Module platform

Class TextUtils


public class TextUtils extends Object
Some utility methods for working with text in Java2D.
  • Method Details

    • createTextBlock

      public static TextBlock createTextBlock(String text, Font font, Paint paint)
      Creates a TextBlock from a String. Line breaks are added where the String contains '\n' characters.
      text - the text.
      font - the font.
      paint - the paint.
      A text block.
    • createTextBlock

      public static TextBlock createTextBlock(String text, Font font, Paint paint, float maxWidth, TextMeasurer measurer)
      Creates a new text block from the given string, breaking the text into lines so that the maxWidth value is respected.
      text - the text.
      font - the font.
      paint - the paint.
      maxWidth - the maximum width for each line.
      measurer - the text measurer.
      A text block.
    • createTextBlock

      public static TextBlock createTextBlock(String text, Font font, Paint paint, float maxWidth, int maxLines, TextMeasurer measurer)
      Creates a new text block from the given string, breaking the text into lines so that the maxWidth value is respected.
      text - the text.
      font - the font.
      paint - the paint.
      maxWidth - the maximum width for each line.
      maxLines - the maximum number of lines.
      measurer - the text measurer.
      A text block.
    • getTextBounds

      public static Rectangle2D getTextBounds(String text, Graphics2D g2, FontMetrics fm)
      Returns the bounds for the specified text.
      text - the text (null permitted).
      g2 - the graphics context (not null).
      fm - the font metrics (not null).
      The text bounds (null if the text argument is null).
    • calcAlignedStringBounds

      public static Rectangle2D calcAlignedStringBounds(String text, Graphics2D g2, float x, float y, TextAnchor anchor)
      Returns the bounds of an aligned string.
      text - the string (null not permitted).
      g2 - the graphics target (null not permitted).
      x - the x-coordinate.
      y - the y-coordinate.
      anchor - the anchor point that will be aligned to (x, y) (null not permitted).
      The text bounds (never null).
    • drawAlignedString

      public static Rectangle2D drawAlignedString(String text, Graphics2D g2, float x, float y, TextAnchor anchor)
      Draws a string such that the specified anchor point is aligned to the given (x, y) location.
      text - the text.
      g2 - the graphics device.
      x - the x coordinate (Java 2D).
      y - the y coordinate (Java 2D).
      anchor - the anchor location.
      The text bounds (adjusted for the text position).
    • drawRotatedString

      public static void drawRotatedString(String text, Graphics2D g2, double angle, float x, float y)
      A utility method for drawing rotated text.

      A common rotation is -Math.PI/2 which draws text 'vertically' (with the top of the characters on the left).

      text - the text.
      g2 - the graphics device.
      angle - the angle of the (clockwise) rotation (in radians).
      x - the x-coordinate.
      y - the y-coordinate.
    • drawRotatedString

      public static void drawRotatedString(String text, Graphics2D g2, float textX, float textY, double angle, float rotateX, float rotateY)
      A utility method for drawing rotated text.

      A common rotation is -Math.PI/2 which draws text 'vertically' (with the top of the characters on the left).

      text - the text.
      g2 - the graphics device.
      textX - the x-coordinate for the text (before rotation).
      textY - the y-coordinate for the text (before rotation).
      angle - the angle of the (clockwise) rotation (in radians).
      rotateX - the point about which the text is rotated.
      rotateY - the point about which the text is rotated.
    • drawRotatedString

      public static void drawRotatedString(String text, Graphics2D g2, float x, float y, TextAnchor textAnchor, double angle, float rotationX, float rotationY)
      Draws a string that is aligned by one anchor point and rotated about another anchor point.
      text - the text.
      g2 - the graphics device.
      x - the x-coordinate for positioning the text.
      y - the y-coordinate for positioning the text.
      textAnchor - the text anchor.
      angle - the rotation angle.
      rotationX - the x-coordinate for the rotation anchor point.
      rotationY - the y-coordinate for the rotation anchor point.
    • drawRotatedString

      public static void drawRotatedString(String text, Graphics2D g2, float x, float y, TextAnchor textAnchor, double angle, TextAnchor rotationAnchor)
      Draws a string that is aligned by one anchor point and rotated about another anchor point.
      text - the text.
      g2 - the graphics device.
      x - the x-coordinate for positioning the text.
      y - the y-coordinate for positioning the text.
      textAnchor - the text anchor.
      angle - the rotation angle (in radians).
      rotationAnchor - the rotation anchor.
    • calculateRotatedStringBounds

      public static Shape calculateRotatedStringBounds(String text, Graphics2D g2, float x, float y, TextAnchor textAnchor, double angle, TextAnchor rotationAnchor)
      Returns a shape that represents the bounds of the string after the specified rotation has been applied.
      text - the text (null permitted).
      g2 - the graphics device.
      x - the x coordinate for the anchor point.
      y - the y coordinate for the anchor point.
      textAnchor - the text anchor.
      angle - the angle.
      rotationAnchor - the rotation anchor.
      The bounds (possibly null).
    • calculateRotatedStringBounds

      public static Shape calculateRotatedStringBounds(String text, Graphics2D g2, float textX, float textY, double angle, float rotateX, float rotateY)
      Returns a shape that represents the bounds of the string after the specified rotation has been applied.
      text - the text (null permitted).
      g2 - the graphics device.
      textX - the x coordinate for the text.
      textY - the y coordinate for the text.
      angle - the angle.
      rotateX - the x coordinate for the rotation point.
      rotateY - the y coordinate for the rotation point.
      The bounds (null if text is null or has zero length).
    • getUseFontMetricsGetStringBounds

      public static boolean getUseFontMetricsGetStringBounds()
      Returns the flag that controls whether the FontMetrics.getStringBounds() method is used or not. If you are having trouble with label alignment or positioning, try changing the value of this flag.
      A boolean.
    • setUseFontMetricsGetStringBounds

      public static void setUseFontMetricsGetStringBounds(boolean use)
      Sets the flag that controls whether the FontMetrics.getStringBounds() method is used or not. If you are having trouble with label alignment or positioning, try changing the value of this flag.
      use - the flag.
    • isUseDrawRotatedStringWorkaround

      public static boolean isUseDrawRotatedStringWorkaround()
      Returns the flag that controls whether or not a workaround is used for drawing rotated strings.
      A boolean.
    • setUseDrawRotatedStringWorkaround

      public static void setUseDrawRotatedStringWorkaround(boolean use)
      Sets the flag that controls whether or not a workaround is used for drawing rotated strings. The related bug is on Sun's bug parade (id 4312117) and the workaround involves using a TextLayout instance to draw the text instead of calling the drawString() method in the Graphics2D class.
      use - the new flag value.
    • getDrawStringsWithFontAttributes

      public static boolean getDrawStringsWithFontAttributes()
      Returns the flag that controls whether or not strings are drawn using the current font attributes (such as underlining, strikethrough etc). The default value is false.
      A boolean.
    • setDrawStringsWithFontAttributes

      public static void setDrawStringsWithFontAttributes(boolean b)
      Sets the flag that controls whether or not strings are drawn using the current font attributes. This is a hack to allow underlining of titles without big changes to the API. See:
      b - the new flag value.