Module jEdit

Class ReflectManager

Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class ReflectManager extends Object
ReflectManager is a dynamically loaded extension that supports extended reflection features supported by JDK1.2 and greater. In particular it currently supports accessible method and field access supported by JDK1.2 and greater.
  • Constructor Details

    • ReflectManager

      public ReflectManager()
  • Method Details

    • getReflectManager

      public static ReflectManager getReflectManager() throws Capabilities.Unavailable
      Return the singleton bsh ReflectManager.
      Capabilities.Unavailable - // weirdness with mode file, leave in the tab preceding this comment
    • RMSetAccessible

      public static boolean RMSetAccessible(Object obj) throws Capabilities.Unavailable
      Reflect Manager Set Accessible. Convenience method to invoke the reflect manager.
      Capabilities.Unavailable - // weirdness with mode file, leave in the tab preceding this comment
    • setAccessible

      public abstract boolean setAccessible(Object o)
      Set a java.lang.reflect Field, Method, Constructor, or Array of accessible objects to accessible mode.
      true if the object was accessible or false if it was not.