Module platform

Interface DialLayer

All Known Subinterfaces:
DialFrame, DialScale
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractDialLayer, ArcDialFrame, DialBackground, DialCap, DialPointer, DialPointer.Pin, DialPointer.Pointer, DialTextAnnotation, DialValueIndicator, StandardDialFrame, StandardDialRange, StandardDialScale

public interface DialLayer
A dial layer draws itself within a reference frame. The view frame is a subset of the reference frame, and defines the area that is actually visible.

Classes that implement this interface should be Serializable, otherwise chart serialization may fail.
  • Method Details

    • isVisible

      boolean isVisible()
      Returns a flag that indicates whether or not the layer is visible.
      A boolean.
    • addChangeListener

      void addChangeListener(DialLayerChangeListener listener)
      Registers a listener with this layer, so that it receives notification of changes to this layer.
      listener - the listener.
    • removeChangeListener

      void removeChangeListener(DialLayerChangeListener listener)
      Deregisters a listener, so that it no longer receives notification of changes to this layer.
      listener - the listener.
    • hasListener

      boolean hasListener(EventListener listener)
      Returns true if the specified listener is currently registered with the this layer.
      listener - the listener.
      A boolean.
    • isClippedToWindow

      boolean isClippedToWindow()
      Returns true if the drawing should be clipped to the dial window (which is defined by the DialFrame), and false otherwise.
      A boolean.
    • draw

      void draw(Graphics2D g2, DialPlot plot, Rectangle2D frame, Rectangle2D view)
      Draws the content of this layer.
      g2 - the graphics target (null not permitted).
      plot - the plot (typically this should not be null, but for a layer that doesn't need to reference the plot, it may be permitted).
      frame - the reference frame for the dial's geometry (null not permitted). This is typically larger than the visible area of the dial (see the next parameter).
      view - the visible area for the dial (null not permitted).