Module raytracer
Package de.grogra.ray

Interface RTScene

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface RTScene
This class represents a scene of 3d objects. It gives access to all objects and lights in this scene. To receive an array of all scene shadeable objects or of all light use the methodes de.grogra.ray.Raytracer.getShadeables(RTScene scene) or de.grogra.ray.Raytracer.getLights(RTScene scene).
See Also:
  • de.grogra.ray.Raytracer.getShadeables
  • de.grogra.ray.Raytracer.getLights
  • Method Details

    • traversSceneObjects

      void traversSceneObjects(RTSceneVisitor visitor)
      Provides an access to all objects in this scene. For each object the methode RTSceneVisitor.visitObject(RTObject object) is called.
      visitor - a visitor object that can perform a proccessing with a concrete scene object.
      See Also:
    • traversSceneLights

      void traversSceneLights(RTSceneVisitor visitor)
      Provides an access to all light objects in this scene. For each light object the methode RTSceneVisitor.visitObject(RTObject object) is called.
      visitor - a visitor object that can perform a proccessing with a concrete scene light.
      See Also:
    • getShadeablesCount

      int getShadeablesCount()
      Returns the number of shadeable (visible) objects in the scene.
      number of shadeable objects
    • getLightsCount

      int getLightsCount()
      Returns the number of light in this scene.
      number of scene lights
    • getStamp

      int getStamp()
      Returns a modification stamp for the scene graph. Each modification increments the value, so that the test whether some modification occured can be simply performed on values of the stamp.
      a stamp for the whole graph
    • getGraph

      Object getGraph()