Module math

Interface PairInterface<FIRST,SECOND>

Record Components:
FIRST - first type
SECOND - second type
All Known Implementing Classes:
DoubleDoublePair, DoubleIntPair, DoubleMinMax, IntIntPair

public interface PairInterface<FIRST,SECOND>
Pair interface. Note: this currently is empty by design. You should always decide explicitly whether to use boxing pairs Pair or primitive pairs such as IntIntPair
Erich Schubert
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Get the first object - note: this may cause autoboxing, use pair.first for native pairs!
    Get the second object - note: this may cause autoboxing, use pair.second for native pairs!
  • Method Details

    • getFirst

      FIRST getFirst()
      Get the first object - note: this may cause autoboxing, use pair.first for native pairs!
      First object
    • getSecond

      SECOND getSecond()
      Get the second object - note: this may cause autoboxing, use pair.second for native pairs!
      Second object