Module raytracer

Interface RayProcessor

All Known Implementing Classes:
BidirectionalPathTracer, DefaultRayTracer, PathTracerHS, PathTracerMT, PhotonMapping

public interface RayProcessor
An implementation of this interface encapsulates the raytracing algorithm. This class uses an IntersectionProcessor for determining intersection information about a single ray in the scene. Therefore it must not know the scene at all. It only interpretes the intersection information and sends out and traces new (reflected,fractured,..) rays.
  • Method Details

    • hasFixedLightProcessor

      boolean hasFixedLightProcessor()
    • setLightProcessor

      void setLightProcessor(LightProcessor lightProcessor)
    • getLightProcessor

      LightProcessor getLightProcessor()
    • setRecursionDepth

      void setRecursionDepth(int value)
    • getRecursionDepth

      int getRecursionDepth()
    • prepareRayProcessor

      void prepareRayProcessor(RTScene scene, IntersectionProcessor intersectionProcessor)
      With this method the processor is initialized with a 3d scene and an intersection processor it will use.
      scene -
      intersectionProcessor -
    • getColorFromRay

      void getColorFromRay(Ray ray, Color4f color)
      The main methode of a ray processor. This methode has to calculate a color (or luminance of the red, gren and blue ) for each ray.
      ray - input - calculate for this ray
      color - output - the calculated color