Module platform
Package org.jfree.chart.plot
package org.jfree.chart.plot
ClassDescriptionA base class for handling the distribution of pie section labels.Represents state information for the crosshairs in a
.A marker for a category.A general plotting class that uses data from aCategoryDataset
and renders each data item using aCategoryItemRenderer
.The mode for the center text on aRingPlot
.A combined category plot where the domain axis is shared.An extension ofXYPlot
that contains multiple subplots that share a common domain axis.A combined category plot where the range axis is shared.An extension ofXYPlot
that contains multiple subplots that share a common range axis.A specialised plot that draws a compass to indicate a direction based on the value from aValueDataset
.A crosshair for display on a plot.Maintains state information about crosshairs on a plot between successive calls to the renderer's draw method.Defines the tokens that indicate the rendering order for datasets in aCategoryPlot
or anXYPlot
.A default implementation of theDrawingSupplier
interface.Used to indicate the background shape for aMeterPlot
.A supplier ofPaint
objects for use by plots and renderers.A fast scatter plot.Represents an interval to be highlighted in some way.The base class for markers that can be added to plots to highlight a value or range of values.An interval to be highlighted on aMeterPlot
.A plot that displays a single value in the form of a needle on a dial.A plot that displays multiple pie plots using data from aCategoryDataset
.An interface that theChartPanel
class uses to communicate with plots that support panning.This class distributes the section labels for one side of a pie chart so that they do not overlap.Used to indicate the style for the lines linking pie sections to their corresponding labels.A structure that retains information about the label for a section in a pie chart.PiePlot<K extends Comparable<K>>A plot that displays data in the form of a pie chart, using data from any class that implements thePieDataset
interface.Deprecated.For 3D pie charts, use Orson Charts ( renderer state.The base class for all plots in JFreeChart.Used to indicate the orientation (horizontal or vertical) of a 2D plot.Stores information about the dimensions of a plot and its subplots.Records information about the state of a plot during the drawing process.Used to indicate the location of an axis on aPolarPlot
.Plots data that is in (theta, radius) pairs where theta equal to zero is due north and increases clockwise.A customised pie plot that leaves a hole in the middle.Defines the tokens that indicate the rendering order for series in aXYPlot
.A plot that displays data from aCategoryDataset
in the form of a "spider web".A plot that displays a single value (from aValueDataset
) in a thermometer type display.An interface that is implemented by plots that use aValueAxis
, providing a standard method to find the current data range.A marker that represents a single value.A wafer map plot.Crosshair state information for theXYPlot
classes.A general class for plotting data in the form of (x, y) pairs.A plot that is zoomable must implement this interface to provide a mechanism for theChartPanel
to control the zooming.