Module jEdit

Class Log


public class Log extends Object
This class provides methods for logging events. In terms of functionality, it is somewhere in between System.out.println() and full-blown logging packages such as log4j.

All events are logged to an in-memory buffer and optionally a stream, and those with a high urgency (warnings and errors) are also printed to standard output.

Logging of exception tracebacks is supported.

This class can also optionally redirect standard output and error to the log, see init(boolean, int).

$Id: 25123 2020-04-04 22:40:51Z kpouer $
Slava Pestov
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final int
    Debugging message urgency.
    static final int
    Error urgency.
    static int
    The maximum number of log messages that will be kept in memory.
    static final int
    Message urgency.
    static final int
    Notice urgency.
    static final List<Throwable>
    static final int
    Warning urgency.
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static void
    Closes the log stream.
    static void
    Flushes the log stream.
    static boolean
    Returns the list model for viewing the log contents.
    static int
    static void
    init(boolean stdio, int level)
    Initializes the log.
    static void
    log(int urgency, Object source, Object message)
    Logs a message.
    static void
    log(int urgency, Object source, Object message, Throwable exception)
    Logs an exception with a message.
    static void
    setBeepOnOutput(boolean beepOnOutput)
    When beepOnOutput is set, every output going to standard error is signaled by a standard beep.
    static void
    Writes all currently logged messages to this stream if there was no stream set previously, and sets the stream to write future log messages to.
    static void
    setMaxLines(int newMax)

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details


      public static int MAXLINES
      The maximum number of log messages that will be kept in memory.
      jEdit 2.6pre5
    • DEBUG

      public static final int DEBUG
      Debugging message urgency. Should be used for messages only useful when debugging a problem.
      jEdit 2.2pre2
      See Also:

      public static final int MESSAGE
      Message urgency. Should be used for messages which give more detail than notices.
      jEdit 2.2pre2
      See Also:
    • NOTICE

      public static final int NOTICE
      Notice urgency. Should be used for messages that directly affect the user.
      jEdit 2.2pre2
      See Also:

      public static final int WARNING
      Warning urgency. Should be used for messages that warrant attention.
      jEdit 2.2pre2
      See Also:
    • ERROR

      public static final int ERROR
      Error urgency. Should be used for messages that signal a failure.
      jEdit 2.2pre2
      See Also:
    • throwables

      public static final List<Throwable> throwables
  • Constructor Details

    • Log

      public Log()
  • Method Details

    • init

      public static void init(boolean stdio, int level)
      Initializes the log.
      stdio - If true, standard output and error will be intercepted and sent to the log. The urgency for these implicit log entries is NOTICE and ERROR accordingly. Note that in such a situation System.out.print() calls will not appear on standard output, if default output level is higher than NOTICE.
      level - Messages with this log level or higher will be printed to the system console.
      jEdit 3.2pre4
    • setLogWriter

      public static void setLogWriter(Writer stream)
      Writes all currently logged messages to this stream if there was no stream set previously, and sets the stream to write future log messages to.
      stream - The writer
      jEdit 3.2pre4
    • getBeepOnOutput

      public static boolean getBeepOnOutput()
      jEdit 5.1pre1
    • setBeepOnOutput

      public static void setBeepOnOutput(boolean beepOnOutput)
      When beepOnOutput is set, every output going to standard error is signaled by a standard beep. This is intended for debugging purposes, to allow for immediate problem detection.
      jEdit 5.1pre1
    • setMaxLines

      public static void setMaxLines(int newMax)
    • getMaxLinex

      public static int getMaxLinex()
    • flushStream

      public static void flushStream()
      Flushes the log stream.
      jEdit 2.6pre5
    • closeStream

      public static void closeStream()
      Closes the log stream. Should be done before your program exits.
      jEdit 2.6pre5
    • getLogListModel

      public static ListModel<String> getLogListModel()
      Returns the list model for viewing the log contents.
      jEdit 4.2pre1
    • log

      public static void log(int urgency, Object source, Object message, Throwable exception)
      Logs an exception with a message. If an exception is the cause of a call to log, then the exception should be explicitly provided so that it can be presented to the (debugging) user in a useful manner (not just the exception message, but also the exception stack trace)
      jEdit 4.3pre5
    • log

      public static void log(int urgency, Object source, Object message)
      Logs a message. This method is thread-safe.

      The following code sends a typical debugging message to the activity log:

      Log.log(Log.DEBUG,this,"counter = " + counter);
      The corresponding activity log entry might read as follows:
      [debug] JavaParser: counter = 15
      urgency - The urgency; can be one of Log.DEBUG, Log.MESSAGE, Log.NOTICE, Log.WARNING, or Log.ERROR.
      source - The source of the message, either an object or a class instance. When writing log messages from macros, set this parameter to BeanShell.class to make macro errors easier to spot in the activity log.
      message - The message. This can either be a string or an exception
      jEdit 2.2pre2