Module utilities

Interface KeyDescription

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
Attribute, BooleanAttribute, BooleanTreeAttribute, ByteAttribute, ByteTreeAttribute, CharAttribute, CharTreeAttribute, DensityTreeAttribute, DoubleAttribute, DoubleTreeAttribute, FloatAttribute, FloatTreeAttribute, GlobalTransformation, GlobalTransformation, HeightTreeAttribute, IdTreeAttribute, IntAttribute, IntEnumerationAttribute, IntTreeAttribute, KeyDescriptionImpl, LocationParameterTreeAttribute, LongAttribute, LongTreeAttribute, Matrix3dAttribute, Matrix3fAttribute, Matrix4dAttribute, Matrix4fAttribute, NumberTreeAttribute, ObjectAttribute, ObjectTreeAttribute, Option, ParentAttribute, Point2dAttribute, Point2fAttribute, Point3dAttribute, Point3fAttribute, ShortAttribute, ShortCut, ShortTreeAttribute, StringAttribute, TreeValuesTreeAttribute, Tuple2dAttribute, Tuple2fAttribute, Tuple3dAttribute, Tuple3fAttribute, Tuple4dAttribute, Tuple4fAttribute, TurtleStateAttribute, Vector2dAttribute, Vector2fAttribute, Vector3dAttribute, Vector3fAttribute, VoidAttribute, VolumeAttribute

public interface KeyDescription extends Described
A description of the properties of a key. This interface inherits the semantics of its superinterface Described. In addition, it provides information about some key being described, and about the type and quantity of values associated with this key.
Ole Kniemeyer
  • Method Details

    • getKey

      String getKey()
      Returns the key which is described by this instance.
      the key
    • getType

      Type getType()
      Returns the type of values which are associated with the key.
      the type of values
    • getQuantity

      Quantity getQuantity()
      Returns the quantity of values which are associated with the key.
      the quantity of values