Module graph

Class ByteAttribute

All Implemented Interfaces:
Described, KeyDescription, Comparable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class ByteAttribute extends Attribute<Byte>
  • Constructor Details

    • ByteAttribute

      public ByteAttribute(Type type)
    • ByteAttribute

      public ByteAttribute()
  • Method Details

    • get

      public final Byte get(Object o, boolean asNode, GraphState gs)
      Description copied from class: Attribute
      Returns the value of this attribute for the given object in the given graph state. If necessary, the value is wrapped in one of the standard wrapper classes.
      Specified by:
      get in class Attribute<Byte>
      o - the object
      asNode - true if object is a node, false if object is an edge
      gs - the graph state context
      the value of this attribute for the given object
    • set

      public final Byte set(Object o, boolean asNode, Object value, GraphState gs)
      Description copied from class: Attribute
      Sets the value of this attribute for the given object to the given value
      Specified by:
      set in class Attribute<Byte>
      o - the object
      asNode - true if object is a node, false if object is an edge
      value - the new value of the attribute for the object
      gs - the graph state context
    • getDerived

      protected byte getDerived(Object object, boolean asNode, GraphState gs)
    • setByte

      public byte setByte(Object object, boolean asNode, byte value, GraphState gs)
    • setDerived

      protected byte setDerived(Object object, boolean asNode, byte value, GraphState gs)
    • getMinValue

      public byte getMinValue()
    • getMaxValue

      public byte getMaxValue()