Module platform

Interface TickUnitSource

All Known Implementing Classes:
NumberTickUnitSource, StandardTickUnitSource, TickUnits

public interface TickUnitSource
An interface used by the DateAxis and NumberAxis classes to obtain a suitable TickUnit.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    getCeilingTickUnit(double size)
    Returns the smallest tick unit available in the source that is greater than or equal to the specified size.
    Returns the tick unit in the collection that is greater than or equal to (in size) the specified unit.
    Returns the smallest tick unit available in the source that is larger than unit or, if there is no larger unit, returns unit.
  • Method Details

    • getLargerTickUnit

      TickUnit getLargerTickUnit(TickUnit unit)
      Returns the smallest tick unit available in the source that is larger than unit or, if there is no larger unit, returns unit.
      unit - the unit (null not permitted).
      A tick unit that is larger than the supplied unit.
    • getCeilingTickUnit

      TickUnit getCeilingTickUnit(TickUnit unit)
      Returns the tick unit in the collection that is greater than or equal to (in size) the specified unit.
      unit - the unit.
      A unit from the collection.
    • getCeilingTickUnit

      TickUnit getCeilingTickUnit(double size)
      Returns the smallest tick unit available in the source that is greater than or equal to the specified size. If there is no such tick unit, the method should return the largest available tick in the source.
      size - the size.
      A unit from the collection (never null).