Module platform

Class Second

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable, MonthConstants, TimePeriod

public class Second extends RegularTimePeriod implements Serializable
Represents a second in a particular day. This class is immutable, which is a requirement for all RegularTimePeriod subclasses.
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final int FIRST_SECOND_IN_MINUTE
      Useful constant for the first second in a minute.
      See Also:

      public static final int LAST_SECOND_IN_MINUTE
      Useful constant for the last second in a minute.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • Second

      public Second()
      Constructs a new Second, based on the system date/time. The time zone and locale are determined by the calendar returned by RegularTimePeriod.getCalendarInstance().
    • Second

      public Second(int second, Minute minute)
      Constructs a new Second. The time zone and locale are determined by the calendar returned by RegularTimePeriod.getCalendarInstance().
      second - the second (0 to 59).
      minute - the minute (null not permitted).
    • Second

      public Second(int second, int minute, int hour, int day, int month, int year)
      Creates a new second. The time zone and locale are determined by the calendar returned by RegularTimePeriod.getCalendarInstance().
      second - the second (0-59).
      minute - the minute (0-59).
      hour - the hour (0-23).
      day - the day (1-31).
      month - the month (1-12).
      year - the year (1900-9999).
    • Second

      public Second(Date time)
      Constructs a new instance from the specified date/time. The time zone and locale are determined by the calendar returned by RegularTimePeriod.getCalendarInstance().
      time - the time (null not permitted).
      See Also:
    • Second

      public Second(Date time, TimeZone zone, Locale locale)
      Creates a new second based on the supplied time and time zone.
      time - the time (null not permitted).
      zone - the time zone (null not permitted).
      locale - the locale (null not permitted).
    • Second

      public Second(Date time, Calendar calendar)
      Constructs a new instance, based on a particular date/time. The time zone and locale are determined by the calendar parameter.
      time - the date/time (null not permitted).
      calendar - the calendar to use for calculations (null not permitted).
  • Method Details

    • getSecond

      public int getSecond()
      Returns the second within the minute.
      The second (0 - 59).
    • getMinute

      public Minute getMinute()
      Returns the minute.
      The minute (never null).
    • getFirstMillisecond

      public long getFirstMillisecond()
      Returns the first millisecond of the second. This will be determined relative to the time zone specified in the constructor, or in the calendar instance passed in the most recent call to the peg(Calendar) method.
      Specified by:
      getFirstMillisecond in class RegularTimePeriod
      The first millisecond of the second.
      See Also:
    • getLastMillisecond

      public long getLastMillisecond()
      Returns the last millisecond of the second. This will be determined relative to the time zone specified in the constructor, or in the calendar instance passed in the most recent call to the peg(Calendar) method.
      Specified by:
      getLastMillisecond in class RegularTimePeriod
      The last millisecond of the second.
      See Also:
    • peg

      public void peg(Calendar calendar)
      Recalculates the start date/time and end date/time for this time period relative to the supplied calendar (which incorporates a time zone).
      Specified by:
      peg in class RegularTimePeriod
      calendar - the calendar (null not permitted).
    • previous

      public RegularTimePeriod previous()
      Returns the second preceding this one. No matter what time zone and locale this instance was created with, the returned instance will use the default calendar for time calculations, obtained with RegularTimePeriod.getCalendarInstance().
      Specified by:
      previous in class RegularTimePeriod
      The second preceding this one.
    • next

      public RegularTimePeriod next()
      Returns the second following this one. No matter what time zone and locale this instance was created with, the returned instance will use the default calendar for time calculations, obtained with RegularTimePeriod.getCalendarInstance().
      Specified by:
      next in class RegularTimePeriod
      The second following this one.
    • getSerialIndex

      public long getSerialIndex()
      Returns a serial index number for the minute.
      Specified by:
      getSerialIndex in class RegularTimePeriod
      The serial index number.
    • getFirstMillisecond

      public long getFirstMillisecond(Calendar calendar)
      Returns the first millisecond of the minute.
      Specified by:
      getFirstMillisecond in class RegularTimePeriod
      calendar - the calendar/timezone (null not permitted).
      The first millisecond.
      NullPointerException - if calendar is null.
      See Also:
    • getLastMillisecond

      public long getLastMillisecond(Calendar calendar)
      Returns the last millisecond of the second.
      Specified by:
      getLastMillisecond in class RegularTimePeriod
      calendar - the calendar/timezone (null not permitted).
      The last millisecond.
      NullPointerException - if calendar is null.
      See Also:
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      Tests the equality of this object against an arbitrary Object.

      This method will return true ONLY if the object is a Second object representing the same second as this instance.

      equals in class Object
      obj - the object to compare (null permitted).
      true if second and minute of this and the object are the same.
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      Returns a hash code for this object instance. The approach described by Joshua Bloch in "Effective Java" has been used here: /Chapter3.pdf

      hashCode in class Object
      A hash code.
    • compareTo

      public int compareTo(Object o1)
      Returns an integer indicating the order of this Second object relative to the specified object: negative == before, zero == same, positive == after.
      Specified by:
      compareTo in interface Comparable
      o1 - the object to compare.
      negative == before, zero == same, positive == after.
    • parseSecond

      public static Second parseSecond(String s)
      Creates a new instance by parsing a string. The string is assumed to be in the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS", perhaps with leading or trailing whitespace.
      s - the string to parse.
      The second, or null if the string is not parseable.