Module jEdit

Class ServiceManager


public class ServiceManager extends Object
A generic way for plugins (and core) to provide various API extensions.

Services are loaded from files named services.xml inside the plugin JAR. A service definition file has the following form:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <SERVICE NAME="service name" CLASS="fully qualified class name">
        // BeanShell code evaluated when the sevice is first activated
The following elements are valid:
  • SERVICES is the top-level element and refers to the set of services offered by the plugin.
  • A SERVICE contains the factory method for this service singleton. The ServiceManager manages named singletons created from these factory methods. It has two attributes, both required: NAME and CLASS. The CLASS attribute must be the name of a known sevice type; see below.
  • A SERVICE element should the BeanShell code that returns a new instance of the named class. Note that this code can return null.
To see all of the services offered by jEdit core, see jEdit's services.xml file. Some core services are listed below: Plugins may define/provide more, so the only way to see a complete list of service types currently in use is by calling getServiceTypes().
To use a service from a plugin, add a piece of code somewhere that calls getServiceNames(String) and getService(String,String).
jEdit 4.2pre1
$Id: 25067 2020-03-29 16:44:44Z kpouer $
Slava Pestov
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ServiceManager

      public ServiceManager()
  • Method Details

    • loadServices

      public static void loadServices(PluginJAR plugin, URL uri, PluginJAR.PluginCacheEntry cache)
      Loads a services.xml file.
      jEdit 4.2pre1
    • unloadServices

      public static void unloadServices(PluginJAR plugin)
      Removes all services belonging to the specified plugin.
      plugin - The plugin
      jEdit 4.2pre1
    • registerService

      public static void registerService(String clazz, String name, String code, PluginJAR plugin)
      Registers a service. Plugins should provide a services.xml file instead of calling this directly.
      clazz - The service class
      name - The service name
      code - BeanShell code to create an instance of this
      plugin - The plugin JAR, or null if this is a built-in service
      jEdit 4.2pre1
    • unregisterService

      public static void unregisterService(String clazz, String name)
      Unregisters a service.
      clazz - The service class
      name - The service name
      jEdit 4.2pre1
    • getServiceTypes

      public static String[] getServiceTypes()
      Returns all known service class types.
      jEdit 4.2pre1
    • getServiceNames

      public static String[] getServiceNames(String clazz)
      Returns the names of all registered services with the given class. For example, calling this with a parameter of "" returns all known virtual file systems.
      clazz - The class name
      jEdit 4.2pre1
    • getServiceNames

      public static String[] getServiceNames(Class clazz)
    • getService

      public static Object getService(String clazz, String name)
      Returns an instance of the given service. The first time this is called for a given service, the BeanShell code is evaluated. The result is cached for future invocations, so in effect services are singletons.
      clazz - The service class
      name - The service name
      jEdit 4.2pre1
    • getService

      public static <E> E getService(Class<E> clazz, String name)
      Returns an instance of the given service. The first time this is called for a given service, the BeanShell code is evaluated. The result is cached for future invocations, so in effect services are singletons.
      clazz - The service class
      name - The service name
      the service instance
      jEdit 4.4pre1