Module platform

Class LegendItem

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable

public class LegendItem extends Object implements Cloneable, Serializable
A temporary storage object for recording the properties of a legend item, without any consideration for layout issues.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • LegendItem

      public LegendItem(String label)
      Creates a legend item with the specified label. The remaining attributes take default values.
      label - the label (null not permitted).
    • LegendItem

      public LegendItem(String label, Paint paint)
      Creates a legend item with the specified label and fill paint. The remaining attributes take default values.
      label - the label (null not permitted).
      paint - the paint (null not permitted).
    • LegendItem

      public LegendItem(String label, String description, String toolTipText, String urlText, Shape shape, Paint fillPaint)
      Creates a legend item with a filled shape. The shape is not outlined, and no line is visible.
      label - the label (null not permitted).
      description - the description (null permitted).
      toolTipText - the tool tip text (null permitted).
      urlText - the URL text (null permitted).
      shape - the shape (null not permitted).
      fillPaint - the paint used to fill the shape (null not permitted).
    • LegendItem

      public LegendItem(String label, String description, String toolTipText, String urlText, Shape shape, Paint fillPaint, Stroke outlineStroke, Paint outlinePaint)
      Creates a legend item with a filled and outlined shape.
      label - the label (null not permitted).
      description - the description (null permitted).
      toolTipText - the tool tip text (null permitted).
      urlText - the URL text (null permitted).
      shape - the shape (null not permitted).
      fillPaint - the paint used to fill the shape (null not permitted).
      outlineStroke - the outline stroke (null not permitted).
      outlinePaint - the outline paint (null not permitted).
    • LegendItem

      public LegendItem(String label, String description, String toolTipText, String urlText, Shape line, Stroke lineStroke, Paint linePaint)
      Creates a legend item using a line.
      label - the label (null not permitted).
      description - the description (null permitted).
      toolTipText - the tool tip text (null permitted).
      urlText - the URL text (null permitted).
      line - the line (null not permitted).
      lineStroke - the line stroke (null not permitted).
      linePaint - the line paint (null not permitted).
    • LegendItem

      public LegendItem(String label, String description, String toolTipText, String urlText, boolean shapeVisible, Shape shape, boolean shapeFilled, Paint fillPaint, boolean shapeOutlineVisible, Paint outlinePaint, Stroke outlineStroke, boolean lineVisible, Shape line, Stroke lineStroke, Paint linePaint)
      Creates a new legend item.
      label - the label (null not permitted).
      description - the description (not currently used, null permitted).
      toolTipText - the tool tip text (null permitted).
      urlText - the URL text (null permitted).
      shapeVisible - a flag that controls whether or not the shape is displayed.
      shape - the shape (null permitted).
      shapeFilled - a flag that controls whether or not the shape is filled.
      fillPaint - the fill paint (null not permitted).
      shapeOutlineVisible - a flag that controls whether or not the shape is outlined.
      outlinePaint - the outline paint (null not permitted).
      outlineStroke - the outline stroke (null not permitted).
      lineVisible - a flag that controls whether or not the line is visible.
      line - the line.
      lineStroke - the stroke (null not permitted).
      linePaint - the line paint (null not permitted).
    • LegendItem

      public LegendItem(AttributedString label, String description, String toolTipText, String urlText, Shape shape, Paint fillPaint)
      Creates a legend item with a filled shape. The shape is not outlined, and no line is visible.
      label - the label (null not permitted).
      description - the description (null permitted).
      toolTipText - the tool tip text (null permitted).
      urlText - the URL text (null permitted).
      shape - the shape (null not permitted).
      fillPaint - the paint used to fill the shape (null not permitted).
    • LegendItem

      public LegendItem(AttributedString label, String description, String toolTipText, String urlText, Shape shape, Paint fillPaint, Stroke outlineStroke, Paint outlinePaint)
      Creates a legend item with a filled and outlined shape.
      label - the label (null not permitted).
      description - the description (null permitted).
      toolTipText - the tool tip text (null permitted).
      urlText - the URL text (null permitted).
      shape - the shape (null not permitted).
      fillPaint - the paint used to fill the shape (null not permitted).
      outlineStroke - the outline stroke (null not permitted).
      outlinePaint - the outline paint (null not permitted).
    • LegendItem

      public LegendItem(AttributedString label, String description, String toolTipText, String urlText, Shape line, Stroke lineStroke, Paint linePaint)
      Creates a legend item using a line.
      label - the label (null not permitted).
      description - the description (null permitted).
      toolTipText - the tool tip text (null permitted).
      urlText - the URL text (null permitted).
      line - the line (null not permitted).
      lineStroke - the line stroke (null not permitted).
      linePaint - the line paint (null not permitted).
    • LegendItem

      public LegendItem(AttributedString label, String description, String toolTipText, String urlText, boolean shapeVisible, Shape shape, boolean shapeFilled, Paint fillPaint, boolean shapeOutlineVisible, Paint outlinePaint, Stroke outlineStroke, boolean lineVisible, Shape line, Stroke lineStroke, Paint linePaint)
      Creates a new legend item.
      label - the label (null not permitted).
      description - the description (not currently used, null permitted).
      toolTipText - the tool tip text (null permitted).
      urlText - the URL text (null permitted).
      shapeVisible - a flag that controls whether or not the shape is displayed.
      shape - the shape (null permitted).
      shapeFilled - a flag that controls whether or not the shape is filled.
      fillPaint - the fill paint (null not permitted).
      shapeOutlineVisible - a flag that controls whether or not the shape is outlined.
      outlinePaint - the outline paint (null not permitted).
      outlineStroke - the outline stroke (null not permitted).
      lineVisible - a flag that controls whether or not the line is visible.
      line - the line (null not permitted).
      lineStroke - the stroke (null not permitted).
      linePaint - the line paint (null not permitted).
  • Method Details

    • getDataset

      public Dataset getDataset()
      Returns the dataset.
      The dataset.
      See Also:
    • setDataset

      public void setDataset(Dataset dataset)
      Sets the dataset.
      dataset - the dataset.
    • getDatasetIndex

      public int getDatasetIndex()
      Returns the dataset index for this legend item.
      The dataset index.
      See Also:
    • setDatasetIndex

      public void setDatasetIndex(int index)
      Sets the dataset index for this legend item.
      index - the index.
      See Also:
    • getSeriesKey

      public Comparable getSeriesKey()
      Returns the series key.
      The series key.
      See Also:
    • setSeriesKey

      public void setSeriesKey(Comparable key)
      Sets the series key.
      key - the series key.
    • getSeriesIndex

      public int getSeriesIndex()
      Returns the series index for this legend item.
      The series index.
    • setSeriesIndex

      public void setSeriesIndex(int index)
      Sets the series index for this legend item.
      index - the index.
    • getLabel

      public String getLabel()
      Returns the label.
      The label (never null).
    • getLabelFont

      public Font getLabelFont()
      Returns the label font.
      The label font (possibly null).
    • setLabelFont

      public void setLabelFont(Font font)
      Sets the label font.
      font - the font (null permitted).
    • getLabelPaint

      public Paint getLabelPaint()
      Returns the paint used to draw the label.
      The paint (possibly null).
    • setLabelPaint

      public void setLabelPaint(Paint paint)
      Sets the paint used to draw the label.
      paint - the paint (null permitted).
    • getAttributedLabel

      public AttributedString getAttributedLabel()
      Returns the attributed label.
      The attributed label (possibly null).
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Returns the description for the legend item.
      The description (possibly null).
      See Also:
    • setDescription

      public void setDescription(String text)
      Sets the description for this legend item.
      text - the description (null permitted).
      See Also:
    • getToolTipText

      public String getToolTipText()
      Returns the tool tip text.
      The tool tip text (possibly null).
      See Also:
    • setToolTipText

      public void setToolTipText(String text)
      Sets the tool tip text for this legend item.
      text - the text (null permitted).
      See Also:
    • getURLText

      public String getURLText()
      Returns the URL text.
      The URL text (possibly null).
      See Also:
    • setURLText

      public void setURLText(String text)
      Sets the URL text.
      text - the text (null permitted).
      See Also:
    • isShapeVisible

      public boolean isShapeVisible()
      Returns a flag that indicates whether or not the shape is visible.
      A boolean.
      See Also:
    • setShapeVisible

      public void setShapeVisible(boolean visible)
      Sets the flag that controls whether or not the shape is visible.
      visible - the new flag value.
      See Also:
    • getShape

      public Shape getShape()
      Returns the shape used to label the series represented by this legend item.
      The shape (never null).
      See Also:
    • setShape

      public void setShape(Shape shape)
      Sets the shape for the legend item.
      shape - the shape (null not permitted).
      See Also:
    • isShapeFilled

      public boolean isShapeFilled()
      Returns a flag that controls whether or not the shape is filled.
      A boolean.
    • getFillPaint

      public Paint getFillPaint()
      Returns the fill paint.
      The fill paint (never null).
    • setFillPaint

      public void setFillPaint(Paint paint)
      Sets the fill paint.
      paint - the paint (null not permitted).
    • isShapeOutlineVisible

      public boolean isShapeOutlineVisible()
      Returns the flag that controls whether or not the shape outline is visible.
      A boolean.
    • getLineStroke

      public Stroke getLineStroke()
      Returns the line stroke for the series.
      The stroke (never null).
    • setLineStroke

      public void setLineStroke(Stroke stroke)
      Sets the line stroke.
      stroke - the stroke (null not permitted).
    • getLinePaint

      public Paint getLinePaint()
      Returns the paint used for lines.
      The paint (never null).
    • setLinePaint

      public void setLinePaint(Paint paint)
      Sets the line paint.
      paint - the paint (null not permitted).
    • getOutlinePaint

      public Paint getOutlinePaint()
      Returns the outline paint.
      The outline paint (never null).
    • setOutlinePaint

      public void setOutlinePaint(Paint paint)
      Sets the outline paint.
      paint - the paint (null not permitted).
    • getOutlineStroke

      public Stroke getOutlineStroke()
      Returns the outline stroke.
      The outline stroke (never null).
      See Also:
    • setOutlineStroke

      public void setOutlineStroke(Stroke stroke)
      Sets the outline stroke.
      stroke - the stroke (null not permitted).
      See Also:
    • isLineVisible

      public boolean isLineVisible()
      Returns a flag that indicates whether or not the line is visible.
      A boolean.
      See Also:
    • setLineVisible

      public void setLineVisible(boolean visible)
      Sets the flag that controls whether or not the line shape is visible for this legend item.
      visible - the new flag value.
      See Also:
    • getLine

      public Shape getLine()
      Returns the line.
      The line (never null).
      See Also:
    • setLine

      public void setLine(Shape line)
      Sets the line.
      line - the line (null not permitted).
      See Also:
    • getFillPaintTransformer

      public GradientPaintTransformer getFillPaintTransformer()
      Returns the transformer used when the fill paint is an instance of GradientPaint.
      The transformer (never null).
      See Also:
    • setFillPaintTransformer

      public void setFillPaintTransformer(GradientPaintTransformer transformer)
      Sets the transformer used when the fill paint is an instance of GradientPaint.
      transformer - the transformer (null not permitted).
      See Also:
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      Tests this item for equality with an arbitrary object.
      equals in class Object
      obj - the object (null permitted).
      A boolean.
    • clone

      public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException
      Returns an independent copy of this object (except that the clone will still reference the same dataset as the original LegendItem).
      clone in class Object
      A clone.
      CloneNotSupportedException - if the legend item cannot be cloned.