Module platform

Class DirectionalGradientPaintTransformer

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DirectionalGradientPaintTransformer extends Object implements GradientPaintTransformer
Transforms a GradientPaint to range over the width of a target shape. The orientation of the resulting GradientPaint depend on the coordinates of the original paint:
  • If the original paint starts at 0,0 and ends at a point 0, y != 0, the resulting paint will have a vertical orientation.
  • If the original paint starts at 0,0 and ends at a point x !=0, 0, the resulting paint will have a horizontal orientation.
  • If the original paint starts at 0,0 and ends at a point x != 0, y != 0, the resulting paint will have a diagonal orientation from the upper left to the lower right edge. Lines of equal color will have a 45 ∞ angle, pointing upwards from left to right.
  • If the original paint starts at a point x != 0, y != 0, the resulting paint will have a diagonal orientation from the lower left to the upper right edge. Lines of equal color will have a 45 ∞ angle, pointing downwards from left to right.

In all cases, the cyclic flag of the original paint will be taken into account.

Peter Kolb
  • Constructor Details

    • DirectionalGradientPaintTransformer

      public DirectionalGradientPaintTransformer()
      Default constructor.
  • Method Details

    • transform

      public GradientPaint transform(GradientPaint paint, Shape target)
      Transforms a GradientPaint instance to fit some target shape.
      Specified by:
      transform in interface GradientPaintTransformer
      paint - the original paint (not null).
      target - the reference area (not null).
      A transformed paint.