Module platform

Interface CategoryItemLabelGenerator

All Known Implementing Classes:
IntervalCategoryItemLabelGenerator, StandardCategoryItemLabelGenerator

public interface CategoryItemLabelGenerator
A category item label generator is an object that can be assigned to a CategoryItemRenderer and that assumes responsibility for creating text items to be used as labels for the items in a CategoryPlot.

To assist with cloning charts, classes that implement this interface should also implement the PublicCloneable interface.

  • Method Details

    • generateRowLabel

      String generateRowLabel(CategoryDataset dataset, int row)
      Generates a label for the specified row.
      dataset - the dataset (null not permitted).
      row - the row index (zero-based).
      The label.
    • generateColumnLabel

      String generateColumnLabel(CategoryDataset dataset, int column)
      Generates a label for the specified row.
      dataset - the dataset (null not permitted).
      column - the column index (zero-based).
      The label.
    • generateLabel

      String generateLabel(CategoryDataset dataset, int row, int column)
      Generates a label for the specified item. The label is typically a formatted version of the data value, but any text can be used.
      dataset - the dataset (null not permitted).
      row - the row index (zero-based).
      column - the column index (zero-based).
      The label (possibly null).