Module jEdit

Class ShapedFoldPainter

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
CircleFoldPainter, SquareFoldPainter

public abstract class ShapedFoldPainter extends Object implements FoldPainter
Fold Painter
  • Constructor Details

    • ShapedFoldPainter

      public ShapedFoldPainter()
  • Method Details

    • paintFoldEnd

      public void paintFoldEnd(Gutter gutter, Graphics2D gfx, int screenLine, int physicalLine, int y, int lineHeight, JEditBuffer buffer)
      Description copied from interface: FoldPainter
      Paints the end of a fold in the gutter.
      Specified by:
      paintFoldEnd in interface FoldPainter
      gutter - The gutter in which the fold is drawn.
      gfx - The graphics object to use for the painting.
      screenLine - The index of the line on the screen (e.g. 5th from top).
      physicalLine - The index of the line in the buffer.
      y - The y coordinate of the top of the line on the screen.
      lineHeight - The line height in pixels.
      buffer - The buffer to which the line belongs.
    • paintFoldMiddle

      public void paintFoldMiddle(Gutter gutter, Graphics2D gfx, int screenLine, int physicalLine, int y, int lineHeight, JEditBuffer buffer)
      Description copied from interface: FoldPainter
      Paints the middle of a fold (single line) in the gutter.
      Specified by:
      paintFoldMiddle in interface FoldPainter
      gutter - The gutter in which the fold is drawn.
      gfx - The graphics object to use for the painting.
      screenLine - The index of the line on the screen (e.g. 5th from top).
      physicalLine - The index of the line in the buffer.
      y - The y coordinate of the top of the line on the screen.
      lineHeight - The line height in pixels.
      buffer - The buffer to which the line belongs.
    • paintFoldStart

      public void paintFoldStart(Gutter gutter, Graphics2D gfx, int screenLine, int physicalLine, boolean nextLineVisible, int y, int lineHeight, JEditBuffer buffer)
      Description copied from interface: FoldPainter
      Paints the beginning of a fold in the gutter.
      Specified by:
      paintFoldStart in interface FoldPainter
      gutter - The gutter in which the fold is drawn.
      gfx - The graphics object to use for the painting.
      screenLine - The index of the line on the screen (e.g. 5th from top).
      physicalLine - The index of the line in the buffer.
      nextLineVisible - Whether the next buffer line is visible on screen.
      y - The y coordinate of the top of the line on the screen.
      lineHeight - The line height in pixels.
      buffer - The buffer to which the line belongs.
    • paintFoldShape

      protected abstract void paintFoldShape(Graphics2D gfx, int top, int bottom)