Module platform

Class Title

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Block, Drawable
Direct Known Subclasses:
CompositeTitle, ImageTitle, LegendTitle, PaintScaleLegend, TextTitle

public abstract class Title extends AbstractBlock implements Block, Cloneable, Serializable
The base class for all chart titles. A chart can have multiple titles, appearing at the top, bottom, left or right of the chart.

Concrete implementations of this class will render text and images, and hence do the actual work of drawing titles.

See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final RectangleEdge DEFAULT_POSITION
      The default title position.

      public static final HorizontalAlignment DEFAULT_HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT
      The default horizontal alignment.

      public static final VerticalAlignment DEFAULT_VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT
      The default vertical alignment.

      public static final RectangleInsets DEFAULT_PADDING
      Default title padding.
    • visible

      public boolean visible
      A flag that controls whether or not the title is visible.
  • Constructor Details

    • Title

      protected Title()
      Creates a new title, using default attributes where necessary.
    • Title

      protected Title(RectangleEdge position, HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment)
      Creates a new title, using default attributes where necessary.
      position - the position of the title (null not permitted).
      horizontalAlignment - the horizontal alignment of the title (null not permitted).
      verticalAlignment - the vertical alignment of the title (null not permitted).
    • Title

      protected Title(RectangleEdge position, HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment, RectangleInsets padding)
      Creates a new title.
      position - the position of the title (null not permitted).
      horizontalAlignment - the horizontal alignment of the title (LEFT, CENTER or RIGHT, null not permitted).
      verticalAlignment - the vertical alignment of the title (TOP, MIDDLE or BOTTOM, null not permitted).
      padding - the amount of space to leave around the outside of the title (null not permitted).
  • Method Details

    • isVisible

      public boolean isVisible()
      Returns a flag that controls whether or not the title should be drawn. The default value is true.
      A boolean.
      See Also:
    • setVisible

      public void setVisible(boolean visible)
      Sets a flag that controls whether or not the title should be drawn, and sends a TitleChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
      visible - the new flag value.
      See Also:
    • getPosition

      public RectangleEdge getPosition()
      Returns the position of the title.
      The title position (never null).
    • setPosition

      public void setPosition(RectangleEdge position)
      Sets the position for the title and sends a TitleChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
      position - the position (null not permitted).
    • getHorizontalAlignment

      public HorizontalAlignment getHorizontalAlignment()
      Returns the horizontal alignment of the title.
      The horizontal alignment (never null).
    • setHorizontalAlignment

      public void setHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignment alignment)
      Sets the horizontal alignment for the title and sends a TitleChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
      alignment - the horizontal alignment (null not permitted).
    • getVerticalAlignment

      public VerticalAlignment getVerticalAlignment()
      Returns the vertical alignment of the title.
      The vertical alignment (never null).
    • setVerticalAlignment

      public void setVerticalAlignment(VerticalAlignment alignment)
      Sets the vertical alignment for the title, and notifies any registered listeners of the change.
      alignment - the new vertical alignment (TOP, MIDDLE or BOTTOM, null not permitted).
    • getNotify

      public boolean getNotify()
      Returns the flag that indicates whether or not the notification mechanism is enabled.
      The flag.
    • setNotify

      public void setNotify(boolean flag)
      Sets the flag that indicates whether or not the notification mechanism is enabled. There are certain situations (such as cloning) where you want to turn notification off temporarily.
      flag - the new value of the flag.
    • draw

      public abstract void draw(Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D area)
      Draws the title on a Java 2D graphics device (such as the screen or a printer).
      Specified by:
      draw in interface Drawable
      g2 - the graphics device.
      area - the area allocated for the title (subclasses should not draw outside this area).
    • clone

      public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException
      Returns a clone of the title.

      One situation when this is useful is when editing the title properties - you can edit a clone, and then it is easier to cancel the changes if necessary.

      clone in class AbstractBlock
      A clone of the title.
      CloneNotSupportedException - not thrown by this class, but it may be thrown by subclasses.
    • addChangeListener

      public void addChangeListener(TitleChangeListener listener)
      Registers an object for notification of changes to the title.
      listener - the object that is being registered.
    • removeChangeListener

      public void removeChangeListener(TitleChangeListener listener)
      Unregisters an object for notification of changes to the chart title.
      listener - the object that is being unregistered.
    • notifyListeners

      protected void notifyListeners(TitleChangeEvent event)
      Notifies all registered listeners that the chart title has changed in some way.
      event - an object that contains information about the change to the title.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      Tests an object for equality with this title.
      equals in class AbstractBlock
      obj - the object (null not permitted).
      true or false.
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      Returns a hashcode for the title.
      hashCode in class Object
      The hashcode.