Module gpuFlux

Class FluxSceneVisitor

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class FluxSceneVisitor extends DisplayVisitor
  • Constructor Details

    • FluxSceneVisitor

      public FluxSceneVisitor()
  • Method Details

    • getPrimitives

      public Vector<FluxPrimitive> getPrimitives()
    • getSensors

      public Vector<FluxSensor> getSensors()
    • getLights

      public Vector<LightNode> getLights()
    • getInfPrimitives

      public Vector<FluxPrimitive> getInfPrimitives()
    • getNodeToGroup

      public LongToIntHashMap getNodeToGroup()
    • getCloner

      public GridClonerNode getCloner()
    • resolveShader

      protected Shader resolveShader(Shader shader)
      resolveShader in class DisplayVisitor
    • isInVisibleLayer

      protected boolean isInVisibleLayer(Object o, boolean asNode)
      isInVisibleLayer in class DisplayVisitor
    • visitScene

      public void visitScene(Graph graph, ViewConfig3D view, ObjectFilter measureFilter, boolean enableSensors, boolean sampleExplicit, boolean radiation, ProgressMonitor monitor, float flatness, boolean[] visibleLayers)
    • visitImpl

      protected void visitImpl(Object object, boolean asNode, Shader s, Path path)
      Specified by:
      visitImpl in class DisplayVisitor
    • visitEnterImpl

      protected void visitEnterImpl(Object object, boolean asNode, Path path)
      Description copied from class: Visitor3D
      This method has to be implemented by subclasses. It is invoked when object is entered.
      visitEnterImpl in class DisplayVisitor
      object - the object being entered
      asNode - is object a node or an edge?
      path - the path to object if object is a node, the path to the node where object points to if object is an edge
    • visitInstanceEnter

      public Object visitInstanceEnter()
      Description copied from interface: Visitor
      Informs this visitor about the beginning of an instantiation. This method invokation is nested immediately within visitEnter/visitLeave of a node. Later on, Visitor.visitInstanceLeave(Object) will be invoked with the returned value of this invocation as argument. If this method returns Visitor.STOP, the visitInstanceLeave-method will be invoked immediately after this method, i.e., the visitor does not dive into the instantiation. Otherwise, the instantiation is performed, starting with an edge.
      Specified by:
      visitInstanceEnter in interface Visitor
      visitInstanceEnter in class Visitor3D
      value to pass to visitInstanceLeave, may be Visitor.STOP
    • visitInstanceLeave

      public boolean visitInstanceLeave(Object o)
      Description copied from interface: Visitor
      Informs this visitor that an instantiation has been processed completely. The value o is the return value of the corresponding invocation of Visitor.visitInstanceEnter(). If this invocation returns false, no further instantiations or edges of the current level of hierarchy will be passed to this visitor, i.e., the visitLeave method for the enclosing node will be invoked immediately.
      Specified by:
      visitInstanceLeave in interface Visitor
      visitInstanceLeave in class Visitor3D
      o - returned value of visitInstanceEnter
      true iff processing of current level shall be continued
    • visitLeaveImpl

      protected void visitLeaveImpl(Object object, boolean asNode, Path path)
      Description copied from class: Visitor3D
      This method has to be implemented by subclasses. It is invoked when object is left.
      visitLeaveImpl in class DisplayVisitor
      object - the object being left
      asNode - is object a node or an edge?
      path - the path to object if object is a node, the path to the node where object points to if object is an edge
    • getGroupCount

      public int getGroupCount()
    • getChannels

      public Vector<FluxChannelMap> getChannels()
    • getShaders

      public Vector<FluxShader> getShaders()
    • getLog

      public String getLog()
    • getLightBuilder

      public FluxLightBuilder getLightBuilder()