Module platform

Class ThermometerPlot

All Implemented Interfaces:
Disposable, Serializable, Cloneable, EventListener, AnnotationChangeListener, AxisChangeListener, MarkerChangeListener, LegendItemSource, ValueAxisPlot, Zoomable, PublicCloneable, DatasetChangeListener

public class ThermometerPlot extends Plot implements ValueAxisPlot, Zoomable, Cloneable, Serializable
A plot that displays a single value (from a ValueDataset) in a thermometer type display.

This plot supports a number of options:

  1. three sub-ranges which could be viewed as 'Normal', 'Warning' and 'Critical' ranges.
  2. the thermometer can be run in two modes:
    • fixed range, or
    • range adjusts to current sub-range.
  3. settable units to be displayed.
  4. settable display location for the value text.
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final int UNITS_NONE
      A constant for unit type 'None'.
      See Also:

      public static final int UNITS_FAHRENHEIT
      A constant for unit type 'Fahrenheit'.
      See Also:

      public static final int UNITS_CELCIUS
      A constant for unit type 'Celcius'.
      See Also:

      public static final int UNITS_KELVIN
      A constant for unit type 'Kelvin'.
      See Also:
    • NONE

      public static final int NONE
      A constant for the value label position (no label).
      See Also:
    • LEFT

      public static final int LEFT
      A constant for the value label position (left of the thermometer).
      See Also:
    • BULB

      public static final int BULB
      A constant for the value label position (in the thermometer bulb).
      See Also:
    • NORMAL

      public static final int NORMAL
      A constant for the 'normal' range.
      See Also:

      public static final int WARNING
      A constant for the 'warning' range.
      See Also:

      public static final int CRITICAL
      A constant for the 'critical' range.
      See Also:
    • AXIS_GAP

      protected static final int AXIS_GAP
      The axis gap.
      See Also:
    • UNITS

      protected static final String[] UNITS
      The unit strings.

      protected static final int RANGE_LOW
      Index for low value in subrangeInfo matrix.
      See Also:

      protected static final int RANGE_HIGH
      Index for high value in subrangeInfo matrix.
      See Also:

      protected static final int DISPLAY_LOW
      Index for display low value in subrangeInfo matrix.
      See Also:

      protected static final int DISPLAY_HIGH
      Index for display high value in subrangeInfo matrix.
      See Also:

      protected static final double DEFAULT_LOWER_BOUND
      The default lower bound.
      See Also:

      protected static final double DEFAULT_UPPER_BOUND
      The default upper bound.
      See Also:

      protected static final int DEFAULT_BULB_RADIUS
      The default bulb radius.
      See Also:

      protected static final int DEFAULT_COLUMN_RADIUS
      The default column radius.
      See Also:

      protected static final int DEFAULT_GAP
      The default gap between the outlines representing the thermometer.
      See Also:
    • localizationResources

      protected static ResourceBundle localizationResources
      The resourceBundle for the localization.
  • Constructor Details

    • ThermometerPlot

      public ThermometerPlot()
      Creates a new thermometer plot.
    • ThermometerPlot

      public ThermometerPlot(ValueDataset dataset)
      Creates a new thermometer plot, using default attributes where necessary.
      dataset - the data set.
  • Method Details

    • getDataset

      public ValueDataset getDataset()
      Returns the dataset for the plot.
      The dataset (possibly null).
      See Also:
    • setDataset

      public void setDataset(ValueDataset dataset)
      Sets the dataset for the plot, replacing the existing dataset if there is one, and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
      dataset - the dataset (null permitted).
      See Also:
    • getRangeAxis

      public ValueAxis getRangeAxis()
      Returns the range axis.
      The range axis (never null).
      See Also:
    • setRangeAxis

      public void setRangeAxis(ValueAxis axis)
      Sets the range axis for the plot and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
      axis - the new axis (null not permitted).
      See Also:
    • getLowerBound

      public double getLowerBound()
      Returns the lower bound for the thermometer. The data value can be set lower than this, but it will not be shown in the thermometer.
      The lower bound.
      See Also:
    • setLowerBound

      public void setLowerBound(double lower)
      Sets the lower bound for the thermometer.
      lower - the lower bound.
      See Also:
    • getUpperBound

      public double getUpperBound()
      Returns the upper bound for the thermometer. The data value can be set higher than this, but it will not be shown in the thermometer.
      The upper bound.
      See Also:
    • setUpperBound

      public void setUpperBound(double upper)
      Sets the upper bound for the thermometer.
      upper - the upper bound.
      See Also:
    • setRange

      public void setRange(double lower, double upper)
      Sets the lower and upper bounds for the thermometer.
      lower - the lower bound.
      upper - the upper bound.
    • getPadding

      public RectangleInsets getPadding()
      Returns the padding for the thermometer. This is the space inside the plot area.
      The padding (never null).
      See Also:
    • setPadding

      public void setPadding(RectangleInsets padding)
      Sets the padding for the thermometer and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
      padding - the padding (null not permitted).
      See Also:
    • getThermometerStroke

      public Stroke getThermometerStroke()
      Returns the stroke used to draw the thermometer outline.
      The stroke (never null).
      See Also:
    • setThermometerStroke

      public void setThermometerStroke(Stroke s)
      Sets the stroke used to draw the thermometer outline and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
      s - the new stroke (null ignored).
      See Also:
    • getThermometerPaint

      public Paint getThermometerPaint()
      Returns the paint used to draw the thermometer outline.
      The paint (never null).
      See Also:
    • setThermometerPaint

      public void setThermometerPaint(Paint paint)
      Sets the paint used to draw the thermometer outline and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
      paint - the new paint (null ignored).
      See Also:
    • getUnits

      public int getUnits()
      Returns a code indicating the unit display type. This is one of UNITS_NONE, UNITS_FAHRENHEIT, UNITS_CELCIUS and UNITS_KELVIN.
      The units type.
      See Also:
    • setUnits

      public void setUnits(int u)
      Sets the units to be displayed in the thermometer. Use one of the following constants:
      • UNITS_NONE : no units displayed.
      • UNITS_FAHRENHEIT : units displayed in Fahrenheit.
      • UNITS_CELCIUS : units displayed in Celcius.
      • UNITS_KELVIN : units displayed in Kelvin.
      u - the new unit type.
      See Also:
    • getValueLocation

      public int getValueLocation()
      Returns a code indicating the location at which the value label is displayed.
      The location (one of NONE, RIGHT, LEFT and BULB.).
    • setValueLocation

      public void setValueLocation(int location)
      Sets the location at which the current value is displayed and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.

      The location can be one of the constants: NONE, RIGHT, LEFT and BULB.

      location - the location.
    • getAxisLocation

      public int getAxisLocation()
      Returns the axis location.
      The location (one of NONE, LEFT and RIGHT).
      See Also:
    • setAxisLocation

      public void setAxisLocation(int location)
      Sets the location at which the axis is displayed relative to the thermometer, and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
      location - the location (one of NONE, LEFT and RIGHT).
      See Also:
    • getValueFont

      public Font getValueFont()
      Gets the font used to display the current value.
      The font.
      See Also:
    • setValueFont

      public void setValueFont(Font f)
      Sets the font used to display the current value.
      f - the new font (null not permitted).
      See Also:
    • getValuePaint

      public Paint getValuePaint()
      Gets the paint used to display the current value.
      The paint.
      See Also:
    • setValuePaint

      public void setValuePaint(Paint paint)
      Sets the paint used to display the current value and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
      paint - the new paint (null not permitted).
      See Also:
    • setValueFormat

      public void setValueFormat(NumberFormat formatter)
      Sets the formatter for the value label and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
      formatter - the new formatter (null not permitted).
    • getMercuryPaint

      public Paint getMercuryPaint()
      Returns the default mercury paint.
      The paint (never null).
      See Also:
    • setMercuryPaint

      public void setMercuryPaint(Paint paint)
      Sets the default mercury paint and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
      paint - the new paint (null not permitted).
      See Also:
    • setSubrangeInfo

      public void setSubrangeInfo(int range, double low, double hi)
      Sets information for a particular range.
      range - the range to specify information about.
      low - the low value for the range
      hi - the high value for the range
    • setSubrangeInfo

      public void setSubrangeInfo(int range, double rangeLow, double rangeHigh, double displayLow, double displayHigh)
      Sets the subrangeInfo attribute of the ThermometerPlot object
      range - the new rangeInfo value.
      rangeLow - the new rangeInfo value
      rangeHigh - the new rangeInfo value
      displayLow - the new rangeInfo value
      displayHigh - the new rangeInfo value
    • setSubrange

      public void setSubrange(int range, double low, double high)
      Sets the bounds for a subrange.
      range - the range type.
      low - the low value.
      high - the high value.
    • setDisplayRange

      public void setDisplayRange(int range, double low, double high)
      Sets the displayed bounds for a sub range.
      range - the range type.
      low - the low value.
      high - the high value.
    • getSubrangePaint

      public Paint getSubrangePaint(int range)
      Gets the paint used for a particular subrange.
      range - the range (.
      The paint.
      See Also:
    • setSubrangePaint

      public void setSubrangePaint(int range, Paint paint)
      Sets the paint to be used for a subrange and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
      range - the range (0, 1 or 2).
      paint - the paint to be applied (null not permitted).
      See Also:
    • getFollowDataInSubranges

      public boolean getFollowDataInSubranges()
      Returns a flag that controls whether or not the thermometer axis zooms to display the subrange within which the data value falls.
      The flag.
    • setFollowDataInSubranges

      public void setFollowDataInSubranges(boolean flag)
      Sets the flag that controls whether or not the thermometer axis zooms to display the subrange within which the data value falls.
      flag - the flag.
    • getUseSubrangePaint

      public boolean getUseSubrangePaint()
      Returns a flag that controls whether or not the mercury color changes for each subrange.
      The flag.
      See Also:
    • setUseSubrangePaint

      public void setUseSubrangePaint(boolean flag)
      Sets the range colour change option.
      flag - the new range colour change option
      See Also:
    • getBulbRadius

      public int getBulbRadius()
      Returns the bulb radius, in Java2D units.
      The bulb radius.
    • setBulbRadius

      public void setBulbRadius(int r)
      Sets the bulb radius (in Java2D units) and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
      r - the new radius (in Java2D units).
      See Also:
    • getBulbDiameter

      public int getBulbDiameter()
      Returns the bulb diameter, which is always twice the value returned by getBulbRadius().
      The bulb diameter.
    • getColumnRadius

      public int getColumnRadius()
      Returns the column radius, in Java2D units.
      The column radius.
      See Also:
    • setColumnRadius

      public void setColumnRadius(int r)
      Sets the column radius (in Java2D units) and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
      r - the new radius.
      See Also:
    • getColumnDiameter

      public int getColumnDiameter()
      Returns the column diameter, which is always twice the value returned by getColumnRadius().
      The column diameter.
    • getGap

      public int getGap()
      Returns the gap, in Java2D units, between the two outlines that represent the thermometer.
      The gap.
      See Also:
    • setGap

      public void setGap(int gap)
      Sets the gap (in Java2D units) between the two outlines that represent the thermometer, and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
      gap - the new gap.
      See Also:
    • draw

      public void draw(Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D area, Point2D anchor, PlotState parentState, PlotRenderingInfo info)
      Draws the plot on a Java 2D graphics device (such as the screen or a printer).
      Specified by:
      draw in class Plot
      g2 - the graphics device.
      area - the area within which the plot should be drawn.
      anchor - the anchor point (null permitted).
      parentState - the state from the parent plot, if there is one.
      info - collects info about the drawing.
    • zoom

      public void zoom(double percent)
      A zoom method that does nothing. Plots are required to support the zoom operation. In the case of a thermometer chart, it doesn't make sense to zoom in or out, so the method is empty.
      zoom in class Plot
      percent - the zoom percentage.
    • getPlotType

      public String getPlotType()
      Returns a short string describing the type of plot.
      Specified by:
      getPlotType in class Plot
      A short string describing the type of plot.
    • datasetChanged

      public void datasetChanged(DatasetChangeEvent event)
      Checks to see if a new value means the axis range needs adjusting.
      Specified by:
      datasetChanged in interface DatasetChangeListener
      datasetChanged in class Plot
      event - the dataset change event.
    • getDataRange

      public Range getDataRange(ValueAxis axis)
      Returns the data range.
      Specified by:
      getDataRange in interface ValueAxisPlot
      axis - the axis.
      The range of data displayed.
    • setAxisRange

      protected void setAxisRange()
      Sets the axis range to the current values in the rangeInfo array.
    • getLegendItems

      public LegendItemCollection getLegendItems()
      Returns the legend items for the plot.
      Specified by:
      getLegendItems in interface LegendItemSource
      getLegendItems in class Plot
    • getOrientation

      public PlotOrientation getOrientation()
      Returns the orientation of the plot.
      Specified by:
      getOrientation in interface Zoomable
      The orientation (always PlotOrientation.VERTICAL).
    • isValidNumber

      protected static boolean isValidNumber(double d)
      Determine whether a number is valid and finite.
      d - the number to be tested.
      true if the number is valid and finite, and false otherwise.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      Tests this plot for equality with another object. The plot's dataset is not considered in the test.
      equals in class Plot
      obj - the object (null permitted).
      true or false.
    • clone

      public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException
      Returns a clone of the plot.
      Specified by:
      clone in interface PublicCloneable
      clone in class Plot
      A clone.
      CloneNotSupportedException - if the plot cannot be cloned.
    • zoomDomainAxes

      public void zoomDomainAxes(double factor, PlotRenderingInfo state, Point2D source)
      Multiplies the range on the domain axis/axes by the specified factor.
      Specified by:
      zoomDomainAxes in interface Zoomable
      factor - the zoom factor.
      state - the plot state.
      source - the source point.
      See Also:
    • zoomDomainAxes

      public void zoomDomainAxes(double factor, PlotRenderingInfo state, Point2D source, boolean useAnchor)
      Multiplies the range on the domain axis/axes by the specified factor.
      Specified by:
      zoomDomainAxes in interface Zoomable
      factor - the zoom factor.
      state - the plot state.
      source - the source point.
      useAnchor - a flag that controls whether or not the source point is used for the zoom anchor.
      See Also:
    • zoomRangeAxes

      public void zoomRangeAxes(double factor, PlotRenderingInfo state, Point2D source)
      Multiplies the range on the range axis/axes by the specified factor.
      Specified by:
      zoomRangeAxes in interface Zoomable
      factor - the zoom factor.
      state - the plot state.
      source - the source point.
      See Also:
    • zoomRangeAxes

      public void zoomRangeAxes(double factor, PlotRenderingInfo state, Point2D source, boolean useAnchor)
      Multiplies the range on the range axis/axes by the specified factor.
      Specified by:
      zoomRangeAxes in interface Zoomable
      factor - the zoom factor.
      state - the plot state.
      source - the source point.
      useAnchor - a flag that controls whether or not the source point is used for the zoom anchor.
      See Also:
    • zoomDomainAxes

      public void zoomDomainAxes(double lowerPercent, double upperPercent, PlotRenderingInfo state, Point2D source)
      This method does nothing.
      Specified by:
      zoomDomainAxes in interface Zoomable
      lowerPercent - the lower percent.
      upperPercent - the upper percent.
      state - the plot state.
      source - the source point.
      See Also:
    • zoomRangeAxes

      public void zoomRangeAxes(double lowerPercent, double upperPercent, PlotRenderingInfo state, Point2D source)
      Zooms the range axes.
      Specified by:
      zoomRangeAxes in interface Zoomable
      lowerPercent - the lower percent.
      upperPercent - the upper percent.
      state - the plot state.
      source - the source point.
      See Also:
    • isDomainZoomable

      public boolean isDomainZoomable()
      Returns false.
      Specified by:
      isDomainZoomable in interface Zoomable
      A boolean.
      See Also:
    • isRangeZoomable

      public boolean isRangeZoomable()
      Returns true.
      Specified by:
      isRangeZoomable in interface Zoomable
      A boolean.
      See Also:
    • dispose

      public void dispose()
      Specified by:
      dispose in interface Disposable