Module rgg

Class AdjustLU

All Implemented Interfaces:
Manageable, PersistenceCapable, Shareable, UserFields, XObject, Map, Serializable

public class AdjustLU extends Node
The turtle command AdjustLU performs a rotation about the local z-axis (the turtle's head axis) such that the angle between the rotated local y-axis (the turtle's up axis) and the global z-axis becomes minimal. As a consequence, the rotated local x-axis (the turtle's left axis) is horizontal.
This corresponds to the turtle command $ of the GROGRA software.
Ole Kniemeyer
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • AdjustLU

      public AdjustLU()
  • Method Details

    • getNTypeImpl

      protected Node.NType getNTypeImpl()
      Description copied from class: Node
      This method returns the Node.NType which describes the managed fields of the class of this node. This method has to be implemented in every concrete subclass.
      getNTypeImpl in class Node
      type describing the managed fields of the class of this node
    • newInstance

      protected Node newInstance()
      Description copied from class: Node
      This method returns a new instance of the class of this node. This method has to be implemented in every concrete subclass.
      newInstance in class Node
      new instance of class of this node
    • getAngle

      public double getAngle(GraphState gs)
    • getDouble

      protected double getDouble(DoubleAttribute a, GraphState gs)
      getDouble in class Node
    • getObject

      protected Object getObject(ObjectAttribute a, Object placeIn, GraphState gs)
      getObject in class Node