Module rgg

Class Assignment

All Implemented Interfaces:
Manageable, PersistenceCapable, Shareable, UserFields, XObject, TurtleModifier, Map, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:
C, CAdd, Cl, ClAdd, ClMul, CMul, D, DAdd, Dl, DlAdd, DlMul, DMul, GD, H, HAdd, Hl, HlAdd, HlMul, HMul, L, LAdd, Ll, LlAdd, LlMul, LMul, N, NAdd, Nl, NlAdd, NlMul, NMul, OR, P, Pl, U, UAdd, Ul, UlAdd, UlMul, UMul, V, VAdd, Vl, VlAdd, VlMul, VMul

public abstract class Assignment extends Node implements TurtleModifier
This is the base class of turtle commands which assign a value to a state variable of the turtle and have a single parameter. The parameter is stored in argument.
Ole Kniemeyer
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • argument

      public float argument
      The single parameter of this turtle command.
    • $TYPE

      public static final Node.NType $TYPE
    • argument$FIELD

      public static final Node.NType.Field argument$FIELD
  • Constructor Details

    • Assignment

      public Assignment(float argument)