Module jEdit

Class JCheckBoxList

All Implemented Interfaces:
ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, EventListener, Accessible, CellEditorListener, ListSelectionListener, RowSorterListener, TableColumnModelListener, TableModelListener, Scrollable

public class JCheckBoxList extends JTable
A list where items can be selected and checked off independently.
jEdit 3.2pre9
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • JCheckBoxList

      public JCheckBoxList(Object[] items)
      Creates a checkbox list with the given list of objects. The elements of this array can either be Entry instances, or other objects (if the latter, they will default to being unchecked).
    • JCheckBoxList

      public JCheckBoxList(Vector items)
      Creates a checkbox list with the given list of objects. The elements of this vector can either be Entry instances, or other objects (if the latter, they will default to being unchecked).
  • Method Details

    • setModel

      public void setModel(Object[] items)
      Sets the model to the given list of objects. The elements of this array can either be Entry instances, or other objects (if the latter, they will default to being unchecked).
    • setModel

      public void setModel(Vector items)
      Sets the model to the given list of objects. The elements of this vector can either be Entry instances, or other objects (if the latter, they will default to being unchecked).
    • getCheckedValues

      public Object[] getCheckedValues()
    • selectAll

      public void selectAll()
      selectAll in class JTable
    • getValues

      public JCheckBoxList.Entry[] getValues()
    • getSelectedValue

      public Object getSelectedValue()
    • getCellRenderer

      public TableCellRenderer getCellRenderer(int row, int column)
      getCellRenderer in class JTable