Module utilities

Class Debug


public final class Debug extends Object
This helper class is used to control the debugging facilities. In each class that contains additional debug code, a flag is set by code similar to this one: private static final boolean DEBUG = Debug.debug("GLDisplay"); Making the flag private, static and final allows the javavm to perform some optimizations at runtime. For instance consider a statement like this one: if (DEBUG) { } The java compiler will generate bytecode for this statement and the code contained therein, but at runtime this code may be optimized away by the executing javavm, if the flag DEBUG was evaluated to false. By having each class query the debug state via the same function Debug.debug(), debugging of those classes can be easily enabled. The function debug() will look at the defined system properties for a property with the name "groimp.debug.", where is the string passed to the debug() function. If such a property is defined, debugging is enabled for that name and debug() returns true.
Reinhard Hemmerling
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • Debug

      public Debug()
  • Method Details

    • debug

      public static final boolean debug(String name)
      Returns true if debugging for that name was enabled.
      name - symbol that is checked for debugging
      true if debugging was enabled for that symbol