Module platform

Interface Pannable

All Known Implementing Classes:
CategoryPlot, CombinedDomainCategoryPlot, CombinedDomainXYPlot, CombinedRangeCategoryPlot, CombinedRangeXYPlot, FastScatterPlot, XYPlot

public interface Pannable
An interface that the ChartPanel class uses to communicate with plots that support panning.
  • Method Details

    • getOrientation

      PlotOrientation getOrientation()
      Returns the orientation of the plot.
      The orientation (never null).
    • isDomainPannable

      boolean isDomainPannable()
      Evaluates if the domain axis can be panned.
      true if the domain axis is pannable.
    • isRangePannable

      boolean isRangePannable()
      Evaluates if the range axis can be panned.
      true if the range axis is pannable.
    • panDomainAxes

      void panDomainAxes(double percent, PlotRenderingInfo info, Point2D source)
      Pans the domain axes by the specified percentage.
      percent - the distance to pan (as a percentage of the axis length).
      info - the plot info
      source - the source point where the pan action started.
    • panRangeAxes

      void panRangeAxes(double percent, PlotRenderingInfo info, Point2D source)
      Pans the range axes by the specified percentage.
      percent - the distance to pan (as a percentage of the axis length).
      info - the plot info
      source - the source point where the pan action started.