Module platform

Class DateTitle

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Block, Drawable, PublicCloneable

public class DateTitle extends TextTitle implements Serializable
A chart title that displays the date.

Keep in mind that a chart can have several titles, and that they can appear at the top, left, right or bottom of the chart - a DateTitle will commonly appear at the bottom of a chart, although you can place it anywhere.

By specifying the locale, dates are formatted to the correct standard for the given locale. For example, a date would appear as "January 17, 2000" in the US, but "17 January 2000" in most European locales.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • DateTitle

      public DateTitle()
      Creates a new chart title that displays the current date in the default (LONG) format for the locale, positioned to the bottom right of the chart.

      The color will be black in 12 point, plain Helvetica font (maps to Arial on Win32 systems without Helvetica).

    • DateTitle

      public DateTitle(int style)
      Creates a new chart title that displays the current date with the specified style (for the default locale).

      The date style should be one of: SHORT, MEDIUM, LONG or FULL (defined in java.util.DateFormat).

      style - the date style.
    • DateTitle

      public DateTitle(int style, Locale locale, Font font, Paint paint)
      Creates a new chart title that displays the current date.

      The date style should be one of: SHORT, MEDIUM, LONG or FULL (defined in java.util.DateFormat).

      For the locale, you can use Locale.getDefault() for the default locale.

      style - the date style.
      locale - the locale.
      font - the font.
      paint - the text color.
    • DateTitle

      public DateTitle(int style, Locale locale, Font font, Paint paint, RectangleEdge position, HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment, RectangleInsets padding)
      Creates a new chart title that displays the current date.

      The date style should be one of: SHORT, MEDIUM, LONG or FULL (defined in java.util.DateFormat).

      For the locale, you can use Locale.getDefault() for the default locale.

      style - the date style.
      locale - the locale.
      font - the font (not null).
      paint - the text color (not null).
      position - the relative location of this title (use constants in Title).
      horizontalAlignment - the horizontal text alignment of this title (use constants in Title).
      verticalAlignment - the vertical text alignment of this title (use constants in Title).
      padding - determines the blank space around the outside of the title (not null).
  • Method Details

    • setDateFormat

      public void setDateFormat(int style, Locale locale)
      Set the format of the date.

      The date style should be one of: SHORT, MEDIUM, LONG or FULL (defined in java.util.DateFormat).

      For the locale, you can use Locale.getDefault() for the default locale.

      style - the date style.
      locale - the locale.