Module pointcloud

Class Utils


public class Utils extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • Utils

      public Utils()
  • Method Details

    • pushTransformToPoints

      public static void pushTransformToPoints(PointCloud pc)
      Push the local transformation of the PointCloud to its Points. This enables to apply transformation tools to the pointcloud and then include the transformation on the points for other operations (using tools)
    • ensureEditable

      public static Cloud ensureEditable(Cloud cloud)
      If the cloud is non editable, create a new ediable one with the points, and dispose of the old one.
    • fromSourceName

      public static Node[] fromSourceName(Graph g, String name)
      Return the PointCloudBase that have the given source name (i.e. the pointcloud created from a file). One file usually create several pointcloudbase objects (one for the points, one for the faces, one for the edges).
      name -
    • addCloudToGraph

      public static void addCloudToGraph(Cloud pc, Node parent, Context context)
      Adds a point cloud to the current context's graph Obsolete. A Cloud can be added in the graph with XL command [ F ==> F c] with c a cloud. The node is automatically added.
      pc - . Pointcloud which will be added
      context - . The current context
    • isPointOverPlane

      public static boolean isPointOverPlane(Cloud.Point point, Plane plane)
      Returns true if the point is on one side of the given plane and false if it is on the other side
      point - The point to check the position of
      plane - The plane to check whether the point is on the one side or on the other side
      true If the point is on one side of the plane and false otherwise
    • getGlobalTransform

      public static Matrix34d getGlobalTransform(PointCloud pc)