Interface InputStreamSource

All Superinterfaces:
FilterSource, RegistryContext
All Known Implementing Classes:
FileSource, GUnzipFilter, InputStreamSourceImpl, LazyFilter, NullSource, PreferencesFile, StreamAdapter

public interface InputStreamSource extends FilterSource
This subinterface of FilterSource has to be implemented by filter sources whose flavor supports InputStreams (IOFlavor.INPUT_STREAM). It represents the data by an instance of InputStream, i.e., as a stream of bytes.
Ole Kniemeyer
  • Method Details

    • getInputStream

      InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException
      Returns a stream to obtain the data as a stream of bytes.
      an input stream for the data
    • length

      long length()
      Returns the total number of bytes of this stream. A negative values indicates that this number is unknown.
      number of bytes