Module platform

Class StandardPieSectionLabelGenerator

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, PieSectionLabelGenerator, PublicCloneable

public class StandardPieSectionLabelGenerator extends AbstractPieItemLabelGenerator implements PieSectionLabelGenerator, Cloneable, PublicCloneable, Serializable
A standard item label generator for plots that use data from a PieDataset.

For the label format, use {0} where the pie section key should be inserted, {1} for the absolute section value and {2} for the percent amount of the pie section, e.g. "{0} = {1} ({2})" will display as apple = 120 (5%).

See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final String DEFAULT_SECTION_LABEL_FORMAT
      The default section label format.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • StandardPieSectionLabelGenerator

      public StandardPieSectionLabelGenerator()
      Creates a new section label generator using DEFAULT_SECTION_LABEL_FORMAT as the label format string, and platform default number and percentage formatters.
    • StandardPieSectionLabelGenerator

      public StandardPieSectionLabelGenerator(Locale locale)
      Creates a new instance for the specified locale.
      locale - the local (null not permitted).
    • StandardPieSectionLabelGenerator

      public StandardPieSectionLabelGenerator(String labelFormat)
      Creates a new section label generator using the specified label format string, and platform default number and percentage formatters.
      labelFormat - the label format (null not permitted).
    • StandardPieSectionLabelGenerator

      public StandardPieSectionLabelGenerator(String labelFormat, Locale locale)
      Creates a new instance for the specified locale.
      labelFormat - the label format (null not permitted).
      locale - the local (null not permitted).
    • StandardPieSectionLabelGenerator

      public StandardPieSectionLabelGenerator(String labelFormat, NumberFormat numberFormat, NumberFormat percentFormat)
      Creates an item label generator using the specified number formatters.
      labelFormat - the label format string (null not permitted).
      numberFormat - the format object for the values (null not permitted).
      percentFormat - the format object for the percentages (null not permitted).
  • Method Details