Module jEdit
Package org.gjt.sp.util
package org.gjt.sp.util
ClassDescriptionA queue for runnables that should run in the EDT after all pending IO tasks are finishedAn enhancement of the
to be used as superclass for custom tree cell renderers.Various GUI utility functions not depending on jEdit, for use in StandaloneTextArea.HTML utility methods for conversion of strings to HTML and highlighting matches in search results.A simple collection that stores integers and grows automatically.IO tools that depend on JDK only.This class provides methods for logging events.Interface used to monitor things that can progress.A "java bean" that can serialize itself into a java.util.Properties instance.Reversed view of a given CharSequence.An extended segment that you can append text to.Class that lets java.util.regex search within a javax.swing.text.Segment.Several tools that depends on JDK only.Compares objects as strings.A List<String> with some perl-like convenience functions (split/join primarily), and easy conversion to/from arrays.A model for a single String, which supports TextListeners.Syntax utilities that depends on JDK only and syntax package.A Task is a Runnable with progress.The TaskManager manage Tasks in the Threadpool, it knows all of them, and sends events to TaskListeners.The threadpool of jEdit.XML utility methods that only depend on the JDK.