object.
Beans that support customized output of JSON text to a writer shall implement this interface.
A utility class that can read and write data in specific JSON formats.
Utility methods for JSON values.
A description of the properties of a key.
A (key, object) pair.
A collection of (key, object) pairs.
A data structure that stores zero, one or many objects, where each object is associated with two keys (a 'row' key and a 'column' key).
A (key, value) pair.
A utility class that can compare and order two KeyedValue instances and sort them into ascending or descending order by key or by value.
Used to indicate the type of a KeyedValueComparator : 'by key' or 'by value'.
A dataset containing a single value.
An ordered list of (key, value) items where the keys are unique and non-null.
An extension of the Values2D interface where a unique key is associated with the row and column indices.
A dataset containing (key, value) data items.
An object that references one data item in a KeyedValues2D data structure.
A dataset containing (key, value) data items.
A key that references one item in a KeyedValues data structure.
A SAX handler for reading a key.
A class that maps keys (instances of Comparable) to groups.
The turtle command L(x) sets TurtleState.length to the specified argument x.
The turtle command L0 resets TurtleState.length to its initial value (as defined in TurtleState.initialState).
A block containing a label.
The turtle command LAdd(x) increments TurtleState.length by the specified argument x.
A box with a parameterizable (sinus-)waves on the top side.
This class represents the geometry of a cube with the top side made of a lamella (parameterizable sinus function).
Provides a list of all supported languages by GroIMP.
Used to indicate either the foreground or background layer.
A CategoryItemRenderer that represents data using bars which are superimposed.
This class is the abstract base class for two-dimensional graph layouts.
Specialised layout manager for a grid of components.
Read the registry and map the name from the items bellow the filter to their given class.
Class is used to realize the LeafObject-command in the DTD-syntax
The graphical item within a legend item.
A temporary storage object for recording the properties of a legend item, without any consideration for layout issues.
A container that holds all the pieces of a single legend item.
A collection of legend items.
An entity that represents an item within a legend.
A source of legend items.
Represents the order for rendering legend items.
A chart title that displays a legend for the data in the chart.
Represents the three options for adjusting a length: expand, contract, and no change.
Defines tokens used to indicate a length constraint type.
A CategoryItemRenderer that draws individual data items as horizontal lines, spaced in the same way as bars in a bar chart.
Translated from orignal C++ Lignum code.
This class contains a collection of methods and constants which are useful in RGG modelling, especially in 3D.
A Light instance represents a light source.
Interface for all GLSLLightShaders.
Process deferred shading textures and render results into float-Textures (ping-pong'ing)
This light model generates light rays from the light sources in the current scene and calculates how much light is received by any object.
Provides the same functionality as LightModelD but in addition can deliver results for every recursion depth.
Perform light model calculation for a single ray and collect the energy that was absorbed by the volumes.
Same as LightModelProcessor but in addition allows to compute values for each recursion depth individually.
Wrapper class to hold a light with its corresponding transformation.
Interface that encapsulates the specific light calculation.
Interface that encapsulates the specific light calculation.
This class represents the geometry of a line.
A renderer that draws shapes for each data item, and lines between data items (for use with the CategoryPlot class).
This class represents a list of line strips.
A line border for any AbstractBlock.
A function in the form y = a + bx.
A needle that is represented by a line.
If a LineSegmentizable object is the value of the attribute Attributes.SHAPE, it defines a shape which is composed of line segments.
This class can be used to cache the result of segmentization of LineSegmentizable shapes.
Some utility methods for Line2D objects.
Possibly redirects one URL to another.
The turtle command Ll(x) sets TurtleState.localLength to the specified argument x.
The turtle command LlAdd(x) sets TurtleState.localLength to the sum of TurtleState.length and the specified argument x.
The turtle command LlMul(x) sets TurtleState.localLength to the product of the field TurtleState.length and the specified argument x.
The turtle command LMul(x) multiplies TurtleState.length by the specified argument x.
A scope object typically associated with {...} code blocks
Local scope should be seen as LocalScope and retrieved with get nested data but it seems easier to simply consider them as a inclosed scope.
A Lock on a Lockable resource is either a read lock or an exclusive write lock.
An instance of Lockable is a resource on which read- or write-locked tasks can be performed.
An instance of DeadLockException is thrown by Lockable.executeForcedly(LockProtectedRunnable, boolean) if the operation would result in a dead-lock condition.
A LockProtectedRunnable represents a task which is to be executed within the context of a Lock on a [@link de.grogra.util.Lockable} resource.
A numerical axis that uses a logarithmic scale.
A numerical axis that uses a logarithmic scale.
A number formatter for logarithmic values.
A tick from a LogAxis.
LongAggregateState is the subinterface of AggregateState that is used for aggregate methods with return value of type long.
LongConsumer is a callback interface.
LongFilterState is the subinterface of FilterState that is used for filter methods with return value of type long.
A LongList represents a list of long values.
A needle that is represented by a long line.
Instances of LongSynth are used in the context of the method Library.synthesize(Object, ObjectToObjectGenerator, ObjectToLong).
Instances of LongToBoolean represent functions which take longs as input and return values of type boolean.
Instances of LongToBooleanGenerator represent generator functions which take longs as input and yield sequences of values of type boolean.
Instances of LongToByte represent functions which take longs as input and return values of type byte.
Instances of LongToByteGenerator represent generator functions which take longs as input and yield sequences of values of type byte.
Instances of LongToChar represent functions which take longs as input and return values of type char.
Instances of LongToCharGenerator represent generator functions which take longs as input and yield sequences of values of type char.
Instances of LongToDouble represent functions which take longs as input and return values of type double.
Instances of LongToDoubleGenerator represent generator functions which take longs as input and yield sequences of values of type double.
Instances of LongToFloat represent functions which take longs as input and return values of type float.
Instances of LongToFloatGenerator represent generator functions which take longs as input and yield sequences of values of type float.
Instances of LongToInt represent functions which take longs as input and return values of type int.
Instances of LongToIntGenerator represent generator functions which take longs as input and yield sequences of values of type int.
Instances of LongToLong represent functions which take longs as input and return values of type long.
Instances of LongToLongGenerator represent generator functions which take longs as input and yield sequences of values of type long.
Instances of LongToObject represent functions which take longs as input and return values of type V.
Instances of LongToObjectGenerator represent generator functions which take longs as input and yield sequences of values of type V.
Instances of LongToShort represent functions which take longs as input and return values of type short.
Instances of LongToShortGenerator represent generator functions which take longs as input and yield sequences of values of type short.
Instances of LongToVoid represent functions which take longs as input and return values of type void.
Instances of LongToVoidGenerator represent generator functions which take longs as input and yield sequences of values of type void.
A paint scale that uses a lookup table to associate paint instances with data value ranges.
LU Decomposition.
The turtle command M(x) represents a movement along the local z-direction.
The turtle command M0 represents a movement along the local z-direction.
The turtle command MAdd(x) represents a movement along the local z-direction.
A single-method interface which maps keys to values.
The base class for markers that can be added to plots to highlight a value or range of values.
A band that can be added to a number axis to display regions.
An event that can be forwarded to any MarkerChangeListener to signal a change to a Marker.
The interface that must be supported by classes that wish to receive notification of changes to a Marker.
A completion representing a tag in markup, such as HTML or XML.
Interface for all GLSLShaders.
This class defines a state for a glsl-Shader, where individual ChannelMaps may register Textures, TmpVariables or UniformVariables.
This class contains a set of mathematical functions and constants, including random and noise generators, linear algebra, and table-based trigonometric functions.
Translated from orignal C++ Lignum code.
A collection of math related utility functions.
A two-dimensional matrix class, where the data is stored as two-dimensional array.
A double precision floating point 3 by 3 matrix.
A single precision floating point 3 by 3 matrix.
A double precision floating point 4 by 4 matrix.
A single precision floating point 4 by 4 matrix.
Represents a dense matrix M[i,j] where each Mij item of the matrix has a value (default is 0).
Represents a collection of MatrixSeries that can be used as a dataset.
A simple data structure that holds a mean value and a standard deviation value.
Measures is a utility that may store and retrieve time measures for ViewComponentAdapter.repaint(int) and GLSLDisplay.render(int).
Member is the superinterface for types, methods, and fields.
a list of member that lead to a complete member name (e.g. de.grogra.MyClass, or arg1.meth1() ).
This class provides an empty implementation of MemberParserListener, which can be extended to create a listener which only needs to handle a subset of the available methods.
This class provides an empty implementation of MemberParserVisitor, which can be extended to create a visitor which only needs to handle a subset of the available methods.
This interface defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by MemberParser.
This interface defines a complete generic visitor for a parse tree produced by MemberParser.
This class is used to collect a set of Members, and to determine the applicable, accessible, and most specific, member thereof.
This class stores information about the quality of applicability of a member in a context.
Resolution defines a strategy how applicable members for explicitly given arguments are determined and how the most specific member of these is chosen.
A symbol within an aggregate like a class or struct.
Instances of this interface define a polygonal mesh which can be used in MeshVolume to define a volume.
A MeshNode is used to represent a polygonal mesh defined by an instance of Polygons within the graph.
This class represents a given Mesh as a Volume.
An interval to be highlighted on a MeterPlot.
The base class used to represent the needle on a CompassPlot.
A plot that displays a single value in the form of a needle on a dial.
A method symbol is a function that lives within an aggregate/class and has a slot number.
A needle that is drawn as a pin shape.
Represents a millisecond.
This class implements a MIME type as specified by RFC 2045 and 2046.
Minimizer for the r-PolyLog energy model, based on the Barnes-Hut algorithm.
Renderer for drawing min max plot.
This class implements a rotation about the local y-axis.
Represents a minute.
Indicates that an operation cannot be completed properly because of a mismatch in the sizes of object attributes.
The turtle command MMul(x) represents a movement along the local z-direction.
This interface adds a put-method to the Map interface.
An axis that displays numerical values within a fixed range using a modulo calculation.
This class represents a set of monitor functions.
Represents a single month.
A set of constants for the month numbers (1 - 12).
A formatter that formats dates to show the initial letter(s) of the month name and, as an option, the year for the first or last month of each year.
A class that handles mouse wheel events for the ChartPanel class.
A utility class for calculating moving averages of time series data.
The turtle command MRel(x) represents a movement along the local z-direction.
Maintains state of the MTG data loading.
Class representing an MTG.
Tokenizer for lines read from MTG file.
Main Class for parsing and translating the MTG file data into a graph
A plot that displays multiple pie plots using data from a CategoryDataset.
A series label generator for plots that use data from an XYDataset.
A category dataset that defines multiple values for each item.
This is an extension of MeshVolume.
The turtle command N(x) sets TurtleState.parameter to the specified argument x.
This structure represents an N-dimensional vector of double.
The turtle command N0 resets TurtleState.parameter to its initial value (as defined in TurtleState.initialState).
The turtle command NAdd(x) increments TurtleState.parameter by the specified argument x.
The Navigator3D implements the navigation controls on the View3D.
The NavigatorEventFactory is the factory for the NavigatorEvent.
The NavigatorFactory reference item that create the NavigatorBase.
Main class, called when an new GreenLab project is opened.
This class contains some numeric algorithms based on the Newton algorithm.
The turtle command Nl(x) sets TurtleState.localParameter to the specified argument x.
The turtle command NlAdd(x) sets TurtleState.localParameter to the sum of TurtleState.parameter and the specified argument x.
The turtle command NlMul(x) sets TurtleState.localParameter to the product of the field TurtleState.parameter and the specified argument x.
The turtle command NMul(x) multiplies TurtleState.parameter by the specified argument x.
Although this class is implemented as antialiasing method it will not perform any aliasing.
Although this class is implemented as antialiasing method it will not perform any aliasing.
This class represents the base class of nodes in a GraphManager.
A Node represents a node of a graph which is to be layouted by a Layout.
Context of objects that are related to a node and can be transformed into a node.
A chart entity representing a node in a FlowPlot.
NodeKey<K extends Comparable<K>>
A key that identifies a node in a FlowDataset.
A solver for PTask that should not make modification on the graph.
A normal distribution function.
Represents a dense normalized matrix M[i,j] where each Mij item of the matrix has a value (default is 0).
An exception that is generated by the Outlier, OutlierList and OutlierListCollection classes.
Adapter for arrays of numbers, to avoid boxing.
An axis for displaying numerical data.
A table cell renderer that formats numbers with right alignment in each cell.
A numerical tick.
A numerical tick unit.
A tick unit source implementation that returns NumberTickUnit instances that are multiples of 1, 2 or 5 times some power of 10.
Interface NumberVector defines the methods that should be implemented by any Object that is element of a real vector space of type N.
NumberVector.Factory<V extends NumberVector<? extends N>,N extends Number>
Factory API for this feature vector.
This exception is thrown when an error occurs during numerical integration.
ObjectAggregateState is the subinterface of AggregateState that is used for aggregate methods with return value of type T.
Wrapper class.
Wrapper class.
Wrapper class.
ObjectConsumer is a callback interface.
ObjectFilterState is the subinterface of FilterState that is used for filter methods with return value of type T.
A ObjectList represents a list of Object values.
A list of objects that can grow as required.
This subinterface of FilterSource has to be implemented by filter sources whose flavor supports objects (IOFlavor.OBJECT).
Instances of ObjectSynth are used in the context of the method Library.synthesize(Object, ObjectToObjectGenerator, ObjectToObject).
Instances of ObjectToBoolean represent functions which take Ks as input and return values of type boolean.
Instances of ObjectToBooleanGenerator represent generator functions which take Ks as input and yield sequences of values of type boolean.
Instances of ObjectToByte represent functions which take Ks as input and return values of type byte.
Instances of ObjectToByteGenerator represent generator functions which take Ks as input and yield sequences of values of type byte.
Instances of ObjectToChar represent functions which take Ks as input and return values of type char.
Instances of ObjectToCharGenerator represent generator functions which take Ks as input and yield sequences of values of type char.
Instances of ObjectToDouble represent functions which take Ks as input and return values of type double.
Instances of ObjectToDoubleGenerator represent generator functions which take Ks as input and yield sequences of values of type double.
Instances of ObjectToFloat represent functions which take Ks as input and return values of type float.
Instances of ObjectToFloatGenerator represent generator functions which take Ks as input and yield sequences of values of type float.
Instances of ObjectToInt represent functions which take Ks as input and return values of type int.
Instances of ObjectToIntGenerator represent generator functions which take Ks as input and yield sequences of values of type int.
Instances of ObjectToLong represent functions which take Ks as input and return values of type long.
Instances of ObjectToLongGenerator represent generator functions which take Ks as input and yield sequences of values of type long.
Instances of ObjectToObject represent functions which take Ks as input and return values of type V.
Instances of ObjectToObjectGenerator represent generator functions which take Ks as input and yield sequences of values of type V.
Instances of ObjectToShort represent functions which take Ks as input and return values of type short.
Instances of ObjectToShortGenerator represent generator functions which take Ks as input and yield sequences of values of type short.
Instances of ObjectToVoid represent functions which take Ks as input and return values of type void.
Instances of ObjectToVoidGenerator represent generator functions which take Ks as input and yield sequences of values of type void.
A collection of useful static utility methods for handling classes and object instantiation.
A simple exporter for Wavefront (ASCII)-OBJ files.
An OBJFace.
A list of the faces that build up the obj file
A single group within the model
Abstractly stores an OBJ loaded material.
A prototype for OBJ model data.
A loader to create abstract java data from a Wavefront OBJ file.
Abstract base class for octrees.
A Cell represents a cell of an Octree.
An OctreeUnion behaves like a SimpleUnion, but has a better performance due to the intersection acceleration by an octree.
This interface is used to describe an initial value problem.
A data record containing open-high-low-close data (immutable).
Represents a single (open-high-low-close) data item in an DefaultOHLCDataset.
An interface that defines data in the form of (x, high, low, open, close) tuples.
An item representing data in the form (time-period, open, high, low, close).
A list of (RegularTimePeriod, open, high, low, close) data items.
A collection of OHLCSeries objects.
Static class that offers a basic noise function (improved perlin noise) and a turbulence function based on noise.
OpenGLState stores all relevant information about the used OpenGL Context.
Reads all Photon Map parameter from the registry and checks if values where changed.
Reads all Radiosity Options from the registry and checks if values where changed.
This simple interface is used to provide configuration options for raytracing algorithms, e.g., a Renderer or a light model.
Text file that contains a list of properties.
The turtle command OR(x) sets TurtleState.order to the specified argument x.
An oriented face of a tetrahedron.
Represents one outlier in the box and whisker plot.
A collection of outliers for a single entity in a box and whisker plot.
A collection of outlier lists for a box and whisker plot.
This class represents a queue of byte, int, long, float, double, and Object-values.
This subinterface of FilterSource has to be implemented by filter sources whose flavor supports OutputStreams (IOFlavor.OUTPUT_STREAM).
Defines the interface for an overlay that can be added to a ChartPanel.
A change event for an Overlay.
A listener for changes to an Overlay.
Generates tooltips using the OverLIB library (
The turtle command P(x) sets TurtleState.color to the specified argument x.
The turtle command P0 resets TurtleState.color to its initial value (as defined in TurtleState.initialState).
A completion for package names.
This class contains static methods for the manipulation of objects of type Paint
A table of Paint objects.
A storage structure that maps Comparable instances with Paint instances.
A panel that displays a paint sample.
A source for Paint instances, used by the XYBlockRenderer.
A legend that shows a range of values and their associated colors, driven by an underlying PaintScale implementation.
Utility code that relates to Paint objects.
Pair interface.
Translated from orignal C++ Lignum code.
A Workbench presents its information in a set of Panels.
This is a decorator class for Panels.
An interface that the ChartPanel class uses to communicate with plots that support panning.
Wrapper class.
Wrapper class.
Wrapper class.
Provides completions for a ParameterizedCompletion's parameters.
Interface to define the required methods for command line interaction.
A completion option that takes parameters, such as a function or method.
A parameter passed to a parameterized Completion.
A small popup window offering a list of likely choices for a parameter when the user has code-completed a parameterized completion.
Describes a parameterized completion - what's being inserted, where the parameters are in the inserted text, etc.
Information about a replacement.
A parameter is just kind of variable used as an argument to a function or method.
Translated from orignal C++ Lignum code.
CUP v0.10k generated parser.
CUP v0.10k generated parser.
This tagging interface is used for partial tasks which are part of a complete Task and are solved by a Solver.
A PatchGroup is a triangle witch contains 4 sub triangles.
A Path consists of an alternating sequence of nodes and edges (starting with a node) of a graph.
This class implements a physically correct path tracer.
Class to incrementally compute pearson correlation.
An axis that displays a date scale based on a RegularTimePeriod.
A record that contains information for one "band" of date labels in a PeriodAxis.
A PersistenceField represents a field which can be handled by classes of the persistence package.
Translated from orignal C++ Lignum code.
A Phong shader represents a Phong-like reflector.
This class provides a photon map.
Funktioniert momentan nur mit Punktlichtquellen und Arealight Funktioniert nicht mit directional Light
This class renders a scene with the photon map rendering algorithm.
Updates the GroIMP position of any objects moved by the physics engine
Pickable is implemented by shapes which know how to compute intersections of a ray with themselves.