Module jEdit

Class Registers


public class Registers extends Object
jEdit's registers are an extension of the clipboard metaphor.

A Registers.Register is string of text indexed by a single character. Typically the text is taken from selected buffer text and the index character is a keyboard character selected by the user.

This class defines a number of static methods that give each register the properties of a virtual clipboard.

Two classes implement the Registers.Register interface. A Registers.ClipboardRegister is tied to the contents of the system clipboard. jEdit assigns a Registers.ClipboardRegister to the register indexed under the character $. A Registers.DefaultRegister is created for registers assigned by the user. In addition, jEdit assigns % to the last text segment selected in the text area. On Windows this is a Registers.DefaultRegister, on Unix under Java 2 version 1.4, a Registers.ClipboardRegister.

$Id: 25316 2020-05-08 08:04:09Z kpouer $
Slava Pestov, John Gellene (API documentation)
  • Method Details

    • copy

      public static void copy(TextArea textArea, char register)
      Copies the text selected in the text area into the specified register. This will replace the existing contents of the designated register.
      textArea - The text area
      register - The register
      jEdit 2.7pre2
    • cut

      public static void cut(TextArea textArea, char register)
      Copies the text selected in the text area into the specified register, and then removes it from the buffer.
      textArea - The text area
      register - The register
      jEdit 2.7pre2
    • append

      public static void append(TextArea textArea, char register)
      Appends the text selected in the text area to the specified register, with a newline between the old and new text.
      textArea - The text area
      register - The register
    • append

      public static void append(TextArea textArea, char register, String separator)
      Appends the text selected in the text area to the specified register.
      textArea - The text area
      register - The register
      separator - The separator to insert between the old and new text
    • append

      public static void append(TextArea textArea, char register, String separator, boolean cut)
      Appends the text selected in the text area to the specified register.
      textArea - The text area
      register - The register
      separator - The text to insert between the old and new text
      cut - Should the current selection be removed?
      jEdit 3.2pre1
    • paste

      public static void paste(TextArea textArea, char register)
      Insets the contents of the specified register into the text area.
      textArea - The text area
      register - The register
      jEdit 2.7pre2
    • paste

      public static void paste(TextArea textArea, char register, DataFlavor preferredDataFlavor)
      Insets the contents of the specified register into the text area.
      textArea - The text area
      register - The register
      preferredDataFlavor - the preferred dataflavor. If not available DataFlavor.stringFlavor will be used
      jEdit 4.4pre1
    • paste

      public static void paste(TextArea textArea, char register, boolean vertical)
      Inserts the contents of the specified register into the text area.
      textArea - The text area
      register - The register
      vertical - Vertical (columnar) paste
      jEdit 4.1pre1
    • paste

      public static void paste(TextArea textArea, char register, boolean vertical, DataFlavor preferredDataFlavor)
      Inserts the contents of the specified register into the text area.
      textArea - The text area
      register - The register
      vertical - Vertical (columnar) paste
      preferredDataFlavor - the preferred dataflavor. If not available DataFlavor.stringFlavor will be used
      jEdit 4.4pre1
    • getRegister

      public static Registers.Register getRegister(char name)
      Returns the specified register.
      name - The name
    • setRegister

      public static void setRegister(char name, Registers.Register newRegister)
      Sets the specified register.
      name - The name
      newRegister - The new value
    • setRegister

      public static void setRegister(char name, String value)
      Sets the specified register.
      name - The name
      value - The new value
    • setRegister

      public static void setRegister(char name, Transferable transferable)
      Sets the specified register.
      name - The name
      transferable - the transferable
    • clearRegister

      public static void clearRegister(char name)
      Sets the value of the specified register to null.
      name - The register name
    • getRegisters

      public static Registers.Register[] getRegisters()
      Returns an array of all available registers. Some of the elements of this array might be null.
    • getRegisterNameString

      @Nullable public static String getRegisterNameString()
      Returns a string of all defined registers, used by the status bar (eg, "a b $ % ^").
      jEdit 4.2pre2
    • saveRegisters

      public static void saveRegisters()
    • setListener

      public static void setListener(RegistersListener listener)
    • setSaver

      public static void setSaver(RegisterSaver saver)
    • isLoading

      public static boolean isLoading()
    • setLoading

      public static void setLoading(boolean loading)
    • debugListDataFlavors

      protected static void debugListDataFlavors(Transferable transferable)